Bomber 5-24-2019: Guess the Playlist Theme

18 HIM came out to make themselves better by working their bodies and their minds via a playlist theme contest.

PAX:  Vector (QIC), PA, T-cell, Bad Boy, Toothless, DFrost, Cub Cadet, Lunch Lady, Crawlspace, Porcelain, Hambone, The Jeweler, Pumpkin Spice (FIFO), Dewey, Lemon, Blue Mule, Bicentennial Man, TK [Hambone, PA, and Pumpkin Spice for pre-party]

Conditions:   Light breeze, sunshine – perfect

For today’s workout, YHC created a themed playlist.  PAX were told that each person had 1 guess to get the theme.  First to guess the playlist theme wins breakfast at Dose and bragging rights as the smartest in all of Bomber.  Those paying attention should have caught clues all along the way . . .


Mosey to Rec Center.  SSH x 11, WMH x 11, Good Mornings x 11, LBAC x 11, Seal Claps x 11, RLBAC x 11, and Imperial Walkers x 11 (that’s 77 total for those of you paying attention at home – hmm, a clue perhaps?)

Playlist: (First Half)  

Opportunities (Let’s Make Lot’s of Money) – Pet Shop Boys
Why Can’t I Be You? – The Cure
Don’t You Want Me? – Human League
Mama, Said Knock You Out – LL Cool J
I Touch Myself – The Divinyls

First Round:
Mosey over to side of Rec Center for 7s (hmm, another clue?):
Split squats and Irkins

Second Round:
Another set of 7s (clue):
No Surrenders and Squats

Third Round:
Mosey to wall.  25 reps each of:
Elbows to Hands
American Hammers

Fourth Round:
Another round of 25 reps of:
Lt. Dans

By now, the PAX had multiple way wrong guesses (“The songs to which you first had sex,” “Your med school study playlist,” “Revenge of the Nerds,”) and one protester who noted the songs were “too old” (cough, cough, Pumpkin Spice).  T-cell saved the day by correctly guessing the theme of 7 Deadly Sins – It helped that the current song playing on the playlist was It’s a Sin by the Pet Shop Boys.  YHC noted the clues of 7 and the first letters of all the exercises (S-I-N-S and D-E-A-D-L-Y) that were right there in plain view.  The first 5 songs represented Greed, Envy, Pride, Wrath, and Lust.

Playlist: (Second Half)  

#1 Crush – Garbage (Lust)
Come Out and Play – Offspring (Wrath)
Obsession – Animotion (Envy)
We are the Champions – Queen (Pride)

Celebratory Repeat Round:

25 reps each of the S-I-N-S exercises followed by 25 reps of the D-E-A-D exercises.

 Mary:   Exercises to represent the theme.  25 Alabama Prom Dates (Lust) followed by ones that represent Envy (because all will be envious of our awesome abs after this workout):  WWIs, Crunchy Happy Frogs, and some painful crunch that Blue Mule picked (brain was too hypoxic to recall name, but it was effective).


  • Prayers for Bad Boy’s colleague’s son who sustained head trauma after skateboarding and for those in my hometown of Jefferson City, MO after the tornado hit on Weds night.  Also prayers of thanksgiving for my son and Cub Cadet’s son, who graduated 8th grade last night (CC’s son was valedictorian).
  • Reminded the PAX that the 7 deadly sins of Greed, Lust, Sloth, Gluttony, Wrath, Envy, and Pride are all Jesters that can derail us on our course of acceleration to become HIM.  Thanks to all the PAX for helping us keep our eyes forward and away from these distractions in life.

Was an honor as always to lead you men this morning.


Stairway to Seven – Racetrack 5.22.19

14 of Nashville’s finest for some stairwell work at The Racetrack this morning. And BV and Toga were in attendance too.

PAX: Toga*, Olan Mills, Joey Freshwater, Bedpan, Umbrella, Black Widow, Offshore, Dr. Smartt, Tampa Libra, Double Check, Hot Pockets (FNG), Boone’s Farm, Tiny Dancer, Big Bang, Bagger Vance*, Razorback (Q).

