18 March 2022


Temp: 55
Gloom Factor: High

PAX: EZGO, Hiser, Works for A Guy, Pedialyte, Accounts Receivable, Movin On Up, Bagger Vance

Painfully obvious that the AOQ had not lined someone up to Q today. YHC & A/R briefly discussed #Sharknado but couldn’t remember the order or the exercises.

0530:30 Disclaimer

Mosey Hogan to Trousdale to back parking lot where we all marveled at the fresh, clean blacktop.

Bunny Hops
1/4 split squats
Seal Jax Skiers

Mosey to bus loop:
Bear Crawl to Crawl Bear to Crabwalk to Bear Crawl.

Reverse Burpees

Mosey to Trousdale side shuffle right then left to bottom of bus loop.

Skips to first Bradford Pear sprint to second.
Reverse skips to third Bradford pear. High plank and walk arounds.

Table push/pull.

5 Pull Ups
10 Swirkins
15 Squat Jumps

6 Rows
12 Atomics
18 Thrusters

RnR above

Grab blocks – Farmers carry to front wall. Wall sits. Supermans to failure.
Block Carries.
Block Row, Hinge, Plank Jax
Return blocks

Sprint – 10 reverse thrusters
Sprint – 10 heels to heaven
Sprint – 10 APD

Bear crawl kick throughs


Good mix of movements, nasal breathing and variety of work sets.
Nice to have Hiser from F3 Davidson back out with us.
Grateful to BigStick for reaching out and asking me to Q 🙄
Coffee Talk – wrecks, traffic, potholes, KY losing, UT winning, bad referees, The Hill (RIP), etc.
No playlist

BH: Prayers up for Ukraine, our world, grateful for the blessings we have, people who lost power in The Shire and their recovery, 413, traveling mercies.


What is this Q called?

Temp: 40 ish
Gloom Factor: Nil

PAX: Lochte, BNB, Bad Boy, T Cell, The Shield, Works for a Guy, Topanga, Bagger Vance

Disclaimer and some additional excuse making about this is a new routine, YHC will need to Weinke, etc.

Side shuffle (L/R) Pole to Pole
Karaoke (L/R) Pole to Pole
Bear Crawl Crawl Bear
Mod Gorilla (R/L)

In Nose out mouth x 10
In nose out nose x 10
In mouth out mouth x 10

SSH x 20
Seal Jax x 20
Glute bridge (r:l) x 8
Straight leg swing(r/l) x 10
Rolling v sit x 5
Neck flexion x 10
Neck rotation x 10
Scapula merkins x 10
Merkin to downward dog x 10
Spider lunge w extension x 10
Baby arm circles (F/R)
Shoulder corkscrews x 10
Sumo squat slow n low x 10
Reverse lunge w twist x 5 (r/l)
Speed skaters x 10 (r/l)
Inch worms x 10

PAX split into 1s & 2s
1s to the top pull up station
2s stay at the bottom
Pull Ups at station then flap jack for merkins at opposite station.

Pull Ups

Skips pole to pole
Bernie Skips pole to pole
AYG to StartEx


NMM: Focused on different movement patterns, less quantity more quality. Tempo and time under tension training. Getting breath under control, getting nasal, slowing breath down. Today’s music was from WNXP playlist on Spotify. Today’s workout title came from Bad Boy, T Cell and BNB riding me all morning and the fact that I have nothing else pithy to call it.
BH: Ukraine, 413 starting again next week, marriages, SB travel.


Time to Let Your Donkey Out

PAX: Offshore (kotter), Umbrella (afraid to get wet), Hugs Not Drugs, Venus, Cinderella, Barkley, Nurse Ratched, Penny Loafers, THE Black Widow, Toga (QIC), Honeydo (FNG), Ponzi, EZ Go, Wedding Singer

Gloom Factor: Nil, 70 and Sunny

14 redwoods showed up in some lovely weather to get a little better, faster, and stronger.  Here’s how it went down.

Disclaimer then mosey to the short track, do a lap and sorta circle up for warmarama.  Divide into two teams with Team One (a very individualistic group) going clockwise and Team Two (much more team focused and supportive) went counterclockwise.  Both teams had to mosey around the track and complete 5 pull-ups and 10 merkins at bars and 10 donkey kicks and 10 WWII on the porch before meeting back at the start.  Repeato x3

Take a break by working on Mary then do three more laps with chin-ups and offset merkins at the bars and lunges and donkey kicks at the porch.  Repeato x3

Do one more round with pull-ups and burpees at the bar and donkey kicks and squats at the porch.

