Super Coupon Monday

PAX:  Black Widow, Not a Sport, Leatherneck, Umbrella, Boone’s Farm, Offshore, TOGA (QIC)

Seven redwoods posted to get a bit stronger with coupons today, and it went something like this:

Mosey around to Murray Ln and then back for warmarama.., the usual stuff.  Next we grabbed coupons out of Leatherneck’s sled to commence a coupon fest that bared no resemblance to the running only workouts of the past two weeks.  The fun included: curls, squats, single leg squats, deadlifts, lawnmowers, goblet squats, various merkin configurations, and Umbrella’s favorite, the weighted sit-up.

COT with YHC taking us out.

Stay Classy,


Changing the Guard

Temp 37ish – Lovely morning for a thorough beat down.

Prep-Party- Q’d by Mr. 3rd Degree. Attendees MURSA, Nimbus 1500, NumbTucks, and YHC KermiT.

Pre-Party on Saturdays are basically morphing into it’s own RUCK AO.

Thang – 

20x – Curls

20x – Skull Crushers

20x – Russian Twist

20x – Squat

Mosey appx. .75 miles

RR for 3 miles.

We were able to get in 4 rotations of this routine. Running from the H.S. to the Elementary school.

3D got us back with an entire minuter and a half before NumbTucks had to start his Q….

The Forge 

17 PAX Staples, Professor X, Little Miss Piggy, Stats, 3rd Degree, Nimbus 150, Show Me, NumbTucks, MURSA (PreVac), Creeper, Huggy, Glen Gary, Tebow, Soccer Mom, Hot Dish,  & KermiT.

Medic – Hodge Podge mashup of everything from Colter Wall, Dub Step, & Holy Night by Celine Dion.

Warm Up – 

LBAC – 15x Forward and Reverse

Raise the Roof – 15x

Seal Claps – 15x

Quick Lap to the field

The Thang – 

Death by Sevens

PAX group up in 4’s. Corners are found appx 40 – 50 yds apart. PAX execute a particular exercise at each corner for one full rotation around the square. MoT from corner to corner is Mosey and Sprint

Round 1 – 7 Bupees (Total 28)

Round 2 – 14 Merkins (Total 56)

Round 3 – 21 Flutter Kicks (Total 84)

Round 4 – 28 Squats (Total 112)

After PAX completed the routine NumbTucks took a moment to hand off his responsibility of site Q for the Forge to YHC KermiT.

Thanks brother, its an honor.

Thang 2 – 

Quick Transition Warm-Up. Fog of War was rolling in and the MC was on high level…. The following is what I definitely know we did, there was more, but the rest got lost in the fog.

Donna Summers 25x Each Leg

Bear Crawl Football field, with a slight variation. Everyone completes the entire length without standing up. As each PAX finishes they are to return to the next PAX that has not finished and finish with them. RR until all PAX have finished.

Indian Run mosey to school… Speed Bump 5x Balls to the Bus – 10x Burpees Audible – 1x Ball to the Bus

Thang 3 –

Bear Crawl Indian Wall Sit

All PAX wall sit as 1 PAX Bear Crawls the length of PAX. RR until all have Bear Crawled.


10 Burpees

50 WWI’s

Indian Run back to the field

Last Thang – Sally Merkins


Sled Push 25yds – Turn Around – Back 25yds

CoT – 

Continued prayer for LMP’s wife

Staples mom

Praise for keeping Soccer Mom and his family safe on their travels back.

Praise for 3D’s new job.


F3 Christmas party December 21st at Staples. Check Slack for deets

It’s always a pleasure to lead you fellas. I thank God for the opportunity.

Peace Out 


Breezy Blockees @ DEFIANT with 3D

Pre-Party: YHC for 5 pull-ups, 7 Merkins and 9 Squats on the minute for 8 minutes. Lonely times until LifeCoach Creeper joined in halfway through…discussion included irony of Nirvana songs and speed walking

9 PAX in attendance for the main event: Prof. X (Respect), Creeper, Bieber, ShowMe, GlenGarry, NumbTucks, OldHickory, Mufasa (He’s Alive?!) & 3rd Degree (Q) got after it.


  • SSH IC x 10
  • SJ IC x 10
  • IW IC x 10
  • Inchworm Merkins OYO x 5
  • GM OYO x 3

Mosey to the Shed @ the park for coupon distribution

4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse:

party anger GIF

4 exercises with coupons: Blockees, Coupon Squats, Curls+OHP, and AHs with coupon held.

Exercises A, B, C & D in progressive rounds like this: 10A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1A, 10B, 2C, 2D, 2A, 2B, 10C, 3D (the best round), 3A, 3B, 3C, 10D, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 9A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5A, 9B, 6C, 6D, 6A, 6B, 9C, 7D, 7A, 7B, 7C, 9D, 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D and done…

Great way to get 55 reps of each exercise completed in a “manageable” way.

