Purple Cow 2-11-19

Conditions were favorable, a little warmer but no rain, for 7 PAX as they started the week off by making the correct decision and heading to Purple Cow

PAX: Umbrella, Offshore, Olan Mills, Leatherneck, Boone’s Farm, Penny Loafers, Black Widow (QIC)

Quick disclaimer in the BMS parking lot, and then head off to Granny White Park. Circle up in main parking lot.


Good Mornings x 10

BAC x 10

RBAC x 10

Air Press x 10

Seal Claps x 10

Merkins x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10

WMH x 10

The Thang:

Head to the corner of the main parking lot of GWP for some four corners. Mode of transportation from one corner to the next is running. From our starting point, we run to the first corner where we perform exercise #1. From there we go to 2nd corner, where we perform exercise #1 and #2. Each corner we build, until we are back at the starting point. Exercises are:

Round 1:

Burpees x 10

Burpees x 10, Merkins x 20

Burpees x 10, Merkins x 20, Lunges x 30

Burpees x 10, Merkins x 20, Lunges x 30, Squats x 40

SSH for the six, and then all end in cadence with 10 SSH.

Round 2:

Atomic Merkins x 10

AM X 10, Jump Tucks x 20

AM x 10, JT x 20, Air Presses x 30

AM x 10, JT x 20, AP x 30, WW1 x 40

SSH for the six, and then all end in cadence with 10 SSH

**It’s around this point that Olan Mills departs after seeing that the park ranger is there opening up the “facilities”

Head to Pavillion

Step Ups x 30

30 Second Wall Sits w/ arms above heads


**Olan Mills returns feeling better than ever

We line up for a short IR mosey towards the baseball fields, and then back towards the park.

Find some benches for DID’s

Dips x 20

Irkins x 15

Dirkins x 10


Line up for another IR mosey from playground back to BMS parking lot.

LBC x 30 was all the mary we had time for.

Prayers for Offshore’s wife’s cousins who lost their mother suddenly over the weekend. Also, with this being the week of Valentine’s and all, we closed out with some encouragement to love our wives well. Pray for them, be intentional with them, and reach out for help if you’re in the midst of struggles.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q this morning!

Black Widow




40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40 … it’s a bday bash

Image result for kermit and miss piggy

Kermit and Little Miss Piggy pairing up for Bday Beatdown!  Who knew they were the same age and born within days of one another…it was destiny that they find one another.   Now time to work off that cake…

15 PAX joined together this morning to wish LMP and Kermit a happy bday!
Conditions: A  wonderful 26 degrees, and more importantly NO rain.

PAX who made it: Nimbus 1500, MicDrop, Numbtucks, Altidore, Sterno, Ragdoll, Creeper, Tebow, Gaylord Focker, Stats, Typo +, Show Me, TV Guide, Kermit (CoQ / VQ) and Little Miss Piggy (CoQ )

PreParty: led by Stats –dunno what they did but it was probably good , and i’m sure Creeper caught the last round of it again.

LMP led us off
Warm up:   Disclaimer this time, then light mosey around parking lot
On the line: dynamic stretches – toy soldiers, butt kicks, high knees 2x 20 yards
Circle up:  cherry pickers OYO, good mornings OYO, hip flexors kneeling OYO

Thang 1:              The Old Fart’s Core Needs Some Work
LMP feels like he’s getting a little soft in the middle, so he made core workout into a full on Thang.   40 of everything:
American Hammers with coupon
WWI with coupon
Split leg WWI with coupon
Nolan Ryan pull-through with coupon
Side Plank with leg raise (20 each side)
Plank with leg raise (20 each side)
Kneeling Halos with coupon (20 each direction)

Mosey over to parking lot — speed bump:  REAGANOMICS!!!
Remembering our ex-president who was born on Feb 6 just like LMP, and the Trickle-down economy of exercise:
trickle down from 10 to 1 reps of Jump squat holds (jump squats with an al gore for 10 sec  at end of each set)   — Q stopped us at 6 which = 40 reps !

