Ski Prep @ The Forge 3/2/19

17 PAX consisted of Altidore, Stats, 3rd Degree, Kermit, Ragdoll, Sterno, Typo+, Best Balls, Little Miss Piggy, Cheese Whiz, Show Me, Numbtucks, Staples, Creeper, Nimbus1075, Old Hickory, & Tebow (QiC).

3rd Degree led a solo pre-party of Bearway to Heaven (I wasn’t there, so I cannot confirm whether it was Led Zeppelin or a Led Zeppelin cover band version of Stairway to Heaven) before Stats joined in mid-way.

We got warmed up with a quick jog/shuffle/politician into SSH, BACs, pause merkins, GMs, pause squats, calf/lunge stretch, more squats, burpees, skaters, and a quick demo of Hillary* merkins
(*hand release clap = HRC = Hillary Rodham Clinton = Hillary)

Props to the banged up Numbtucks for hanging out and doing some pilates/PT in the parking lot while we did our thing. We covered some NHS/Summerlyn real estate; It went like this:

– Parking Lot Tabata: (skaters, tuck jumps) x 2, (AHs, MCs) x 2
– Indian (aka upside down kingdom) Trail Run w/ speed bumps: 10 Hillary merks + 15 jump squats at each bump
– 10 burpees + 10 lungees then, w/ partner,
– 3 min AMRAP of lateral hop x 20 over partner in plank, switch
– Soccer Field Leg Circuit: 4 iron mikes, 4 jump squats, 4 broad jumps (advance the width of the field)
– Playground 3 min AMRAP w/ partner: (T2b + pull up) x 5 (scale: 10 underdoggies) while partner does Al Gore, switch
– Copenhagens x 30
– Soccer Field Leg Circuit (half of field width)
– reunite with Numbtucks for a final Parking Lot Tabata: wide merks, V-ups, diamond merks, AHs, merks, V-ups, MCs, tuck jumps

Finally, some flutter kicks with the remaining seconds finished up our hour.

Post-Party action was a politically inspired “Democratic Convention” of 5-1 Hillarys, w/ 30 yd politicians in between.

Great work by everyone. One confession – I skipped over more planned burpees due to what seemed like merlot from Cheese Whiz mid workout. After the workout he claimed it was phlegm. Not sure if I believe him, but assuming he’s not lying, I then kinda felt like the way you feel when you leave a birdie putt short…what could’ve been…Sorry, guys. We’ll make up for the lost burpees next time. A fired up Show me coined a new name for Indian Run – Upside Down Kingdom run – in a way that only Show Me can. Good work, Show Me.

Let this date, 3/2/19, be known as the day that E&B finally opened after weeks, months, years of anticipation. Look out 2nd F

!CONVERGENCE! with F3Franklin !THIS SATURDAY!, 3/9/19, 0600-0730 @ Pinkerton Park. Let’s show up strong and have some fun with our brethren down in Franklin. Word is they’re a little rough around the edges, and they may not shower and brush as often  as is standard, but they’re good people, too. See y’all at Broken Wheel,



Tag-Team Takedown @ TheForge

11 PAX in Attendance:  Sterno, Typo+, Nimbus 1500, Kermit, MuRSA, Altidore, Stats, Barney Fievel, Gaylord Focker, Creeper & 3D (co-Qs)

I couldn’t convince Typo+ to join me sitting in his warm, dry, running car @ 5:45 for a pre-party with YHC doing 10 Slurpees (Sloppy, wet burpees) on the minute for 10 minutes, so I did them solo in his sideview mirror and Creeper in classic Creeper-fashion joined at about round 4 and completed the party. Much better than a solo post. Thanks Bruthurrrrr!

BG Music provided by Rush, Queen and Ozzy on my jambox under the dry hatchback of my car. Good times. Barney got in a round or two also.

6am, let’s do this!

HulkMania took over to warm us up and take the first 1/2 of the Q.