Plank progression and 10 APDs. Had s much fun on form that NT forgot his number…

Back to the school for some fun n’ games with the Die of Doom with the remaining time.

~10 minutes of Die of Doom (Karma Cube…Craps…Die of Death…not sure yet what to call this still…) Q tossed die to random PAX and whatever exercise and rep was listed, we did. Sometimes we modified, and sometimes PAX tried to modify and bonus Burpees were awarded. Eventually, 5 minutes in…the MC ad GrumbleChatter was so loud YHC had to call an audible with a GRIT test of BC 20 parking spaces, then lungewalk 10 and crawl-bear 10 back for CoT

CoT / Counterama / Namerama

What we learned:

  • I was recently inspired by the story of Luz Long and his unexpected and courageous encounter with Jesse Owens in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany. Check it out! We need to recognize we are all made in SkyQ’s image and have worth because of this. Recognize your own and others’ worth as humans and treat each other as such…period.
  • Kobains is F3 slang for “Sorry..” The more you know…

affluenza cast GIF

  • We need an F3Dads hike up the hill at Smith  Park…who will lead this event? Hike up food/drinks and eat at the summit? Nimbus, get it done 😉
  • ShowMe is soon to depart to Savannah, TN and looking to spring up a local F3 Chapter there…you’ll be missed homey.

PostParty: 9 Clerkins for good measure

Coffeteeria enjoyed by a few PAX while others (including YHC) had to bounce out quick. I’m sure some 2nd F and 3rd F took place


  • Staples to host F3Nolensville Christmas Party Dec. 21, Venmo @F3Nolensville ~$10 for Yours and your +1’s contribution to the Smoked Brisket/Veggies/Wings? if you will be coming. Plan to bring a side to share and some holiday cheer would be welcome too (the alcoholic kind included)
  • NewYear 10mi Ruck on New Years. Talk to Nimbus1500 for more info.
  • Website in the works…. . Any tech-heads that can help get this thing up and running? Contact Nimbus…

Humbled with the opportunity to sharpen and be sharpened.

– 3D

Ginuwinely Put Your Ballz to the Wallz

fox news GIF

Conditions: It’s raining men. Hallelujah, it’s raining men.

13 PAX in Attendance: Barney Fievel (QiC), Stats, Numbtucks, Creeper, Deliverance, Dongle (FNG, welcome!), Sterno, Tebow, Glen Garry, Staples, Nimbus 1500, Sex Ed, and Professor X.

Disclaimer – This was a 10/10, Grade A disclaimer. I might have to start dropping the “not a professional” part.


      • Show Me lap
      • 20 SSH IC
      • 10 squats IC
      • 20 LBAC

Now that we’re all warmed up, won’t you join me for a little jog up to the shed? There’s something I want to show you… Coupons! Let’s all grab one and get to work!

Thang 1: Coupon 7’s (Ginuwines and Yurpees)

Ginuwines are a little gem I came up with sometime last year. With coupon in hands and at chest level, PAX drop down into the athletic position while simultaneously pushing the coupon out in front of them. Gyrate the coupon from left to right before popping back up into standing position, simultaneously bringing the coupon back to the chest.

Think about the dance move from Ginuwine’s “Pony” and you’ll do fine. You gonna look fine too. Or ridiculous. We haven’t done this one since we started using cinder blocks for coupons. It hurts in the very best way possible!

Yurpees are the brain child of former F3 Nolensville PAX and current HIM of F3 Spring Hill, Ragdoll and Cheeze Whiz. Modified burpee in which PAX perform a clap merkin and two jumping knee taps. Every man hopes to leave a lasting legacy. You two have left us with a lasting soreness. Thanks a lot!

Mode of Transportation was bear crawl one way and lunges the other.

ginuwine GIF

Thang 2: Box Jumps and Ballz 2 the Wallz

Partner up. While partner one performs 5 balls to the walls against the park bathrooms, Partner two performs box jumps on the nearby bleachers. Keep rotating until 100 box jumps are performed as a team.

If you never thought you’d find yourself in a park at 5:30am, hanging upside down with your balls against a public restroom, elbow to elbow with a bunch of other sweaty guys…then I guess you’re “normal.”

PAX moseyed back down to the parking lot for a little Sally action, merkin style. TClaps to Nimbus 1500 for completing it! Definitely not easy after those Ginuwine’s. Good grief. Here I thought you had expended all of your energy when you blew that coupon into rubble with your farts.


