Passion WOD

AO: mistymountain
Q: McAfee
PAX: Linus, Transporter, Sanders, Cold Call (St. Charles, MO), Mountain Man 1-4
FNGs: None

WARMUP: OYO stretching

100 double unders or line jumps
800m barbell carry (95lbs or 65 lbs)
100 burpees

ANNOUNCEMENTS: plankpril starting up soon! Check out general channel for more info

COT: prayed for those dealing with sickness and medical issues

Medicine Egg

AO: mistymountain
Q: McAfee
PAX: Sanders, Flash, Linus, Laces Out, Mountain Men x3
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Balmy mid 50s

WARMUP: Broga poses OYO

THE THANG: Modified Route 66:
PAX took turns throwing a medicine ball and then lunging / broad jumping to where it landed as a group. Merkin, repeat, Merkin +1 all the way up to 11, then turn around and back.

Interspersed with a classic Route 66:
Pull Ups x Toe Taps (4 count)

ANNOUNCEMENTS: some fun F3 activities planned for March

12 Days of Charlie Daniels Christmas

AO: mistymountain
Q: Flash
PAX: Transporter, McAfee, Skeet, Sanders, Chewy, 3X Mountain Men
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold, but not for very long.

WARMUP: Reindeer Crawl (aka Bear Crawl) 50M

THE THANG: 12 Days of Christmas, Misty Mountain style. Just like the song, work your way up to the 12th day doing movements for each day. Plank until all in.

1 – Spiderman Pushup
2 – Reverse Lunges
3 – Plank Ups
4 – Bird Dogs
5 – Buuuuurrrrpeeeeeees
6 – Squats a Jumping
7 – Mountain Climbers
8 – Dips a Dipping
9 – Jacks a Squatting
10 – Bikes a Peddlin’
11 – Narrow Pushups
12 – Burpees Burping

Every third day, complete a 50M reindeer crawl.

Once we got to 12, we reversed it & went from Day 1 to 12 a single time.

.25 mile mosey & 25M reindeer crawl

2 minutes of flutters, leg raises, plank to close it out.

Ho ho ho!


Q de Sanders

AO: mistymountain
Q: Sanders
PAX: Skeet, Linus, Flash, McAfee, Daniel Gragg, Transporter, Mountain Man x3 + Mt Man Kotter
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold but not horrid

WARMUP: 400M Run

Leg Spread Knee Tuck
Diamond Pushups
Side Plank with Hip Abduction
KB Squats
Flutter Kicks
DB Arnold Press
Sandbag Deadlifts
Changer: Run to the rig to do 10 pull-ups and run back.

announced that Journey Church in Lebanon will be having father/son Bible Studies twice a week, and that there is now a wrestling club for kids/youth at Lebanon high school.

COT: Prayer of thankfulness for the opportunity to fellowship with this group of men.

Shouldering the Burden

AO: mistymountain
Q: McAfee
PAX: Skeet, Flash, Transporter, Sanders, Mt. Men x3 + Fly Guy returning from the depths of basketball practice!
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: cold but not horrid

WARMUP: Willy Mays Hays + Deep Squat holds followed by a quick 1/2 mile mosey.

THE THANG: Started off with phase 2 of the Warm-Up, “10” Ultra-Merkins, but each rep consisted of 5 Merkins interspersed with toe taps, spidermans, and hop to standing.

Next we got into the good stuff; PAX took turns helping each other to shoulder the burden (literally) as 2 spotters helped a PAX to set up the appropriate weight for squats, deadlifts, and finally curls, each for reps of 15 (or to failure).

PAX circled through this rotation and performed flutters, American Hammers, J-Los, WW1s, and tons of merkin variations.

Finished off with a quick sprint.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Half Marathon coming up next Thursday 12/14!!

COT: Praying for Rockies’ little daughter who is undergoing surgery today.

Prayed out with an old germanic/norse inspired incantation:

My name is not my own; it is borrowed from my ancestors. I will return it unstained.

My honor is not my own; it is on loan from my descendants. I will give it to them unbroken.

Our blood is not our own; it is a gift to generations yet unborn. We shall carry it with responsibility.