  • Jog around parking lot x 1 (then circle up)
  • SSH IC x 20
  • LBACs Forward IC x 20
  • LBACs Reverse IC x 20
  • GM OYO

The Thang(s) 

Tag-Team Routine: Mosey to the parking lot and partner-up for bear-crawl 3 parking spaces, 10 tag-team merkins, crawl-bear back. Then lunge walk, 10 Bro-burpees (high-ten at jump) lunge-walk back. R&R x 3.

Then mosey to the Middle-school for…

Battle Royale!

We split into 4 groups in 4 corners. 7:14:21:28 reps of Burpees, IC 4 count flutter-kicks, Merkins and then squats at the different corners in respective rep numbers. Complete reps and progress as teams. Different MOTs included lunge-walk, duck-walk, bear-crawl, huffy-bike, etc. Then go back down from 28:7.

That was 1/2 of the match then Creeper tagged me and Q was passed to 3D as the Ultimate Warrior:

YHC had noticed while huffy-biking around the lot that there was an unlocked section of fence and drainage overflow aka pond right next door…

Cage Match:

Pax were led to the cage and told to lunge walk through the pond to the other side. Water was up to our knees and ice-cold. Super-fun. Altidore was having so much fun that he dove into the water and came up spluttering a few extra Fs and was so excited and thankful for Q’s leadership that he wanted to tackle someone. At the other end we grabbed the cage on our 6s and did 25 IC 4 count toes to cage.


We couldn’t let Altidore have all the fun so Pax were led to bear-crawl the pond. Sterno was in his element: 

Then there was a flash-sale of hill crawl-bears. So we did x 4. Buy 3 get 1 free.

Mosey back toward parking lot but speed-bump of Bus Burpees. 5 Burpees on one end of the bus, squatting side step or karaoke to other side for 5 WWIs. R&R for 15 total of each exercise.

Mosey to the tennis courts and grab some bench for DADsDips, Angle-Grinders, Derkins and Supermen. We did sets of 3:6:9.

Then we went to the parking lot and did 5 AYG sprints pole to pole.

Lastly, since it’s kinda my thing, we went to ford the creek and… Bear crawl and Crawl-Bear the short bridge



  • 3rd F opportunity: boobooNumbTucks plans to host a fire-side 3rd F soon. Deets to come.
  • 2nd F opportunity: Daddy-daughter dance this evening. 3D, Typo and Kermit will join forces with some F3Franklin Dads and their 2.0s for some fellowship and dancing. Looking forward to it!

Bullhorn/What we Learned

  • Glad to hear good news about Altidore’s M and their upcoming 2.2.
  • Keep Typo’s Mom’s recovery, Gaylord’s upcoming Grad-school, AuntBea and YHC with newborn’s at home and as always, SoccerMom in Uganda.
  • Put March 9 on your calendar for convergence with F3Franklin Planned for 6-7:30 at Pinkerton Park. Clown Cars Assemble! 2 weeks away! TheForge will be closed.
  • Thanks to MuRSA for the tunes today.
  • Kermit, Barney and Tebow on deck for leading us in 1stF this next week. Come get some!
  • I’m proud of and thankful for you all taking on uncomfortable challenges and throwing down alongside me.

3D, out!

Thangs Ladies Love at The Forge

It’s two days post Valentine’s Day and the F3 men of Nolensville gathered at The Forge for an after-VDay support group to learn a little something about romance and the things ladies love.

3rd Degree with an intimate preparty: Numbtucks & 3rd Degree went out for a pre-date doing 10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes. Precious.

PAX: Tebow, Sterno, Typo+, Show Me, NimbusFifteenHundredSyllables, Barney Fievel, Netflix, Aunt Bea on a scooter, Stats, 3rd Degree, MURSA, Dr. Little Miss Piggy, TV Guide, Old Hickory, Kermit, CheezWhiz, Numbtucks, and RagDoll (QiC).


