Westeros – Monday Funday

PAX: The Nanny, Pumpkin Spice, Blue Mule, Trapper Keeper, Cub Cadet, Vector, Crawlspace, Hi-Viz, Bicentennial Man

WOR: Mosey to the basketball court behind the school, AKA The Crab Trap for some SSH, WMH, Good Mornings, Statue of Liberty, arm circles, Moroccan night clubs and squats. We counted off partners and took a mosey to the hill circle by the gym.


Thang 1: Partners traveled the loop in a clockwise fashion with partner 1 performing a modified Obama, more like a George W, by bear crawling and doing 2 merkins for each hand move. Partner 2 ran the length of the loop until they caught back to partner 1. PAX performed a 5 Lt. Dan Handshake (Danshake) and swapped roles.

Thang 2: Brief mosey to the playground area for 7s with Burpees and Inverted rows on the swings (aka Steve Irwins, aka Underows, aka Down unders)

Thang 3: PAX finished with 5x hill sprints, every minute on the minute with the last taking us back to the parking lot. Sprints were ~50yd uphill.

MARY: There was no Mary, instead we opted for 4 mins of cool down stretching. YHC has battled more injuries this year than in many previous and I have been thinking hard about ways to work in stretching and recovery into both workouts and non-workout time. I have thoughts and would love to hear those of other PAX as well.


  • Reminder that Porcelain is running the Ironman 70.3 very soon and is looking for fund raising $$$. F3 body art coming if we meet a $300 goal as a collective PAX.


X Marks the Spot – The Hill 4.25.19

PAX: Money Shot, Razor, Big Stick, Frugal MacDoogal, Renegade, Zinfandel (F3 Charlotte), Razorback (Q).

CONDITIONS: Couldn’t be better.

WOR: Mosey to and complete one lap around football field. West goal line for the following: SSH x50, Good Mornings x10, WMH x10, BACs x10, Hillbillies x50, Scorpions x5 each side, Merkins x10, Squats x10, Butt Kickers/High Knees/Heel Taps x10 in place. On to the NW corner of the field for…

THANG: X sprints with exercises in the 4 corners of the field. Starting at NW corner x5, run to SE corner x10, run to NE corner x 15, run to SW corner x20, run back home = 1 round (1 full field X sprint + 50 reps of exercise). We completed 8 rounds with the following exercises: HR merkins, jump squats, V-ups, Carolina dry-docks, split squat jumps (that was a burner), box cutters, close-grip merkins, squats. Aspired to 9 rounds but Q inserted some much needed (for me) 60-second rest breaks between rounds. 


Razor heads out on tour next week and will be on the road for a month. 5/1 in Chattanooga and, for those degenerate PAX among us, also in Atlantic City on 5/4. Good luck on the road brother.  

Lots of open Q spots at The Hill in the weeks ahead.

Pleasure to be with you men this morning.


Good Friday at Bomber

Location: Bomber

Conditions: low 50’s and misty

PAX: Princess Aurora, Porcelain, Bareback, Toothless, Hambone, Pumpkin Spice, Harvey Updike, Hi Viz, Right Said, Gus, and Bookworm. (I know i forgot one of you – sorry!!!)

QIC: Tiny Dancer

Part 1: Modification of Zachary Tellier Hero WOD

Mosey up to the parking deck where we completed the following:

10 burpees

10 burpees, 25 merkins

10 burpees, 25 merkins, 25 WW1’s

Mosey down to playground for the Rosary

Part 2 – Rosary – The Sorrowful Mysteries

(QIC would announce the Sorrowful Mystery then PAX would complete a series of workouts while contemplating said Mystery as follows:

  1. Agony in the Garden – 40 merkins, 10 pull-ups, 15 squats, 20 burpees, mosey around the gym
  2. Scourging at the Pillar – (we scaled back the reps due to apparent time constraints) 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 10 burpees
  3. Crowning with Thorns – rinse and repeat,
  4. Jesus Carries the Cross – rinse and repeat
  5. The Crucifixion – rinse and repeat

