Wish That I Was On Ole Rocky Top…

PAX: Bad Boy, Bicentennial Man, Silver Medal, Boone’s Farm, En Fuego

QIC: En Fuego

Conditions: A gloomy 47 degrees

Let’s First Go Inside the Numbers:

  • 11 straight SEC losses
  • 23 months since the last SEC win, spanning 694 days
  • 15 straight losses to the SEC West, with 7 straight seasons of posting an 0-2 record against the West
  • An impressive run of losing its last game against every SEC opponent

All is no mas and never to be quoted again, thanks to some friendly action down on The Plains this past Saturday.  While YHC didn’t get to see a second of it, today YHC and 4 other PAX donned their orange pride and Smokey Grey unis and celebrated such an occasion – Tennessee Tailgate Style.

5:30: A rusty Disclaimer given, reflective of YHC’s recent time on the IR, followed by an invite to get this TN tailgate started in true fashion.  With that, we go straight into Rocky Top (Ozbourne Brothers rendition for all you eager to add to your Spotify mix).  SSH during the song with a burpee at each “Rocky Top”.  YHC left amazingly unimpressed with the fellow PAX lyrical knowledge of this great tune.

We then mosey off campus to neighboring Burton Hills, setting up COP at the top of the parking garage at 30 Burton Hills.  YHC mentions that we want to make sure the Auburn faithful among us (Silver Medal, #where’sfoggy?) are still fully aboard the GusBus, following the recent 7-year, $49 million extension and awarding the Vols their first SEC win in 694 days.  With that, we perform the following IC:

G – Good Mornings x 7

U – Up Straddle Hop x 4

S – Scorpion Stretch x 9 (we’ve now got the 7 years, $49mm)

B – Baby Arm Circles x 6 (F & R with 23 count in-between, for the 23 months since last win)

U – Up Straddle Hop x 9

S – Slow & Low Squats x 4 (we’ve got our 694 days covered – and all are still fully aboard the GusBus)

We then mosey out of the parking garage to the base of the hill leading from Burton Hills Blvd to Covenant Presbyterian Church.  YHC informs the PAX what a long, uphill battle it has been since that last W – so let us commemorate with some hill work.  We break into two teams – Team Vols with YHC, Boone’s and Bicentennial and Team War Eagle with Silver Medal, Bad Boy & #where’sfoggy?.  Final score was 30-24, so team Team Vols will do 30 reps of each prescribed exercise (90 cumulative); Team War Eagle will do 24 reps (48 cumulative).  Once Team War Eagle completes their 48 reps, they plank and hold from the sideline, watching Team Vols get better.  Once all PAX are in, the two teams run together up the hill, where we R&R in varying fashion:

V – V-ups, then run to the top of the hill (hill #1).  After a 10 count, we mosey down the opposite hill, exiting out to Harding Place (hill #2).   All in, we perform:

O – One-legged deadlift, then Bernie Sanders back up the hill to the Church.  After a 10 count, mosey back down hill #1.  All in, we perform:

L – Lieutenant Dan’s, then run back up to top of hill #1; after a 10 count we mosey back to base of hill #2 for some:

S – Single Hand-Release Merkins (modified to 20 count for time); then Bernie Sanders back up hill #2.

5 minutes left on the clock, we mosey back to the friendly confines of #IIIPillars.  Time called and we end with COT.  Continued prayers for Bad Boy and his M throughout pregnancy; prayers for all the people affected by Hurricane Michael.

Strong tailgate effort to each of the PAX – total of 2.5 miles covered, way too much of that being at a steep incline.  Appreciative of the opportunity to lead.

Until next time, hoping it’s not another 23 months…

En Fuego

III Pillars – 09.25.18 – “MIB”

4 PAX hit the St. Paul track to celebrate the birth of the one and only fresh prince, Will Smith.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Life Champ, Foggy Pirate


After a brief parking lot mosey and discussions surrounding the true meaning of “Friendly Friday” and EHing, Foggy, BF, and I made our way to the track to discover Life Champ waiting around in the dark. We strolled over to midfield for a COP, all IC:

  • SSH x 20
  • WMH x 14
  • Good Mornings with LBAC x 14
  • Lunges x 14
  • Merkins x 14 (2ct)

Gathered the PAX at the starting line to explain we’d be celebrating Will Smith’s birthday. PAX partnered up for an AMRAP circuit that would pay tribute to both Men in Black and the appearance we F3ers often take with our “uniform” F3 shirts.