      • 20 BBSU
      • 20 Freddie Mercury’s
      • 10 Alabama Prom Dates
      • 1 GM


      • F3 Nolensville’s Christmas Party is December 21st at Casa de Staples! Numbtucks is smoking a brisket! More details to come but mark your calendars!
      • This morning, we learned that Nimbus has trained himself to where he can now break coupons with his farts. Impressive.
      • We also learned that, while F3 is open to men of all faiths, in Barney’s mind, we’re a Jesus Shop. Sorry, not sorry.


5 December 2019 The Hill

CoQ at The Hill

TEMP: 36, perfect Ninja Ice weather
Gloom Factor: Low

PAX – Cowboy, Red Skull, Foxtrot Talks a Lot, Money Shot, Venus, Siri, Too Tall, Dilly Dilly, D’Mish o Nuts, Big Stick, Bagger Vance
QsIC – Big Stick, BV

Evo I – Big Stick

Partner Up –

Arm Lock Sprint 100 yds, 10 Burpees, Flap Jack RnR
Buddy Carry 100 yds, 10 Squats, Flap Jack RnR
P1 Bear Crawl 20 Yards both 5 Burpees, Flap Jack for 100yds
RnR switching Burpees for Atomics
Buddy Carry 100 yds, 20 Squats, Flap Jack

Q Swap

W Partner, Lunge walk at 10 yard intervals and perform the following Exercises in order according to the Yard Line :

Burpees x 10
OH Claps x 20
Merks x 30 (YHC partner, Dilly Dilly gives me multiple No Counts)
Big Boy Sit Ups x 40
Squats x 50

Reverse Lunge Walk and Step down Reps

Burpees x 40
OH Claps x 30
Merks x 20 (All YHC Reps counted here)
BBSU x 10
Squats on back Fence

First Inhabitants Run down main entrance to sidewalk up the stairs back to the lot.

Plank Progression
F Kix x 20 IC
Plank Progression
Megan Barrys x 20 IC
Merks x 10 IC
Flutter Kix x 20 IC


Always fun to riff off Big Stick knowing he’s more of an ad lib kinda guy and less of a plan kinda guy.

Venus 3/3 this week.
Cowboy dispensing wisdom to young Siri.
Dilly Dilly had a tough time w the O2 intake.
Money Shot as consistent as always, though a double digit PAX turnout pushes his limits.
Red Skull doing Red Skull things as he drug Foxtrot (who mentioned his Soaz no less than 100 times) around the gridiron.
Grateful to Too Tall for picking NSJ, err D’Mish up in the Solomon truck.

413 Give Back Supper tonight 1276 Foster Ave. Princes Hot Chix on menu.
First Friday Lunch tomorrow, check Slack for deets…likely be N Brentwood, Franklin Rd area.


III Pillars 12/3/2019 – Golden Glutes Return

PAX: EnFuego, Crablegs, Silver Medal, Moneyshot, Bareback, Tampa Libra, Cowbell (FNG from Tampa), Toothless, Umbrella, PA

QIC: Boone’s Farm

Conditions: nice crisp 30 degrees


  • SSH x20
  • WMH x10
  • LBAC x10 F/R
  • Merkins x10
  • scorpion x10


Mosey to Hill Center parking deck stairs (~0.75 mi). Announce return of Golden Glutes (blend of Glutes and Ladders and Golden Horseshoe):

  • 20 merkins, lap 1 (up stairs (~5 flights), 5 burpees, down stairs)
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, lap 2
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, lap 3
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, lap 4
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, 20 lunges (10 each leg), lap 5 (drop burpees after this lap)
  • 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, 20 lunges, lap 6
  • 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, 20 lunges, lap 7
  • 20 WWI, 20 lunges, lap 8
  • 20 lunges, lap 9

PA nearly finished, but we had to head back for time.  We ended with a little extra credit, just over 3 miles and ~40 flights of stairs.

Great work by all and great to be back at III Pillars. Remember in this Advent season that we celebrate the incarnation of Jesus who came to take on our sorrows and give us hope.

Always an honor,


Titan – Dec 4th – “Hanging with Ralph”

Dec 4th, 2019

Gloom: 40 and clear

PAX: Siri, RightSaid, BlackLung, Money Snake, Reveille, Ralph, Drago, BnB

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: quick jog around the park, side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes, squats, LBCs, air presses, shanooks, RLBCs etc…

Work: teams of 2 alternating bear crawls / lunges to the building (from the playground) with:

      • 200 squats
      • 200 merkins
      • 100 pull ups
      • 200 LBCs

After we jogged to the Parthenon for Mary.

Mary: hello dolly, LBCs, leg lifts

COT: we closed out the morning with a quick recap: 4:13 Strong dinner tomorrow and RSVP for Revs fancy pants dinner.