Every Rosary is finished with a prayer entitled “Hail Holy Queen” wherein we ask our Blessed Mother to pray for us to her Son. Accordingly, for our Rosary, I found a rendition of the prayer by the University of Notre Dame’s folk choir performed on Monday after news of the Notre Dame fire broke. Though I had some technical difficulties with the blue tooth connection between my new iPhone and my old speaker, we completed the following while the beautiful and haunting song played:

  • each Pax began with a dead hang with chin above the bar until muscle failure and then planked. Once all PAX were planked, QIC led a series of calls for low plank, high plank, and 10 merkins until the song finished.

Mary – dealer’s choice

Hambone – LBC’s

Porcelain – V ups

Due to time constraints, QIC had to cut Mary short to remind PAX of Peter learning from Mary Magdalene that Christ’s tomb was empty on Easter Sunday. Though none of the other disciples believed her, Peter got up and ran to the empty tomb, where he found Christ’s burial cloths rolled up in a separate place. See John 20:1-9. In honor of Peter’s faithful response, PAX sprinted back from the playground to the parking lot.

PAX were reminded during COT that, whatever you believe regarding Good Friday, Christ’s actions on that day are the ultimate acts of sacrifice and selflessness; true men are givers, not takers. Be a faucet, not a drain!

Welcome Gus and Bookworm from Memphis!!!

It was an honor to sweat with and to share my faith with you this morning. You are all inspirations to me. Have a blessed Good Friday and Easter Sunday!


Trust the Process

Clear skies and sixty something degrees.  11 pax took the daily red pill and trusted the process at Titan.  QIC: Porcelain.  Pax: Cub cadet, crab legs, bicentennial man, beano-WL, vector, hot route, Right Said, hambone, Crawl Space, pumpkin spice.

Warmup mosey to picnic table area 30 ssh, 20 Wmh, 10 good mornings, 10 merkins, 10 squats.

My hometown 76ers scored a record 51 points in the 3rd quarter of game 2 to win.  Many years of trusting the process is seeing pay off in the playoffs.  So the workout will trust the process for 51 reps each after breaking into a tall and short table groups. 

P-picnic table pickups ground to overhead in cadence (hip, shoulder, up, shoulder, hip, ground=count)  took a break at 26 to swap positions.

R-Rows bent with picnic table in cadence (up, down=count).

O-One leg (Bulgarian) split squats foot on table.  51 each leg oyo.

C-Carolina dry table.  Dry docks with feet on bench for a bit more stress on shoulders to build to more hand stand merkins.

E-Exaggerated leg raises.  Laying on table with legs off to hyperextend 51 reps oyo.

S-squat (box type) on to the bench.  51 oyo.

S-step ups on to the bench 51 total to keep time.

All waiting was planking.

Group had carried two medicine balls and cones to the area.  Revealed their purpose to be a game I called free Ballin.  1 small 8# ball and 1 large 20# ball to always keep moving.  Pax in circle facing each other.  Pitch and catch ball to another pax once you catch it.  If a pax drops a ball then it is a 5 burpee penalty for everyone and those holding the balls do the burpees with ball in hands.  Also, 5 burpee penalty if no throw before Q can say Boban Marjanovic (sixers backup center).  Only one drop for burpees over around 3 minutes of figuring out names while throwing.  Yea….no need for the cones.

Mosey back to statue for Mary.  Getting some open water swimming in lately for the Chattanooga half-Ironman so I had some old swimming dry land ab exercises in mind.  Circled up because the medicine balls will be used again.  The Mary thang: 51 four count flutter kicks; 20 breast stroke kicks (on back, start legs elevated 6 inches like flutter kick but cadence with drawing both knees back towards the head along the sides then return to starting position); lever degrees of leg raises varying down at 6 inches then ups varied for 25 degrees, 45 degrees, and 90 degrees for around 2 minutes; 20 j-los in cadence, ball circle-5 american hammers with the two medicine balls rotating clockwise(I started counter-oops) around group, those without balls did hollow holds legs and arms up, one full rotation.

