EMOM @ The Stronghold 27 July 2019

Temp: 73
Gloom Factor: Wet and Steamy

PAX: Boo, Paco, Lockbox, Stretch, Juice, T Rex, Big Country, Puddles, Notes, Right Said, Crawl Space, Life Champ, Hot Route, Hot n Ready, Red Skull, Porcelain, Brother @ Law, Toga, Change Order, Bagger Vance

0530:30 Disclaimer

Mosey to the tennis courts, yes, there used to be tennis courts at Stronghold and circle up for

SSH x 13 IC
Squats x 13 IC
Supermans x 13 IC
Scorpions x 13 IC
Iron Crosses x 13 IC



EMOM x 15’
5 Rows
10 Merkins
15 Squats

Break off into 1s and 2s for Indian Run to block pile. 1s go in front of STEM building to block pile, 2s go around back. Classic pincer mover from WWII.


EMOM x 15’
5 Block Swings
10 Block Thrusters
15 Low Merkin Plank Jax

Mary Up:
LBCs x 13 IC
5 Block Merkins
Flutter Kix x 13 IC
5 Block Merkins
Ola Dollies x 13 IC
5 Block Merkins
Flutter Kix


That was a real smoker. Literally, dudes had steam coming off them during and after the workout. Always a good sign, that and Lockbox retching off in the corner. Much better attitudes and better effort this week than last. Well done yall. YHC gave some unsolicited advice on those two things you can control, Attitude and Effort at the end…it was free advice but likely pretty good nonetheless. T Claps to T Rex for owning his bad attitude and lackluster effort last week as well as at Detention on Monday.

BH: Continue to pray for the wives of our brothers that are struggling with health issues.
Pray for Dupree’s church as they recover from an arsonist attack earlier this week.
Pray for the men at 413 as they interview and for signing day on 2 July.

BV, Out

6 June 1944

Temp : 72 and Muggy

Gloom Factor : Nil

PAX: Paco, Puddles, Lockbox, T Rex, Stretch, Boo, Juice, Big Country, BnB, Bad Boy, Reveille, Red Skull, Hot Route, Bagger Vance

QIC: Bagger Vance

Mosey to STEM lot for WOR:
Squats X 13 IC
Merkins x 13 IC

6 – 6 – 19 – 44
Run 400 M

6 Burpees
6 8 Ct Body Builders
19 Squats
44 Flutter Kicks IC
Run 400M

6 Burpees
6 Man Makers
19 SGL LEG Lunges
44 Hello Dollies IC
Run 400M

6 Burpees
6 8 Ct Body Builders
19 Jump Squats
44 Dragon Flags/Heels to Heaven
Run 400M

6 Burpees
6 8 Ct Body Builders
19 SGL LEG Side Lunges
44 Superman Plank IC
Run 400M

At this point Boo and Lockbox were jawing pretty obnoxiously about who was fastest.
We stopped on the run back on the back sidewalk to pair off and sprint to a pole at some 200M away. While the rest of us had some good natures fun YHC left Juice back to fire the starting gun and see who was faster Boo or Lockbox. While Boo claims a KY Derby like foul on Lockbox, the record shows that Lockbox took race one. (By the way, Juice smoked them like a 4 alarm fire, dude is quick.)

Slowsey back to startex where we had time for some plank for the 6 and 20 Flutter Kix IC.


Today we honored the brave souls who fought for our freedom and that of the world at Normandy 75 years ago. Most of the guys in that circle of trust would have been on the front lines had they been around 75 years ago. It’s pretty amazing when you’re around the 18-25 year old set how courageous our grandfathers & great grandfathers were in the face of the Axis of Evil. Thank yall now and forevermore.

First Friday Lunch tomorrow. Location : TBD.
Prayers up – Offshore and fam are fostering a child beginning any day now.
Ludwig, Penny Loafers and Dupree’s Ms and their roads to recovery.
Stretch’s granddad Ed.
All those traveling.
June 21 Leader’s lunch Q’d by Vector. Hit me up for details.



Down & Back & Down & Back Again & Again & Again…

PAX:  22 of Nashville’s finest looking men got up early and pushed their baseline a little higher today.  From 4:13 strong we had: Paco, Puddle, Boo, T-Rex, Juice, Lockbox, Notes, Big Country, & Stretch.  Rounding out the PAX today we had Baggervance, Brother-At-Law, Foxtrottalksalot, Toga, Caps Lock, Red Skull, Hot-and-Ready, Hot Route, Porcelain, Casual Friday, FNG – Soccer Mom. I’m missing someone so tell me if I left you out.

