Bomber 6-18-2021: Making Faces

17 HIM came out to the gloom to make some faces.  In recognition of the long time during the pandemic when we didn’t see many faces but just a bunch of masks, YHC thought we’d workout to a “face” themed Q.  As usual, the playlist was weeks in the making . . . the workout, not so much.

Playlist:  Songs with Facial Features Prominently Featured (and no, all of these aren’t from, like 40 years ago . . . but some are.  They’re good tunes, so expand your music library, folks)

Eyes Without a Face – Billy Idol
Lips Like Sugar – Echo and the Bunnymen
Tongue Tied – Grouplove
World in My Eyes – Depeche Mode
Can’t Feel My Face – The Weeknd
Mouth – Bush
Blood Makes Noise (Ringing in My Ears) – Suzanne Vega
Over My Head – The Fray
Private Eyes – Hall & Oates
Head Like a Hole – Nine Inch Nails

PAX:  Chowdah, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cub Cadet, Firefox, Hardcover (FNG), McAfee,  Michelin Man, Minus 3, Natural Ice, Right Said Fred, Siri, Solo Cup, Spinal Tap, T-cell, Weezer (Willy Lohman from Memphis), & Vector (QIC),

Conditions:   mid-70s. Not too humid.

Disclaimer given and then mosey up to the McCabe Circle:

“Eye #1”

  • Warm-o-rama:   LBAC x 15, Seal Claps x 15, RLBAC x 15, Willy Mays Hayes x 15 OHO, Good Mornings x 10,  SSH x 15
  • Circle O’ Merkins: Start with 1 merkin, add by 1 as we go around circle; once gets to Q, start counting down with 1 less per PAX


Get in groups of 3.  1 PAX starts at point 1 with squats, 2nd PAX at point 2 with WWIs, 3rd PAX at point 3 with Burpees. PAX 1 completes 50 squats and then tags partner at station 2, who moves to station 3. Round until all have completed all 3 stations.  Conveniently creates a nice triangular “nose” for our face.

“Smiling Mouth”

Two stations, from one end of path along driving range from stop sign to stop sign.  Sevens with Lt. Dan’s at East end of path, Plank Jacks at West end. Run back and forth, in a nice “smiley face” path.

“Eye #2”

Mosey to circle in front of rec center.

  • Squat relay: PAX perform squats (or jump squats or air chair or whatever we felt in the moment) while 1 runs the circle
  • Mary:  A range of exciting exercises like Flutter Kicks, LBCs, Boxcutters, J-Lo’s, and the ever so interesting Crablegs Tantric Pickle Pounders (clearly, some pickles don’t punt in as many steps as the HIM from Florida)


  • Welcome FNG Hardcover, a friend of Spinal Tap, who teaches Bible Studies at Belmont, wife is a librarian. Also to Weezer, visiting from Memphis.
  • Tonight is the night:  Campout at Cub Cadet’s Place, under the stars, on the river.  Truly an awesome location. Come for the company, the conversation, the bourbon, the BBQ, the beers.  Cubbie states he’ll lead a workout at 0600 — YHC is a bit worried about the risk for splashing merlot among the PAX.
  • Q spots are open for Bomber — hit up Michelin Man.  After today’s shambolic Q, hopefully you realize anyone can lead.
  • We ended with an F3 standard that had to go away during the pandemic – the Ball of Men. The last one held at Bomber was during my 50th birthday Q the first week of March. At the time, my life was spiraling into what was coming ahead and the stress of what we were all about to face overwhelmed me.  It was an honor to be the Q to bring the BOM back to Bomber.  Thanks to all of you for pushing me to be a better person each and every day. #ISI

Footnote: while the intent of the layout of the workout was to draw a face, it didn’t quite look so accurate in the end:



11 June 2021

11 June 2021
D Day + 28,129

TEMP : 72
GLOOM : Soupy

PAX : Rat, Trinuh, Too Tall, Foxtrot, High Flyer, Pedialyte, Topanga, W4AG, A/R, Razorback, The Jeweler, Bagger Vance, PREVAC



SSH x 13 IC
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Imperial Walkers
IT Band Stretch (L/R)
All IC X 10

Mosey big loop (Hogan, Trousdale, Bud Loop)

Circle back up, WOD explained, Count off 1s & 2s.
1s Run Big Loop
2s Do Work
Then Flap Jack



6 Rounds
24 Squats
24 Merkins
24 Walking Lunges
Run 400M


High Plank while YHC reads Army SSGT. Edward Loredo’s quick bio (attached).