While P1 runs a lap, P2 performs AMRAP of the first exercise. Flapjack and then repeat with the next exercise.

  • Boxcutters
  • Lunges
  • Air Squats
  • Crunches
  • Kicks (of the Donkey variety)

Took another lap altogether, and then like any good MIB, I had to break out the Neuralyzer so we could forget what we just did and do it all over again!

Lined the PAX up on the sideline for some Paula Abdul (Broad Jump forward, two bunny hops back) across the field. Turned around to cross back and Duck Walked a third, Walk Ducked a third, and Duck Walked another third. To even it out, we went back across with WD, DW, and WD. Quads were torched at this point!


  • Flutter Kicks x 10
  • Wide Leg Raises x 10
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups x 10
  • American Hammers x 10

Mosey back to parking lot for COT/BOM


  • There’s no experience quite like the sensation one has coming down the homestretch to see Foggy Pirate’s hands on the ground and six up in the air. I’m sure it’s enough to drive the M bananas.
  • Glad to have Life Champ with us even if he did miss the hardest part of the workout – starting.


  • 4th Anni workout and G-School at Stonewall this Saturday from 0600-0830. Succumb to your FOMO and be there. It’s going to be a great workout followed by great meeting of the minds. You’ll hear from PAX all across the region and have a chance to share that great idea of yours.  There will also be coffee and sustenance!
  • 2nd Annual F3 Open is next week and can take 3 more players. Talk to CAPSLOCK or BV for deets.
  • Andy Crouch is speaking on “Stewarding Influence” next Thursday, Oct 4 at Clementine on Charlotte Ave. Tickets are still available. Megatron will be there!
  • Go Tigers.

PA out.




Temp: 74
Gloom Factor: Moderate
PAX: Princess Aurora, TOGA, Plunger, Silver Medal, Boone’s Farm, Bagger Vance (6th Man)
YHC was called in at the 11th hour by the Honorable En Fuego hence the Q would be WIB consisting of the following:
Super short, slow, varied mosey ending w picking up PA in lot and
IW x 13, Squats x 13, Hillbillies x 13, Lunges x 12, Merkins x 13
Partner Up for Accountability
130 Merkins
230 Air squats
330 LBC IC
410 Burpees
510 Windmills
630 Merkins
730 Mountain climbers IC
830 Flutter kicks IC
910 Burpees
1010 Cherry pickers (4-count)
1130 Merkins
1230 Side Straddle Hops
1330 Supermans
1410 Burpees
1510 Chain breakers IC
1630 Merkins
1730 Lunges
1830 Hello dollies IC
1910 Burpees
2010 Putin Pounders IC
213 Max sets of dead-hang pull-ups or flexed-arm hangs
Mosey back from playground for:
Extended MARY:
30 Merkins
30 LBCs IC
30 Squats
10 Burpees
10 Cherry Pickers
30 Merkins (broken into sets of 10)
30 Lunge w Twist
Plank variation
Great to hang w the PAX of III Pillars this am and to lead a high impact virtually no running Q. The above Thang was copied and pasted from the US Military Officer Candidate School website. YHC fouled up the order from above but rest assured all PAX got a good lather.
•This Friday is First Friday Lunch 1130 at Cookery
•Tuesday, the 11th all AOs will converge at the steps of Percy Warner starting at 0530 and will last about 60’
•Friday, the 14th is Friendly Friday
•Saturday, the 15th Tough Mudder
•Saturday, the 29th F3 Four Year Anniversary Q and Q School to follow
•Sunday, the 30th 2nd Annual F3 Scramble at Harpeth Hills Qd by CAPSLOCK and YHC. Details to follow on Slack
•Prayers up for Silver Medal’s M heading to SE Asia to lead the ministry they are associated with and for him to lead his family well while she is gone
•Prayers up for TOGAs M’s grandmother in hospice in FL

III Pillars – 08.21.18 – “Belated Happy Backblast”