  • 10 Side Straddle Hops
  • Toy Soldiers (high leg kicks) on your own
  • Butt Kicks on your own

Thang 1 that Ladies Love: Chick-Fil-A Parking Lot

If there’s one thing ladies love, it’s Chick-Fil-A.  Any day, show up at Chick-Fil-A between lunch and dinner and it’s slammed with preschoolers and yoga-pants.

So you wanna take your family out to Chick-Fil-A you say? Your lady will love it, but good luck finding a parking spot amidst 900 minivans. For Thang 1 we’re gonna practice parking at Chick-Fil-A … here’s how it works:

  • On one long aisle of a parking lot there are 6 parking spaces marked with cones. In each spot there is an exercise named: 30 Imperial Squat Walkers, 20 Yurpees, 25 Mountain Climber Merkins, 30 Roly-Poly’s, 50 Jump Squats, 20 War Hammers.
  • PAX mosey up the aisle looking for an open parking spot with a cone. If it’s open, one jumps in and does the named exercise.
  • The rest of the PAX continue around the parking lot and go down the next aisle where a mode of transportation is marked: Mosey, Duck Walk, Sprint, Crawl Bear.
  • PAX continue around and around the parking lot, alternating into open parking spots as available, and paying attention to the continuously changing mode of transportation down aisle #2. No double parking!

We do this for about 25 minutes until Meat Loaf is done singing “Out of the Frying Pan.” Everyone did great here and I think all found a parking spot. You’re set to take your family to Chick-Fil-A any day!

Except Sunday of course.

Thang 2 that Ladies Love: Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo

Oh yes, ladies love to organize their house like Marie Kondo. Who’s Marie Kondo you ask, you uncultured neanderthal? Well, ask your significant other – she knows. But for the uninitiated it’s something like this:

  • First you take all your crap out of your closets and dump it on your living room floor.
  • Then you go through each item and decide if it “sparks joy” for you. If it sparks joy, you keep it. If it doesn’t, you throw it out.

Simple, right? See, tuning into your feminine side is not hard gentlemen. Let’s practice.

We line up at one end of the parking lot and Q has a random PAX call out an exercise. We perform a number of them, and then Q has another PAX decide if the exercise sparked joy for them or not. If it sparked joy, we do more. If it did not, we sprint to the other end of the parking lot and still do more. We did things like…

  • Iron Mikes (they sparked joy)
  • Suzanne Somers (she did not spark joy)
  • Lieutenant Dan’s
  • Burpees
  • Merkins
  • Good mornings (thanks Netflix)

Thang 3 that Ladies Love: Remembering Important Dates

Ladies love it when you remember important dates, like their birthday! To practice we’re going to spell out the word BIRTHDAY with exercises.

We go around the circle to celebrate the significant others of our F3 men by remembering their birthday.  For example, I think Tebow’s wife was born on the 26th of some month, so we did 26 Burpees…

  • Burpees
  • Iron Mikes
  • Ranger Merkins
  • Tony Hawk Burpees
  • Hydraulic Squats
  • Duck Walks
  • American Hammers
  • Yurpees

Now, I don’t know why, but you all hooked up with ladies who were born in the 2nd half of the month. We did lots of things. But good for you – you got stronger.


Stoked to have my first FNG naming opportunity this morning as we welcomed Andrew “Scrooge” into our fold. Thanks for coming out brother – well done and hope to have you back soon.  MURSA with the 9th Man – good to have you back friend.


Boy you were all chatty this morning. Let’s see if I can remember this…

  • Typo+ will be organizing a 2nd F lunch next Thursday. Details to come on Slack.
  • Stats is organizing a 2nd F outing to the Pistol Range on March 23rd @ 10:00am. Stay tuned for more info.
  • Sterno and Co. are helping us organize donations for refugee students at Tusculum Elementary. They’ll make a 3rd F Costco run for supplies soon – you can participate by sending money via Venmo to @jered-parks (that’s Altidore).
  • F3 Nolensville & F3 Franklin will be hosting a Convergence at Pinkerton Park in Franklin on Saturday, March 9th, 6:00-7:30.  That means no Forge that morning, but let’s all represent Nolensville and skedaddle down to Franklin to meet some other F3 brothers.
  • And MURSA has more gloves than he has hands, so hit him up if you need gloves.


