Hold It – F3 Nashville 9 year Anniversary

AO: titan
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Right Said, CubCadet, EZ-Go, Michelin Man, Cowboy, Vector, PegLeg, DintyMoore, Supernova, t-cell, Betty Ford, Toothless, Salpal, Crawlspace, bluemule, princessaurora, Peg Leg, McAfee, Black Lung, Natural Ice, Freakonomics, greyalbum, Chunks, Tim the Toolman, Popper (Alpha), Truffle , Bocephus
FNGs: 1 Bocephus

Mosey to the field
In the field w/ Arms out
High Knees – 9 yards
Butt Kickers – 9 yards
Super Mario’s – 9 yards
Willy Mays Hays – 9 OYO
Good Mornings – 9 OYO

Hold It! AMRAP – as many rounds as possible
Divide up in 6 groups, about 4-6 people per group. 

There are five stations that are AMRAPs with a twist. One person in each team has to hold an exercise for as long as they can while the other 3 people are working the AMRAP. When person 1 can no longer hold the exercise, everyone completes 3 burpees. Then a new group member starts the holding exercise.

The 6th station is the time keeper, run for 6 minutes. Quickly, rotate stations at the end of 6 minute run.

Base of Steps
Station 1 – balance quadruped position (all fours with knees slightly off the ground. Good alignment required!
3 burpees at switch
1. 9 diamond merkins
2. 9 merkin to side plank
3. 9 mountain climbers (R+L=1)
4. 9 tricep dips

Facing First Bank
Station 2 – hold a decline plank, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 swings w coupon
2. 9 squats w coupon
3. 9 around the world w coupon
4. 9 OHP w coupon

Open Field
Station 3 – hold a low plank, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 big boy sit-ups
2. 9 vector ups
3. 9 freddy mercuries (R+L=1)
4. 9 American Hammers (R+L=1)

Station 4 – hollow body hold, 3 burpees at each switch
1. 9 iron mikes (R+L=1)
2. 9 Bonnie Blairs (R+L=1)
3. 9 broad jumps
4. 9 star jumps

Inside the Circle
Station 5 – hold a Coupon in a front lateral raise, 3 burpees at switch
1. 9 pogo jumps
2. 9 seated vertical jumps
3. 9 super Mario’s
4. 9 approach jumps

Station 6 – run 6 minutes
1. Run the loop and complete as many laps as possible in the time limit. Keep track of groups total laps

Rotate when runners return after 6 minutes.
keep track of the number of switches or burpees each group completes.

Scoring –
Subtract total number of burpees from total laps

MARY: No Time


COT: Thankful for the opportunity to meet together and share in the celebration of this community that is so much more than a workout group.

Titan – 03.01.23 – “1st of tha Month”

With probably another 4 years on my frame since my last visit to Titan, YHC was honored to Q at Toolman’s request and honored some musical birthdays in the process.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: . Blue Mule, Buster Bluth, Dinty Moore, Grey Album, Preacherman, Solo Cup, Stuntman (WL-BHM), Tim the Toolman, Vector


Mosey to circle overlooking Lake Watauga for COP with soundtrack provided by Bone Thugz-N-Harmony’s “1st of tha Month”

  • SSH
  • WMH
  • LBAC F
  • OH Claps
  • LBAC R
  • Good Mornings

Birthday #1: Glenn Miller

Soundtrack: “In the Mood,” “A String of Pearls,” “Chattanooga Choo Choo”

Mosey to the plaza event center where many a big band dance party has occurred. It was time to get in the M.O.O.D. with “In the Mood” and other Glenn Miller hits as our soundtrack. AMRAP the circuit below until time.

  • Merkin x 20
  • Overhead Squats x 20
  • Overhead Press x 20
  • Donkey Kicks x 10 ea leg

Birthday #2: Justin Bieber

Soundtrack: “Baby,” “Sorry,” “What Do You Need?”

