Fastest Mule!

PAX: Lots of FNGs= Mufasa, Sachmo, Avatar, Lil Tony, Claud, Teddy, Can’t Get Right, Fallout, Bruh Bruh, Biscuit, Big Ticket and Gussy

Old Timers: Redskull, Right Said, Hambone, Brother at law, Blue Mule, Frugal McDougal, Life Champ, Toga (QIC)

Twenty, yes twenty, redwoods found some time to get better at The Stronghold.  It went something like this:

Thang: Disclaimer (yes, before we ran a step) and mosey around the complex to the road above the STEM  center for Warmup COP: usual stuff…

Lineup on road for curb crawls= bear crawl to other side of the road for 1 merkin, crawl bear back to other side for 2 merkins… up to five and back down to 1.

Mosey down hill to STEM building for 40 lunges, 30 sec wall sit, 38 lunges, 30 sec wall sit… 36, 34, 32, 30 lunges and 30 wall sit

Divide into teams of 3 for ye ol’ triple check:  P1 wall sit, P2 WW2 sit-ups, P3 run up hill and across lot and back.  All players rotate through all three exercises three times.

Mosey to basketball court for shuttle run of doom= 10 yd shuttle with increasing reps EMOM.  We started with 5, and you had to drop out and work on Mary if you didn’t complete the reps in the minute.  Blue Mule made it to 16!!!

COT:  Reminders for Warpath, Can Ruck and prayers for brothers dealing with illness.  QIC took us out.

NMM:  The PAX was excited to welcome the new 4:13 class, and they got after it.  Lil Tony decided he wouldn’t be held back by the Q’s mosey pace, and took off.  Several of the PAX were right there on the Shuttle Run of Doom up till the 15 rep mark.  Someone is going to overtake Blue Mule’s 16 rep record real soon!

Re the lunges and wall sits, YHC is sure there are some sore glutes out there today.  You’re welcome!

Stay Classy,


4:13 Strong: Sinestro Had to Take Off His Jacket

It was hot this morning.  Yet there was Sinestro rocking a full sweat suit.  Hoodie.  Pants.  The works.  What a guy.  Here is what happened.

PAX: Porcelain, CAPSLOCK, Hot n’ Ready (incredible name), Venom, Sinestro, Night Crawler, Red Skull, Wolverine, Killmonger, Floppy D, Donuts/Dmish, CCR (CoQ), Brother-at-Law (CoQ).


CCR kicked us off with a mosey to the LF foul pole.  Killmonger took off like a bat out of hell.  After the workout Red Skull informed us that Killmonger was determined to kick ass this week after what he felt was a poor showing last week, thus the fast start.  We’ll get to how that turned out.

SSH (x20), GMs (x10), WMH (x10), LBAC (x12?), Reverse LBAC (x12), Overhead claps (x12), NAVY SEAL claps (x12).

Four corner workout.  Each station has 4 sets of 13 reps of the following:

1. Merkin variations

Broad jump to behind home plate

2. Squat jumps.  Sinestro led us by counting.  Killmonger faded after the third set and had splashed merlot by the time we lunged our way to the RF foul pole.  “Steve, that pork is coming up on me.”  I assume they all had pork for dinner last night.

3. Carolina Dry Docks.  Sinestro ditched the hoodie here.  Wise.

Backwards run to Center field.

4. Burpees.  People were struggling at this point, but everybody perservered.

Slowsey to LF foul pole, gather up, then Brother-at-law tags in for a slowsey to the basketball court.  We picked Killmonger back up in the parking lot.  He jumped right back in like a champ.  Love it.

11’s on the basketball court with jump lunges at one end broad jump to wide grip merkins, then jog back to jump lunges.  Many were hurting during this, but everybody kept at it.  Great attitude across the whole group this morning.

Everybody was pretty gassed so we slow rolled into Mary with some GMs and WMHs, then a bunch of Happy Jacks IC.

Mary was a simple flutter kick x20 IC and high plank shoulder taps x20.  Wrap it up with 10 GMs.

Porcelain delivered an excellent announcement to the group about taking responsibility for your own actions.  Porcelain will have the Q next week and will be splitting it with Wolverine, who asked to Q for the first time.  Awesome initiative shown on his part.  Let’s try to get as many guys out to support them.  Sinestro and Venom both offered up prayers that they keep on the right path and keep looking forward.  Killmonger and Red Skull discussed how to deal with negative thoughts towards others.  A great final five minutes and COT.

Unfortunately Shaq left 4:13 Strong on Sunday night.  Let’s pray for him and all the others that are sticking with it.