Mosey to the parking lot for a fair amount of Mary.

Announcements: GrowRuck is coming!  Talk to Tampa or Big Bang ASAP.  We also had great news that Umbrella’s missing friend from BG was found and is back with his family.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

Stay Classy,


Movement > Quantity

Temp: 42
Gloom Factor: Low

PAX: Yard Sale, PSL, Black Widow, Venus, Noodler, D’Frost, Accounts Receivable, W4AG, EZ-Go, Uncle Jerry, Foxtrot, Bagger Vance (QIC)

Disclaimer 0530

Skip (F/R)
Side Shuffle x 2
Karaoke x 2
Bernie x 2
IW x 12 IC
Scorpion X 8 IC
Seal Jax X 10 IC


I. Tempo 6s
Split Squats

II. Movements 1’

Speed Skaters
Bear Crawl
Crawl Bear
Bear Crawl
Bunny Hop
Inch Worm to Peter Parker
Unloaded Get Ups
Row, Row, Hinge, Hinge
180 Broad Jumps

III. Speed

Nasal Breathing

Low Squat Challenge


Focused on proper form with lateral and functional movements over lots of reps in linear fashion.
Lots of groaning and grunting. Always a good sign.
Totally dropped the ball on nasal breath work.




The Return of the Block Party

PAX: Pipes, Shaguar, Pusher, Jimmy John, Astaire, Moonwalk, Works for a Guy, Hambone, Bagger Vance, Detective Pikachu, Crawl Space, Dan and Dave, D frost, Red Skull, Toga QIC), The Black Widow

Gloom Factor: Nil, 70  and Sunny

A hearty sixteen posted to get a little better in the gloom.  It went something like this:

Disclaimer, mosey to everyone’s favorite gravel lot, standard issue WOR (including nipple sharpeners), then lineup for some grass drills= PAX in one line facing the fence, chop legs like the mountain climber, and then roll right, left and forward based on the Q’s cadence.  Complete 4 rounds

Partner up, mosey to block pile and collect one block for each team before heading to the bball court.  Lineup on the baseline for some block work:

  1. Round 1: P1 bear crawl down the court and mosey back while P2 executes block shoulder presses, flapjack and repeato x3
  2. Round 2: P1 Carryovers down and back while P2 executes block squats, flapjack and repeato x3
  3. Round 3: P1 burpee broad jump down and mosey back while P2 executes WWII with blocks, flapjack and repeato x3
  4. Round 4: P1 lunge down and mosey back while P2 executes block curls, flapjack and repeato x3
  5. Round 5: P1 crab walk down and mosey back while P2 executes block swings flapjack and repeato x3

Deliver blocks back to the deck in a nice, neat pile, and conduct some very quick Mary in the parking lot while waiting for the 6.

Announcements: See Red Skull’s note in channel about a 5k to run with the 4:13 speedsters, see BV’s note (in ‘main’ channel) about an upcoming convergence in Franklin.  Prayers for Pusher’s son turning ONE TODAY!!

NMM:  It’s always an honor to lead at 4:13.  Most of us haven’t faced the challenges these young men have in their rearview or the ones they have in front of them.  Stay humble, work hard, support the man next to you, and enjoy a jock jams playlist where appropriate.

Stay Classy,



Ice Storm?

PAX: @t-cell @Tim the Toolman @hambone @McAfee @bluemule @Vector @Pop-A-Lock @Michelin Man @toga (QIC)

Gloom Factor:  Nil.  70 and Sunny

Lucky number 9 posted in an alleged ice storm to get a little better this morning.  It went something like…

Circle up next to cars, lineup most of the weights in YHC’s home gym, and commence with standard issue WOR.  Mosey up and down the parking lot a few times to get the ol’ ticker going then lineup for bean bad toss=

Each PAX lines up at a station to execute an exercise whilst one member of the PAX tosses a sandbag a predetermined distance and back, run to the end of the lot, rotate to the next station and repeato.  The exercise for today’s outing included:

  • Alternating offset merkins
  • Goblet squats
  • Kb swings
  • Tricep press
  • Jump rope
  • Man makers
  • Med ball slams
  • Dumbbell side raises


Announcements:  Get training for GrowRuck 27, get yourselves to 4:13 next week, and enjoy keeping the kids busy since they’re all home from school.