  • Prayers for Typo+’s mom who is having some reconstructive surgery following breast cancer on Tuesday morning.  Let’s all lift her up this week.
  • Let’s celebrate the new life of 3rd Degree’s 2.4, Coulson! Congrats bro!
  • And Numbtucks is down for the count with a knarly knee. Nice to see some true 2nd F & 3rd F being performed by Dr. Little Miss Piggy on the patient this morning… and some 4th F being performed by the patient. Get better soon dude.

Postparty was a Stats & 3rd Degree 16 rep Sunrise Sampler. Tasty!!

Glad to have you all out this AM! You’re getting stronger, you’re getting faster… and you’re getting dizzier every time you do a Tony Hawk Burpee. Peace!

~ RagDoll

The Forge 1/26/19 – Camp Altidore

16 PAX joined in for a UK Basketball Themed – Jinxy Cat, Creeper, Old Hickory, Nimbus 1500, Type O +, Sterno, Stats, Netflix, Showme, Little Miss Piggy, Kermit, Mic Drop, Rag Doll, Tebow, 3rd Degree, Altidore (VQ)

UK Basketball Facts: 

8 National Titles

Most wins in NCAAB History

Most NCAA Tournament Wins in NCAAB History

Gonna beat Kansas by 1000 today. 

Conditions: Cold, Dry, and Amazing

Warm Up:  Mosie + Stretching + Baby Arm Circles

Partner Hill Work:

Part I = 10 Min 1 partner bear crawls up hill runs down while other partner does as many merkins as he can then switch.

Part II = 10 Min 1 partner sprints up hill then crawl bears down while other partner does as many squats as he can.

Mosey to upper parking lot @ Elementary School

Same Partner: 1 partner duck walks while other partner does 8 burpees and 8 lunges then runs to switch with partner. We did this up and down the parking lot for 15 min.

Mosie to Playground:

Same Partner 3 sets alternating 8 berpees and 8 pullups

Mosie to the ledge area 20 dips 20 Incline merkins and 20 decline merkins

There was pre-party action lead by 3rd degree – Good work, boys.

Prayers for Kermit’s daughter’s test results. And continue to pray for Soccer Mom. Prayers for 3rd degree with a 2.0 on the way. Mic Drops Neighbor, Little Miss Piggy’s mother in law

Ride or Die,


Wet N’ Wild

Coming off the IR list for a fun wet n’ wild Saturday at the Forge, nice 43-degree weather, and did I say wet already. Just when I though the morning could not get any better, who rolls in on a scooter? The one and only AunteBea!! (good to have you back!) Now we can get rolling

PAX: NumbTucks (QIC), Creeper, Polar Express, Cheez Whiz, Ragdoll, Snow Ball, Typo +, Tebow, Sterno, Nimbus 1500, Little Miss Piggy, Netflix, AuntBea, Stats.

Today we embarked on a very non-creative pain inducing routine known as the Spartan…

PAX line up and sprint 100 yrds (about maybe 75), do 10 merkins at the finish and walk back to the start altogether; alternate between Mrkins, Burpees, and WW1s. Q starts each sprint race with a verbal call. Continue until you have done 30 x100 yrd sprints and 10×15 = 150 Merks / 10X10 = 100 Burpess/ 5×10 WW1 = 50. With the rain, everyone loved an hour of sprints and suck…
Remember to keep praying for Soccer Mom in Uganda.

A Burptacular Time at The Forge

11 Strong for a Burptacular Beatdown at The Forge this morning.

PAX: Numbtucks, MicDrop, Ragdoll, Altidore, Stats, Show Me, Mr Opus, Kermit, Little Miss Piggy, Tebow, Typo+ (QIC).


Pre-Party: 2 songs of Tabata Burpees.  Altidore, Stats, Little Miss Piggy, Kermit.



