How fast is Floppy Disk? Too Fast… Sir E 9/3/2019

It was a glorious morning at Sir Ellington with 18 PAX arriving for the festivities.

QIC: Boyband

PAX: FloppyD, PSL, DillyDilly, RedSkull, Prevac, CAPSLOCK, Foxtrot, BigStick, Edibles, BagsofAnts, Yard Sale, Movin on Up, Black Lung, Vegemite, Dr. Smartt, Hunter Mayhem, JK

We took a short lap  around the near hill and back to the parking lot for some warm-o-rama.

SSH x30, Squats, slow and low merkins, baby arm circles, and emperial walkers

The group split in half with Bagger taking the charge in IronPax week 1 makeup, and YHC taking the rest of the PAX to the Cochran hill.

Announcement: Per Strava Floppy Disc is the king of the Cochran hill segment with a 1:30 time up the VERY steep 0.2mi segment. He wouldn’t toot his own horn, but he went up the hill 3x that day collecting the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fastest times for the segment’s all-time history, all while completing a 7 mile run.  In order to see just how fast that was, we tried to replicate it as a group.

Round 1:

We climbed the hill with goal of <2min pace; most finished in <1:45. At the mid way point, mumblechatter was heard “Oh wait…it keeps going?!”  On the way down we performed the BOMBS workout with a stop at each light pole for one exercise before moving on to the next. Burpees, Overhead claps, Merkins, Big Boy Situps, and Squats. 20 reps each.  (Flutters/LBCs for the 6)

Round 2:

Climb the full hill again, but turn it around and run in reverse half way up. We performed BOMBS on the way down again with 10 reps each.  (Flutters/LBCs for the 6)

Round 3:

Race to the top; first man there stopped the group where they were. Go to the nearest lightpole and repeat BOMBS stopping at each remaining pole on the way down with 10 reps each.  (Flutters/LBCs for the 6).

At that point, there were 10 minutes left and the Cochran group ran back to the IronPax set up where we performed suicides with 10 merkins at the end. Rinse and Repeat and bearcrawl it in with the last man standing on Ironpax.

Mary: Freddy Mercury’s x20, Flutters x20, Supermans x20, Dying Cockroach x20


Announcement: Don’t forget the 9/14 convergence.

Moleskin: I have a new appreciation for each time I get the opportunity to lead you men. I am thankful to have the opportunity to know all of you and for the support you bring to me and each other. Keep up the good work. Prayers for OchoCinco who’s mother recently died.  Reach out and show your support.


Backstreet’s back, allright!

PAX: DMish, Too Tall, Cathy, Venus, Foxtrot Talks-a-lot, Offshore, Prevac, Boy band, PSL, CAPS LOCK, JK, Tampa Libra, Yard Sale, Black Lung

QIC: Floppy Disk

15 for some humid station work at Sir E this morning.

Disclaimer dispensed, head up the long road to the big lot for some Warm-o-rama.

WoR (all IC)
SSH x20
Squats x10
Good morns x10
Willie Mays x10
Cotton Pickers x10
Big Arm Circles F x10
Big Arm Circles R x10

Count off 1-4. 4 corners. Each station performed specified exercise for 1:00 then slowsey to the next station.

Round 1
1. Merkins
2. Carolina dry docks
3. Atomic merks
4. 8ct. Body builders
RnR x1

Group sprint ~75 yards. Sprint back.

Round 2
1. Gorilla humpers
2. Jump lunges
3. Jump squats
4. Tuck jumps
RnR x1

Mosey to the tractor pavilion for 3 sets of:
– Derkins x10
– Toe touches on bench (15x each leg)
– Dips x20

Long mosey back to the start.