Kermy took over at this point — Mosey back to starting point

Thang 2:              Fun with Sasquats
Pair up:  PAX1   does exercise while PAX2 travels to 40 yard mark and back; but throw in 10 SASQUATS!!! each time the partner returns
Exercises:  40 Burpees/MoT Sprint, 80 Iron Mikes/ MoT politicians, 120 Diamond Merkins / MoT Skank (stopped at 80 due to old man body not handling it and time )

Thang 3:               at the benches
Partners again:  PAX 1  does Climb squat x10 , while PAX 2 does Decline Merkin x10 — 4 rounds = 40!

Mosey back to the vehicles

Circle up and get a coupon. Hold that coupon out in front.  Let’s start by taking turns running around the inside of the circle and giving a little love tap (or shove) down on the other PAXs’ coupons. Done when last person gets around.
Now time for the comp!   Which old fart can hold em out the longest?  Kermit provided a $10 gift card for the winner!
Well age won over beauty this time baby!   Came down to two of the 40+ PAX, LMP and Creeper, but LMP could clearly see the spirit of Hulkamania burning in Creeper’s eyes and knew he could never hold out.  SO CREEPER TOOK THE PRIZE

CoT:  Numbers/Name-o-rama
Prayers for 3rd deg wife and new 2.0, soccer mom,

2ndF-  Thanks to Nimbus and Numbtucks for coming out on Friday for a the surprise bday bash for LMP and Cheezwiz!
1st F- opportunity to share with Tusculum Elementary by providing supplies; Sterno and Altidore will go get and PAX can donate through Venmo app

Red SOLO cup with beer for all to celebrate Kermits VQ !

Image result for sasquash

Racetrack 2-6-19

10 PAX came out to Racetrack for much warmer conditions than normal for early February with a little drizzle mixed in. Perfect for getting work done

PAX: Numbtucks, Too Tall, Toga, Old Hickory, Funyuns, Backlash, Offshore, Penny Loafers, Razorback, Black Widow (QIC)

Disclaimer and then head up Maryland Way to the top level of the parking garage.


GM x 10

SSH x 15

Merkins x 10

Mtn Climbers x 10

AST x 10

WMH x 10

The Thang:

On the top deck of the parking garage, line up along one side facing the long direction.

Sprint to other side & perform 10 Merkins

R&R x 6

All in and count off 1’s and 2’s for teams that we will need later.

Head down the stairs and stop at the 2nd floor. Head to the ramp for some 7’s.

At the bottom, perform gorilla humpers.

Backwards mosey to top

Burpees at top

Forward mosey back down

All in, and mosey to bottom floor. Divide up into our two teams.

Each team of 5 head to opposite stairs, head up and over the top deck and back down to finish line. Teams must perform IR and stay together. This is a race.

Team 1 is the winner and only gets 5 Burpees. Team 2 has 10.

All in, and head to wall outside of Holler and Dash for some DID’s.

Dips x 20

Irkins x 15

Derkins x 10


Head down to the park for another IR race with your team. At the track, teams head out in opposite direction for a race around the track while performing IR. Team 2 is the winner this time, and gets to pick between rows or pull ups first.

Team 2 performs AMRAP rows for 1 minute

Team 1 performs AMRAP pull ups for 1 minute


Head to parking lot for Mary

WW1 x 30

LBC x 30

J-Lo x 20

Good Mornings x 10


We closed out with some words on fighting for our marriages & the importance of community and having men to walk through life together. We’re not meant to go at this alone.

Thanks for the opportunity to be out there with you guys!

Black Widow


Life Lessons @ Titan 06 FEB 2019

Life Lessons @ Titan 06 FEB 2019

PAX: Blue Mule (Q), Vegemite, Right Aid, G String, Reveille, CCR, IE (FNG), Hi-Viz, Centipete (FNG), porcelain crab legs, Pumpkin Spice Latte, Crawl Space

Conditions: Muggy and 60 some degrees. Gloomy. Ideal F3 situation.

Life Lesson Challenge: Princess Aurora challenged area PAX to sign up to involve life lessons in their Qs for a month. I signed up for this task February. The life lesson today was three-fold. First, when handed a tough task – like carrying over 130 pounds of bricks for a mile – teamwork is critically important. Second, when performing an important and challenging task – like 55 decline pushups and 110 overhead arm claps – you must perform the task to standard because cheating the reps is only cheating yourself.

Warm-Up: 1/3 mile run, arm circles forward and back, squats, Wilie Mayes Hayes.