Mosy for a few.  Circle Up.  Intro’s, Disclaimers, etc.

Side Straddle Hop (10 IC)

Baby Arm Circle (10 IC, Reverse)

Low-N-Slow Squats (10 IC)

Stretches OYO (Good Mornings, Willie Mays Hays, etc)




10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Reps of…

Burpees, Squats, Burpees, Lunges, Burpees, WWI

Bearcrawl Down and Politician back.

Audible: called it early to make sure we had time to get everything in.  Finished at around the “4 rep”.

Red Barchetta

Designed to get the heart rate up, much like the song by Rush of the same name.  Q set up cones at approximate yardage.

100 Yard Dash then 100 SSHs, run back to start point to do one 4×4, then plank/wait for six;

75 yard dash then 75 mountain climbers, run back to start point to do one 4×4, then plank/wait for six;

50 yard dash then 50 LBCs, run back to start point to do one 4×4, then plank/wait for six;

25 yard dash then 25 Merkins, run back to start point to do one 4×4, then plank/wait for six.


*Moseyed to LMP’s truck to pick up Coupons.   Circles up for the next round of fun.


PAX, in a circle, hold small yard blocks straight out in front of them while one PAX sets down his block to run inside the circle pressing down on the others blocks. The next PAX sets his block down as soon as the guy next to him is on the move. Ends when the final PAX completes his lap. Did two clockwise and two counterclockwise.  Numbtucks thought he’d be funny and not start when we was supposed to.  On our last one, Stats stood in front him smiling…that’s what you get!






Q finished by reading Romans 5:3-4:

We rejoice in our sufferings knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.


Post-Party: Dips, Dirkins, Irkins, Box Jumps – 15 of each.  Stats, Altidore, NumbTucks, Little Miss Piggy, and Ragdoll.


Our suffering in a F3 beatdown in the gloom helps build our endurance, that endurance produces more character in us, and our improved character produces hope in our lives.  Q is very encouraged in his life (esp during the winter) by the amazing group of guys.


*Pray for Soccer Mom and his family while they adjust in Uganda.

*Third Thursday Lunch #2ndF event is this week.  Typo+ will send out location on Wednesday.


Thank you for letting me lead this morning and grow better with each passing burpee!



Circle of Life @ TheForge…Soccer Mom’s Parting Q


15 pax strong: Netflix, Stats, Staples, Typo Positive, Altidore, MuRSA, Soccer Mom (QiC), NumbTucks, Nimbus1500, Sterno, Tebow, Creeper, Barney Fievel, LittleMissPiggy, ShowMe

Pre party led by mr. Post party Stats. Attended was staples, altidore, typo, and late arrivals were creeper and soccer mom.

We start with a mosey around the parking lot and then gave a disclaimer followed by:
Baby arm circles
Tebow stretch

The thang:
I explained to the PAX that we would be going on a safari but first I had to get them in the right mindset.

First was Dora’s the explorer:
In groups of two we did 100 merkins, 200 shoulder exercises with coupons and 300 American hammers. One partner ran while the other did the workout.

Next we moseyed to the hill and did mountain climber merkins up the hill followed by 5 burpees. Then we sprinted up the hill followed by 5 knee tucks. Then we did Bernie Sanders up the hill with 5 knee tucks. Lastly Uganda is 9 hrs ahead so we did 9 clock merkins at 12,3,6,9.

Now we were ready for the safari.

Our safari headed towards the playground where we saw a bunch of monkeys. So we jumped on the bars at the swingset and did toe touches to the bar. Ten of them. Then we did howling monkeys for one minute

Next on our safari we ran into a herd of zebras so we did zebra kicks.

Next part of our safari we rant into the Nile river and a bunch of alligators. So in order to get across we had to do alligator merkins across the river.

Our safari ended with a sighting of gorillas so we had to celebrate with gorilla humpers. But lastly on our safari we came across a lion. Not just any lion but Simba. So we did the lion king exercise while listening to the circle of life song. What a way to end.