20x Merkins IC
20x Flutter kix IC
20x Crunchy Frogs IC
20x Freddie Mercuries IC
1:00 Low plank

We were serenaded today by the Boy Bands & Girl Groups – 90s Pop Spotify playlist. It started a little slow, but really picked up towards the end. Mary was done IC to Everybody by Backstreet Boys. Crowd pleaser for sure. Mucho MC by most PAX. Cathy was disappointed that I cut my hair, suggesting that I should have trained it instead. DMish complained about back-to-back chest heavy days. PSL quietly went about his business, per usual. Foxtrot actually didn’t talk a lot, except something about his lame neighbor. I tried to skip Offshore in name-o-rama, and he made me feel really bad about it. Prevac told us a story about a friend with horses. Boy band took a page out of Prevac’s book, but did leave some damn cold coffee. CAPS LOCK and I discussed all the ways that Crieve Hall is superior to other Nashville neighborhoods. Yard Sale gave us some heartfelt feedback about the new mural. Found out JK ran track, which when combined with his age, makes him measurably faster than everyone else. Venus’ name-o-rama sound effects continue to play a vital role in the overall camaraderie of the group. Tampa Libra detailed the finer points of successful small business ownership. Too Tall, per usual, teased us with not quite enough midriff during name-o-rama. Finally, in keeping with tradition, Black Lung showed up about 10 minutes late. I would be lost otherwise.

Pleasure, gents. I look forward to the next one!

Floppy D

Paula Abdul vs Sir E.

Image result for opposites attract images paula abdul

12 PAX greeted the brisk morning gloom for a Cochran hill climb.

QIC: BoyBand

PAX: Pope, Dupree, Floppy D, Dilly Dilly, Razorback, Too Tall, Yard Sale, Renegade, PSL, Tampa-Libra, Dr. Smartt

We started with a short mosey to the bottom of Cochran hill for warm-o-rama.

WOR: SSH x25, Good mornings, willy mayes, baby arm circles forwards and backwards

Thang: Paula Abdul

-As the song “opposites attact” goes (and I mis-quoted this morning) 2 steps forwards and 2 steps back. Well, that gets you nowhere so we did 2 steps forwards and 1 step back all the way up the hill and then 1 step forwards and 2 steps back down the hill. Each “step” was a light post on the East side of Cochran.  We stopped at each light-post to perform an exercise before heading to the next designated stop.

Up: 2 up – Clock Merkins – 5 in each position; 1 down – WWIs x20 facing up the hill

Alternating sets of flutter kicks and supermans for the 6.

Down: 1 up – Derkins x10, 2 down – 10x4ct flutter kicks (we ran the uphill portions of the hill backwards to get a good leg burn)

Alternating sets of hello dolly and supermans for the 6.

Still 10 minutes of time….Short course pull ups and bear-crawls!

Started at the playground and performed the following in sequence:

5 pull ups -> bear-crawl up the hill -> bear-crawl down the stairs -> rinse/repeat

MARY: Hello Dolly x20, Alabama Prom Dates x20, LBCs x20, Side hip raises x10 each side


Thanks for the opportunity to lead. Don’t forget the leadership lunch coming up on 7/20.  Keep Ludwig’s wife, Dupree’s wife, and Spicolli in your prayers.





07 May 19 Riley Howell

Temp: 50s
Gloom Factor: Moderate

PAX: Renegade, Black Lung, CAPSLOCK, Yard Sale, Foxtrot Talks a Lot, Big Stick, PSL, Brother @ Law, Razorback, Dr Smartt, Boy Band, Too Tall, Dilly Dilly, Floppy Disk, Bagger Vance

Today’s workout is in honor of Riley Howell. All reps will have something to do with his DOB, age and DOD.

21 Pull Ups to Start


Date of Birth 12/13/1997
12 Imperial Walkers IC
13 Hillbillies IC
97 second high plank


Partner Up
Age at Death 21
21 Hill Ascents AYG
ODDS 21 Squats
EVENS 21 Merkins

Date of Death 04/30/19
Flutter Kicks 30 IC
Plank Jax 19 IC
Hello Dollies 30 IC
Supermans x 19 IC
Flutter Kicks x 30 IC
Mountain Climbers x 19 IC
Hello Dollies x 19 IC
High Plank x 30 sec


NMM: Felt an overwhelming desire to honor the late Riley Howell after reading several articles highlighting his heroics. A selfless young man in an age of selfies. There is an opportunity we all have to die to ourselves, everyday we can choose our needs or put the needs of others first. Thankfully, most of us will never have to make the decision to lay our life down so that others can live but if so, let us do it boldly and without fear. More than likely, we will be called to give up what we want for the well being of our wife, our children, work or our community…let us do so with the same courage that Riley did.