Coupon Mile Run: Life Lessons #1: 5 coupons. 130 pounds total. 1 mile. Start running. PAX switch out coupons early and often. Do the math, that ain’t easy, and you don’t need me writing a paragraph to explain that, and you don’t need me writing a paragraph to explain switching off makes that easier.

Merkins and Overhead Armclaps: Life Lessons #2: 1 merkin, 1 four-count overhead arm clap. Rinse and repeat and increase number of reps until reaching 10. Life lesson is to keep the items up to standard. As the reps get tougher and more numerous, resist the temptation to slack on form.

Mosey from amphitheater with coupons to starting location.

Sprints and Coupons: Life Lesson #3: Pair up. One PAX does a coupon exercise – either thruster or curl or row – while one PAX springs ~200 yards and back. Rinse and repeat for ten minutes. That’s quite a bit of sprinting, and that’s the life lesson – dig deep to get that done.

Mary: Flutterkicks, homer to marge, big boy sit ups, American hammers, crunchy frogs, flutterkicks, two burpees.

Welcome two new FNGs Centipete and Indecent Exposure abbreviated as IE.

An excellent workout. An excellent morning. An excellent group of men.

See you in the gloom.

Blue Mule OUT

Life Lessons @ Sir E 05 FEB 2019

PAX: Blue Mule (Q), Boy Band, Red Skull, Floppy Disk, PSL, Edible Arrangment, Umbrella, Dr. Smart, Too Tall, Dupree, Razor, Calf Killer, CAPSLOCK, Pre Vac, Black Lung

Conditions: Humid and 60s and gloomy. Unseasonably warm. Very good weather to post in.

Life Lesson Challenge: Princess Aurora challenged area PAX to sign up to involve life lessons in their Qs for a month. I signed up for this task February. The life lesson today was three-fold. First, when challenged – such as with manmakers and coupon carries – step up to the plate and work hard to get the task completed. Second, keep to the standard – such as depth for squats – because deviating from the standard only hurts in the long run. Finally, third, when presented with trivial but important tasks – like countless jane fondas – link up with your team and crush the job no matter how big or small.

Warm-O-Rama: Jog around the church. Arm circles forward and backward and Willie Mayes Hayes.

Coupon Mosey: Five coupons 25-30 pounds. Mosey from church to stables, approximately ½ mile. All PAX swap turns carrying the coupons. Plenty of opportunities to be under the weight.

The Thang: Partner up. One partner sprints ~40 yards there and back while another partner does calisthenics, repeat until both PAX sprint twice and calisthenic twice. Seven rounds. Exercises included hand release pushups, pause squats, flutter kicks, overhead arm claps, squat jumps, homer to marge, and burpees. PAX were huffing and puffing after this.

The Thang with the Life Lesson: First Round: Same concept. However, all PAX must take turns using coupons for sprinting. Also, double the reps. Calisthenics replaced with manmakers and squat jumps. Rinse and repeat until all PAX sprint four times with the coupons. That’s a fair amount of manmakers.

The Than with the Life Lesson: Second Round: Same concept. All PAX must complete 10 rounds of sprints and 10 rounds of jane fondas. That’s a lot of jane fondas.

Repeat coupon mosey home.

Mary: Flutter kicks in cadence for 50x four count, plank for 60 seconds.

An excellent workout. An excellent morning. An excellent group of men.

See you in the gloom.

Blue Mule OUT

All In The Numbers (2/2/19)

It was a beautiful day in Nolensville.  Stats led the pre-party, but I completely forgot to ask who showed up.  My bad, but great work y’all.

15 PAX in Attendance: Little Miss Piggy, Tebow, Stats, Aunt Beau, Nimbus1500, Old Hickory, 3rd Degree, Sterno, Creeper, NumbTucks, ShowMe, HushPuppy, Ragdoll, CheezeWhiz, Typo+ (QIC).

Yes, they let me Q!

Mosey, Intros, Disclaimer (I am definitely not a professional)



15 LBAC IC; 15 RLBAC IC; 15 SSH IC; Stretch OYO


Here We Go!