Bullhorn: east side AO opens next Friday.  Clown car from Bomber.

COT: prayers of thanks for god giving us the strength the push each other to be better men.

moleskin: Boban had a good night tonight with 14 pts to cover a resting Embiid and still a sixers victory.

The Pound 4/18/2019 – Scrooge (Virgin Q)

Conditions: Mid 60’s

QIC: Scrooge (Virgin Q) and Sterno (Co-Q)

PAX: Old Hickory, Nimbus 1500, Stats, TV Guide, Staples, Type O+, Mufasa, Creeper, Wolverine, and Kermit.


Mosey around the parking lot for a Show Me lap but he didn’t appear so we had to keep moving without his world class mumble chatter. Scrooge takes the lead and issues a sneaky beat down of epic proportions.


SSH x 10 (IC)
LBAC x 10 (IC)
Reverse LBAC x 10 (IC)


Partner one kneels down (knees on the ground, head between the knees) while Partner two jumps over Partner ones back. After Partner two jumps over Partner one, Partner one high planks and V ups so Partner two can bear crawl under Partner one. Rinse and repeat until Partner one completes 10 reps. Partners switch exercises, rinse and repeat until Partner two completes 10 reps.


Partner one does AMRAP Merkins while partner two Burpee Broad Jumps to light poll and moseys back to starting line. Partners switch exercises, rinse and repeat until each group completes 200 merkins.


Partner one does AMRAP WWI’s while partner two Bear Crawls to light poll and moseys back to starting line. Partners switch exercises, rinse and repeat until each group completes 200 WWI’s.


Partner one does AMRAP Squats while partner two Lunge Walks to light poll and moseys back to starting line. Partners switch exercises, rinse and repeat until each group completes 150 Squats.


Mosey to Pain Ground for some upper body work.

Partner one does AMRAP Merkins while partner two completes a set of ten pull-ups. Partners switch exercises, rinse and repeat.


Partner one does AMRAP WWI while partner two completes another set of ten pull-ups. Partners switch exercises, rinse and repeat.

Mosey back to Parking Lot.


Co-Q takes over at this point for a little bit of Mary

Flutter Kicks (IC x 31)

LBC (IC x 15)

Right Side LBC (OYO x 10)

Left Side LBC (OYO x 10)

High Plank and Hold/ Low Plank and Hold


Plank Jacks (IC x 10)

Low Plank Jacks (IC x 10)

Times Up

Count O Rama/ Name O Rama/ COT

Great work out there today men! I’m definitely gonna feel that beatdown tomorrow. Way to bring the heat on your first “Q” Scrooge. Looking forward to the sequel.

Prayer Requests/ Announcements

Pray for Creepers Family.

Pray for Scrooge and his mother. After a routine exam, the doctors found an area of density that needs further evaluation.

Pray for Soccer Mom

Third Thursday lunch at Oscars. Thanks for heading this up Type O+!

F3 Nolensville’s first CSAUP is coming up on May 4th, 2019. Get your minds right! There is another Gauntlet training pre-party opportunity this Saturday at The Forge (5:15am-6:00am)

Sterno/ Scrooge


The Racetrack 4.17.19

Baker’s dozen for a beautiful morning of garage work at The Racetrack. BV and Bigbang showed up after an unsanctioned 10K (less a few steps for BV while he took a bio break). But I digress…

PAX: Bagger Vance, Penny Loafers, Razor, Life Champ, Black Widow, CAPS LOCK, Double Check, Dr. Smartt, Big Bang, Offshore, Tampa Libra, Boone’s Farm, Razorback (Q).

Conditions: Mint.

WOR: Mosey to usual parking lot, SSH x 15, GM x 15, WMH x 15, BACs x 10 forward and backward, Mountain Climbers x 15, Merkins x 10, Squats x 10. Starting at the bottom of the west staircase…burpees x 5, up the stairs, burpees x 5, down east staircase, burpees x 5, up the east staircase, burpees x 5, down the west stair case, burpees x 5. Heart rate = elevated.