Flutter Kicks (Iron Cross) x 24 IC
Alternating Shoulder Taps x 24 IC
Pistol LBC x 24 IC
Beast R/L x 6 IC



Army Staff Sgt. Edward Loredo died June 24, 2010 serving during Operation Enduring Freedom. Loredo, 34, of Houston, TX; assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne, Fort Bragg, NC; died June 24 in Jelewar, Afghanistan, when insurgents attacked his unit with an IED.
Loredo had previously served in Iraq. He died during combat in Afghanistan, just one day short of his 35th birthday and just weeks before he was to finish his tour in the Middle East.
He is survived by his wife, 1st Sgt. Jennifer Loredo; daughter, Laura Isabelle; stepdaughter, Alexis; and son, Eddie Enrique.

Too Tall led us out in The Lord’s Prayer


The Jeweler’s sister looking for a new teaching job in B’ham.


Our Country

Summer Traveling Mercies



Purple Cow 2021/6/7 – Golden Horseshoe

PAX: House on the Praire, Merida, Olan Mills, Wedding Singer, Ponzi, Ginger,  Faulkner, Nurse.Ratched, Not-a-Sport, Penny Loafers

QIC: Boone’s Farm

Conditions: a bit muggy until the sprinkling started


Mosey to BHS track

  • SSH x20
  • WMH x10
  • LBAC x10 F/R
  • Merkins x10
  • Squats x10
  • Shoulder Presses x10
  • Michael Phelps x10


  • Lap 1 around track
  • 20 merkins, lap 2
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, lap 3
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, lap 4
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, lap 5
  • 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, 20 Iron Mikes (1 is 1 rep), lap 6
  • 20 storm squats, 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, 20 Iron Mikes, lap 7
  • 20 dry docks, 20 WWI, 20 Iron Mikes, lap 8
  • 20 WWI, 20 Iron Mikes, lap 9
  • 20 Iron Mikes, lap 10

Great effort by all this morning. House on the prairie was about 1/8 of lap from finishing in the 33 minute time limit.

Always an honor,


Racetrack 2021/6/2 – Focus on the Form

PAX: Penny Loafers, Wedding Singer, Olan Mills, Not a Sport, Nurse.Rachet, Merida, Black Widow

QIC: Boone’s Farm

Since we were going to be in parking deck anyhow, YHC decided to meet there to start.  Disclaimer


  • SSH x20
  • WMH x10
  • LBAC x10 F/R
  • Merkins x10
  • Squats x10


Mosey to up stairs to level 5 across, then back down stairs to level 1 up to bottom of ramp to level 2

Upper Body

  • Merkins x20
  • Dry Docks x20
  • Werkins x20
  • backpedal up ramp
  • sprint straightaway together

at level 2

Lower Body

  • Jump Squats x20
  • Iron Mikes x20
  • Mountain Climbers x20
  • repeat backpedal and sprint on next level

at level 3


  • LBC x20 IC
  • American Hammers x20
  • Flutter Kicks x20
  • repeat backpedal and sprint on next level

RnR thru 3 rotations of each exercise going down stairs at level 5 back to bottom.  After third round, mosey back down ramps, sprinting the straightaways back to start

Attempt to superset large muscle groups for extra burn along with sprints for extra intensity.  I don’t know about anyone else but it worked on me, particularly after Murph on Monday.

Always an honor to lead.


Muggy at Sir E

PAX: Pedialyte, Yard Sale, Too Tall, Bishop (FNG), AOL, Rug Doctor, Uncle Jerry, Dupree, CCR, PSL, Big Stick

QIC: Floppy Disk

First off, happy May 4th! Today was… humid. 75 degrees with a 71 degree dew point. Lots of sweat. 12 manly men shrugged off the Severe T-storm watch and got to work at 5:30:30. ¾ of the church loop moseyed then straight into some warmup.

