AMRAP AMTRACK at the Pain Train

AO: offthebooks
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Siri, Wolfpack
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 57 and clear

– Mosey around
– Baby Arm Circles

AMRAP for 90 seconds with 60 second rests

1/5 run

– Incline merkins
– Decline Merkins
– Merkins

1/5 run

– Jump squats
– Iron Mikes
– Wall sits

1/5 run

– Pull ups
– Dips
– Pull ups

1/5 run


– big boy crunches
– flutter kicks
– leg raises

No noise November

The importance of being intentional with your actions

Pain Train Solo

AO: offthebooks
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Wolfpack
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 60 degrees and clear skies

WARMUP: high knees, butt kicks, karaoke, arm stretches

THE THANG: AMRAP 90 seconds on 60 seconds off

Lap around park 1/5 mile
Incline Merkins
Flutter Kicks
Sit ups
Decline Merkins
Calf Raises
Lap around park 1/5 mile
Pull Ups
Hand release merkins
Hollow body holds
Lap around park 1/5 mile

MARY: stretches


COT: Looked up at the stars and contemplated our place in this vast cosmos.

[offthebooks] Pain Train Take 3 (Res Caboose Park on Bellevue)

AO: offthebooks
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Siri, 0, 0
FNGs: 1 0
CONDITIONS: 55 degrees and perfect

WARMUP: Half mile mosey and some stretching


Thang 1:
Merkin Mountain – 1 merkin, 1 burpee, 2 merkins, 1 burpee, 3 merkins, 1 burpee… continue alternating up to 10 merkins then back down to 1. 100 total Merkins and 19 Burpees

Thang 2:
15 yard down and back lunges with sidetwists x5

1/5 mile Mosey

Thang 3:
1 set Max Pull Ups
3 sets half reps of max

Two sets of:
20 LBCs in cadence
20 side to side heel taps in cadence
10 knee raise
10 second hanging hold


COT: Fantastic conversation about what it’s like to be in that unknown and off balanced space between stability and transition.

Star Wars Water Fight

8 PAX and 9 2.0s celebrated YHC’s (40) and Bumble bee’s (8) birthdays with some cardio and a Star Wars themed water fight.

AO: The Knoll (Harpeth Knoll Park, Bellevue)
CONDITIONS: started dark, but lovely
TUNES: Star Wars sound track
PAX (8 + 9 2.0s): @El Capitan, @Sooie, @AAA, @Ringo + two FNK 2.0s: @Link & @Goblin Crusher, @Squints + four 2.0s: @Bolt, @Sugar, @Bullseye, @Hiptoss, @Timber + 2.0: @Shmoltz, @Pebbles + 2.0: @Big Red, @morning star + 2.0: Bumble bee
FNKs: 2 (Link and Goblin Crusher)
QIC: YHC + Bumble bee

5:30 – Everyone welcomed, disclaimer forgotten

Mosey around the field, 40 SSH, 8 Imperial Walkers

Part 1
– Circuit ladder from 8 down to 1.
– Exercises: incline pushups, low slow squat (with hold), SSH, IW
– Mode of transportation (MOT) between stations: ground movements (bear crawl, crab walk, baby crawl with your 2.0 on your back, etc.)

Part 2
Water fight game:
– 2.0s are storm troopers with water guns, they shoot the PAX
– If a PAX gets hit with water, 10 squats
– If a PAX steps out of bounds, 1 body builder burpee

Switch to PAX shooting 2.0’s for 1 minute
Switch back to 2.0’s shooting PAX. If PAX get hit they plank.

– 40 Freddy Mercuries
– plank, then 8 mountain climbers

– count-o-roma, name-o-roma
– prayer requests … prayer + blessing of PAX by YHC

Coffeeteria followed with the dark stuff from Arkansas (I mean, Costco). Thank you @Sooie!

I grew up fast, which has caused me miss some of my childhood. I tend to be serious and thoughtful, and have trouble playing and having fun. Today, it was nice to enjoy some fun together. 2.0s bring the joy and silliness every time. Sometimes that goes high energy and needs guidance, but overall I am opening up to it and I welcoming it into my heart. It challenges me to lighten up and smile and play. It’s helping me mature as a man.

m* out!

The Knoll – Backblast 06.22.2023

Gloom: 11/10
PAX: The Banker, Ranger, Sooie, Bumblebee, Morning Star, El Capitan, Timber
QIC: Detective Pikachu
Theme: Introduction to Rugby, Bellevue Edition

Warmarama: 6 will be 1st, 1st will be 2nd run around The Loop, passing the rugby ball back to the man behind you, until it got to the 6. The 6 sprinted up and repeato. Every dropped ball = 5 merkins. Ball dropped 5 times on the Loop
At StartEx, 25 Low and Slow Squats, and PAX stretch OYO

Thang: Rugby Drills
Thang 1: Square Passing Drill
Thang 2: 3-Line Passing Drill
Thang 2.1: 3-Line with QIC as Defender
Thang 2.2: 3-Line with QIC and Bumblebee as Defenders
Thang 3: Quick primer on the Foot part of Rugby Football
Thang 4: 10 Minutes of Touch

COT: Keep the soon-to-be First Time Fathers in your prayers (and their wives, too, I guess).

