
PAX: Umbrella, Ponzi, Quiver, Ginger, Hugs not Drugs, Venus, Penny loafers, Black widow, Boone’s Farm, Not a sport, Olan Mills (QIC)

Disclaimer and mosey to the base of Mt. Parking Garage.


  • SSH x 15
  • Good Mornings x10
  • Willie Mays Hays x10
  • Baby Arm circles x10….Reverse x10


  • Freddie Mercury x1 min
  • Flutter Kicks x 1 min
  • Leg Lifts x 1 min
  • J-Lo’s x 1 min
  • LBC’s x 1 min

Head for the stairs

  • Hustle up the stairs…25 Alternating Shoulder Taps
  • Hustle to other stairwell…25 Burpees
  • Bottom of stairwell…25 Derkins, 25 Aerkins
  • Hustle back over to starting position and commence 5 minutes of Mary

Rinse & Repeat with 20, 15 reps


Say Cheese

PAX: Toga, Not-a-Sport, Hugs Not Drugs, Penny Loafers, Black Widow, Offshore, Olan Mills (QIC)

Disclaimer and roll to the park.


  • SSH x20
  • Good Mornings x10
  • Willie x10
  • BAC x10…reverse x10
  • Merkins x10


  • 5 x Burpees
  • 5 x Tony’s
  • 10 x Burpees
  • 20 x Crunches
  • 20 x Burpees
  • 30 x 4-Count Flutter Kicks
  • 0.4 mi loop and get ready to go again

Rinse & Repeat x3

Prep for mosey back to parking lot

  • Launch with 10 Merkins
  • Next stop 10 Merkins + 20 Squats
  • + 30 Crunches
  • + 40 American Hammers
  • + 10 Burpees

…and we’re done.

Pleasure to lead you men today.

16 for Westeros 8.17.20



Gloom: a cool 68*



Michelin man

Black Lung

The Nanny

Bad Boy


Cub Cadet

Harvey Updike

Crab Legs





Sal Pal

Blue Mule

T cell




Mosey to pick up circle




Cherry pickers


Air presses

High knees

Butt kickers


Mosey to big hill on the way to Love Circle


11s (squat at the top, burpee at the bottom) up the big hill


Mosey back to the start


Cafe Prius did a good business post-workout.



Pedestrian! Dog! Dog Driving Car!

14 Aug 2020

Conditions: Delightfully gloomy, almost a muggy coolness at the end

PAX:  20! – Hi Viz, Harvey Updyke, Siri, Right Said, Bareback, River Dawg, Hambone, Toothless, Drago, Crawlspace, The Nanny, Pumpkin Spice, BnB, Michelin Man, Vector (respect), Cub Cadet, T-Cell, Buster Bluth, Princess Aurora, Crablegs (QIC)

WoR: Mosey with side shuffle & bernie the length of the driving range, lunge walk the width on the back side, imperial walk for 80yards or so and mosey back to the startex for some good mornings.


PAX took a mosey to line the sidewalks of Murphy Road, keeping at least 6feet and covering both sides. We did 6 rounds of approximately 5 minutes each of a stationary exercise and then something in reaction to passers by.  Each Pedestrian spotted was 1 rep, Car was 2 reps and dog was 4 reps of the reaction exercise.

Pairings were:

  • Overhead Claps & Burpees
  • American Hammers & Crunchy Frogs
  • Air Presses & Mountain Climbers
  • Imperial Walkers and Jump Tucks
  • SSH and Lt. Dans
  • Squats & Jump Tucks

Or something like that…the record is now fuzzy.

There was controversy about what constituted a car, how many reps per axle of a large truck, what to do if a dog was driving the car and at least one 15 count set for a conversation with stranger driving while he had a dog.

CoT: Praise for better news surrounding PA’s brother in law.

NMM: I had a good time, hope y’all did too.  We will do this again, but not soon.


Hot Tub Time Machine

Conditions: Super gloom – palpable…visible…thicc

PAX: Crablegs (QIC), Pumpkin Spice, DFrost, Bareback, Michelin Man, THE Situation, Siri

WoR: Mosey around the park with some side to side, butt kickers, high knees, bernie, etc. Then we got loose with Moroccan night clubs and a few atlantis favorites.


PAX took a short mosey to the tank and got started on the time machine. 4 exercises – merkin, squat, 90 degree leg raise and back extension.

In Time Machine** fashion, PAX did 1 rep of each of the above exercises and took a lap around the tank. SSH while you wait and then 2 reps of each, so on, so forth up to 9 (due to time). That’s your 9th merkin taking 9 counts down and 9 counts up…ouch!