* Late stage uninvited (and unhelpful) co-Qs.

Conditions: Beautiful outside, a touch sticky in the west stairwell.

WOR: Mosey to usual parking lot for SSH, Good Mornings, WMH, Squats, Hillbillies, Merkins, Spidermans, Mountain Climbers, High Knees and Butt Kickers. Move over to the bottom of the west staircase of the parking garage for…

THANG: 7 rounds up and down the west stairs. 20 merkins at the top, 20 LBCs at the bottom. We progressed up the stairs in the following manner:

1 – run touching each step

2 – run touching every other step

3 – double leg hops every other step

4 – single leg hops every step (alternating legs each half flight)

5 – double leg hops every other step

6 – run touching every other step

7 – run touching each step

Optional speed bump at the midpoint of 4th flight for a swig of Fireball from the half abandoned bottle we discovered – alas no PAX partook. Q had plans for more stair work on the big stairs by Holler & Dash, but we were low on time and I was low on stamina (that’s what she said?). Next time…

Moseyed to park for a quick pullup pyramid, from 1 rep up to 5 reps and back down. Much uninvited co-Q commentary from BV and Toga.

Back to starting point for 45-60 seconds of touch your toes stretching lest I finish a workout early and deprive the PAX of the full physical fitness they paid for. 


Welcome FNG Brian Phillips (aka Hot Pockets – still unclear how he got this name).

Penny Loafers’ wife has a biopsy today, be praying for good results and a clear treatment path forward. 

Continue to pray for Sinclair family and look to F3 General slack feed for meal signup and other ways to serve. 

Memorial Day CSAUP led by BV @ the Concord Rd YMCA: 5 am Murph, 6 am HERO WOD, 7 am speed ruck (5 miles). Come for any or all. Coffeeteria to follow.

Pleasure to be with you men this morning.


Oregon Trial – ReDeux (Featuring Egg Suck and Ride & Square Bales, Flatbeds)

Conditions: Perfect

15 PAX in Attendance: Tebow, Stats, Typo+, Nimbus1500, Creeper, TV Guide, Nacho, Snowball, NumbTucks, Barney, Staples, Mickey, Kermit, Toad, .

PreParty: Partner swap Prairie Grass Pullups (50 total) with AMRAP HipDips while the Medic played us some “Egg Suck and Ride”

Warm up:
Oval up…struggled with circle early.  Brief disclaimer in to 20 SSH, 10ish Arm Circles both directions and Good Mornings OYO.

Mosey over to Independence, MO (Nolensville First United Methodist Church) to gear up for our journey.

Assemble the Wagons: Partner up
Partner 1 in wide PLANK while Partner two begins their IRON Hulk swapping every set, ascending from 1 Merkin:4 AirPresses to 10 Merkins:40 AirPresses

Our sound track for the morning drew some early mumble chatter…might have been the opening “Square bales, flatbeds” line?  Can’t speak for everyone, but it fired me up!

Now that our transportation is taken care of, we rode over to the Kansas River (Mill Creek) via speed mosey.

Ford the River
Crabwalk feet first, then sideways, flip sides then backwards over the bridge.

Short Mosey to the Soccer Field

Bear Hunting
Partner 1 begins Crawl Bear away from Partner 2, while Partner 2 does 5 Pistol Squats on each leg.  Once partner 2 completes his Pistol Squats, he Bear Crawls until he catches Partner 1.  (Flip sides, Rinse and Repeat the length of the high plains of Nebraska (Nolensville Soccer Fields)

Short Mosey

Carry your Kill
Now that we’ve got lots of bear meat, we need to get it back to the wagon via Partner Carries from the Soccer Fields to Mill Creek Brewery.