Prayers up for Kate and her brain tumor removal. Meal Train, yard work and kids days calendar to help Ludwig to follow.
Prayers for Barbara, CAPSLOCKs M in Law and her surgery recovery.
Prayers for Adam and Margaret in CA, victims of a theft and mugging that they are healed and come to know the Lord through all this.
Prayers for me and Leslie as we travel to Italy from 8 May to 18 May. Safety for us and for our children as they stay here w inlaws and sitters.
Concord Road YMCA BACK LOT
0500 Murph
0700 Speed Ruck
Come for all or come for one.


Death by Cochran

15 total PAX (13 actually completed the workout) showed up in the early morning gloom. Spring has settled in and the level of sweat has been increasing with each workout as the early morning temperatures rise.

QIC: BoyBand

PAX: Black Lung, Pope, Razorback, Yard Sale, PSL, CCR, Brother-at-law, Duvall (Willy Lowman from Seattle), CAPSLOCK, Too Tall, Red Skull, Dupree

Bagger Vance (left before the workout, but after a speed ruck) and Big Stick (showed up late and couldn’t find us until the last minute of Mary).

We started with a lap around the church and then settled in for…

WOR: SSH x20, Good Mornings, Willy Mays, Baby Arm Circles forwards … Black lung arrives… 10 Burpees, Baby arm circles backwards, overhead claps


Mosey over to the Cochran hill for a duplication pyramid.  At each light post (there are 6 total) we performed an increasing number of the following 4 exercises:

Burpees – Squats – Merkins – WWIs

The sequence was as follows:

1-2-4-8-16-32 on the way up

32-16-8-4-2-1 on the way back down -> Flutter kicks for the 6

While the pain and dizziness left us seeing double, it was time for Cochran suicide runs.  Stop at each street light and return to the bottom. 1 Burpee at each stopping point to mark the stop. We completed 6 of the 8 possible stops before we ran out of time.

Mary: Almost didn’t make it, flutter kicks for the 6 and then 1 minute of low plank

Thanks for letting me lead, good to see everyone out there.


$100,000 Pyramids at Sir E – 4/23/2019

19 PAX posted for a glorious morning of strength building exercises. YHC had prepared a running-lite workout to save the legs of those who would be running the upcoming marathon this weekend (Nashville and others).

QIC: BoyBand

PAX: Big Stick, Dmish, FTTAL, Floppy Disk, Bagger Vance, PSL, Too Tall, Dilly Dilly, Prevac, Danger Zone (FNG), Yard Sale, Tiny Dancer, Blue Mule, Red Skull, Edible Arrangement, Umbrella, … I lost track

We started with a lap around the church and then it was time for

WOR: SSH x50, Squats x15, Good mornings x4, Willy mays x8, baby arm circles forwards/backwards, overhead claps, seal claps


We broke in to groups for 3 separate pyramid workouts.  Goal was to go to failure, once failure reached in any of the exercises, go back down the pyramid. Each pyramid was a set 3 exercises that would be done sequentially.  Exercise 1 would set the pace. Exercise 2 would be double and exercise 3 would be triple that of exercise number 1 for each step of the pyramid.  Once you were done with your pyramid, it was time for an interlude and moving on to the next pyramid.