WoR (all IC)
SSH x30
BaC F x10
BaC R x10
Arm stretch (10 seconds each arm)
IT Band stretch (10 seconds each leg)
Good morns x10
Willie Mays x10


Mosey to the playground. Perform 3 sets of:

10x pull-ups
15x merks (regular, incline, decline)
20x dips

Mosey to the front hill and stop to wait for late FNG (Bishop). Fast run to top of hill. Lt. Dan across the parking lot in front of the big house, then Lt. Dan back.

Mosey to the gravel hill. Fast run up the hill to the parking stalls. In each stall perform 3x atomic merks and 3x Carolina dry-docks. Lateral bear crawl to next stall. This was hard. Mosey back to the bottom of the gravel hill. Fast run up the hill to the parking lot. 10x atomic merks and 10x Carolina dry-docks.

Mosey to the bottom of the split road. Fast run up the split road. 10x atomic merks and 10x Carolina dry-docks.

Mosey back to the bottom of the big hill. Fast-ish run up the big hill to the big lot. 10x atomic merks and 10x Carolina dry-docks. Wait for the 6, then 10x merks and 10x Carolina dry-docks.

Indian-ish run back to the church for about 3 minutes of Mary.

30x IC Flutter Kicks
50x heel touches
25x hands to sky
2 good morns

Today was pretty brutal. It was tough to recover and we did over 2 miles of hard running. Felt good to get through it. We wrapped up just before the storm blew in. Prayers for Dupree’s daughter, Abigail, who was just diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease. Great to welcome FNG Bishop, a friend of Rug Dr and AOL. He is a local pastor and went above and beyond by closing us out this morning.

Floppy D

23 April 2021

Ring of Fire

Temp: Low 50s
Gloom Factor: Minute

PAX: Yard Sale, Pedialyte, Faulkner, Noodler, Rug Dr, FTTAL, Grease Trap, Big Perm, PSL, CCR, D’Frost, Topanga, W4AG, Floppy Disk, Big Stick, Bagger Vance (QIC)

Disclaimer Claimed

Run top loop and front loop mixing in Bernie’s, Side Shuffles, Bear Crawl.

IW x 10 IC
HB x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC


RING OF FIRE AMRAP 30’ (YHC’s version of the

5 PCMB – Merkin, Peter Parker R/L, Merkin
10 MFB – Merkin free burpees
20 LT Danger (2x Squat)
40 ASTs
80 F Kix (sgl ct)
Run Front Loop

Today’s playlist was 38’ of different versions and covers of Ring Of Fire.

Time called at approximately 0612.

Stretching portion of today’s festivities.

AL Prom Date (Finishing Position) x 10 IC


Most PAX got 4-5 rounds in and some started on 6.
Felt like we had a true 3S2T workout today. BigStick loves Ring Of Fire. Faulkner has a super creepy ‘stache. Floppy Disk is a stud. PSL can kick everyone’s ass even w a bum K’nee. So great to have the one and only Grease Trap back in the game. Big Perm’s perm ain’t that big no mo.
Many thanks to BS for asking me to Q. It was a lot of fun as usual.

The Martin Family
Ludwig and his children
CCR mentioned an unnamed family facing a cancer diagnosis.


Purple Cow – 2021/4/19

PAX: Leatherneck, Umbrella, Toga, Penny Loafers, Not a Sport, Faulkner, Venus, Nurse.Ratched

QIC: Boone’s Farm

Mosey to GWP parking lot.


  • SSH x20
  • WMH x10
  • LBAC x10 F/R
  • Merkins x10
  • Squats x10


Mosey to playground for:

  • 5 pull-ups
  • 10 swerkins
  • 15 dips

RnR x5

Mosey to parking lot and partner up:

Partner 1 run lap around parking lot perimeter while Partner 2 is working thru exercises combined totals; flapjack until complete

  • 50 burpees
  • 100 merkins
  • 150 squat jumps
  • 200 LBCs
  • 250 flutter kicks (4-count, or 1000 for Leatherneck)

All in, mosey back to parking lot with AYG up hill to parking lot.