NMM: YHC was terribly excited to receive an offer to Q at Bomber (a first), and the opportunity to take Hambone’s Q made it all the sweeter.  The PAX quickly learned that the main part of the driveway was relatively clear of ice, but the parking spaces were slippery as whale s@&t!  We managed to complete almost 3 times through the circuit and got to witness some sweet form on the sandbag lift and toss.  The coffee is all the better when Pop a Lock buys!

Stay Classy,


MARSOC, Back Spasms and Epistaxis

31 Jan 22


Temp : 30
Gloom : Moderate
PAX : W4AG, D Frost, Movin on Up, Cinderella, Bagger Vance (QIC)

Day started out poorly for YHC with a bloody nose that lasted most of the AM. Quick Disclaimer then Mosey out on the Too Tall loop only to realize we lost Cinderella due to a back spasm.
Return back to StartEx to retrieve Cinderella and perform

WOR (D Frost retrieved a tampon for YHC to stem the blood flow. Didn’t really work as desired)

Cobra x 10 IC
Downward Dog x 10 IC
IW X 10 IC
HB X 10 IC

(Discard Nosepon)

30 Merkins (SGL)
30 Squats (SGL)
30 F Kix (IC)
10 Burpees
10 Windmills
30 Merkins (SGL)
30 MTN Climbers (IC)
30 Pistol Crunches
10 Burpees
10 Chain Breakers (IC)
30 Merkins (SGL)
30 SSH (IC)
30 Supermans
10 Burpees
10 Cherry Pickers
30 Merkins
30 Lunges
30 Hello Dollies
10 Burpees
10 American Hammers
Mosey to playground
3 Rounds max Dead Hang Pull Ups

To StartEx
Inch Worm
Peter Parker
(RnR in Rev)

Plank Progression


Cinderella and YHC really showed our age with his back spasm and my uncontrollable bloody nose.
Sorry the workout wasn’t as intense as planned; had to adopt and overcome.

Willa, D Frost’s 2.0 is now potty trained.

13 Jan 22


Guero (WL), FNG – Shotgun, Shootuh, Shocker, Life Champ (Kotter), Black Widow, PopALock, BnB, Detective Pikachu, Bogey, Hambone, Blue Mule, Dan N Dave, 413ers – Pipes, Astaire, Shaguar, Pusher, Jimmy John, Moonwalk, Red Skull, Bagger Vance (QIC)

Disclaimer, Claimed

Long Mosey out main road back to Smokestack w Side Shuffle L/R, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Bernie





Partner Up – 2 F3:1 413er

Mountain Climbers (4ct)
F Kix (4ct)

Run to top of Lot –
Lateral Bounds (2ct)
Ola Dollies (4ct)
8 Ct BB

RnR x 4

Round 4 completed at StartEx on my count.

1’ APD


Nice to have such a large crew to welcome 413 Strong class 1 of 2022. Willy Lomans – Guero pasted as promised along w Bogey. Kotters to Life Champ who’s back in the game. PopALock is a man on a mission back in the fold w a new fiancé. BnB laying out his plans for 2.0 sleep patterns, feedings, etc. Show of speed after coffeeteria from Astaire, Jimmy John, Moonwalk and Shaguar was nothing short of impressive. So glad they were sprinting and not smoking post Q. Pretty cool having the F3ers chime in on NameORama this class. We’ve got one 413er down w a stomach issue.

Tortoise n Hare kicks off next Tuesday 0530 same location. 5K loop around campus.


New Year’s Day 2022 Convergence – “I’m Feeling 22” – 01.01.22

36 PAX (+1 Runner) from across Middle Tennessee descended on Stonewall for an NYD convergence manwich as can only be concocted and delivered by the dynamic duo of Foxtrot Talks A Lot and Princess Aurora (YHC).

Conditions: Positively sublime.

QIC: Foxtrot Talks A Lot & Princess Aurora

PAX: Bad Boy, Bagger Vance, Black Widow, Carebear, Cinderella, Cocoon, Cowboy, Crablegs, Cross Stitch, DFrost, Dinty Moore, Hambone, Hi-Viz, House Arrest, Margot, Michelin Man, Moneyshot, Oregon Trail, Ponzi, Pumpkin Spice (PP), Red Skull, Rug Doctor, Shocker, Sooner, T-Cell, Toolbit, Toolman, Tuna, Vector, Vespa, Waterboy, Whoopie, Winger, Works For A Guy, Yard Sale


PA Bread Bottom Slice

Upon issuing a Happy New Year welcome and standard disclaimer, PAX set off on a medium mosey up and around Sunnyside Mansion as we made our way to the basketball court for a raucous COP mostly backed by Blondie’s “Call Me.” The extra challenge to stay on beat was much appreciated.