13 PAX celebrated a birthday for YHC at III Pillars, but YHC did all the gift-giving.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Lumbergh, Tampa Libra, Blue Mule, Hambone, Reveille, Silver Medal, Cowboy, Harvey Updyke, Boone’s Farm, Bicentennial Man, Plunger

Following a disclaimer and a brief mosey over and around the senior living parking lot, we backpedaled up the side entrance to the track to wake those quads up and hit the center of the field for the COP:

  • SSH x 34
  • WMH x 17 (+ 1 silent to even out the legs)
  • LBAC x 17 F/R
  • Squats x 34


In honor of the big 3-4, those numbers would play heavily into the workout. Three exercise circuits, four exercises each, three rounds of each circuit.

Circuit 1 (3 rounds):

  • Squats x 34
  • Merkins x 34
  • 2ct Flutter Kicks x 34
  • 200m lap (~34″ of running)

Circuit 2 (3 rounds):

  • Pull-Ups x (Max/3 + 4)
  • Split Squats x 34 (17 R/L)
  • LBCs x 34
  • SSH x 34

Circuit 3 (3 rounds):

  • Bear Crawl x 34 yards
  • Lunge Walk x 34 yards
  • Dragon Crawl x 34 yards
  • Duck Walk x 34 yards

AYG back to the parking lot. COT/BOM.


Thanks to all who had their maiden post at III Pillars in my honor. It was much appreciated, and the workout, while super awful at the end, was actually a fun one for me to take the PAX through. It was especially awesome to see all the encouragement through the 200s and the traveling exercises.


  • Glad to hear Lumbergh’s son passed the FE.
  • Prayers for the Llewellyn family and the tragic loss of their son
  • 9/29 4th Anniversary Workout at Stonewall followed by Q/Grow School. More info to come, but SAVE THE DATE.
  • Football season is upon us. College colors are encouraged on Fridays!
  • Go Tigers.

PA out.


We Improve That Which We Measure

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Princess Aurora, Foley, Cowboy, Reveille, En Fuego (QIC)

Conditions: Idyllic

5:30 AM: Disclaimer given then we mosey to the football field for…

Warmarama: SSH, WMH, LBAC, GMs and fan favorite Scorpion Stretch (thanks and kudos to Toga).  YHC informs the PAX school is back in session this week at III Pillars – what better time to undergo a physical assessment, which will be completed the final week of the school year as well to track progress.  YHC chose not to go the APFT route – opting instead for the proprietary III Pillars version.  We stress proper form and no sandbagging.  Here goes…

The Thang:

Complete the following in order, for time.

  • 40 Merkins, run 2 laps (.25 miles)
  • 40 Merkins, 30 Jump Squats, run 2 laps
  • 40 Merkins, 30 Jump Squats, 20 Burpees, run 2 laps
  • 40 Merkins, 30 Jump Squats, 20 Burpees, 10 Big Boy Situps, run 2 laps
  • 40 Merkins, 30 Jump Squats, 20 Burpees, 10 Big Boy Situps, run 4 laps

All in the PAX completed 200 merkins, 120 jump squats, 60 burpees, 20 big boy sit ups (400 collective reps) and ran 1.5 miles.  Not a lot of mumble chatter – other than Rev expressing his impressive self control in keeping two potential splashes swallowed back into the system (good work Rev!)


  • Princess Aurora – 22:43
  • Boone – 24:00
  • En Fuego – 27:00
  • Cowboy – 28:00
  • Foley – 29:30
  • Rev – 33:00 (with an impressive AYG sprint his final 100 meters)

No time for Mary – mosey back for COT.

Great effort by the six in getting the school year started right – by no means an easy assessment, but guaranteed to be easier when we go again in May.

Appreciative of the opportunity to lead,

En Fuego



They Don’t Get Easier, You Just Get Better

PAX: Boone’s Farm, Princess Aurora, Bicentennial Man, En Fuego (QIC)

Conditions: Hot & muggy; missing a good January gloom

5:30 AM: We mosey, where halfway into it YHC realizes no disclaimer was given.  Disclaimer given mid-mosey.   Head to the soccer field for…

Warmarama: SSH, LBAC, WMH and GM.  During GMs, YHC informs the PAX that tomorrow is QIC’s one-year F3 birthday and thanks the PAX for coming to kick off the birthday festivities.  In honor of that birthday celebration this week, we’re going back in time reliving a couple milestones, including YHC’s first Q, delivered 9 months ago at the friendly confines of The Skunk – and in doing so testing the old F3 adage that the “workouts don’t get easier, you just get better”.  With that, we begin a slightly modified (soon to be regretted) version of that first Q.