BullHorn: Thank you guys for your encouragement. It really means a lot. When we sweat, laugh and hurt together it forms bonds. You will be missed! God has led my family and I find solace in knowing I am where God wants me to be.

Audible @ the Forge (December 29th, 2018)

PAX: Stats, Staples, Altidore, Lil Miss Piggy, Show Me, Third Degree, Old Hickory, Jinxy Cat, Gaylord Focker, Creeper, & Sterno (QiC)

There was a pre-party at 5:45am attended by Third Degree and Lil Miss Piggy. It appeared to consist of a series of burpees and then a 50 yard sprint. Lil Miss Piggy loves sprints and Third Degree loves burpees so it seemed fitting.


Capri Lap was interrupted when Third Degree informed Sterno (QiC) that the Football Field / Track was available as an AO. Time to call an audible!


Warm-Up/ Disclaimer:


  • LBACs forward and reverse IC x 10
  • SSH IC x 10
  • SJ IC x 10
  • Good Mornings OYO x 10


Thang 1

Mosey to the starting line of the track for a NO MERCY MILE




  • Begin at the starting line and run to the first turn (50 meters)
  • Once you reach turn 1, Bear Crawl to the end of turn 2 (100 meters)
  • Run to midpoint of back stretch (50 meters)
  • Perform 25 Squats
  • Run to turn 3 (50 meters)
  • Once you reach turn 3, Lunge Walk to the end of turn 4 (100 meters)
  • Run to finish line (50 meters)
  • Perform 25 Merkins
  • Repeat x 3


Thang 2

Mosey to the football field and line up on the goal line for an assortment of merkins and some sprints in between each set.


  • Sprint to the 35 yard line and perform 35 Merkins OYO, sprint back to the goal line
  • Sprint to the 30 yard line and perform 30 Carolina Dry Docks OYO, sprint back to the goal line
  • Sprint to the 25 yard line and perform 25 Werkins OYO, sprint back to the goal line
  • Sprint to the 20 yard line and perform 20 Clerkins OYO, sprint back to the goal line
  • Sprint to the 15 yard line and perform 15 Diamond Merkins OYO, sprint back to the goal line
  • Sprint to the 10 yard line and perform 10 Crucible Merkins OYO, sprint back to the goal line
  • Sprint to the 50 yard line and perform 10 Hand Release Merkins OYO


CoT/ Numbers/ Names

Great work Men!

(Back) BLAST FROM THE PAST @ The Forge

December 15, 2018

15 PAX joined together this lovely morning to ramble down memory lane for this RETRO themed work out (at least for those of us old enough to remember these things).  – apparently Gaylord Focker does not recognize the awesomeness who is Charles Bronson)
Conditions: A pleasantly awesome 47 degrees, and more importantly NO wind.  Ground plenty enough wet to make you take notice.

PAX who made it:  Ragdoll, Cheezwhiz, (FNG) Jinxy Cat, (FNG) Mr. Opus, Netflix, Creeper, 3rd Degree, Tebow, Gaylord Focker, Stats, Typo +, Soccer Mom, Show Me, TV Guide, and Little Miss Piggy (Q – but channeling Coach Numbtucks for this one)

PAX: who FARTSACKED EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE AN HC:  Altidore, Barney Feivel, and Kermit

PreParty: 3rd Deg got it going with Soccer Mom, Typo +, and Creeper; but Mr.Opus, LMP, and Cheezwhiz  joined in justa  couple minutes late

Warm up: Q remembered to give Disclaimer this time, then channeled the 80s version of Coach Piggy with his polyester BIKE coaching shorts (stop visualizing these long hairy thighs)
Light jog around the parking lot once.
On the line:   20 yards of toy soldiers, butt kicks, long lunge
Circle up: IC baby arm circles x10 each, SSH x 15, Cherry pickers, Tennessee Prom Dates (alternating legs)