Base of the mountain 
The weight of that meat on those wooden wheels gave us fits.  10x (Broken Wheel) One Legged Hops on the Right Leg, 10x CDDs, 10x One Legged Hops on the Left Leg, 10x Mountain Climbers.  Rinse and Repeat from the Mill Creek sign to the other side of the parking lot…to get us to the base of the Rockies.

Quick Mosey

BurpBack Mountain 
Gotta do what you have to keep warm with your partner in the Rockies.  PAX 1 did Politicians up the Hill and Bear Crawled down 2X, while PAX 2 did Burpees then swap.  Only one round for time

Indian Run back to home base

In honor of the origin of the name Oregon, thought to be from the French Canadian word Ouragan (Hurricane), we completed a quick Hurricane Hoedown.

10 Hands up High Flutter Kick – 10 Slightly Reclined Flutter Kick – 10 Flutter Kicks

Post Party
Nimbus1500, Mickey, Kermit & RagDoll

3X (10) DIDs


PAX: PSL, Bagger Vance, CCR, Brother-at-law, Big Stick, Foxtrot Talks-a-lot, Reefer, Pope, Yard Sale, Part D (FNG), Grease Trap, CAPS LOCK, Blue Mule

QIC: Floppy Disk

14 at Sir E this morn for a little circuit work. Figure 8 mosey then gather at the lower lot for some WoR.

Warm-o-Rama (all IC)
Goofballs x20
Windmills x10
Good Mornings x10
Squats x20
BaC F x10
BaC R x10
Merkins x10
Air Press x10

THANG – Circuit work – 4 groups
Round 1 (x3 sets):
Group 1 (cinder blocks): KB swings
Group 2 (bricks): Lunges
Group 3 (pavers): Press
Group 4 (pace group): SSH x80

Run Manley loop

Round 2 (x2 sets):
Group 1 (cinder blocks): Thrusters
Group 2 (pavers): Deadlifts
Group 3 (bricks): Bicep curls
Group 4 (pace group): run to playground, touch the train/bus, run back

5 sets of: x10 SSH (IC), x10 Mtn Climbers (IC), x10 Merkins

Hello Dolly (x20 IC)
Flutter Kix (x20 IC)
J-Los (x20 IC)
Low Plank 45 sec

MS: Lots of MC today, especially during the warmup. Big Stick barely broke a sweat. I struggled with the cadence at the end due to shortness of breath. Foxtrot, PSL and I discussed fancy cars. Great to have FNG Part D out there. He’s a pharmacist and Medicare fan.

BH: Continued prayers for Ludwig’s wife and their family. Sign up to help them with lawn care or meals. Check Slack for links to both sign-ups.

Floppy Disk

The Buffalo – Third Running – 05.17.2019

The third running of The Buffalo went as follows:

PAX: Vegemite, Hot Route, CCR, Pocket Chicken, Ed Hocules (FNG), Brother at Law.

Conditions: Warm.  Humid.  Thick.

Mosey around the block up to 19th and back to the parking lot for some WOR.  SSH x20; GM x10; WMH x10; LBAC x10; RLBAC x10.

Thang: Mosey to the big hill on Shelby Ave as it meanders into the park.  Stop at the jungle gym on the way for 5 pull ups for good measure.  Once we get to the hill, a round of 7’s with Carolina Dry Docks at the top and jump squats at the bottom.  First time doing anything on that hill and it’s a monster.  More to come in future weeks.

Mosey to tennis court.  Burpee broad jump baseline of court, then Lt. Dan the long-side (alleys).  Make your way all the around the court.  Plank and wait for the six.

Partner up for some Suicide Dora 123’s using the alleys with merkins, LBC’s, squats.

Mosey back to playground and benches for 4 four rounds of: 30 second box jumps on picnic benches followed by 5 pull ups.

6MOM: Some high plank, some american hammers, some flutter kicks, then some high plank.



Announcements: Great to have FNG (Ed) Hocules (aspiring football referee that also has muscular arms) combined with Hercules because why not.  He rolled up on his bike and noted on his way out that next time he would drive.  It appears he may have underestimated the workout.  Let’s keep those FNG’s coming!  Hocules was my friend but we’ve had a good steady stream of new guys.  Let me know if you know guys in East that could benefit from F3!