The Thang:  We celebrate the 2nd F of F3 and bring Fellowship to the forefront.  QIC informs the PAX that from this point forward everything we do we do in two’s – so we partner up.  Fireman carry to the end of the soccer field to commence the following:

Partner 1 begins suicide utilizing length of soccer field – 1/3rd, 2/3rd and full length with one burpee, two burpees, and three burpees at the respective stops.  Second F twist is that Partner 1 doesn’t stop facing Partner 2 throughout suicide, so half is performed running backwards.

Partner 2 commences the following, with partners flapjacking until the below is complete:

  • 100 Burpees
  • 100 Jump Squats
  • 100 Power Merkins (modified from merkins in initial Q; regret sets in)
  • 100 Iron Mikes (modified from lunges; further regret)
  • 100 BigBoy Situps (modified from LBCs; modifying now a foolish decision at this point)

We’re all in, completely drenched, and PA is now shirtless.  With the latter, our lady friend from senior housing appears – mumble chatter between her and PA ensues; no questions asked.  Fireman carry to center sideline, where Partner 1 wheelbarrows to midfield; switch partners for return trip and end with 5 irkins and 5 derkins.  That’s one set; r&r 3x – increasing to 10 count of each on the final set.

Final minutes comprised of mixture of pull ups and sprints with Mary’s baked in.   Time.


  1. TN CAN Ruck this Saturday – reach out to PA for details.
  2. Prayers for Reveille’s cousin and brother; Bicentennial’s mom

As always, great effort by the PAX – appreciate you coming out to the party today and certainly thankful for the fellowship and accountability you’ve provided over the last 12 months.

III Pillars – 07.03.18 – “Smash and Dash”

‘Twas another beautiful sunrise at the St. Paul Christian Academy field, a perfect backdrop for the 8 PAX working on their motors and evasive maneuvers.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: En Fuego, Boone’s Farm, Keep the Change, General Mills (FNG), Vegemite, Hambone, Leatherneck


Having just come in hot from prep work at the field, YHC jumped out of the car, gave a quick disclaimer, and led the PAX on a medium mosey to and around the track, stopping in the center for a COP:

  • SSH x 20
  • Kang Squats x 15
  • LBAC F/R/F x 10/20/10
  • Cherry Pickers x 30

Hop on over to the starting point of today’s agility course and form a line. From your knees, jump up and run the following cone snake pattern:

  • Forward 3 yards to first cone
  • Shuffle 3 yards left to next cone
  • Forward
  • Shuffle right
  • Forward
  • Shuffle left
  • Forward
  • Shuffle right
  • Sprint 30 yards to the last cone
  • 10 Hand Release Clerkins
  • Sprint back to the start point.

Man behind you starts when you hit the second cone. After final sprint, rest until next man finishes his round. RnR for 5 total rounds.

For the next agility drill, it was diagonal runs down and back through the cone course. When not running the course, you’re squatting. RnR for 3 rounds.

Mosey over to side entrance of the track. This is a short but steep hill, and, having experienced the burn of backpedaling up steep hills with Floppy at Sir E, I knew what I was subjecting the PAX to this morning. 11’s starting with 10 Jump Squats at the bottom, backpedal to the top, 1 Glute Bridge. It was brutal.

Gather the PAX over at the playground for some Bell Cow action. There were 8 cones left in the middle of the field, so one person calls an exercise for the group and sprints to retrieve one cone. RnR until all cones are back. Among the exercises were Dry Docks, Squats, and Table Tops.

Mosey back to cars for COT/BOM


  • Welcome to Brad Mills aka General Mills, brother-in-law to En Fuego, and Knoxvillian. He’s going to be excited when he posts in Knoxville and finds out how easy it is.
  • Kotters to Leatherneck. It was good to have him back out, and he hasn’t lost a step.
  • Methinks some more combine Qs are in the future for III Pillars. All of you, especially you West End/Green Hills guys, be sure to check this AO out.