Travel to soccer field:  Indian Ruck Run (remembering old army days for sure with this one) – Partner up
Carry your partner for this Indian run, switch when you get to the end of the line

Thang 1:              Charles Bronson
Remembering this stalwart of manliness is nothing but good for the soul –we give Chuck Norris and Clint Eastwood and others all the props, while this grisly man of iron is often left in the shadows (163 show credits to his name, 11-3-21 to 8-30-03 RIP, Death Wish 1 to 5, Dirty Dozen, Once Upon a Time in the West)
Sprint x100 yds, then army crawl 10 yds. Mosey back to start line.  Before starting sprint, PAX perform 50 reps of: (Round 1) SSH, (2) Merkins, (3) Burpees, (4) Little baby crunches, (5) jump squats
Q lost his shorts about 20 yards into each sprint (Polyester doesn’t stay up so well)

Mosey over to playground

Thang 2:              Sally Merkin’s
Dang Moby still can’t figure out if he wants to bring her up or down – Merkins done on cue to the song (Q found out this week that this is a common song to use in the army for merkins so it again left him reminiscing about boot camp)—OMAHA!!!! With about 45 sec left, it became apparent that all of us Sallies were hardly able to get our jibblies off the ground, so Q switched it to squats.

Thang 3:              “Top Gun”s
Of course a retro themed workout couldn’t have an arm pump by any other name…
Hail Mary (triceps) – Partner Up (cause everyone needs a Goose to help them get the job done). Maverick does 11 Coppenhages (dips) on the ledge with feet elevated on Goose who was in plank position, then switch; Rinse/repeat with 1 less rep each round until complete
Underdog/Plank Jack 11s – Occasionally, Maverick gets all bent out of shape and goes at it alone, so each PAX to himself for 10 Underdogs/1 Plank Jacks, then work way down to 1 Underdog/10 Plank Jacks.

Mosey back to the vehicles

Mary:                   “P90x Abdominals”
Okay, so this isn’t from the 80’s but it is retro from a while back. Remember that abdominal routine from P90x that made ya burn but got really monotonous and boring…this Mary routine relives the memories…
Circle up on your six:  IC V-position bicycle fwd x15/reverse x 15, V-position Luge (in/outs with knees to chest) x10, Hello dollies x 10,  then flip over tall plank for BirdDogs (opposite arm and leg raise) x 15

CoT:  Numbers/Name-o-rama including FNG naming – OH MY! ShowMe comes through with a clutch performance today naming Mr. Opus (isn’t it supposed to be Mr. Holland?! Who cares! This is better), and 3rdDeg pulls out Jinxy Cat for us.
Closed with a sermon by Q  ?—been thinking a lot this week about how we are called to simple belief in Jesus.  John 1: 1-13, John 6:27-29 .  Don’t put the pressure on yourself to have some “radical faith” but rest in the belief and faith that God has granted you.  It is a gift of God.  Just receive it and let it transform you.

2ndF- being considered for after New Years – The Casual Pint of Smyrna

The Jolliest Bunch of PAX this Side of the Nuthouse!

15 PAX shivered over to The Forge this morning to celebrate Christmas Vacation in the snow and cold. 

But first… Preparty: A disappointed Little Miss Piggy and soggy CheezWhiz were bummed to discover no one had planned a preparty, so they made one up. It looked like lunges and toy soldier kicks.

PAX: Nimbus1500, CheezWhiz, Little Miss Piggy, Netflix, Two Star, NumbTucks, Show Me, Creeper, Tebow, Altidore, Typo+, MicDrop, TV Guide, Stats, RagDoll (QiC).

Today’s theme is the 1989 cinematic classic Christmas Vacation, and we’re gonna channel our inner Griswold for the hap-hap-happiest beatdown ever. 


At 35 degrees with flurries flurrying we hit the pavement to the tune of the movie theme song. We keep it merry with a little winding and jolly zig zagging.