Discussed new 4:13 class going through mental toughness week and starting week of 5/20.

Memorial Day CSAUP at Concord Road YMCA from 5-8 am.  Join for any hour block that works for you.  Chicken Pocket, Hot Route, and YHC will likely be with our wives and children at SLAM in Shelby Park, where our M’s workout, because husbands are invited on federal holidays.  Let me know if you’re interested.  Kids are not only welcomed, but encouraged.

Prayers offered up for Sinclair family and discussion on ways to chip in.

I offered some thoughts on how it’s been a stressful couple of weeks but how important perspective is and how blessed I am.


Armory Launches with Stations and Ladders


Date: 5/18/19

PAX: Kwame, Mic Drop, Hot N Ready, Swanson, Pancreas, Pop-a-lock, Type-O-Positive, Ebola, Tool Time

FNG’s: Dizzy Gillespie, Lone Star, Ron Swanson, Wikileaks, T-Test, Doc McStuffins, Sully, FICO

QIC: Tiny Dancer and Joey Freshwater

Christening of the Flag (in honor of the launch on 5/18

  • 5 Merkins, 18 burpees

Mosey to the flag


  • Side Straddle Hops x 18
  • Good mornings x 12
  • Willie Mays Hays x12
  • Slow and Low Squats x 12

Buy In: 1 lap Native-American Run around the Park


Part 1 – Stations

4 stations – 2 minute rounds, 15 second rest in between (PAX split up into 4 groups

Station 1: bucket carry around the flag (1 PAX would take 20 steps and hand off to the partner while the remaining PAX did flutter kicks at the starting point)

Station 2: Pullups (if you drop off the bar, 5 squats

Station 3: burpee squat jumps

Station 4: fist-bump Merkins

Only made it through one round

(Turned it over to Joey Freshwater)

Part 2 – Staircase
– PAX paired up to attack Joey Freshwater’s Staircase board

10 derkins

20 big boy situps

30 burpees

40 Merkins

50 Air Squats

60 LBC’s

70 Power skips

80 (seconds) plank

90 High knees

100 Flutter kicks (four count)

Mary (highlighted by Joey Freshwater’s unique style of cadence)

Little Baby Arm Circles (forward and reverse)

Seal Claps

Alabama Prom Dates

18 burpees


  • It was an honor to lead you men on the inaugural Armory workout. Have a great week, and see y’all in seven days!
  • Armory needs a Q for May 25th!

Tour de’ Nolensville @ The Pound

20 PAX in Attendance : Scrooge, Mickey Mouse, Playboy, Mufasa, Inspector Gadget, Creeper, Barney Fivel, Nimbus 1500, Stats, Staples, Altidore, TVG, Swinger, Hot n’ Ready, 3rd Degree, Ragdoll, Typo +, Show Me, Bear Grylls, and YHC Kermit on Q. (It’s possible I am missing one)

Pre-party…. @ The Bridge

Staples on lead, 3rd Degree, Kermit, Creeper, Typo +, & Show Me

Bridge and a Smidge , great work gents and thanks to Staples for the lead!

Medic –

Absent…. ?

5:30a.m. starts with a quick intro and the fine print details.

WarmUps :


20 SSH’s IC

Tebow stretch

Finish off with some Willie Mays Hayes


Today Q had us doing a little “everything shuffle”. MOT today was a light mosey to and fro. First stop is the church pavilion for a few:

I mean 50, Copenhagen’s.

Squats 10x in tempo with variable Al Gores mixed in for full comfort.

Proceeded by a mosey to Cabo’s parking lot for a little rail work. Q had PAX run through:

50 Irks

50 Dirks

50 Underdogs

After each completion we had a little “Plank and Wait” mixed up with a few “Flutter Kicks” and so on.

Followed by….