  • First Friday Lunch at The Cookery at 11:30 tomorrow, July 6.
  • Friendly Friday next Friday the 13th at our Friday AOs.
  • Warpath, Franklin’s quarterly CSAUP, on July 21 from 5-9 down in Franklin.
  • TN CAN RUCK, which combines our monthly 3rd F service opportunity with 2nd F and CSAUP events , is on July 21 from 2pm until we’re done (4-5 hours expected). Come ruck, drink, and serve to support hungry families across Middle Tennessee. Look for promo opportunities over the next two weeks at supporting breweries. If you’re planning to come and haven’t signed up, please do me a favor and register here so I can throw these numbers out to our stops: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Q4kQjkyLPhyfR9ofdigkMYoRMXTLTpsmATTMrJsbRrg/edit
  • Prayers for healing and comfort for those families experience injury, disease, and loss this summer and praises for the good things we’re seeing around us. It’s a blessing to have so many people praying for others; let’s not underestimate its power.

PA out.

Monkey Bars, Relay Races & Crab Hunting – Honoring the Life of Levi Hughes

PAX: Foggy Pirate, Princess Aurora, En Fuego

QIC: En Fuego

3 PAX partake in a kid-friendly workout, honoring the life of Levi Hughes, the son of a buddy of mine who went to be with his Father following an all too quick but overly abundant 3 years of life on this earth spent with family and friends who absolutely loved and adored him.

Warm up with quick mosey around the parking lot, stop at separate speed bumps for 3, 13 and 15 merkins (Levi’s birthday of 3.13.15)

COP: SSH x 13; WMH x 13, Scorpion Stretch x 13 (totaling the 39 months Levi was able to bless those family and friends in their time together).  GMs oyo while YHC explained the motivation behind today’s workout.

Like friends on a playground, we head to the monkey bars, whereby YHC instructs the PAX we’ll be keeping the friend theme together this morning, as most of what we do we do in unison or in collective counts together.


L – Lateral pull-downs, aka pull-ups.  117 together as a team (approx. 39 per person).  Upon completion, head to track for relay race – 1 PAX completes a lap while remaining PAX hold high plank; flapjack until all PAX completed a lap.  Head to:

E – Escalator utilizing BLIMPs (because what kid doesn’t love things that fly).  Collective counts of 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 with respective BLIMP of Bodybuilders, Lieutenant Dangers, Imperial Storm Squats (exhaustion setting in), Merkins and PlankJacks; back to track for repeat of relay race, this time PAX hold low plank

V – It’s time for some wheelbarrow play-time, in the form of Vacuum Cleaners.  Two PAX hop in wheelbarrow position; wheelbarrow to sideline (approx 15 yards away), perform 5 derkins, reverse wheelbarrow to starting line.  Flapjack until all PAX have completed, with third PAX performing exercise in unison doing bear crawl.  Back to track, repeat relay race, PAX alternate between high and low plank.

I – Indian Crab Walk.  Apparently Levi was all about some crab hunting at the beach, and in fact his last t-shirt worn was his favorite crab hunting shirt.  PAX lined up on their six, PAX in the back crabwalks to the front, then next guy, etc.  Guys on six alternate doing WWIs, LBCs and American Hammers.  Approx. 60 yards of crab walking – here’s hoping the little man was smiling as he was watching.

2 minutes left on the clock, we give an AYG shuttle run on the field – 1/3, half, 2/3, full.  Time called and we mosey back for COT.

PAX – Honor to be able to lead you this morning in celebrating Levi and appreciate you showing up and doing your part in it.

For all of us men, Levi’s mom mentioned in the eulogy that Levi came to her at 11:00 that night and asked her to come sleep with him.  Whereas normally she might think twice at such a request, she this time hopped out of bed and unbeknownst to her spent her final night with him cuddled up in a bunk bed together.  How special is that.  Reminder to us all the preciousness of this life and our time together.  Fathers (and YHC is speaking to himself here), be quicker to listen and slower to raise your voice, spend that extra five minutes rubbing their backs at night, get off the couch and down on the floor with them – and most of all, keep reminding those littles how loved they are.

En Fuego