THANG: Starting at bottom of each ramp of the parking garage, perform 20 reps of exercises below, sprint to top of ramp, slow mosey recover to bottom of next ramp. Each round was 5 sets of exercises/sprints.

Round 1 – Legs: squats, squat jumps, reverse lunge, split squat jumps, tuck jumps. Sprint forward up ramps.

Round 2 – Arms: HR merkins, Carolina dry-docks, close grip merkins, Caroline dry-docks (FYI I lack creativity), merkins. Sprint backward up ramps.

Round 3 – Abs: V-ups, cockroaches, LBCs, box cutters, windshield wipers. Side shuffle up ramps.

Round 3 finished about 90 seconds before 6:15, so we hustled back to home base and arrived about 1 minute over time.


Leadership lunch later this month at Crievewood Baptist. Monitor Slack for more details from Dupree/BV.

Razor confirmed that The Skunk is an AO and people show up and do exercises there from time to time. If you’re interested. 

Pleasure to be with you men this morning.


Manmakers, Humpers, and Cha Cha – Oh my!

April 6, 2019

CHALLENGE  — Numbtucks laid down the challenge!  NO EXC– USES – weather is glorious and time to show up (except for you, Show Me–it’s good, we got this).   If 20 or more PAX show, then Numbtucks promised 100 burpees plus 10 for every PAX over that.      GET READY FOR SOME BURPEES!

TWENTY THREE PAX got outta that fartsack and joined together.  Not sure if this is most ever here, but it is definitely the most this Q has seen.
Conditions: Glorious.  enough said.

PAX who made it:  Ragdoll, Cheezwhiz, (FNG) Beer Goggles,  Mr. Opus, 3rd Degree, Tebow, Stats, Typo +, TV Guide, Sterno, Hush Puppy, Best Balls, Numbtucks, Staples, Road Rash, Barney Fievel, Playboy, Kermit, Mufasa, Altidore, Old Hickory, Nimbus 1500, and Little Miss Piggy (QiC)

PreParty:  Getting ready for Gauntlet –Barney Fievel took 11 PAX for a mini-tour d’ Nolensville — 4 miles with a couple speed bumps

Warm up:  Light jog around the parking lot once. Light jog around the parking lot once.
OK already, I know…it was a rough start for the Q this morning getting a little distracted by the stragglers streaming in from the preparty 🙂  Sorry guys.    Disclaimer given.
Circle up: IC baby arm circles x10 each direction, Cherry pickers IC x 15, Michael Phelps OYO
On the line:   20 yards of toy soldiers, butt kicks, long lunge

Grab the coupons (2 small ones each): Travel to lot next to soccer field:  Mosey carrying the coupons
SPEED HUMP!    here’s where QiC started drawing the ire of the PAX –let’s get some Monkey Humpers going IC .   As QiC drew near 20 count, it became apparent that a full on revolt was taking place.   So what to do….more humpers! Ended with 50,  feelin those hamstrings.  Carry on to the parking lot

Thang 1:     Cha-Cha Slide in tall plank
The hardest thing about this might have been just getting everyone in place–Q should not have been so ambiguous.  Next time just circle up.  ughhh
Plank and do what the song says . Just cut the mumble chatter and listen in 🙂

Mosey  to soccer field with coupons

Thang 2:       Shoulder thang– partner up
Kermit showed his lack of soccer skillz and set the mark for the travelling partner
Partners alternately work toward: 60 reps of Lateral raises, Front raises, bent over reverse flys, shoulder presses
MoT for other PAX:Duck walks, Lunges, Skanks, Bear Crawl

Thang 3:     MANMAKERS!  — circle up with coupons   x20

Thang 4:      No man left behind!   On the line, All together-
Q called out random number and corresponding PAX annouced an exercise, Q set the reps.  MoT was Alligator crawl — progress 10 yards each time and stay together
Burpees x 10, sidestep Merkins x 8 each side, WWI x8 IC, Squats x 40, Good Mornings x 8 (thx TV Guide)