QIC: TheJeweler

Gloom Factor: I’d have gone on an early morning picnic.

Disclaimer: The disclaimer was given and emphasis was put on not being sued.

Warm Up: 400m trot around the building from the parking lot back to the B-Ball courts.  Circle up.

20 SSH, 10 GM, 10 WMH, 10 FBAC, 10 BBAC, 10 Air Presses, 10 Hillbillies, 10 Imperial Walkers.  Sprint drills across the courts: High Knees, Butt Kicks, A-Skip, & B-Skip.  Short jog over to the power pole near the court to start the thang.

The Thang: You’ve heard of it, maybe you’ve even seen it, and if you’re really lucky, you’ve done it before… that’s right gents, it’s TABATTA time. 4 Rounds!

One 4min song equals 1 round.  Each song is broken up into 20s intervals with 10s recovery.   One round looks like this:

Sprint 20 sec, 10 sec rest, 20 sec SSH, 10 sec rest, Sprint 20 sec, 10 sec rest, 20 sec Merkins, 10 sec rest, sprint 20 sec, 10 sec rest, 20 sec LBC, 10 sec rest, sprint 20 sec, 10 sec rest, 10 sec lunges.  That’s one round.  We did 4 straight through.  The boys were feeling it, especially those that took off on the first sprint!

During the tabatta  ~20 people didn’t recover correctly.  That equals 100 additional penalty merkins to reinforce the correct way to recover.  Q said that we would take care of this later.

Mosey over to the concrete block pile and pax grabbed 11 blocks and moseyed to the basketball court.  Count off 1s & 2s.  Ones on one side, 2s on the far side of the court.  Partner up with the man directly across from you.

Concrete block relay races.  1s with the blocks sprinted across the court carrying the block and passed off to their partner who sprinted back to the other side.

Penalty merkins… were renamed to Recovery Merkins (I think it has a nicer ring, maybe we call them reinforcement merkins b/c it’s not about penalizing someone for doing something wrong, we want to grow and do things better in the future).  PAX did 10 in cadence.

We did ~10 (maybe more) relay races and 10 sets of recovery merkins in between each race for a total of 100 merkins.  2 sets were windshield wiper merkins, and one set were dolphin merkins.  We did have one PAX go green face and make use of the grass to the side of the court.  Not gonna lie, the PAX was music to my ears as they counted out those last ten Merkins in cadence.  This strong group of men was loud and clear as we tried to wake up the neighborhood!

MARY:  We circled up on the court, 10 WW1s hold the last one at 45 degrees.  20 American Hammers. 50 SSH. TIME!

Announcements & Prayer Request: I’m gonna forget some but continue praying for Ludwig’s wife’s recovery, Steven’s (aka Boo if my memory is correct) grandmother is in the hospital, some of the 4:13 boys are back on the street as well and we just pray that God reaches down and affects their life in the right way in the coming weeks.  The boys set the baseline a little higher today… we will always have tough situations, and curve balls thrown our way, but if we keep working hard, and pushing ourselves in all aspects of life, that baseline of what we can face keeps going higher and I believe that’s how we become leaders by example and men of virtue.

It was an honor to be out there with you F3 Men of Nashville, and an humbling to lead the 4:13 group today.

YHC TheJeweler

The Girls at 413

Beautiful morning at The Stronghold this am with the HIM of F3 Nashville and the HIM in training of 413 Strong.  There was a bit of sadness hanging in the air as we found out that since our last post 4 of the 413ers had made the easy decision and left the program.  That’s how life goes sometimes.

Temp: 68
Gloom Factor: Nil

Play Station, Khakis, Black Widow, Sir Topham Hat, D’Mish, Hot Route, Danosaur,  CAPSLOCK, Reveille, Paw Patrol, Legally Blonde, Red Skull, Mitch, Jersey Money, Big Cat (F3 Chapel Hill), Dubs, Toga, Shaq, Lil Jon, Baby, Bagger Vance


Grab some Coupons and return to the circle for Disclaimer.  Oops, someone wasn’t listening…Burpees while we wait.