Mosey to Hill of Sisyphus for 11s inspired by the Bieber’s first hit, “Baby.”

  • Little Baby Crunches at top
  • (Little Baby) Iron Mikes at bottom

Birthday #3: Roger Daltrey

Soundtrack “Won’t Get Fooled Again,” ‘My Generation”

Mosey to playground for another AMRAP circuit honoring our frontman of The Who.

  • Windshield Wipers x 5 ea side
  • Hydraulic Squats x 5
  • Overhead Pulls (a.k.a. Pull-ups) x 5

Mosey back to the Great Lawn for another Who tribute with “My Generation.” Burpee each time you hear the lyrics “my generation.” Works out to 38 in 3:19.

With the clock almost at 0615, we didn’t get to properly celebrate…

Birthday #4: Kesha

“Tik Tok” while we waited for the six and then COT, BOM


Truly a great experience and privilege to be back at Titan, and many thanks to Toolman for making the ask. As the location of Nashville’s first weekday workout and my first Q, Titan remains a special AO throughout all of its evolution over the last 8.5 years. Plus, you regulars really knocked it out of the park with the renovations!



  • My mother’s health, Pep’s job search, Vector’s 2.0’s international trip

Pleasure to lead as always!

PA out.

Titan 2-1-2023: Gods, Heroes, and Myths . . . and a Little Ice

In my 5+ years of F3, I’ve enjoyed making the journey across Sylvan Park (which today was treacherous, my friends, with ice and a cold chill . . . ) to visit Titan, the world’s only AO with a Parthenon (looking at you, F3 Athens).  But I have never Q’d at this impressive locale . . . until today!  8 HIM braved the slick roads to make themselves better, complete with a theme and (of course) a playlist befitting the AO.

PAX:  Black Lung, Chunks, Crawlspace, Kervorkian (Double Respect WL from New Bern NC), Natural Ice, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Vector (QIC) 

Conditions:   31 degrees with ice all around (but not in our hearts . . . aww)

Theme:  Ancient Mythology (Greek, Norse, whatevs — you try making a playlist that fits 40 mins on the topic . . . )

Patented Cheesy Yet Secretly Good Playlist:  

Venus – Bananarama
God of Thunder – KISS
Icarus – Bastille
Zeus – Eminem (f. White Gold)
Immigrant Song – Led Zeppelin
Way Down Hadestown – Hadestown Original Broadway Cast
Dirty Diana – Michael Jackson (I know it’s about Diana Ross, but c’mon, there’s a Roman Goddess named Diana too)
Venus – Frankie Avalon
Zero to Hero – From Disney’s Hercules
Cupid – Sam Cooke
Carve Away the Stone – Rush
Venus – Shocking Blue

Disclaimer given and then mosey to the side of the Parthenon:

  • Warm-o-rama:   WMH x 10, Good Mornings x 10, SSH x 20, LBC a 20, RLBC x 20, Squats x 20
  • Thang 1:  The Story of Sisyphus:

Famous for cheating death x 2, Sisyphus was committed by Hades to an afterlife doomed to push a large rock up a hill for eternity (as the rock would roll to the bottom just as he neared the top).

11s planned for the Parthenon steps (but rapidly changed as we noted the ice slick): Bear Crawl to top of grass/icy hill – Squats – Crawl Bear (trying to not break one’s arm/ankle/ass/etc.) to bottom – Merkins.  Somewhat amusing watching the PAX navigate the downhill — but zero broken asses!

  • Thang 2: The 12 Labors of Hercules

Mirroring the trials of early HIM Herc, we did 20 reps of 12 exercises:  Merkins, Irkins, Derkins, Squats, Jump Squats, Mountain Climbers, Star Jumps, Dips, American Hammers, Happy Crunchy Frogs, Squats again, Burpees.

  • Thang 3: Pheidippides and the Marathon.