Mosey back to start with coupons

CoT:  Numbers/Name-o-rama including FNG naming – Welcome “Beer Goggles” who has 4 children and an Optometrist for a wife!
Prayer requests:  Soccer Mom -things are rough right now, Barney’s friend Bobby (cancer), friend David whose baby passed recently,  Numbtuck’s church member,  LMPs mother in law with breast cancer (MRI next week)
Announcements:  Gauntlet May 4 — Forge preparties x 45 min going fwd, Warpath next weekend ! ,  2ndF- being considered for Barney’s house prior to Gauntlet
Romans 5:3, James 1:2-3 “pure joy when you face trials…perserverence”  Often we feel like every time we take 2 steps fwd, we take 1 back and keep getting knocked down — how do we continue on –lean on your brothers (and God and you faith).  We do a lot of partner work to remind us of this. Prov 17:17 “a friend loves at all times , and a brother is born for a time of adversity”   Psalm 133:1

Thanks for the chance to lead in a group of amazing men!

Bomber 4-5-2019: 49 and All is Fine

19 HIM came out into the beautiful gloom to make themselves better and to celebrate YHC’s 49th (technically, the real day was 3 weeks ago, but an untimely IR kept me off the Q).

PAX:  Vector (QIC), PA, T-cell, Hi-Viz, Bad Boy, Harvey Updyke, Toothless, Duplex, DFrost, Cub Cadet, WL Carmen SanDiego (F3 Cherokee), WL Deuce (F3 Jackson), Tiny Dancer, Lunch Lady, Firefox, Preacher Man, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Porcelain

Conditions:   57 degrees, perfect

Last year, for my 48th birthday and my inaugural Q, I started with 48 SSH, but my overall lack of fitness had me die out around 27.  So today, I had to start with 49 SSH, with PAX lined along the wall.  Nailed it.

Mosey to McCabe Pub for rest of the

Warm-o-rama:  WMH x 4, WMH x 9, LBAC x 4, LBAC x 9, Seal Claps x 4, Seal Claps x 9, RLBAC x 4, RLBAC x 9, Good Mornings x 4, Good Mornings x 9.

Mosey behind Murphy Road Animal Hospital to the conveniently placed large rocks.  49 Step-ups.

First Round:
Mosey over to playground where the main event was held.

DORA (I mean, it’s what I do):

Pull-Ups x 49
Merkins x 149
Squats x 249
Plankjacks x 349

More pull-ups when finish early

Playlist:  Rather than torture the PAX with songs from 1970, my birth year (“Bridge Over Troubled Water” doesn’t really lend itself to a strong workout), I played selected cheesy/awesome tunes from 1984 (my 14th year and, by coincidence, PA’s birth year)

Owner of a Lonely Heart – Yes
The Reflex – Duran Duran
Talking in Your Sleep – The Romantics
Let’s Go Crazy – Prince and the Revolution
I Feel for You – Chaka Khan
Out of Touch – Hall & Oats
You Might Think – The Cars
I’m So Excited – The Pointer Sisters

 Mary:  Down the line PAX called special exercises including Flutter Kicks, Alabama Prom Dates, WWIs, LBCs, Alphabet (“Happy Birthday Vector” – Thanks T-cell!), Boxcutters, Hello Dolly’s, Crunchy Happy Frogs, Leg Lifts (AKA “Weezy Jeffersons” per Carmen SanDiego, because we’re “movin’ on up”), Freddy Mercuries, Hello Dolly’s again, American Hammers, and probably a few more . . .