Mosey to the STEM Building lot with Coupons passing them between partners who held them in various positions…Regular, Hallelujah, Middle School Prom.

Fall out for WOR:

SSH x 13 IC, WMH, x 13 IC, IW x 13 IC, HB x 13 IC



To the rails for Fran

21, 15, 9 Pull Ups (Rows) and Thrusters.

Had to sub out for Merkins not Rows R1 due to poor recon from the Q.  Good news is we found some other railing options by the cafeteria where we continued R2& R3.

One girl, Fran, down and two more to go…


Barbara 5 Rounds

20 Pull Ups (Rows)

30 Merkins

40 LBCs

50 Squats

Rest 3 Minutes…except we ran and planked for the 6 for our rest.

All in, good mosey back to StartEx for our third and final sweetheart of the day…

Mary –

Flutter Kix x 13 IC

4 Merkins

Ola Binary x 13 IC

4 Merkins

FKix x 13 IC

4 Merkins

Ola Binary x 13 IC

4 Merkins

Hold Plank final :30


NMM: Well done this AM men.  Shaq, that one was for you…Red Skull I am sorry for NOTHING.

Today marks a rap on our Third class or is it Fourth with 413? Regardless, it was a lot of fun.  Praying for each of you to go do great things and live out the role only YOU can play in God’s Larger Story.


The Buffalo stampedes tomorrow at Shelby Park Community Center 0530.

The Gauntlet on Saturday 0500 Nolensville HS.

Memorial Day “Embrace the Suck” CSAUP is only 25 Days away.  Get ready for the Mayhem…

0500 Murph


0700 5 Mile Speed Ruck


Bagger Vance

Shaq Time!

PAX: Hot Route, Hot n Ready, Bagger Vance, Hambone, Red Skull, Pop a Lock, Khakis, Brother-at-Law, CCR, Big Stick, Fox Trot Talks a Lot, Tool Time, Toga (Q2), Danasaur, B&B, Baby, Febreeze, Legally Blonde, Play Station, Sir Topham Hat, Paw Patrol, Lil’ Jon, Dubs,  3 Stacks, Shaq (Q1), Mitch, Dreads, Big Lank

30 redwoods posted for block therapy at The Stronghold.  Here’s how it went down:

Quick disclaimer then mosey to South field and commence warmarama= high knees, side shuffles, SSH, merkins, burpees, arm circles

Mosey back to cinder block pile, each pair grabs one block then mosey to basketball court for Blockfest Stronghold Edition= 1: toe-to-toe w partner for situps while passing block, 2: P1 lunges w block while P2 SHH repeato x2, 3: P1 lunges w block while P2 mtn climber x2, 4: P1 and P2 side shuffle while doing chest passes w block, 5: P1 set of 10 block presses while P2 high knees switch and repeato x3, 6: P1 set of 10 squats while P2 mtn climber switch x3, 7: P1 behind the head tricep extensions P2 bear crawls switch x3, 8: P1 block swings while P2 backwards run then sprint back switch x3

Circle up for Mary: burpees in cadence, flutter kicks, leg raises, bicycles

Announcements: See CSAUP channel for special Memorial Day option, See 3rd F channel for Dupree’s leadership lunch, and the East folks are doing the last soft launch at Shelby Park this week.

NMM:  YHC has been looking forward to leading a workout with Shaq since week one.  He did not disappoint with several instances of calling out burpees (1 in cadence) and several block exercies that YHC hadn’t even thought of.  Someone must have done some preparation, and that’s a great sign of taking ownership and shouldering the responsibility of leadership.  Keep it up!

Stay Classy,


PS: I’m missing a few names on the PAX list, so feel free to sound off.

Shaq Sings Bowie – The Stronghold 04.04.2019

28 beauts turned out to celebrate an absolutely perfect spring morning for working out.  50 degrees and dry.  These are my favorite conditions.

PAX: Baby, Febreeze, Legally Blonde, Play Station, Sir Topham Hat, Paw Patrol, Lil’ Jon, Dubs,  3 Stacks, Shaq, Mitch, Dreads, Big Lank, CCR, Red Skull, Porcelain, Toga, Floppy D, Pop a Lock, Hot N Ready, Khakis, Bagger Vance, Black Widow, Danosaur (FNG), B & B, Rev, Hot Route, Brother at Law (QIC).