Great work by all to get the week started right.

Prayers for Toga’s friend’s family dealing with his sudden death from heart attack.  Remember our hope is not optimism or a wish, but it is grounded in the reality of what Jesus has accomplished in his life, death and resurrection, so we wait with patience for the culmination.

Always an honor,


Never Stop Never Stopping

PAX: Bagger Vance, Hambone, Blue Mule, Boom Clap, Squeeze, IDK , Photo Shop, Happy Feet, Otis, Big Country, Toga (QIC), Detective Picachu, B&B, Red Skull, Shocker, Mater (Prevac)

16 Redwoods posted for a little fun in the sun, rain and mud this morning.  It went something like this:

Thang: Mosey to gravel lot for warmarama (including the fan favorite scorpion stretch in a puddle)

Mosey to grassy area next to the gravel lot for ye ol’ football ground drills= chopping feet a la mtn climbers until the Q calls for rolls right, left and forward.  Repeato x 4

Mosey to nearest wall of the STEM school for wall sits= 30 sec people’s chair followed by 10 IC alternating lunges.  Repeato x 4

Mosey to Bball court for SEAL Burpees= burpees with 3 merkins and alternating knees to elbows.  12 reps

Mosey to the nearest grassy hill for 4 minutes of Quadraphilia= bear crawl down the hill and crawl bear back up for 4 minutes= Crowd Pleaser

Mosey back to basketball court for EMOM shuttle run.  The PAX started at 5 and made it to 14.

Quick Mary and COT with YHC taking us out.

NMM: Strong work by the PAX as we focused on getting out of your head and finishing what we started.  Jobs and life don’t get done when you quit on yourself and those around you.

Stay Classy,


14 for a Beautiful Titan Morning 4.7.21

4.7.21 Titan

Gloom: 60s, low gloom
Natural Ice
Cub Cadet
Body Spray
The Situation
Blue Mule
Black Lung
Pumpkin Spice
Michelin Man
Right Said

QIC: Right Said
Warm up mosey
Seal claps
Cherry pickers
Light post to light post:
High knees
Butt kickers
A skips
B skips
Hill 11s
Burpee at bottom
Squats at top
One trip up hill is by bear crawl
Dealer’s choice
Successful move to new startex next to Parthenon.


Fool’s Errand

413 Class II Q I

Temp: 36
Gloom Factor: Low

Stranger, Black Widow, Boushe’ (WL), TOGA, Red Skull, Hambone, Jackie Moon (LIFO), Boom Clap, Squeeze, IDK , Photo Shop, Happy Feet, Otis, Goofy, Big Country, Bagger Vance (QIC)


Main Lot


Side Shuffle L/R down sidewalk at STEM Bldg

Indoor Pool Smoking Deck
Plank Jax X 10 IC

Smokestack Lot
LBAC F/R x 13 IC

THANG – Fools Errand

Partner Up

413 PAX Line up shoulder to shoulder
F3 PAX Line up shoulder to shoulder
PAX across is your partner

413 Reps each between the PAX. When you switch Movements, run to the light at the top of Smokestack Lot and back.



Time called at 0610 for us to hit some Hand Stand Push Ups (homage to Grisham whom YHC had a lunch meeting with) on the wall heading back.

AL Prom dates (finishing position) x 13 IC
Plank 1 M
Flutter Kix x 20 IC
5 Burpees


NMM: Today’s workout was inspired by the book of Proverbs and its many references to foolishness and fools. The PAX were sent on a Fool’s Errand to try and finish all called Movements along with the running breaks. All PAX challenged to read through the Book of Proverbs this month.
Today’s Playlist also inspired by the term “Fool”

Won’t Get Fooled Again – The Who
Foolin’ – Def Leopard
Fool in the Rain – Led Zeppelin
Fooling Yourself – Styx
Fool for Love – Lord Huron
Ship of Fools – Grateful Dead
Fool – Fitz and the Tantrums
What a Fool Believes – Doobie Brothers
Fool Hearted Memory – George Strait

BH: it’s Holy Week, be sure to seek or share depending on where you stand.