Titan 7.15.20 – Hit the Bucket

Gloom: warm


Natty Ice
Bad Boy
D Frost
Big Pipeline
Cub cadet
Right Said


mosey around Centennial Park

Arm circles
Overhead press
Lunge with thoracic twist


Game: 2 5-gallon buckets and 1 frisbee, 2 groups

Pair of exercises announced (10 burpees / 10 squats)

Each group takes a turn throwing frisbee at bucket. If frisbee hits, that bucket’s team does the burpees while the throwing team does the squats. Swap and repeat. After a few 10 rep rounds, count down reps: 10, 9, 8 . . . . New pairs of exercises as needed.


7 minutes of Mary, dealer’s choice style. 15 rep max.

Cafe Prius served up hot coffee post-workout. Fellowship occurred.


Racetrack Mashup

PAX:  Umbrella, Olan Mills, Hugs Not Drugs, and Toga (QIC)

Gloom: 70 and Sunny, as always

Four horsemen took to the streets of The Hill Center to get a bit stronger today.  Here’s how it went down:

Thang: Mosey to parking lot beside the parking deck for warmarama then head to the faux grass area beside uncle Julio’s for some exercise mashups on the clock:

Round 1= 45 sec of work on the following:

  • Good morning to squat jump
  • Oblique merkins
  • Split Squat to Split Jumps
  • Windshield Wipers
  • Dive Bombers
  • Hand to Foot, Knee to Elbow
  • Plank up downs
  • Skaters to Single-Leg Burpee (not fun)

Round 2= 1 min

Round 3= 1.5 min

Mosey back to the flag and Umbrella took us out.

Stay Classy,


Bomber 7.10.20 was a Blast

Gloom: warm and not humid if you stand perfectly still


PAX = 18



Covenant Eyes



Black Lung





Michelin Man

Natty Ice




River Dawg


Right Said



mosey to Woodlawn trailhead to big parking lot



Cherry Pickers

Overhead Press and arm circle medley

Lunge with thoracic twist

Hip curls

Spiderman merkins



mosey to bottom of driveway hill

partner DORA

100 merkins

200 “jump” squats

300 crunches



15 minutes of unguided Mary, dealer’s choice style. Rep counts varied greatly.

Sweat was bountiful.


Cafe Prius served up hot coffee post-workout. There was even creamer. What’s next–sugar?!




Atlantis 7/9/2020

Atlantis 7/9
8 for an under the sea adventure lunging to greatness. Bareback, D-Frost, TK, Long lost Porcelain, Parachute Pants, Crablegs, Toothless, and YHC Covenant Eyes
25 ssh
10 wmh
10 GMs
10 cherry pickers

Moseyed down to lower parking lot via a lap around the fields

3 parking lot sections
Lunge to travel-exercise every 4 spaces till grass patch
– [ ] 20 merkins till first grass patch
– [ ] 20 ww1 till second grass patch
– [ ] 20 jLO to last patch
Coming back
– [ ] 30 shoulder tap to grass patch
– [ ] 10 burpee to next patch (coming back)
– [ ] 20 squat to start (skipped for time)

Mosey to upper parking lot.

15 box cutter
15 American hammer
15 flutter kicks
20 Freddie Mercury’s
10 hello dolly
15 LBC
20 Alabama prom dates
20 happy crunchy frog

5 minutes of stretching to take care of our bodies! Forgot how good the scorpion and reverse scorpion felt.



7/2/20: 244

PAX: Crablegs, Parachute Pants (FNG), Swingline, Bare Back, Toothless, Covenant Eyes, Pumpkin Spice, Hi Viz, T Cell, Siri, and Trapper Keeper (QIC).

Disclaimer was givin and PAX mosied around walking trail to the back parking lot for warm up.

Warm up:

SSHs x 14 IC
Squats x 14 IC
LBACs x 14 IC
RLBACs x 14 IC
Butt Kickers x 14 IC
High Knees x 14 IC

Mosied up to the pizza hut pavilion for the thang.


To celebrate 244 years of America the beautiful the PAX was commissioned to complete 244 reps of each exercise listed, and after each exercise the PAX would mosie around the side walking trail to loop back to the pavilion.

Side Straddle Hops
Jane Fondas (122 each leg)
Little Baby Crunches
Calf Raises
Split Squats
Flutter Kicks (both legs count as one)
Single Leg Lifts (122 each leg)

The PAX got as far as the Jane Fondas before we had to drop the mosing around the loop, and then eventually ran out of time afterthe 244 calf raises.

QIC was a little bit to enthusiastic making the list. Maybe because I knew high caliber/overachieving HIM would be showing up. Do not worry, the list will be completed soon.


It was a pleasure to have Swingline join us from F3 Franklin and he also brought an FNG (Parachute Pants) with him, which was also a pleasure to welcome him to F3.

~Trapper Keeper

Titan – Sweating it out with FitDeck

Workout to pay homage to my B-school classmate (Phil Black, Navy SEAL, Yale / HBS, Firefighter, GREAT AMERICAN) who was TWICE rejected by the Sharks on Sharktank, yet invited back for third try.  His first attempt was “Fitdeck” (no, not Fitbit)- which he eventually sold for a nice penny, I’m sure.  We used Fitdeck for our workout today.

PAX (10) – Pumkin Spice, Blue Mule,  Siri, High Viz, Right Said Fred, Bad Boy, Michelin Man, Drago, Cub Cadet (QIC)…and wow I feel like I’m forgetting somebody.