Thang 1:

21-15-9 (PAX perform these reps of each exercise)

Round 1: Squats / Merkins – between sets, Bear Crawl down and back; (work the core while waiting on 6)

Round 2: Lunges / American Hammers – bewteen sets, Duck Walk down and back (work the core while waiting on 6)

Round 3 – AUDIBLE!  No Round 3.  Instead, let’s do a Bear Crawl race.  I believe Nimbus1500 won with a photo finish over NumbTucks.


Thang 2 – Partner up and lets do some 76’s.  PAX 1 works exercise while PAX 2 sprints a short distance and back. Switch with cumulative counting.

Oops, Q lost his Weinke and had to go back for it.  3rdDegree let PAX in some CORE work, because we always need more of that.  Weinke now in-hand!  Back to business.

Round 1 – 76 each of Squats, WW1, The Bruce Merkin (ankle on top of another to start, switch ankles at top of Merkin).

Round 2 – 76 each of Lunges, American Hammers, Calf Raises



Everyone starts in and holds a plank during the Ghostbusters song.  Every time they say “Ghostbusters” you complete a burpee.   In the “I ain’t afraid of no ghost” sections, do plank jacks in rhythm.  Bustin’ makes you feel good.


Count-o-rama; Name-o-rama; announcements and prayer requests; quick prayer to finish thanking God for his faithfulness to us.


Post Party: 15x Burpee variation where you do an Iron Mike at the top of the burpee.  Very fun.  Attended by 8 or so PAX.




Continues prayers for SoccerMom in Uganda.



Bomber 2/1/19: DORA, Tabata, & SSHs

Gloom Factor: Low. Mild with few sprinkles.
Temp: 45ish.

PAX: T-Cell, Pumpkin Spice, Lunch Lady, Tiny Dancer, Harvey Updyke, Hambone, Cunning Linguist, Hotroute, Firefox, Ridealong, Autotune, En Fuego, Pop-A-Lock, Right Said, Porcelain, Shadow, Crawlspace
QIC: Hi-Viz


Quick mosey past the driving range.
-SSH X 100
-Count off 1s and 2s.

Mosey to the upper parking lot.
DORA: Burpees X 100, Merkins X 200, Squats X 300
Runner faces the community center at all times: Shuffle, Crawl Bear, Shuffle, Bear Crawl around the cones.

Mosey to the community center entrance.
TABATA: (YHC aimed to pick the worst music he could fine. Glad it seems I succeeded.)
1. SSH – ‘Fast Car’
2. Flutter Kicks – ‘Rocky’
3. Plank Jacks – ‘Uptown Funk’



‘Borrowed’ inspiration for this one (with some modification) from the fine folks at F3Memphis. Glad it was such a #CrowdPleaser.

Great work all the way around. In addition to the MC, YHC heard some good encouragement from the PAX, which helped everyone dig deep to finish strong.

-1st Friday Lunch today at 11:30 at Cookery.
-Pray for Trinity, Pumpkin Spice’s M, as she undergoes knee surgery.
-Pray for Michael, Lunch Lady’s friend, battling terminal cancer.


1/31/19: Swinging Dora

Location: West Park

Conditions: A crisp 17 degrees

QIC: Pumpkin Spice

PAX: Bicentennial Man, Crablegs, Porcelain, Pumpkin Spice (QIC), TK


After a brief disclaimer, the PAX moseyed around the playing field to warm up the legs, followed by some Warmorama. :

  • SSH x 15
  • WMH x 15
  • LBAC x 15
  • Air Press x 15
  • rLBAC x 15
  • Mountain Climbers x 15

The PAX then made their way over to the swings for the Main Event. Whilst Crablegs was Smartpacking (not deterred by a nagging injury, performing either the same or modified exercises), the PAX partnered up for some Dora with a Swing theme. The exercises were:

  • 100 Kangarows (or Steve Irwins) – laying flat on your back under the swing, pulling yourself up by the swing in a horizontal row maneuver
  • 200 Swerkins – feet in the swing, perform a derkin followed by bringing knees to the chest and straightening the legs back out before another rep
  • 300 Swinging Squats – perform a squat, and on the way up bring your feet together, alternating stepping to the right and left on alternating reps

The other partner ran around the nearest water tower and back to meet their partner, picking up where they left off until all exercises were complete.