  • Prayers for Duplex’s dying grandfather (honorary F3 name Big Daddy) and his family and for keeping our kids safe (prompted by Lunch Lady and his colleagues finding a student that was being stalked online by a sexual predator).  Also for my dad, who turns 80 today (and several PAX were thankful I didn’t celebrate with 80 SSH today).
  • So awesome to see the newer guys come back out – Cub Cadet, DFrost, Toothless, keep up the strong work!
  • Ended with a thanks to the PAX, as a year ago, I couldn’t lead the men on 48 SSH. Shows how far I have come in all areas F1, F2 and F3. Remember that age is just a number, be it 49 or 47 or 33 or 26, and each day we should push each other to be better in all aspects of life.  Look out for those around us who need F3 and keep EH’ing.

Was an honor as always to lead you men this morning.


Shaq Sings Bowie – The Stronghold 04.04.2019

28 beauts turned out to celebrate an absolutely perfect spring morning for working out.  50 degrees and dry.  These are my favorite conditions.

PAX: Baby, Febreeze, Legally Blonde, Play Station, Sir Topham Hat, Paw Patrol, Lil’ Jon, Dubs,  3 Stacks, Shaq, Mitch, Dreads, Big Lank, CCR, Red Skull, Porcelain, Toga, Floppy D, Pop a Lock, Hot N Ready, Khakis, Bagger Vance, Black Widow, Danosaur (FNG), B & B, Rev, Hot Route, Brother at Law (QIC).

WOR: Run about 47 feet around the cul-de-sac before circling up for some stretching.  SSH x40, GM x10, WMH x10, Lunging LBAC x10, Reverse LLBAC x10, some high plank, slow and low merks x20.

THANG: Name of the game today was constant movement and getting back to relieve your partner.  Count off 1’s and 2’s (I believe we successfully had 4:13 guys paired off with non-4:13 guys).  We never ran far, but it all added up.

Mosey to the big hill.  P1 does work for time at top of the hill.    P2 runs to bottom of hill, then runs back up and tags P1 out.  No sets, no reps, just work on called out exercise until Q calls out something different.  Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat, ad nauseum (literally for Lil’ Jon).

Exercises at the top (rough minutes done in parentheses): Burpees (5); squats (4); American hammers (3); Carolina dry docks (4); LBCs (3); alternating shoulder taps (3).

Mosey to basketball court. With your partner, line up on the long sideline.  Same idea, but running suicides this time.  Exercises at top: Burpees 43); squats (3); Carolina dry docks (3).

Mary: Some high plank, some Alabama Prom Dates, some American Hammers, some flutter kicks, more high plank, GMs x10 to send us home.


It was a true honor to lead today.  As I shared, Q and Play from the previous 4:13 class kept coming out after their 4:13 class ended but before their jobs started, which was just awesome to see (props to BV for picking them up for these posts).  They got run into the ground one day at Titan and said I had to pass on a similar beating to this class.  Challenge accepted.  But this class absolutely stepped up today.  Very little complaining, walking, or loafing.  There was some, sure, but that’s expected.  All in all, I was just really impressed with the guys today and the non-4:13 partners that offered constant encouragement and positive modeling.  Just one of those days out there that lifts your spirits.

Sorry to Lil’ Jon, who either splashed merlot or dry heaved merlot at the end.  And props to Paw Patrol who, at the end, requested I never Q at 4:13 again.  That won’t work.

Named FNG Dan Alexander Danosaur.  For sure one of the longest, most impressive, and well-rehearsed resumes we’ve ever heard for a namorama.  For those that aren’t familiar with Nebraska football, I texted my die-hard Husker fan friend afterwards telling him I worked out with Dan Alexander today.  Within literal seconds, he texted me an 80-yard touchdown run against Colorado in 1999: “My favorite Dan Alexander play.  Always carried the ball high and tight.”  Husker fans are amazing.

Pop-a-Lock and (I believe) 3 Stacks on Q next Thursday.  Love it.

First Friday lunch this Friday, April 5, 2019 at The Cookery on 12th.  Forgot to announce that, but fortunately everybody reads the Blackblasts and will see it here.

4:13 Annual Banquet on 4/11.  Contact Red Skull or T-Cell for information.  Join us!