Warm Up: 

Simple warm ups this AM. LBAC’s, forwards and backwards in cadence. Stretch out the legs with some cherry pickers, toe touches, and that move where you reach your arm all the way over your head and down your opposite leg towards your toes. 

Ruby Sues: 

Remember when Clark’s niece showed up and her eyes weren’t crossed anymore? “She falls down a well, eyes go crossed. She gets kicked by a mule, they go back to normal. I don’t know.”

We did about 10 Ruby Sues. They were kinda silly. 

  • From standing position, fall down the well: Drop to the ground into a descended Merkin position. 
  • Then get kicked by a mule: Rise to atomic position and do 4 mule kicks -(each leg straight back, 2x each). 

Thang 1: Cut Down Your Christmas Tree

We gotta select the perfect Griswold family tree. Partner up and form a line. Here’s the routine.

  • First you give your tree some love. Both partners Al Gore for a 5 count. 
  • Next you cut down your tree. Perform 10 Lumber-Plank-Jacks. That’s a Plank-Jack in diamond position (both arms together like the trunk of a tree). I know, it’s a stretch. 
  • Finally you carry your tree back to the car. Partner 1 carries Partner 2 approx 20 yards then mosey back to starting line.

Flapjack this nonsense, alternating partner carries until Q calls time. 

Thang 2: Griswold Family Dinner

Nothing could be quite as awkward and miserable as Christmas dinner with the Griswold’s … except maybe for bear crawling through this wet sludge. But it wouldn’t be complete without Snot the dog tearing across the dining table chasing a loose squirrel. 

So here’s the routine. Partners form a line at one end of the parking lot and then:

  • Partner 1 bear crawls the width of the parking lot (approx 60 yards) while
  • Partner 2 runs like a dog the width of the lot and back, until he’s caught up with the bear crawling partner at which point they switch, and
  • Partner 2 continues bear crawling the width of the lot while
  • Partner 1 runs like a dog, the remaining width of the lot, back to the opposite side and finally back to his bear crawling partner.
  • Flapjack the above until partners have collectively bear crawled the entire width of the parking lot and back.

Rinse and repeat this family dinner, except swap bear crawls for lunges. Then a third time with crawl bear.

 Round about this time we mosey towards the playground until we make a pit stop for…


This has nothing to do with Christmas. This has everything to do with giving our arms a break for 3 minutes and 26 seconds because we’re gonna need it.

To the song Flowers by Moby, starting from a squat position on every line “Bring Sally up”, rise to a stand, and on every line “Bring Sally down” lower back to a squat.

There’s more squats than stands, I’ll tell ya that right now. It’s good fun. Thanks Stats for the inspiration on this one.

Thang 3: 25 Days of Merkins

Upon passing through the playground fence, whence we PAX did so commence, a Merkin fest so ripe with pain we thought the Q had gone insane. 

To ease the pain, between each 25-rep set of Merkin variations we recovered by recalling one of our favorite Christmas Vacation quotes.

  • 25 Merkins
  • 25 Army Crawl Merkins
  • 25 Derkins
  • 25 Spider-Man Merkins
  • 25 Ranger Merkins

At this point Coach Numbtucks was in full force. Something about his grandma doing push-ups better than Tucker’s present form. Show Me lost his Christmas spirit. Netflix said he hated the Q. 

We forge ahead… 

  • 25 Diamond Merkins
  • 25 Merkin Jacks
  • 25 Travoltas

With mutiny drawing nigh we moseyed back to the parking lot. 

Nameorama / COT

Appreciate your prayers for my (RagDoll’s) family this week as we celebrate the life of my 93 year old Grandpa. We had a safe trip to Nebraska today following the workout and looking forward to some time with family.


For those partaking in the Advent devotional, there’s a tentative coffeeshop discussion to chat about the book scheduled for the morning of December 20th (following workout at The Pound).  Stay tuned for more details – NumbTucks on point.

Always a pleasure to lead you gentlemen. Thanks for hanging out this morning – see you soon!

~ RagDoll

This Morning’s Playlist