Announcements: Brew Ruck on Saturday. Check slack for details. Come out for all or part of it and drink some beers with us.

Moleskin: Thanks for having me out to Nashville’s Newest AO. Y’all have a great spot with plenty of possibilities, and a fantastic AOQ in Morning Star leading the charge. It was my pleasure to work out with y’all this AM.
DP Out

Bomber 5-26-2023: Graduation

It’s been a bittersweet few weeks at YHC’s house, as my 2.0 Thomas has picked his college destination (Boiler Up!) and last Saturday graduated from high school.  As our relationship hits an important transition, YHC wanted to celebrate graduation and provide some life lessons. As an added bonus, my 2.O as well as Cub Cadet’s 2.0 Edward came out for their first F3 workouts.

PAX:  23 (to celebrate the Class of ’23?)  Chunks, Cream Cheese, Cub Cadet, Dinty Moore, Firefox, Focker, Hambone, Legal Eagle, Kat Scan, Princess Aurora, Ranch Hand, Shockdoc (FNG),  Siri, Solocup, Spinal Tap, Steampunk (FNG), Supernova, T-cell,  The Flop (FNG), Toolman, Topps (FNG), Vector (QIC), Wet Wipes 

Conditions:   60 degrees and perfect

Disclaimer given and then start the playlist:  
Pomp & Circumstance to start the day, but sometimes graduation means learning hard lessons . . . cue

Everybody Wants to Rule the World – Tears for Fears
(“Welcome to your life. There’s no turning back.”)

Everyone does SSH until the song title is sung –> 3 burpees.  Song timed at 4 minutes to reflect 4 years of high school.

Graduate – Third Eye Blind
(“Do you live the days you go through?”)
Unwritten – Natasha Bedingfield
(“Live  your life with arms wide open.”)
Life’s What You Make It – Talk Talk
(“Baby, life’s what you make it. Celebrate it. Anticipate it.”)
Don’t Stop Believin’ – Journey
(“Don’t stop believin’. Hold on to that feeling.”)
Breakaway – Kelly Clarkson
(“But take a risk, take a chance, make a change, and breakaway.”)
Wide Open Spaces – The Chicks
(“Room to make her big mistakes.”)
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) – Green Day
(“I hope you have the time of your life.”)
You Get What You Give – New Radicals
(“You’ll be okay, follow your heart.”)
Hey Look Ma, I Made It – Panic at the Disco
(“Think I must be dreamin’, wide awake and dreamin'”)
Celebration – Kool and the Gang
(“So bring your good times and your laughter too. We gonna celebrate your party with you.”)

  • Warm-o-rama:    WMH, Good mornings, LBAC x 15, RLBAC x 15, Imperial Walkers x 20
  • Thang 1:  GRADUATE

G:  Gorilla humpers x 50
R: Raises of calves x 50 (each leg)
A: American Hammers x 50 a side
D: DIPS x 50
U: Underdogs x 50
A: Air Presses x 50
T:  Tunnel of Love x 2 teams
E: Erkins x 50

  • Thang 2:  Partner UP – DORA

50 Pull-ups
150 Squats
250 LBCs

Partner runs around Rec Center

  • MARY:

Flutter kicks, Hello Dollys, Boxcutters

  • COT

Thanks, HIM for helping Cub Cadet and me celebrate Thomas and Edward and reflect on their graduation.  Those with little ones, realize their graduation day will be here much faster than you want (the days are long but the years are short). While, yes, I did make my 2.0 splash (sorry T!), later that day he said, “Dad, I think I will come out again. When I was doing it, it was no fun, but you feel so much better if you start your day that way.”  Perhaps we have a new convert? We’ll see.  Remember, we all have our graduations, big and small.  Cherish those around you and make in impact in their lives.  You all do that for me and hopefully I return the favor.



Devil’s Den – 02.15.2023 – Dropped Balls

Title: The Calm Before The Storms, or
Rugby Without Any Tackling And Plenty of Dropped Balls
PAX: Skeet, Backrow Bits, Linus, McAfee
QIC: Detective Pikachu
Gloom: Yes

Warmarama: 6 will be 1st, 1st will be 2nd over to Local Parking Lot
10 Merkins to warm our arms up

Thang: Rugby drills
We learned how to pass
We learned how to defend
We learned how to kick (sort of. QIC promises the ball will be more inflated next time)

We ran a lot

We did a lot of merkins (penalty for the ball hitting the ground)
We did some squats (after QIC’s arms got too tired)
We did more merkins (after QIC’s arms rested enough)

Moleskin: it doesn’t have to be an absolute beatdown to be a fun workout. #moresportslessburpees

DevilsDen is On the Books!