Mosey to the church,…. again, ….where Q noticed a lonely sloping driveway. Each PAX executed:

20 WW1 Declined

20 Carolina Dry Dock Inclined

From there the PAX moseyed to The Bridge Parking lot.

PAX again hit their 6’s for a few more core exercises. After a little confusion and some help from the elders we confirmed that we were originally suppose to do American Hammers, but some of us were doing Warhammers, eventually we did 20x / 20x & maybe 20 more of a hodge podge of core exercises… but at this point there were few actually counting. Several PAX were witnessed lounging so for a reprimand we moved into high plank, to low plank, to left and right leg raises… ?

From here Q played a little trickery to make everyone believe that we weren’t going to Bear Crawl the Bridge,  some were disappointed, others were not so disappointed, both reversed roles once they realized we were actually going to Bear Crawl the Bridge. HOWEVER!!!

Slight curve ball, FNG Bear Grylls, AKA Swingers son, appx age 7-9 maybe… joined us for festivities today. So the modification was Bear Grylls was to lead us and PAX were not allowed to pass the leader, once Bear Grylls couldn’t go any further Q instructed BG to climb onto the back of whoever was first behind him. BG went straight BEASTMODE and about cleared the bridge on his very first try, and who of course was right behind him, none other than Nimbus 1583.99996735. Nimbus took the reigns and drove us to the finish line with BG clinging securely to his back!!! T-claps to both PAX for being good sports!!!

Q led the PAX clockwise around the track to the upper shelter were 50 more Copenhagen’s were dished out.  Q also dropped a few more tempo Squats with some Al Gores blended in.

3rd Degree insinuated that he wanted to do Balls to Wall On the mosey back, and Q obliged, PAX pounded out 5 for good measure.

Final mosey back, and ended with the…


Tempo Squats interrupted by Al Gore…

10 or so…

Post Party – 

Facilitated by Ragdoll

Staples, 3rd Degree, Kermit, Nimbus, Creeper, Barney Fivel, Stats, Typo +, & Altidore (May be missing one or adding one)

Other News-

  • 3rd F opportunity:

Continually lifting up our brother Soccer Mom in his fight to spread the Kingdom in Africa.

Scrooges mom MRI results

  • 2nd F opportunity:

Ragdoll is putting together a F3 Dads event May 19th. THIS SUNDAY!!!! 3:00pm!!!!

Brisketfest May 25th at Staples place, brought to you by NumbTucks.

Check Slack for details on both of these events.

Lastly. Gauntlet gear went live on Mudgear today. I believe Nimbus is organizing a bulk purchase to save on shipping. Again check Slack for details.

Great work today fellas. Lookin string and lookin fast.

Peace out!


Perambulating Bears and Burpee Broadjumps at Racetrack

PAX: Umbrella, Offshore, Bedpan, Leatherneck, Lifechamp, Doublecheck, Pennyloafers, Blackwidow, Olan Mills, Boonesfarm, Loveboat, Big Bang

QIC: Tiny Dancer

(Mosey to parking lot of parking garage)


12 SSH, 10 LBAC (forward and reverse), 10 slow and low squats

Buy in: 100 merkins OYO; soundtrack: Come and Get Your Love, Redbone


Part 1: Assault on Parking Garage

Pax made their way from ground to 5th floor of parking garage as follows:

– odd ramps: burpee broadjumps

– odd flats: bear crawl

– Even ramps: walking Lieutenant Dans

– even flats: crawl bears

At 5th floor, PAX sprinted up to the top stairwell of parking garage and back down stairs.

(Mosey to Racetrak)

Part 2 – Short Dora

Pax split up into pairs. The non-exercising partner ran one lap of the racetrack

– 80 merkins and 100 Happy Crunchy Frogs

– soundtrack: Crossroads, Bone Thugs and Harmony, Ace of Aces, The Fearless Flyers

(mosey to starting point)

Buyout: 10 merkins

Welcome back Bedpan and Loveboat after long hiatuses!

Prayers for Spicola!