**Time Machine format: 1st rep = 1 count up, 1 count down, 2nd rep = 2 counts up, 2 counts down…8th rep = 8 counts up, 8 counts down…etc

CoT & Out.


Birthday Burner – no thanks to Bruce

10 August 2020 – Birthday Burner, no thanks to Bruce

PAX: Pumpkin Spice, Hambone, BnB, Vector, Hi Viz, Siri, Blue Mule, Sal Pal, Bad Boy, Right Said, Michelin Man, Drago, Harvey Updyke, Natural Ice, DFrost, Cub Cadet, Crawlspace, Crablegs(QIC)

Conditions: Dark, muggy, and muggier still at the Hillwood Pool Microclimate

WoR: PAX Started with a gentle mosey counterclockwise around the park and up Elmington to the Hillwood Parking lot – the only non-grassy space at this AO that could accomodate 18! (not factorial…Hambone…) PAX.

We got loose with some Good mornings and other lower body activities.  YHC was disappointed by Bruce Cupcake/Brooks Koepka digging his own grave at the PGA and decided to take out that frustration on the lower body of the PAX. All were better for it, save for Bruce.


YHC rang in 32years this AM so we started and ended with a 16 burpee (or Bonnie Blair + Jump squat if you choose) buy in and out.


Every minute on the minute, starting at 4 reps and adding 4 reps each minute for a total of 8 mins and eventually 32 reps of the following + a waiting exercise until the next minute

  • Squats/Imperial Walkers
  • 90 degree leg raises/Alabama Prom Dates
  • Merkins (or lunges for the wounded)/Side Straddle Hops

Mosey back for the 16 burpee buy out.

COT: Praise for the encouragement of the PAX and for Tallu Quinn dealing with Brain Cancer. Link is here to learn more about her story and support her family if you so choose.

NMM: It’s a privilige to lead the PAX, as always. YHC very grateful to make it to 32 and am looking forward to a year that sees the onset of parenthood and maybe even inroads to a real job.  I’m incredibly grateful for the encouragement of the PAX, particularly in 2018 when I was deep in the wilderness of life decisions. You guys were the support that I needed then and I hope that I can be the same for someone now or in the future.

Stay crabby,


Bomber – 07.24.20 – “It’s About Time”

21 PAX took that DRP this AM and engaged in what turned out to be a maths- and sports-themed beatdown, courtesy of YHC.

QIC: Cunning Linguist
PAX: Ask Jeeves, Blue Mule, Crawlspace, Drago, Hambone, Hi-Viz, Hoser, King Poopa, Michelin Man, NashCan, Natural Ice, Porcelain, Pop-A-Lock, Princess Aurora, Right Said, River Dawg, Salpal, T-Cell, Trash Panda (FNG), Vector

After the usual 1MW at 0529, a fully masked-up YHC disclaimed the Disclaimer at precisely 0530 and promptly led the PAX out the main entrance to Bomber and up Westlawn toward the far end of Bomber and to my fave WOR spot (which appears to be the nose of an aircraft sticking out of the ground).

24 x SSH
12 rLBAC
12 Imperial Walkers
12 x Slow and Low Squats

PAX and YHC appeared suitably warm, and henceforth, we moseyed over to the upper parking lot area nearest the main entrance for an explanation of the THEME and THANG 1.

As today was the 24th, the number 24 stood out as being relevant. Number 24 would be included to some degree throughout the workout today. One example of how important the number 24 is can be seen on a literal daily basis. We all have 24 hours a day, and it is up to us to use this time effectively! With this foundation, YHC ensured we had a playlist that included songs that had the word “time” in the title.

One example of the relevance of 24 is the jersey number of the late Kobe Bryant. While this was not his original jersey number, he did use 24 for at least part of his career. We lost Kobe earlier this year before the pandemic, and with all that has transpired since then, it is easy to forget that he started 2020 alive and kicking.

PAX line up at a socially distanced parking spot and performed YHC’s interpretation of the MAMBA workout (with special thanks to En Fuego for the idea a few months back):
24 x Merkins
24 x Air Press
24 x Mountain Climbers
24 x Burpees
24 x Air Squats
Sprint to the parking spot directly across from your starting point between moves.
Al Gore if completed early.
Once all PAX were done, we moseyed over the top of the main entrance for a single-person/modified DORA as THANG 2:

24 x Merkins
48 x American Hammers (one per side)
72 x Squats
Run around traffic circle at bottom of entrance between each move.
High plank upon early completion.