Pyramid 1:  Pull ups 1x, Merkins 2x, Squats 3x  (sequentially increasing to 2, 4, 6 then 3, 6, 9, then 4, 8, 12, and so forth); then back down once you reached failure on any exercise

Interlude 1: Lap around the church

Pyramid 2: Rows 1x, Derkins 2x, Freddy Mercury 3x

Interlude 2: Bearcrawl to basketball hoop and crawlbear back

Pyramid 3: Hand release merkins 1x, Supermans 2x, 4ct flutter kicks 3x

Interlude 3: Burpee Apocalypse; counting down from 10

At about 10 minutes in to the first pyramid it was quite obvious that the HIM of SirE are beasts and would not reach failure in each set within the confines of a roughly 40 min workout. Thus we modified each round to last no more than 10 minutes.  Interludes remained the same.

We finished the pyramid sets with 2 minutes left and Mary consisted of burpees until time was out.



This workout was designed to focus on upper body strength with equal attention to chest and back.  It was intended to allow for those of us who are running the upcoming marathons to rest our legs, but still get in a good workout. Based on the amount of sweat that I saw after the workout, it’s either summer or mission accomplished or a little of both.  As always, thanks for letting me lead.


03.26.19 – Sir Ellington – “THE Loop”

13 showed up to entangle themselves in a PA-Sir E love affair. Only one Prevaculated.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Bagger Vance, Black Lung, Blue Mule, Boyband, CCR, Dupree, Edible Arrangement, Parks and Rec (Naperville), Prevac (LIFO), PSL, Red Skull, Too Tall 


Disclaimer followed by a mosey around the church and over to the main circle drive for agility drills and “exploration.” Back down to the base of the driveway for COP.

  • SSH x 10
  • Squats x 20
  • WMH x 10
  • Good Mornings x 10
  • LBACs x 10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
  • Seal Claps x 10
  • Merkins x 10
  • Mountain Climbers x 10

For the main event partner up. While one partner completes AMRAP of leg exercise at the base, the other runs up the right (south) side of the driveway loop to the house and performs 10 reps of a Merkin variation before returning to tag their partner out. Plank and wait for six between each round.

  • Round 1: Squats/Hand Release Merkins
  • Round 2: Lunges/Clerkins
  • Round 3: Jump Squats/Renegade Merkins (Merk,Row R, Merk Row L, Merk=1)

Indian Run up and around the loop and back across the street to the playground.

With partners, PAX complete max number of pull-ups plus 5 assisted pull-ups. Flapjack. For round two, PAX subtracted 5 from their unassisted max and performed that number. Flapjack.

Circle up for some Mary:

  • Flutter Kicks x 15
  • Alabama Prom Dates x 10
  • Jane Fondas x 20 (R/L)
  • American Hammers x 15
  • Long Slow Flutters x 10

Joe Hendricks up to the lot and mosey back to flag for COT/BOM


It’s always a good time at Sir Ellington, even when YHC doesn’t quite remember the lay of the land and all that crazy Shire lingo (“Which loop?” “THE LOOP.”). Glad to have Parks and Rec passing through from F3 Naperville. An F3er since September, he and YHC had a good chat about how much F3 has filled a void he didn’t know existed and how he has since been able to give it away to others in life, strangers and friends alike. Just remember, men: sometimes it’s not about showing up because we need it. It’s showing up because it might just be the day that there’s somebody else out there that needs us.


  • Lifting up the Newells, Carter, and Black Lung’s M’s aunt in prayer.
  • Wed 3/27, Mental Health Day at all your Wednesday AOs. Qs will end about 5 minutes early to allow for an extended COT. The purpose of this will be for folks to discuss depression and suicide awareness. Please know that if this is something you deal with, there are guys in this group that would love nothing more than to listen and step into the struggle with you.
  • Fri 3/29, 12th Man Leadership Lunch with retired US Army Ranger, John Belman.  11:30 at Richland Country Club. Link to RSVP. See more details on the Slack #leadership channel or contact Bagger Vance.
  • Sat 4/13, Warpath CSAUP in Franklin
  • Sat 5/4, The Gauntlet CSAUP in Nolensville

19 February Coffey Hero Workout

Gloom Factor: Moderate
Temp: 31 and holding

PAX: Floppy Disk, PreVac, Black Widow, PSL, Too Tall, Dilly Dilly, Big Stick, D’Mish, Boy Band, Brother At Law, Reefer, Dupree, Red Skull, Toga, Bagger Vance

Mosey to upper Ag Center lot for what YHC missed while on the phone w neighbor sorting out a domestic disturbance in the hood. When YHC arrived the PAX were engaged in some calisthenics mixed in w some Merkins.

