MEDALS OF HONOR — Acknowledging our Heroes
Today, we started off the Memorial Day weekend with a tribute to all the great heroes serving this wonderful country. YHC instructed PAX to find a battle partner who they will stay with throughout.
PAX in attendance: Nimbus 1500 (pre-vac after PP), 3rd deg, Barney Fievel, Old Hick, Staples, Bear Gryllis, Swinger, Toad, Mursa, TV Guide, Mic Drop, Creeper, Wolverine, Farva (FNG), Hush puppy, Numbtucks, Ragdoll, Playboy, Cheezwhiz, Tebow, Altidore, Stats, Color Run (FNG), Chewy (FNG), and (Q) Little Miss Piggy — YES! that’s an all time high for Nolensville –25 PAX!
Conditions — wonderful
Pick up the big Coupons from Staples’ truck. 1 per pair. head to the road.
Mosey Thang: (put those together b/c QiC really intended this to be more than just moseying
PAX 1-John Cusak with coupon, PAX 2 – duck walk (stay together) x approx 100 yds. ; Speedbump for 25 monkey humpers — Now switch roles and carry on another 100 yds. Took two rounds of this to make it to the soccer field.
Thang 2: The man, not-so-much a myth, but clearly a legend …
PAX may remember from doing this workout in the fall, but what wasn’t revealed at that time is that Charles Bronson was a veteran. Enlisted in 1943 for WWII and served as an air gunner (which is a dangerous position to be in)-served in Guam fightin them Japs and did 25 missions. So in his honor, we did:
25 reps each of Iron Mikes, Squat jumps, Side Lunges (each side), and Squats
In between each exercise, PAX sprinted 100 yds then dropped and army crawled 15 more yards, mosey back to the start. Stay with partner.
Thang 3: Soldier gotta build each other up, then be there help each other out as well when things get tough.
Resist and Assist
PAX are accustomed to the endurance factor of high rep counts and burning those slow twitch fibers, but time to build some fast twitch with anaerobic blast to failure:
PAX 1 – resist PAX 2 doing 10 merkins to point of failure on 10th rep, then keep going without rest x 10 more with PAX 2 assisting; then switch
Rinse and repeat with Derkins, and Irkins using the coupons.
Thang 4: We have honored many of the fallen brothers in arms over the past couple weeks, who have given their lives for us and our country. So today, YHC also wanted to honor those who took action is the same manner, being willing to almost certainly lose their life to save others , and yet miraculously lived. While in San Antonio this week, YHC was at the Center For The Intrepid, where military personnel are rehabilitated from even the worst of trauma injury. A plaque of one the guys was on the wall, Corporal Kyle Carpenter. This soldier is the youngest ever to receive the Presidential Medal of Honor for actions he took while in Afghanistan. While on a roof top security detail, Taliban decided to attack in mid-day. Story is that as grenades began falling onto the roof top, Cpl Carpenter went running from one to the next throwing them back off the roof until one finally went off as it left his hand. He had massive trauma to his face and right arm, losing the eye and most of his hand, but saved several lives. So in his honor, PAX performed:
Grenade Suicides
Markers placed each 10 yds for total of 50 yds. (Markers were t-shirts: Barney and Old Hickory had already decided shirts were for sissies so we used theirs, but YHC could hardly solicit another from anyone–Wolverine finally obliged.)
PAX (staying with partner) performed 5 burpees (getting and tossing back the grenade) at the baseline, then ran to next marker for another 5 burpees. Return to baseline and repeat but advancing then to the next farther marker in “suicide” exercise fashion. Audible–QiC decreased to 3 burpees after 20 yd marker due to time.
YHC noted after the exercise another Medal of Honor recipient who recently passed away, he was the oldest Medal of Honor recipient that was still living…Robert Maxwell (98 years old). He earned his medal in WWII when a grenade came into the bunker and he immediately grabbed a blanket and dove on top of the grenade.
Mosey: Help each other carry the load — Partners work together trading off doing John Cusaks with the coupon as we make way back to the tennis court.
CoT/Numbers/Names — 25 PAX, 3 new FNGs named today
– Praise LMP’s wife had clear bone scan, mother-in-law’s mastectomy went great and recovery going well
– Soccer Mom still needs prayer coverage
-?? please comment on the slack post any other prayer needs to add to this list
YHC addressed the group about some things to think about. Like these soldiers we honored today as well as all the others out there right now working to protect us, be willing to live in service to others and to sacrifice for others, even unto death. Spiritually we are called to die unto self every day, and to love God and love others — we are to be willing to give of ourselves.
Read Psalm 116 — many great things in it, but notice the theme of commitment and the “I will” statements. and ” The death of His faithful ones is valuable in the Lord’s sight.” v 15.
-Memorial Day CSAUP including preparty Murph set for 5/27/19. Brentwood YMCA, Murph Preparty 5-6, Hero of the Day Workout 6-7, then Ruck Post-party.
-2ndF opportunity Saturday for a brisket-fest. Check out Slack.
-NumbTucks will also be reading and leading a 3rdF discussion June 29th after the Forge on the Dude’s Guide to Manhood.
Post-party: 3rd Deg and Staples – 10 Dwarkins (1 merkin, 1 dwarf kick to left, 1 merkin, 1 dwarf kick right …repeat x10 reps)
Coffeeteria enjoyed too
—Little Miss Piggy
Cpl. Kyle Carpenter Robert Maxwell