Last but certainly not least, YHC led the PAX over to the baseball diamond for a rather selfish indulgence – a chance to welcome back our national pastime by running the bases on Opening Day 2020. Except as part of THANG 3, we didn’t “run” the bases.

PAX socially distanced in the outfield while first person sprints to home plate, bear crawls to each base and back to home plate. In other words, everyone hit a home run today!

As soon as the first person arrives to first base, the next person sprints to home, and wash, rinse, repeat.

While PAX remained in outfield, they performed SSH, Iron Mikes, and Nolan Ryan.

Upon completion, we all headed to STARTEX for Mary.

With only a few minutes to spare, Mary was rather straightforward:
12 x Alabama Prom Dates
12 x Alternating Heel Taps
12 x Little Baby Crunches

Socially Distanced COT & BOM, with Verses of the Day:

Numbers 6:24-26:
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Just want to reiterate my appreciation for each and every one of the PAX who attend workouts where I am the Q.  I hope that my Qs are well-received and that I continue to improve in my cadence and leadership.

I also thank y’all for allowing me to Q while being respectful of the fact that I need to be masked up while outdoors. For those who masked up as well, bonus points for the show of solidarity!

Thank you, men!

-Continued prayers for all of us (thanks, Drago!)
-Welcome to the F3 Nation, FNG Trash Panda! Here’s hoping my Q doesn’t keep you from attending future workouts! 😉
-F3 Dads workouts are happening in Franklin — connect with Hoser for more details!
-F3 Dads workouts are starting up soon here in Nashville — connect with Porcelain for more details!
-Crawlspace is Q tomorrow at Stonewall. If you miss this workout, you may very well regret it. So, don’t miss it!

The Aforementioned Playlist, for those interested:
“It’s Time” – Imagine Dragons
“One More Time” – Daft Punk
“Time After Time” – Quietdrive
“Times Like These” – Foo Fighters
“Time Bomb” – Rancid
“Good Times, Bad Times” – Led Zeppelin
“Time” – Hootie and the Blowfish
“Wasted Time” – Keith Urban
“Time to Pretend” – MGMT
“Feels Like The First Time” – Foreigner
“If I Could Turn Back Time” – Cher
“Closing Time” – Semisonic


12 Strong (minus 10)

PAX: Not-a-Sport, Olan Mills (QIC)

It was a very close to being a Wolfpack of 1 this morning but fortunately Not-a-Sport demonstrated true commitment.

Briefest of brief disclaimers. Zero warmup.

THANG: Make our way down the greenway stopping every quarter mile’ish for some reps starting with 10 at first stop…working our way up to 40…and then back down to 10 as we made our way back.

Exercises at each stop included:

  • Merkins
  • WWI’s
  • Squats
  • some exercise Toga introduced us to….hand / foot, elbow / knee (Toga…what’s it called)

All in we covered 2.5 mi and sweat about 1.5 gal.

Enjoyed the company!

Titan 7.15.20 – Hit the Bucket

Gloom: warm


Natty Ice
Bad Boy
D Frost
Big Pipeline
Cub cadet
Right Said


mosey around Centennial Park

Arm circles
Overhead press
Lunge with thoracic twist


Game: 2 5-gallon buckets and 1 frisbee, 2 groups

Pair of exercises announced (10 burpees / 10 squats)

Each group takes a turn throwing frisbee at bucket. If frisbee hits, that bucket’s team does the burpees while the throwing team does the squats. Swap and repeat. After a few 10 rep rounds, count down reps: 10, 9, 8 . . . . New pairs of exercises as needed.


7 minutes of Mary, dealer’s choice style. 15 rep max.

Cafe Prius served up hot coffee post-workout. Fellowship occurred.


Racetrack Mashup

PAX:  Umbrella, Olan Mills, Hugs Not Drugs, and Toga (QIC)

Gloom: 70 and Sunny, as always

Four horsemen took to the streets of The Hill Center to get a bit stronger today.  Here’s how it went down:

Thang: Mosey to parking lot beside the parking deck for warmarama then head to the faux grass area beside uncle Julio’s for some exercise mashups on the clock:

Round 1= 45 sec of work on the following:

  • Good morning to squat jump
  • Oblique merkins
  • Split Squat to Split Jumps
  • Windshield Wipers
  • Dive Bombers
  • Hand to Foot, Knee to Elbow
  • Plank up downs
  • Skaters to Single-Leg Burpee (not fun)

Round 2= 1 min

Round 3= 1.5 min

Mosey back to the flag and Umbrella took us out.

Stay Classy,