WOR: Run about 47 feet around the cul-de-sac before circling up for some stretching.  SSH x40, GM x10, WMH x10, Lunging LBAC x10, Reverse LLBAC x10, some high plank, slow and low merks x20.

THANG: Name of the game today was constant movement and getting back to relieve your partner.  Count off 1’s and 2’s (I believe we successfully had 4:13 guys paired off with non-4:13 guys).  We never ran far, but it all added up.

Mosey to the big hill.  P1 does work for time at top of the hill.    P2 runs to bottom of hill, then runs back up and tags P1 out.  No sets, no reps, just work on called out exercise until Q calls out something different.  Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat, ad nauseum (literally for Lil’ Jon).

Exercises at the top (rough minutes done in parentheses): Burpees (5); squats (4); American hammers (3); Carolina dry docks (4); LBCs (3); alternating shoulder taps (3).

Mosey to basketball court. With your partner, line up on the long sideline.  Same idea, but running suicides this time.  Exercises at top: Burpees 43); squats (3); Carolina dry docks (3).

Mary: Some high plank, some Alabama Prom Dates, some American Hammers, some flutter kicks, more high plank, GMs x10 to send us home.


It was a true honor to lead today.  As I shared, Q and Play from the previous 4:13 class kept coming out after their 4:13 class ended but before their jobs started, which was just awesome to see (props to BV for picking them up for these posts).  They got run into the ground one day at Titan and said I had to pass on a similar beating to this class.  Challenge accepted.  But this class absolutely stepped up today.  Very little complaining, walking, or loafing.  There was some, sure, but that’s expected.  All in all, I was just really impressed with the guys today and the non-4:13 partners that offered constant encouragement and positive modeling.  Just one of those days out there that lifts your spirits.

Sorry to Lil’ Jon, who either splashed merlot or dry heaved merlot at the end.  And props to Paw Patrol who, at the end, requested I never Q at 4:13 again.  That won’t work.

Named FNG Dan Alexander Danosaur.  For sure one of the longest, most impressive, and well-rehearsed resumes we’ve ever heard for a namorama.  For those that aren’t familiar with Nebraska football, I texted my die-hard Husker fan friend afterwards telling him I worked out with Dan Alexander today.  Within literal seconds, he texted me an 80-yard touchdown run against Colorado in 1999: “My favorite Dan Alexander play.  Always carried the ball high and tight.”  Husker fans are amazing.

Pop-a-Lock and (I believe) 3 Stacks on Q next Thursday.  Love it.

First Friday lunch this Friday, April 5, 2019 at The Cookery on 12th.  Forgot to announce that, but fortunately everybody reads the Blackblasts and will see it here.

4:13 Annual Banquet on 4/11.  Contact Red Skull or T-Cell for information.  Join us!

28 March 2019 413 Strong Class 017 Launch The Weight v Wait Q

Temp: 50
Gloom Factor: Nil

PAX: Baby, Fabreeze, Legally Blonde, Play Station, Sir Topham Hat, Paw Patrol, Lil Jon, Dub, Lank,  3 Stacks, Shak, Mitch, Dreads, Brother at Law, CCR, Red Skull, Porcelain, Princess Aurora, Toga, Bad Boy, Pop a Lock, Hot N Ready, Khakis (FNG), Bagger Vance

YHC rolled in around 0500 to do some Pre Yoga and such and noticed Red Skull frantically getting the mud ready.  Apparently, the auto start hadn’t been affected by the time change yet and needed some attention.  The 413 guys slowly started making there way out to the smoking lounge, er picnic tables as YHC, Porcelain et al regaled them with tales of pain.

0530 Time to Circle up for Disclaimer and the beginning to what would be a Primer on the Weight v Wait homonym of a Q.

As we circled up YHC called out 8 Count Body Builders to start so the explanation of the W v. W concept could be laid out.  Twist was that the “wait” on the 8 Count Body Builders was at #3, the down portion of the Merkin.  That got pretty old, pretty quick and the weight of our bodies soon set in.  Nevertheless, we pushed through to 13, grabbed both shovel flags and headed out.