In 490 BC, during the wars between Persia and Athens, Athenians were certain they’d lose and had sadly planned to burn their city and kill their women and children if they lost the Battle of Marathon, a burg about 40km away. Well, Athens won (“Do You Believe in Miracles!), so ole Pheidippides bolted to Athens to stop the destruction.  So, in honor of his run, we ran 3 laps on the circle (4 if you’re Black Lung) and successfully saved Nashville.

  • Thang 4: Working for that GOD BOD

20 of each:

Gorilla Humpers
Overhead Press

Overhead Press

  • Mary with Alabama Prom Dates, Boxcutters, Some Crazy Plank Thing that Chunks Made Up, Freddy Mercuries to name just a few.


  • Prayers for Chunks as he nears some big transitions at home with his mediation
  • Prayers for travelling PAX
  • Keep pushing all you LeanPaxers!
  • A lot of beer drinking planned after LP is over (but don’t lose all of your gains,  PAX!)

Thanks, HIM.  As always, I appreciate your tolerance for my crazed themes and ’twas an honor to lead you this morning.



14 for a Beautiful Titan Morning 4.7.21

4.7.21 Titan

Gloom: 60s, low gloom
Natural Ice
Cub Cadet
Body Spray
The Situation
Blue Mule
Black Lung
Pumpkin Spice
Michelin Man
Right Said

QIC: Right Said
Warm up mosey
Seal claps
Cherry pickers
Light post to light post:
High knees
Butt kickers
A skips
B skips
Hill 11s
Burpee at bottom
Squats at top
One trip up hill is by bear crawl
Dealer’s choice
Successful move to new startex next to Parthenon.


Titan – 2.10.21 – Choose your own adventure

Intent was to keep PAX guessing as to what was next

PAX: Cub Cadet (QIC), Michelin Man, Smoke Jumper, Vector (R-E-S-P-E-C-T), Defrost, Crawl Space, Ask Jeeves, Hambone, Siri, Rich Soil, Blue Mule, Crablegs, Black Lung, Natural Ice, Freakonomics

Conditions:  Cold enough for most of us to wear hats, but warm enough for Mule and Soil to wear shorts

Usual disclaimers and warm-up in front of the Parthenon.

Main Event:  Top of front steps of the Parthenon was considered home base.  One random pax would select an adventure, identified by letter A-F, with outcome unknown until selected.   Each adventure included a group run to a point elsewhere at Centennial Park, followed by one minute each of two different exercises.  The group released to sprint back to home base.  Upon arriving at home base, squat jump up steps and hold plank at top.   Sequence selected as follows:

  • Adventure F: Back of ellipse, formerly near women’s’ suffrage statue. Wide Arm PU, American Hammers
  • Adventure C: Open air theater near McDonalds. Route cut short by construction fence.  Dips, Leg raises
  • Adventure E: Play set / playground. Pull-ups, LBC
  • Adventure A (fan favorite): Hilltop monument across road vic dog park. Burpees, Alabama things
  • Near time, so skipped Adventures B and D; modified by doing squats, flutter kicks at home base.
  • Sprint back to AO

COT: no FNG.  Each PAX asked to share aloud one specific item of thanks / gratitude for today.  Prayer.  Coffee compliments of Hambone.


Cub Cadet

TITAN – February 3, 2021 – “NOT the most disappointing Titan of the football season”

Wednesday, February 3th 2021

Gloom: cold, real real cold

PAX:  Buster Bluth , MichelinMan, CubCadet, Natural Ice, Blueprint, Minus 3, RightSaid, AskJeeves, CrabLegs, D-frost, Siri, Badboy, BlackLung, Hambone

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: quick jog to the Parthenon, side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes, slownlow Merkins, lil baby arm circles, reverse lil baby arm circles etc…

Work:  Circuit training around the Parthenon:

Using the corners of the Parthenon as “baseball bases” we traveled with Hillbillys/ High knees, Emerial walkers/ butt kickers, Pumpkin Spice patented “Obamas” and Lieutenant Dans. Halfway box jumps or run the stairs. Home plate = 20 merkins, 3rd base = 20 pullups and 1st/3rd =20 seconds rest

MARY: 5seconds of situps and Burpees

COT:  good work, men!