  • SSH x 22
  • Squats x 22 (went from double count to single count pretty quickly)
  • LBAC F x 11 (Hold for bridge)
  • LBAC R x 11

Quick yog to the tennis court for 11s from alley to alley. Jump Squats and 4ct Mountain Climbers with a wall sit for the six. We also had a visit from a nearby neighbor who complained to Michelin Man about how Prince’s “Nothing Compares 2 U” stirs up too much emotion in her and is making her NYE hangover worse so could you turn it down please?

Handoff to FTTAL for Meat and Cheese

Team Building Exercises:

Four teams, four stations, four minutes of work with a minute to rest and rotate. Tally up all of your reps with a special prize going to the winning team!

Station 1: Leap Frog from playground to path around mansion. Odd man Broad Jumps. Each rep counts as 1.

Station 2: Pull-ups on Jungle Gym

Station 3: Merkins in parking lot

Station 4: 100m Sled Push

RnR with 2:00 stations and sled resistance set to zero (or was it only never zero for our group???)

Handoff back to PA for the Top Slice of Bread

How do you get to 22? With two 11s of course! Circle up in the parking lot for Stationary 11s with Clerkins and Big Boy Sit-Ups. Plank for six.

Time called and the winner is….everybody and nobody!

COT/BOM and ice baths for a select few.


From Foxtrot:

Happy New Year F3 Men!!

Having 36 willing participants for Stonewall’s first post of the year was definitely a treat. As I sit here nestled on my couch, the pain of yesterdays tenuously choreographed 60 minute workout symphony rings in my ears (and my lower leg parts).

MVP was Princess Aurora. From the beginning stretches, the circuit audible, the Mary intensity, the closing prayer and his brave “I’ll go first” ice plunge.
Honorable mention goes to my wing man Yard Sale. Set up and break down of the ice chamber and tiki torch ensemble was much appreciated. Not to mention the ice contribution!!!

Highlight of the workout goes to DFrost. His smile when hearing all the 80’s throwback music was beautiful. And him unfurling his love sword when getting into the ice bath was truly priceless.

The ‘until next time’ award goes to the Franklin crew. Their unwillingness to try their first ice bath post F3 workout was understandable. We will bring it again next year!!


TAPS for the families of the sick and those we lost this year.

Please continue to pray for Spicoli’s family. There will be a celebration of his life on January 8 at City Church Franklin.

Also please pray for Franklin’s Snoop as he is battling serious complications from COVID right now. You can also support his family here.

May you be courageous in your goal-setting and tenacious in your pursuit!

PA out.



Green Machine – 12.30.21 – “Wet Leg”

Six PAX took a ride on the Green Machine Thursday morning. Conditions: soggy and mild.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Cowboy, High Flyer, Moneyshot, Ponzi, Works For A Guy


Armed with an indie/alt/post-punk/rock playlist and some simple exercises, PAX took a long mosey before settling down at the pull-up station for a COP warm-up and EMOM circuit:

  • Pull-Ups x 5
  • Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 15

Perform all three sets, resting for remainder of minute. 15 minutes total.

Mosey over to the parallel bars for another circuit

  • Dips x 15
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups x 15
  • Lunges x 16

RnR x 4

Mosey along the westside of the Victory Trail to the steep hill leading up to yellow gate. Bernie up the hill x 8.

Hobble back to start for 2.25MOM:

  • Plank x 45″
  • Side Plank R x 15″
  • Plank x 15″
  • Side Plank L x 15″
  • Plank x 45″


High-quality crew this morning in spite of the fact that every time YHC Qs the Green Machine, it has been/is raining. Tclaps to High Flyer for the process improvement during our first circuit as well as for the hair-bending coffeeteria. For the musically curious, playlist is below.


TAPS for Charlie, Heather Norton, Spicoli Family, and other families dealing with sickness.

NYD Convergence tomorrow at Stonewall. 0600 run with Bagger and co.  0700 Main Event with White Bison coffeeteria to follow. Foxtrot has promised prizes and treats, so show up to find out what’s up his sleeve!

PA out.