Partner Up one F3er w one 413er and we’re off.  Mosey’d it about .20 miles out from the StartEx and circled up across from the STEM graffiti wall for


SSH x 13, Imperial Walkers x 13, Hillbillies x 13, Squats x 13 (proper from was shown and expected), Merkins x 13 (see Squats) all IC


Dirty McDuece w a twist…we did some stuff IC

Run .25 M from WOR to Plant Shovel Flag II.  Circle up for the following:

Merkins SGL Count x 12

Squats SGL Count x 12

Supine Thrusters x 12

Run as a group back to SF I

Carolina Dry Docks x 12

Squat Jumps x 12

Flutter Kicks x 12 IC

Run as a group to SF II

Burpees SGL Count x 12

Lunges DBL Count x 12

Beast R/L x 12 IC

Run as a group back to SF I

Alternating Shoulder Taps x 12 IC

Apollo Ono x 12

Ola Binary x 12 IC (if at all possible, make awkward eye contact)

PAX break off in to two groups for a Partner IR…YHC wasn’t clear on the turning point so Bad Boy’s group went for a bit longer IR…that was ok because YHCs group got to work on their Plank Progression.

We had just enough time at the end for a Primer on the MARSOC Short Card…found a way to get the military in this one after all.

RI 30 Merkins, 30 LBCs, 10 Burpees, 10 Chain Breakers IC

RII 30 Merkins, 30 Flutter Kix IC, 10 Burpees, 10 Cherry Pickers


NMM: YHC must admit, that wasn’t as much of a Woggler as YHC had intended but it probably was a good intro into F3 for the 413 guys.  I really love the Weight v Wait idea and think it works well not just when we are with the 413 guys but in our everyday.  Paul talks about it in his second letter to the Corinthians, as the “seen v the unseen”.  Anyway, great work this AM and YHC looks forward to many more bruisers at The Stronghold with the HIM in training.

BH: 12th Man lunch tomorrow.  $20 at Richland CC.  We are in a different room tomorrow so just be sure to have Situational Awareness.

East Side looking to get an AO up and running.  Hit up Bro @ Law for details but be aware, it is still early in the gestation period.

Three more days for IronClad Double Glove edition, if you are like YHC probably a good time to start tallying your posts and such.




14 February 2019 Where’s the Love?

Temp: 45
Gloom Factor: Moderate

PAX: Donkey, Red Skull, Water Boy, Radio, Life Champ, Mater, Turbo, Kid, Luigi, CAPSLOCK, Frozen, Scar, Styles, Timón, Black Widow, Rabbit, Pop A Lock, Hot Route, Play, Bagger Vance

QsIC: Play, BV

0530:23 Disclaimer

Mosey to Upper Lot for WOR:

All IC X 13

Mosey around STEAM building to back hill for the

THANG: courtesy of Play

Monster Merkins at bottom of hill
Bear crawl to top
On the evens Squats Jax
On the odds 2 count jump lunges

Grab some Wall for the 6 … We all Mosey’d back to the bottom to help Donkey finish his MMs

Back to the Wall for some Supermans

All in…Mosey back to StartEx. Play swept the 6 and we had time for a MARSOC #Primer

30 Merkins
30 Grisham Squats
30 LBCs
10 Burpees
10 Windmills
30 Merkins
30 Prisoner Squats
30 Flutter Kix
10 Burpees
10 Cherry Pickers
30 Merkins
30 Detainee Squats
30 Flutter Kix
10 Burpees


NMM: Nice work from Play, way to take charge and crush your VQ.
All PAX incl YHC were smoked on our last set of Franklins er Burpees.
BH: Step up to Q
YHC on March Leadership lunch

Play and BV, Out

31 January Bert

Gloom Factor: High
Temp: Actual 18…Feels like 81
PAX: CAPSLOCK, PopALock, Life Champ, Luigi, Slim, BrotherAtLaw, Styles, Water Boy, Kid, Black Widow, Frozen, Tímon, Scar, Hot Route, Radio, Lock Box, CCR, Turbo, Toga, Mater, Rabbit, Red Skull, B Durham, Bagger Vance

0529:45 Disclaimer
0530 PAX pair off in 2s

Mosey to West Parking Lot (as far as J am concerned it is the WPL, not really sure though)

Circle Up for WOR:
High Knees x 13 IC
Butt Kickers x 13 IC
Imperial Walkers x 13 IC
Hillbillies x 13 IC
Side Straddle Hops x 13 IC