Partner up in 1s and 2s.
PAX mosey for designated period of time and then perform designated work sets as RX’d.
Today’s Q in honor of Cpl Coffey, USMC, KIA 24 May 2012, Helmund Province, Afghanistan.

• 800 meter Run
• 50 Prisoner Squats
• 50 Merkins
• 800 meter Run
• 35 Detainee Squats
• 35 Merkins
• 800 meter Run
• 20 Grisham Squat
• 20 Merkins
• 800 meter Run

We finished w enough time to try out a new spin on a couple of classics. Mosey over to Cochran for some Imperial Dans. Combination of Imperial Walker and Lt Dan performed light pole to light pole.

Head back to StartEx for

Flutter Kix x 20
Merkins Lt leg up x 5
Flutter Kix x 20
Merkins Rt leg up x 5
Flutter Kix x 20
Burpees until time called

Some MC today about Black Lung being published in NEJM, not one of his BackBlasts but an actual growed up study on some intubation theory and such.
Brought up Faulkner’s classic Titan post from a few years back which I will try to find and repost.
B@Law’s brother and wife having 2nd child soon. Pray for health and peace.
Bad Boy and his M w their 2nd child coming in 3 weeks.
Pray and surround the men of 413 as they close in on finishing the program and getting jobs.

Today’s thought: How can I die to myself today and be a better servant leader to those around me?

Bagger Vance

Floppy’s 39th bday celebration

PAX: PSL (personal seat license), Black Lung, Bagger Vance, CCR, Brother-at-Law, Umbrella, Black Widow, Tampa Libra, Panhandle, Too Tall, Pope, Dr. Smartt

QIC: Floppy Disk

13 thumbed their nose at the less than ideal conditions to come out to Sir E and help YHC celebrate his 39th birthday, the day after. Figure 8 warmup mosey to start things off then we convened in the lower church parking lot for some WoR.

Warm-o-Rama (all IC)
SSH x39 (a little hiccup on the cadence)
Squats x39
BAC F x20
BAC R x19
Plank Jax x39

Short explanation on today’s theme, in case it wasn’t obvious. We would do 39 total reps of various exercises generally broken up into 3 sets of 3 exercises with 13 reps each.

Mosey to the playground. 3 sets of 13x each: Pullups, Rows, Dips. BV asked if he could modify with Merkins in lieu of Dips. YHC obliged.

Mosey back to the lower lot. 3 sets of 13x each: Jump Squats, Jump Lunges (13 each leg), Tuck Jumps. The burn set in quickly on this portion. Short quad stretch to follow. We didn’t need anyone cramping up.

Short mosey across the street to the chains. Slightly modified 3 sets of 13x each: Bicep curls (each arm), Upright Rows (each arm). Only 2 exercises for this portion which really tested YHC’s OCD proclivities.

Mosey up to the big house… annnd… mosey a little more to the first speed bump of the top loop. We would perform our next set of exercises at this and 2 more locations around the top loop. 3 sets of 13x each: Atomic Merkins, Mtn. Climbers (13 each leg), J-Lo’s (13 each side). We enjoyed a brief respite from the rain on the porch of the auditorium for our second set, and a few PAX doubled down under the big house porch for our 3rd set.

Mosey back to the start. Let’s not neglect those abs.

Flutter Kicks x39 (IC)
Box Cutters x13 (IC)
LBCs x13 (IC)
Alphabet Abs (all uppercase)
Low Plank 1:15

Done! Great work, gents! It was wet out there, but we got it done. Good to have ATL Willie Loman, Panhandle, join us. Hope you can make it out again soon.