Remember that the F3 Spring Hill launch is Saturday, May 18, 2018, at Harvey Park, 6-7am!

It was an honor to lead you men.

The Pound Plays 4 Square

17 PAX in Attendance : Scrooge, Mickey Mouse, Playboy, Mufasa, Inspector Gadget, Creeper, Barney Fivel, Nimbus 1500, Sterno, Tebow, Stats, Staples, Altidore, TVG, Old Hickory, Swinger (FNG), and YHC Kermit on Q.

Pre-party…. @ The Painground

Kermit, Creeper, Staples, & Stats

5-4-3 on the Minute

5 – Pull Ups

4 – Merkins

3 – Toes to Bar

With a little Colter Wall on the speaker.

Medic –

NTB, Judah and the Lion, Greta Van Fleet, and Dubstep to keep our minds right.

5:30a.m. starts with a quick intro and the fine print details.

WarmUps :


Q describes the Thang for the day

15 SSH’s IC

Finish off with some Willie Mays Hayes


Pax number off in 4’s and Q explains the exercise.

Image below should help to explain:

At each zone (Labeled as Group) the group completes assigned exercises OYO while 1 PAX traverses via MoT to the opposite corner of their zone and completes assigned exercises then PAX traverses back via MoT to group zone and next PAX repeats. This continues until all PAX have completed 2 rotations or the 9 minutes is up. After 9 minutes each group rotates clockwise to the next zone. Exercise continues for 4 rotations equaling 36 minutes.


We polished it off with a few more GM’s OYO

Post Party – 

Facilitated by Sterno, and off course it was,…. (DUN DUN DUN!!!!)…..

10 Blockees, cause that’s what Sterno does when we have Block Coupons.

Other News-

  • 3rd F opportunity:

Continually lifting up our brother Soccer Mom in his fight to spread the Kingdom in Africa.

Staples mom with a possible dementia diagnosis

Scrooges mom MRI results

  • 2nd F opportunity:

Ragdoll is putting together a F3 Dads event May 19th

NumbTucks is in the process of scheduling a brisket night

Check Slack for details

Big thanks to all you guys. Im very thankful for each of you and allowing me an opportunity to serve in your lives.

Peace out!


5/6/19 – Purple Cow Honors SSG Loredo

namesake photo

8 HIM showed up Monday morning to get a little better today than they were yesterday.  Weather was perfect 50 degrees and the only gloom present would have been self induced.

PAX: Offshore, En Fuego, Boone’s Farm, Leatherneck, Black Widow, Olan Mills, Penny Loafers, Umbrella (QIC)

WOR:  Mosey the long way to Brentwood High football field and track for:

24 x SSH, 24 x BAC forward and reverse, 24 x squats and a few good mornings and WMH OYO while Q laying out the Thang.


Today we honored SSF Edwardo Loredo who sacrificially gave all on 6/24/2010 leaving behind a wife and three children.  The workout today first posted in his honor on 12/31/12 and consists of the following:

6 Rounds:

24 Merkins/24 Squats/24 WWI’s/400m run – we subbed in the WWI’s for walking lunges.

Upon completion of 6 rounds of work the PAX moseyed to the goal line of BHS football field for 4 x 50 yard sprints followed by 3 x 100 yard sprints to close out the Thang.


24 x J-Lo’s & 24 x Flutters

COT: Closed out the morning with a reflection from yesterday’s gospel reading at mass taken from John 21 when Jesus reappears to the disciples as they are fishing.  He asks them how many fish they have caught and as they respond “none”, he instructs them to cast their net on the other side of the boat.  When they do, their haul is so large they can’t get it back in the boat.  The takeaway for me was this….How many times do I try to do things my way as the disciples were when they were fishing?  When I consistently try to do things my way, my results are often like the results the disciples were having on their own.  But once Jesus got involved, their nets overflowed.  What would happen if we all died to ourselves a little bit more this week and asked God to be a bigger part of all aspects of our lives?   Just this week…

It was an honor to lead this morning.

Peace out,