Dr. Orange visits Stonewall

It was a crisp 59 degrees last Saturday morning at Stonewall. There were 12 brave men, plus BaggerVance who joined after a shitastic run/ruck that left the Kroger bathroom violated.

The night before this workout,  I was researching heart rate monitoring devices,  and had a great idea for the workout I was about to Q.

The goal was to achieve max heart rate in the first 15 minutes to warm up.  Then spend 35 minutes in a cross training circuit with 6 different exercises, and finish with 10 minutes of Ab work.  This workout was inspired by scientific studies and theories from a man name Dr. Orange.  Don’t bother trying to find him on the World Wide Web.  This guys stuff can only be found at local libraries on microfilm. 

The workout went pretty much to plan, with the exception of a few fumbles that I will most certainly point out as I know some interested eyes will add comments if I don’t volunteer. 

To begin, my Q’ing skills showed a little rust. I started with the disclaimer to appease the bosses and then jumped into  “jumping jacks”….excuse me! Side straddle hops. It took me a few seconds but eventually I got my “one, two, three” on and we were off.

25 Ssh’s

13 windmills

13 baby arm circles forward and then backward

15 imperial walkers

15 hillbillies

10 count Willy Mays hayes

10 count quad stretch each side

The pack was led on a 4 minute light jog around the perimeter and thru the basketball court and back to the parking lot

We mosey over to the parking lot entrance and I begin to explain the goal of the first Dr. Orange Workout.

The goal was to achieve a solid warm up based on your personal max heart rate. Currently, my max heart rate calculated by the Doctor was 175 beats per minute.

The goal was to progressively run from Granny White down to Leland on side street increasing heart rate over a 6 minute progression. The Doctor told me that a good jog would get most people to 65-70% of max heart rate. So that’s where we began.  Each member was instructed to push themselves on each minute mark attempting to go from 75% rate up to 100% rate by the sixth minute. It was up to them to run at a pace that felt like they were progressing their heart rate up. The Jeweler was the clear alpha in this excercise. Granted, it was not a competition against others but rather  with yourself. I assume you would want to know who was the one who dominated.

We finished the warm-o-Rama and moseyed over to the covered pavilion.

Now the confusing part. The workout.  Dr. Orange had specifically told me that building muscle was essential to good health and using weights was necessary to do that. He also said it was important to keep your heart rate at a certain level to burn fat.

The goal for the workout was to complete 4 rounds of 6  stations and  to stay somewhere @ 85%  of max. Heart rate.   Each station lasted 1 minute  then we switched quickly and began the  next.

1st station – deep squat with kettle bell (preacher squat)

2nd station -forward twisting lunge with barbell held with both hands in front

3rd station – standing on toes, jump switch and do arm curl with dumbbell (Princess Aurora was confused  mentally and with his muscles on this exercise)

4 – over head press with weight while slightly squatting with back straight pressed against wood beam.

5 – picnic table dips- only do 10 during one minute. Goal was slow and deliberate movement on each one lasting 6 seconds.

6- one push up – this was to take exactly one minute. Goal was to go down as slow as possible and then back up as slow as possible. This was hard

We paired up, and approached each station with a partner and began.  PA and I started with Preacher Squats.

It was a slow and steady grunt fest and coupled with no music it was quickly a grind.  Mid way thru Dr Orange decided to throw a curve ball and sent the local trash man toting and dragging on an unfiltered Marlboro Red.  He decided to change out the trash cans in the pavilion and took his sweet time.  The smoke he exhaled began to fill our lungs and provided increased heart rates and a cool, burning sensation. . Bagger joined soon after and let everyone know that he had shit himself on his run and felt bad for the janitor at Kroger.

We finished the 6 station drill at supposed heart rate of 90% as the last minute I announced they needed to push themselves harder.

We circled up in the parking lot and each member led their ab exercise for a 15 count.

Finished with Ball of Man in prayer.  PA was like a poet. His enunciation was majestic.  And he masterfully and effortlessly closed out our science based exercises with words from the heart.

Amen.  And thanks for opportunity to lead.