YHC Crawlspace

Titan – 10.14.20 – “The TITANium Dozen”

12 highly-motivated PAX took the DRP and posted in Titan’s gloom for some bodacious B.O.M.B.S. this morning.

PAX: Blue Mule, BnB, Crawlspace, Dfrost, Drago, Minus 3 (FNG), Natural Ice, Reveille (Kotters), Right Said, Siri, The Situation

QIC: Cunning Linguist

Gloom Factor: Low to medium. A slight chill left something to be desired, but them’s small potatoes.

At 0529, YHC called out that One Minute Warning.

Effectively disclaimed.

YHC then led the PAX up the hill near our interim parking lot for a quick loop and then we began the Warm-O-Rama at almost exactly STARTEX.

15 x SSH
12 x LBAC
12 x rLBAC
12 x WMH
15 x SnL Squats

Next, YHC led the PAX on a mosey to near the entrance to the Parthenon where we began the Thang for today:

50 x Burpees
100 x Overhead Press
150 x Merkins
200 x Big Boy Sit-Ups
250 x Squats

PAX partnered up while Partner 1 began with Burpees and Partner 2 ran the original parking lot loop.
Rinse and repeat for the O.M.B.S.

Much fun was had by the PAX, some of whom were noticeably chatty this AM. YHC welcomes this, of course, but I wonder if B.O.M.B.S. is getting too easy for the PAX of F3 Nashville??


Upon completion, Siri gave us a 30 count and then we moseyed back to STARTEX for Mary.

10 x Flutter Kicks
10 x Hello Dolly
12 x LBCs
15 x Alabama Prom Dates
12 x Freddie Mercury

End Workout at 0615.

Y’all who continue to post at our workouts — you’re the true champions. Seriously, you all motivate me to improve myself each and every day. It’s that simple.

If you’re a reader of the Good Word, I’d encourage a quick glance at Romans 8:31-39 if you could use a pick-me-up.

-Continued thoughts and prayers were given to all of those who are suffering these days in silence and are either embarrassed or otherwise unwilling to ask for help. If you haven’t heard from a friend or family member recently, please check on them. Now is not the time to be silent, men!
-Let’s all extend a welcome the newest member of F3 Nashville, Minus 3!
-Kotters to Reveille! Welcome back, brother!
-To those interested in learning more about brewskis, BOLO for a Side Straddle Hops event in the not-too-distant future. Connect with Toothless on Slack for the deets.

This is The Artist Formerly Known as Colonel Angus, saying “Deuces!”


Titan – Sweating it out with FitDeck

Workout to pay homage to my B-school classmate (Phil Black, Navy SEAL, Yale / HBS, Firefighter, GREAT AMERICAN) who was TWICE rejected by the Sharks on Sharktank, yet invited back for third try.  His first attempt was “Fitdeck” (no, not Fitbit)- which he eventually sold for a nice penny, I’m sure.  We used Fitdeck for our workout today.

PAX (10) – Pumkin Spice, Blue Mule,  Siri, High Viz, Right Said Fred, Bad Boy, Michelin Man, Drago, Cub Cadet (QIC)…and wow I feel like I’m forgetting somebody.

Gloom – minimal. 70 and humid.  Nothing to complain about.

Warm-up: Short jog, SSH, GM, WMH, LBAC (F/B), SC, OHP, SOYO

The Thang:  Rounds of 4 cards each (Full body, upper, middle, lower), reps cary from 10-25, some for distance.  Between rounds sprint 200M, jog back, next round.  Exercise cards included: Regular Push-ups (Merkins), Bonnie Blairs, High Knees, Freddie Mercurys, Crab walk, LBC, Wide Arm Push-ups, Lunges, Staggered Arm Push-ups, Kick-backs, Squat Thrusts, Flutter kicks, Side Legs Lifts, Burpees, Negative Push-ups, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Reverse Curls

Ended up back  a COT where we gave thanks for all our blessings, including recovery of Bad Boy’s co-worker’s father.