Floppy Disk

8 January 2019 Adam Brown WOD

Temp: Unseasonably Warm
Gloom Factor: High
PAX: Brother at Law, CCR, Big Stick, Floppy Disk, CAPSLOCK, Black Lung, Boy Band, Red Skull (Respect), Too Tall, Venus, PreVac, Bagger Vance

Today’s Q was in honor of Chief Adam Brown, US Navy Seal Team 6. While the Crossfit Hero WOD calls for more lifting and no running, as we do in F3, we modified. Brown was killed on 17 March 2010 while on a mission to capture or kill objective Lake James, a Taliban fighter that had more kills under his tunic than almost any other Taliban other than Bin Laden. Brown’s death was the direct result of his actions to protect his teammates and to take out two insurgents, one of which was Lake James. Brown’s team ended up being the one that killed Bin Laden and have become legendary. While Brown’s heroics in the Navy are awe inspiring, his overcoming a chronic addiction to crack cocaine is to me just as unbelievable. So, anyway, check out the biography on his life…Fearless. Amazing story.

Long mosey up Manley, right on Rochelle, right on Hogan and right on Marchant for

SSH x 24 IC, IW x 13 IC, HB x 13 IC


Pair up 1s and 2s. P1 is the runner w sight, P2 is the blind runner. (Brown was blinded in his right eye by an air soft bullet in a training exercise)

Worksets X 10 (year of his death 2010)

Work x 3 exercises (month of his death)
Reps x 17 (day of his death)

Merkins x 17
Squats x 17
Plank Thrusters x 17

Objective I – corner of Hogan and Rochelle

Merkins x 17
Squats x 17
Plank Thrusters x 17

Flap Jack runners

Objective II – corner of Rochelle and Brentlawn

Merkins x 17
Squats x 17
Plank Thrusters x 17

Sighted run to Manley and Cochran

Objective III – Manley and Cochran

Merkins x 17
Squats x 17
Plank Thrusters x 17

Objective IV – 1/2 up Cochran Blind runner P1, sighted runner P2

Merkins x 17
Squats x 17
Plank Thrusters x 17

Objective V – Oakley and Cochran
Flap Jack runners

Merkins x 17
Squats x 17
Plank Thrusters x 17

Objective VI – 1/2 way down Cochran
Flap Jack Runner

Merkins x 17
Squats x 17
Plank Thrusters x 17

Objective VII – Manley and Cochran
Flap jack runner

Merkins x 17
Squats x 17
Plank Thrusters x 17

Objective VII – CHUM school bus, sighted run by all

Merkins x 17
Squats x 17
Plank Thrusters x 17

Objective IX – rope in parking lot
P2 runs blind and backwards, P1 guides to rope

Merkins x 17
Squats x 17
Plank Thrusters x 17

Objective X – end of lot, flap jack runners

Merkins x 17
Squats x 17
Plank Thrusters x 17

Finish running portion of 2.4 miles. 24 was Brown’s number in high school football and became his favorite number hence the 2.4 miles.

Circle up for 3 MOM:

Plank progression


NMM: as most of yall can figure out, YHC is getting more in tuned w the HERO WOD concept from Crossfit and the guys in F3Greenwood. So intrigued by Adam Brown’s story and his family. One of the most compelling pieces of his story and his life was that he had a team, family and wife that never gave up on him. Even when he was figuratively blinded by crack or literally blinded by the air soft gun, he had a fellowship there to protect him, drive him on and help him accomplish his objectives. That was the driver for our blind partner runs and is such a telling part of F3 for me, that there are HIM that want the best for me.

Pray for the family friends of Funyuns who are both struggling with cancer.
Pray for Tampa’s friends who lost their daughter this past weekend to a rare genetic disease.
Leadership lunch at Richland CC, Bad Boy on Q. Cost is $20 and the buffet there is so worth it…not to mention the speaker, Clay Stouffer from Woodmont Christian Church.

Thank yall for posting, leading is only worth it when those who are led are willing and are looking to get better.

Bagger Vance