YHC Crawlspace


Ruck Carrossel

Conditions: Sweltering

6 PAX in Attendance: Nimbus (QiC), Numbtucks, 3rd Degree, Staples, Bieber & Kermit


    • 20x “8 Count” Man Makers (Cadence was scrapped immediately for the ol’ OYO model)
    • 20x Ruck Sit ups – Ruck to the sky
    • 20x Ruck Thrusters
    • 20x 4 Count Flutter Kicks IC

Heavy Ruck 1/2 Mile Lap – 3 Pairs, all with extra weight

    • Pair 1 – 60# Sandback w/Handles (Gonna feel this one in the forearm tomorrow…actually right now)
    • Pair 2 – 40# Sandbag w/Handles
    • Pair 3 – The Medic and my phone

THANG ONE: 6 Lifts for a minute per w/15 seconds between to rotate.

    • Reverse Merkin – 45# Ruck
    • Ruck Swings – 20ish# Ruck
    • Clean & Jerk – 60# Sandbag
    • Curls – 30# Ruck or Plate depending on when you got there
    • Rows or High Pull – 20# Ruck
    • Overhead Press – 40# Sandbag

Heavy Ruck 1/2 Mile Lap w/weight rotation between pairs

THANG 2: Pass the Sack

Round 1: 5 PAX wall sit on the ICY bridge with their ruck held out front, while PAX 6 bear crawled to the front of the line – Pass your Sack to the left and rotate bear crawler Indian style.

Round 2: 5 PAX wall sit with their ruck held above their head while PAX 6 bear crawled to the front of the line – Pass your Sack to the left and rotate bear crawler Indian style.

Heavy Ruck some random distance to get pair 3 a shot at the 60#, but we ran out of time…Done.


    • I think some moves from this morning might bleed over into the forge this week.
    • Bieber got his awesome new purple ruck this morning and it didn’t disappoint.
    • We learned a good bit about star wars time lines?
    • A decaf coffee option may be added to the que when Kermit is around.

Bear Square variation featuring our very own BearCrawl Bridge.

Conditions: Not wet, No Mosquitos & No Sunburns

13 PAX in Attendance: Nimbus (QiC), Numbtucks, Creeper, Gaylord Focker, Stats, GlennGary, Deliverance (New to F3 Nolensville), ShowMe, ProfessorX, Tebow, Huggy, Barney & Old Hickory

Warmorama/Disclaimer: Did a couple arm circles and some leg stretching…not big on warmups…

Warm up 2 (Partner)

    • 50 Pull-ups or Rows w/Apolo Ohno filler between sets.

Mosey to the Bridge (or The Meat of this Q)

Thang One: Bear Square Sequence (Starting Point, BearCrawl Bridge)

The Plan – Between Each 50 Steps, Execute One Bear Square Sequence

    • Rocky Log Carries – 50 Hops
    • Duck Walk – 50 Steps (Waddles?)
    • Crawl Bear to end of Bridge

Due to the narrowness of the Bridge, The Plan Changed (“What Plan” ~Barney) – Now we’re going the length of the bridge before each Bear Square.

    • Bear Crawl
    • Crab Walk
    • 25 Frog Hops, Lunge Walk to the the Wooded Part, THEN…Bridge Assisted HandStand walks – 25 on each side.  “GET YOUR SQUARE”

Mosey back to the lot for…

Thang Two: Ab Ripper HIIT – One Min On, 10 Sec Rest

    • Switches
    • Plank
    • Floating Starfish
    • Push Planks
    • Reverse Crunches
    • Dwarf Kickers
    • Standing Oblique Crunches
    • Wine Mixer…Ran out of Time, Dang!



  • It’s good to be home. I’m grateful for this group and how consistent you men are.
  • Lots of prayer needed.  Continue to pray for LMP’s Wife and Fam, Staples’ Mom and Sparta’s boy.

Westeros – Dec 2nd 2019 – Love Circle Summit

Dec 2, 2019

Gloom: a wet 39°


Tcell, Cub Cadet, Vector, Siri, Harvey Updyke, Drago, Reveille

QIC: Crawlspace

Warm up: quick jog to the parking lot, side straddle hops, Willie Mays Hayes, cherry pickers, squats, lil baby arm circles, shanooks, air presses, reverse lil baby arm circles etc…

Work: Indian run to Love Circle – after summiting:

  • 75 merkins
  • 75 burpees
  • 75 jump squats

*option to trade in 1 Love Circle lap for 15 reps of any exercise

Then mosey back for Mary!

Mary: leg raises, lbc’s, hello dolly, American hammers, hcfrogs, etc

COT:   Sign up for Rev’s gentleman’s feast as he is very generously picking up the bill if you RSVP, right Rev?

4:13 dinner this week??


YHC Crawlspace