Gloom – minimal. 70 and humid.  Nothing to complain about.

Warm-up: Short jog, SSH, GM, WMH, LBAC (F/B), SC, OHP, SOYO

The Thang:  Rounds of 4 cards each (Full body, upper, middle, lower), reps cary from 10-25, some for distance.  Between rounds sprint 200M, jog back, next round.  Exercise cards included: Regular Push-ups (Merkins), Bonnie Blairs, High Knees, Freddie Mercurys, Crab walk, LBC, Wide Arm Push-ups, Lunges, Staggered Arm Push-ups, Kick-backs, Squat Thrusts, Flutter kicks, Side Legs Lifts, Burpees, Negative Push-ups, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Reverse Curls

Ended up back  a COT where we gave thanks for all our blessings, including recovery of Bad Boy’s co-worker’s father.

Good times. I was smoked, not sure about the rest….CC

Short-order Q

PAX: Umbrella, Olan Mills, Soft Serve (Kotter), Black Widow (Kotter), Hugs Not Drugs, Not a Sport, Redskull, Toga (QIC), Old Fashioned, Soccer Tease, Offshore, One more?

Gloom Factor: Nada= 70 and sunny, per usual

Thang: Lunge from Racetrack start to pull-up bars to begin Black Widow’s “I can’t run” special order Q.  It went like this:

  • 11s with Pull-ups and Atomic Merkins
  • 11s with chin-ups and Werkins
  • 11s with inverted rows and clerkins

Lunge back to parking lot for Mary.

COT: OM took us out.

NMM: It was great to have a good size group at ye ol’ Racetrack this morning.  The PAX seemed to appreciate an upper body focused workout per Black Widow’s special requirements.

Humid at Sir E

PAX: Tandem, Fairyweather, Trickle (FNG), Too Tall, Edibles, Foxtrot, Dupree, Pedialyte, Yard Sale, Big Stick, PSL

QIC: Floppy Disk

WoR (IC)
SSH x25
Windmills x10
Good Morns x10
Willie Mays x10
Squats x10
SnL Merks x10
Air Press x15
BaC F x10
BaC R x10
Michael Phelps x10


Kicked things off with a burpee apocalypse  10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. Got the juices flowing.

7’s on the steep hill: Squats and Squat Jumps, backpedal up the hill (quad burner). Big Stick showed off his incredible backpedal skills.

Figure 8’s. At each speed bump (9 bumps) perform the following:
10x Atomic Merks
10x Squat Jumps
15x Mt Climbers (each leg)
15x Carolina Dry Docks

This was hard.

Catch our breath for 30 seconds then back to the church for some Mary.

20x Flutter Kicks
15x Freddie Mercuries
15x Hello Dolly’s
30s Low Plank

Welcome FNG Trickle!

Titan 6.17.20

Perfect weather – just slightly cool.



Black Lung
Cub Cadet
Michelin Man
Right Said (QIC)
Bad Boy
D Frost

Long mosey around Centennial warm up (fences everywhere)

Warm up:


overhead presses


Cherry Pickers

Merkin Doomsday clock to Thunderstruck by AC/DC (people’s chair after failure)

Grass hill repeats with SSH until all-in to Chariots of Fire theme song
Mary – dealer’s choice to Proud Mary by CCR

Next two QICs:
Cub Cadet


Fun was had by all.


Parking lot coffeteria at Cafe Prius.



A Classic-(al) Beatdown

Low 60s made for a welcome respite from the 70s and high humidity we’ve been experience lately.

14 HIM posted for a beatdown history lesson celebrating YHC’s classical music upbringing.

CCR, OchoCinco, Venus, Too Tall, Tampa Libra, Big Pipeline, Topanga, Yard Sale, Accounts Receivable, FoxTrot Talks A Lot, Movin’ On Up, BV, Ludwig van Oshkosh (QIC)

WOR: Very Standard

SSH, WMH, Good Mornings, LBAC (r), But Kickers, Air Presses


3 well-known classical pieces served as the soundtrack for our day. Not exactly the most pump you up and get you inspired to work hard music, but they still served our purposes effectively. CCR served as our Spotify maestro.

1 – 1st movement of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata

Slow ‘n Low squats the entire piece without stopping. To keep the musical explanation simple, the piano has a “1 2 3 4 5 6” pattern the entire piece. Down on the first 3 beats, up on the 2nd 3 beats. Roughly 140 total.

Ran a capri lap after the piece.

2 – 1812 Overture – As noted previously on Slack, this piece is popular at American patriotic festivals, leading to the popular and incorrect belief that is has something to do with the war of 1812. It was composed by Tchaikovsky to commemorate the 1812 Russian defeat of Napoleon and the invading French.

18 Plank Jax, 12 Merkins, 18 Mountain Climbers, 18 Burpees – entire superset X2, then run capri lap. RnR until piece is complete

3 – Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto no. 2 – 2nd movement

Melody serves as the verse in Eric Carmen’s 1975 hit “All By Myself.” He believed Rachmaninoff’s music was in the public domain by that time, which it was, in the US only. Rachmaninoff’s estate informed Carmen that his compositions were still under copyright protection internationally, and so Carmen agreed to a 12% royalty outside the US.

Piece was composed in 1900, which was the also the same year the modern zeppelin first took flight — so we did some BLIMPS. Two rounds of BLIMPS, then run a capri lap. RnR until piece is complete.

Just enough time left for a little Mary.

18 flutter kicks, 12 WW1s oyo