After completing the Swinging Dora, the PAX made their way back to the parking lot for some Mary. We all took turns calling out exercises in cadence until time was up:

  • World War I x 20
  • High Plank x 20
  • Flutter Kick x 20
  • J-Lo x 20
  • Box Cutter x 15
  • Reverse Box Cutter x 15
  • Freddie Mercury x 30


  • Many a name were thrown out for potential West Park AO titles, including but not limited to: Atlas, Pumping Station, Tank, The W, Two Towers, Isengard, La Croix, etc. Further suggestions welcome.


  • Many February Q’s are wide open — for those who haven’t Q’d in a while, let’s get after it!
  • We are continuing to do run-only workouts on Tuesday’s starting from West Park. You don’t have to be a “runner” or be fast to join — all are welcome to come and get better!

– Pumpkin Spice

1/24/19 The Stronghold – My Legs are Cold

Pax: Play, Rabbit, Water Boy, Scar, Luigi, Slim, Timon, Kid, Frozen, Lockbox, Turbo, Donkey, Radio, Pumba, Lightning, Styles and Mater, Pop-A-Lock, Bad Boy, Brother-At-Law, CCR, LaPew, Bagger Vance, Red Skull




Good morning x10
LBAC x10 F and R
Willy Mays Hays x10
Seal Claps x 10
Squats x10
SSH x 100 (25 pushup penalty) – told the Pax the general structure, but not ending number. Got some mumblechatter closer to 75, a couple dropped out and gave 25. First lesson in perseverance.


Q’s legs were cold. Ran to the east side. Squats.

Run to end of alley – 25 squats

Q’s less were still cold. Returned to start point. Squats.
Run back – 25 squats

Ran to the south field, because YHC’s heart rate was “low”.

Counted off, did a modified BOMBS workout:

1 Pax ran to pole, other did exercises.
50 Burpees
100 Mountain Climbers
150 Merkins
200 LBCs => about this point Q started questioning his life choices.
250 Squats

Ran to basketball court for Mary

25 flutters
25 WWIs
10 Muktars n’ Cry

Theodore Roosevelt’s Man in the Arena, from Citizenship in a Republic, April 23, 1910

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Encouraged the PAX to push through hard things, to persevere, because those not in the battle with us are coaching from an armchair.

1/30/19 – The Racetrack – Double Shot of 7’s

Gloom Factor – High – balmy 23 degrees

5 Pax braved the frozen tundra of The Racetrack to put in a double shot of 7’s this morning and an Ironclad Winter Challenge sub freezing bonus point.

PAX: Big Bang, Black Widow, Bagger Vance, Razor, & Umbrella (QIC)

After quick disclaimer – 10 burpees to get the blood flowing and off we went for a warm up mosey around the track to the middle of field for WOR:

20 x SSH
10 x BAC Forward
10 x BAC Reverse interrupted by some mumblechatter about minivans and mistaken kid identity
10 x Seal Claps
10 x OH Press when out from the darkness and snow comes Razor to join the PAX
10 x Imperial Walker
10 x SnL squats
10 x Tempo Merkins

Thang 1 – First Shot of 7’s
7’s – Start at one end of field with sumo jump 180 squats, “sprint” to other side for Yurpees (a friendly nod to our brethren in Nolensville).

Short mosey to the bottom of hill on Maryland Way

Thang 2 – Second Shot of 7’s
Start at the bottom of the hill for a Jacob’s Ladder 7 rounds of hill repeats with Double Shot of Jack Burpees at the top increasing in amount for each hill repeat.

Finish our second round in time for quick mosey back to parking lot for Mary:

20 x LBC’s in cadence
20 x Flutters IC
20 x Alabama Prom Dates IC
20 x Shoulder Taps IC
45 second Lanny Lou hold


Spoke to the PAX about operating in an environment and thought process of fear, specifically from a position of a fear of failure as a business leader, husband and father. Also being mindful of allowing guilt and shame to creep into our self talk. Jesus never spoke, and never speaks, to us in the form of fear, shame and guilt. These are workings of the devil. Big Bang and Razor offered some additional words of wisdom here for the group.  Much appreciated.   Closed in prayer for our fellow brothers and to live today in a way that honors God.

It was a pleasure to lead you men this morning. Thanks for coming out on a cold, snowy morning.

Peace out,