Backblast: 2/8/23

Conditions: 50ish, clear, and perfect for the kickoff

Q: Reveille

Pax: Skeet, McAfee, Linus, Coxswain, Toothless, Detective Pikachu, Rev

Disclaimer was given before a short mosey to the light post followed by Warm-O-Rama


    • x15 LBC each way
    • x15 T-Claps
    • OYO Good Mornings
    • x15 Imperial Walkers
    • x25 SSH

The Thang: F3 Lebanon 2.0

YHC decided to rehash the first Lebanon workout from a few years ago. What followed was a version of DORA:

    • Swerkins x50
    • Caroling Dry Docks x100
    • Rows x150
    • Air Squats x 200
    • Partner runs to the parking lot fence and back

Once the first round was finished, we condensed to a second round

    • Incline Merkins x 30
    • x60
    • Lt. Dans x120 (I think the most we got to was ~65)
    • Partner lunges halfway across the painground and back.

Mosey back to startex for some cool-down stretches

    • Tricep pulls
    • Cross-body arm stretch
    • Runners Stretch
    • Up Dog
    • Down Dog

COT: Appreciation was shown for Coxswain (Murfreesboro), Toothless (Nashville), and Detective Pikachu (Nashville) for making the trek to celebrate the official opening of Devils Den.

F3 2.0 workout this Saturday, Feb. 11 (details from Skeet on Slack).

Brewsday is on Monday of next week at 12 South. Open Tab that following Friday.

Misty Mountain OTB Friday mornings at Charlie Daniels park. QSource to follow.

It was an honor to lead you HIM this morning!



Westeros 11-28-2022: Double the Effort

The PAX returned from the Thanksgiving holiday full of turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie and other assorted feasts. YHC needed to think of a workout theme to start the pre-Christmas workouts appropriately.  Because sometimes you have to put in twice the work to get results, today’s workout was repeated and had an appropriately doubled playlist.

PAX:  Chunks, Crawlspace, Natural Ice, Right Said, Salpal, Siri, Spinal Tap, Supernova, Tool Man, & Vector (QIC).

Conditions:   47 degrees – practically balmy


History Repeating – Propellerheads (playlist theme clue)
Promises, Promises – Naked Eyes
Bye Bye Bye – *NSYNC
Rebel Rebel – David Bowie
Doctor Doctor – Thompson Twins
Mony Mony – Billy Idol
Money, Money, Money – ABBA
Girls, Girls, Girls – Motley Crue
Say, Say, Say – Paul McCartney & Michael Jackson
Talk Talk – Talk Talk
Louie Louie – The Kingsmen
Sugar, Sugar – The Archies

* Was pretty funny hearing the PAX try to determine the theme.  We went from my retirement announcement to I was becoming a banker to I was going to start running a strip joint . . . you’re thinking way too hard, my friends.

Disclaimer given and then mosey to the playground:

  • Warm-o-rama:   SSH x 20, LBAC x 10, RLBAC x 10, Willy Mays Hayes x 10 
  • Thang: 50 squats, 30 merkins, 10 pull-ups.  Run to front of school, do one burpee, return and start again.
  • 0551: Disclaimer #2 given
  • Warm-o-rama #2:  SSH x 20, LBAC x 10, RLBAC x 10, Willy Mays Hayes x 10 
  • Thang #2: 50 squats, 30 merkins, 10 pull-ups.  Run to front of school, do one burpee, return and start again.
  • Mary: Alabama Prom Dates x 10, Alabama Prom Dates x 10, Boxcutters x 10, Boxcutters x 10, LBCs x 10, LBCs x 10, J Los x 10, J Los x 10
  • Run back to startex and SSH x 10 and SSH x 10 for added measure.


  • Prayers for Baby Elijah and Salpal’s family; Praises for Supernova’s M (Happy birthday!)
  • Brewsday next Tuesday at 4:30p at 12 South Taproom
  • Next Open Tab: December 16th at Fat Bottom — topic TBD

Thanks, HIM.  Honor to lead you this morning.


Vector Vector

Deck of Many Tears

Backblast: 11/16/22

Conditions: Cold, dark, gloomy…perfect for the Devil’s Den

Q: Reveille

Pax: Skeet, Mcafee, Rev

Disclaimer given after a short mosey to the light post followed by a quick warmup of Windmills, LBAC, T-Claps, Imperial Walkers, and SSH.

The Thang: Deck of Many Tears:

YHC has been dying to use his official F3 card deck for a while, and this was a perfect opportunity. We cut the deck into thirds and made 3 stations. Each Pax drew a card and completed the exercise indicated with the value shown (base value + 10, face cards = 25, Ace = 100). After all Pax complete their card, rotate stations. Rotate until all 3 stations are completed then follow up with a short recovery mosey. Rinse and Repeat until 6:10.

Recovery consisted of active stretching from the bottom up until time.

COT: No major announcements made. Focusing on EH-ing men here on the Far East side. Debating on whether or not we should hit up Pop’s for coffeeteria or begin providing our own.