Good times. I was smoked, not sure about the rest….CC

Titan – 03.11.20 – “Lost at home”

9 HIM posted for an old school Q in YHC’s first Titan post since the park renovation began.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Black Lung, Cowbell, Crawlspace, DFrost, Drago, Right Said, Siri, Trap House


Medium mosey to greet the ducks and COP at the circle by the lake:

  • SSH
  • WMH
  • SnL Squats
  • LBAC F/R
  • Hillbillies
  • Imperial Walkers

Hop to the circle by Lizzie the Dragon for some bear crawls in cadence with breaks at each lightpost for 10 squats. RnR x 7 posts.

Indian Run to the Hill of Sisyphus for 11’s with Hand-Release Merkins up top and Jump Squats at the bottom.

Mosey to the playground for a 3-set pull-up routine working off individual max.

Mosey back to start for 3MOM:

  • Boxcutters
  • Flutter Kicks
  • LBCs



It’s been quite some time since YHC graced Titan with his presence, but it was good to be back at one of the OG AOs. Even with the ongoing construction, there’s still so much the park has to offer, and a love affair with the hill was rekindled.


  • TAP for sick, injured, and those displaced by tornado.
  • Encouragement to be smart about COVID 19 and to keep momentum going with serving those areas damaged by the tornado.
  • Statewide convergence October 16-17. 2nd F Friday night with a workout at 0700 at Bicentennial followed by a speaker. Get it on your calendar now so we can show up big!


2.19.20 – “Climb the mountain” @ Titan

Wednesday, February 19th 2020

Gloom: cold and clear 36°

PAX:  Revielle, Defrost, Drago, BlackLung, CowBell, Ahab, TrapHouse(FNG)

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: quick jog to the Parthenon, side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes, slownlow squats, slow merkins, lil baby arm circles, reverse lil baby arm circles etc…

Work: B.O.M.B.S. up the mountain

Everyone partnered up so we had 4 teams of 2. Using the four levels of large steps leading up to the Parthenon we did four sets of (25 each level) incrementally less difficult variations of each letter of the acronym BOMBS as you moved up. One teammate worked on climbing the mountain while the other ran to the dragon and back. After each of the 4 levels (4 variations) were completed for each letter we planked and waited to move on to the next letter all together.

B is for Burpee:

1st level: 25 box jump burpee

2nd level: 25 hand release burpee

3rd level: 25 Regular burpee

4th level: 25 no merkin burpee

O is for overhead press:

1st level: 25 upside down overhead press (hand stand push up)

2nd level: 25 overhead press in al gore position

3rd level: 25 regular

4th level: 25 regular

M is for Merkin:

1st level: 25 decline merkin

2nd level: 25 diamond merkin

3rd level: 25 regular merkin

4th level: 25 incline merkins

B is for big boy sittups:

1st level: 25 American Flutters

2nd level: 25 WW1’s

3rd level: 25 Regular

4th level: 25 crunches

S is for Squat:

1st level: 25 box jump squats

2nd level: 25 jump squats

3rd level: 25 regular

4th level: 25 single leg squats (alternating)

After summiting the mountain we lined up for Mary.

MARY: hello dolly, flutter kicks, J-los, in and outs in plank position etc…

COT: We all want to continue lifting up Charlie and his family with prayers, thoughts and support, as well as loved ones travelling and recovering from injuries.

We welcomed one of my Volleyball buddies, Moe now “Traphouse” due to his research work at Vanderbilt which involves killing mice.

We closed out the workout with a brief prayer and continue to sharpen each other’s iron and move up the mountain together. Good work everyone!

Pop-a-Lock joined in for 6 at a Rev led Q source at Three brothers as well – good work, men!


YHC Crawlspace