Quick Explanation of “Bert”


50 Royal H Burpees
400 M run
100 Merkins
400 M run
150 Lunges
400 M run
200 Squats
400 M run
150 Lunges
400 M run
100 Merkins
400 M Run
50 Burpees

Sweep the 6 & help them finish their sets


To the Wall:
Johnny Bench w IT band/pyroformis stretch 10 x IC R/L
1/2 Balls to the wall 10 x IC
1/2 BTTW peter parkers R/L 10 x IC

Form up two lines
Indian Run back to circle

Plank for the 6 –


Flutter Kix x 40 IC
5 Merkins OTO
Hola Binaries x 20 IC
7 Merkins OYO
Bridge Thruster Rt Side x 10 IC
Bridge Thruster Lt Side x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC
Merkins x 11 OYO
Beast RT x 10 IC
Beast LT x 10 IC
Merkins x 13 OYO


NMM: Nice work this am Men. Pleasure to be with yall. So, as I Q, I have been trying to do several things 1) doing partner or group work 2) honoring a fallen HERO by way of a HERO WOD.

The reason for the former is that I have come to believe that while life can be lived as a SINGLETON, that isn’t God’s design. In Genesis we are told that God saw Man was alone, it was not good for Man to be alone so He made Woman…Ezer Kenegdo…a helper suitable. In the Gospels, Jesus sends out his disciples in pairs.

The reason for the latter, it has been on my heart the last several years that We owe so much to the brave men and women in the Armed Forces here in the States as well as around the world for their selfless defense of our Freedom. Regardless of your political leanings or stance on War, we need Brave men and women sacrificing their lives for our protection.

Red Skull, per your question, Rabbit was my third Merlot Splash in Nashville. I don’t count Third Person’s multiple, almost on demand Splashes. When we launched Memphis in August of ‘17 there was so much Splashing you would have thought they were launching an Ayahuasca commune.

Authentic Manhood Study w Red Skull tomorrow AM 0745-0900
First Friday Lunch tomorrow at Cookery 1130-?
FNG Friday next Friday

Bagger Vance

Anyone Pack a Sponge?

PAX: Play, Rabbit, Water Boy, Scar, Luigi, Slim, Timon, Kid, Frozen, Simba, Turbo, Radio, Donkey, Lightning, Styles, Mater, Too Tall, Bagger Vance, Right Said, Crawlspace, Caps Lock, Brother At Law, Life Champ, Red Skull, Pop a Lock, Toga (QIC), Porcelain, Right Said, Crablegs

29 strong posted at the 4:13 site for some fun in the sun.  Spirits were high as we joined a new class at the Stronghold, and here’s how it went down:

Disclaimer then mosey around the complex and back to the field near Foster Ave.  Warm-up COP including SSH, Imperial Walkers, Cherry Pickers, Hillbillies, Merkins, Scorpion Stretch (crowd pleaser).

Mosey to office building near the entrance for triple check.  Teams of three executing three exercises and rotating through all of them three times.  Round 1= People’s Chair, WWII, backwards run.  Round 2= plank walks on the wall, flutter kicks, and forward run.

Mosey up to the main road and begin curb crawls.  Round 1 = bear crawls and crawl bears with ascending merkins to 7.  Round 2= crab walks with ascending dips to 5.

Mosey to basketball court for Mary= 10-15 reps of core work, flip over for a quick 5 merkins then hold the plank.  Repeato for flutter kicks, WWII, APD, single leg APDs, squat thrust interlude, then finish with bicycles.

COT with Bagger taking us out

Announcement: See Red Skull’s invite for a new Bible study on the struggle to be Authentic Men.  Date and Time: Friday mornings, 7:15am – 8:45am, 1/25 – 2/22
Location: Flavor Catering (downtown Nashville), 618 Ewing Avenue near the Rescue Mission. Parking is available beside the building and on the street.

NMM:  The PAX may have worked hard, but YHC has never heard so much grumbling about getting wet.  Most of us shower, and YHC assumes everyone can swim, so how was this different?  As my son explained this morning when arguing over packing a rain jacket for school, “you don’t need one if you run fast enough.”  Word!

This is another great group of young men embarking on a new challenge, and it was awesome to see so many F3 faces out there on such a fine morning.  Strong Work- FEBA!

Stay Classy,
