Titan – 10.11.17 – “Too Sexy”

QIC: Right Said/Princess Aurora

PAX: Hi-Viz, Stein, Third Degree, Big Brother, Tesla, Porcelain, Blue Mule, Jackpot.

With Right Said ready to pop that Q cherry, I did my best to offer my support. It went something like this:

The Thang:

Mosey around the Parthenon parking lot with various agility exercises and circle up for the COP:

  • SSH
  • Merks
  • LBAC
  • SnL Squat

Head on over to the Hill of Sisyphus for a classic round of 11’s. Jumps Squats at the bottom and Merks at the top.

Handed things over to Right Said who took the party over to the other side of the Parthenon where we promptly got right back to business with a bit of Dora 1-2-3.

PAX finish just in time to mosey back for the COT/BOM. Easiest Q/VQ ever.


It was great to be back out at Titan and see so many new faces. I’m hoping to see some of them at other workouts throughout the week as well. Glad to help Right Said with his VQ, and lucky for him, I encroached enough on his time that he’s got plenty of unused ideas for his next Q!


I’ll say it again: GrowRuck. 11/18. Chattanooga. Do it.

Westeros – 10.09.17 – “1492”

QIC: Princess Aurora aka Christopher Columbus

PAX: T-Cell, Hi-Viz, Megatron, Right Said, Bad Boy, Third Person, Porcelain, Crawfish.

The Thang:

Slaughter Starter and took off running. Put together some pearls on a string on our way to the big hill on Marlborough between Fairfax and Acklen. Short little COP featuring the number of the day, 16 (1+4+9+2), and then divided into three groups: the Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria.

While PAX 1 runs up the hill and back, PAX 2 performs 16 reps of an exercise while PAX 3 holds the prescribed position. P2 and P3 alternate until P1 returns. Rotate through until each member of the group has ascended the hill.

Round 1: Clerkins and People’s Chair

Round 2: Lunges and Plank

Round 3: Big Boy Sit-Ups and Table Tops

Round 4: Jump Squats and Shoulder Taps

Line up for an Indian Run up the hill with the condition that everybody must have a turn before we reach the top or else we do it again. Thankfully, everybody was feeling fleet of feet and we nailed it first try. Then, we did an Indian Run all the way back to the parking lot, making it through three rounds just in time for 5MOM.


I continue to be grateful for everybody’s tolerance of my themed-workouts.


Get on that GrowRuck train! 11/18 in Chattanooga. Invite a friend.

7 Hills to Heaven

The Q: T-Cell

The Pax: Princess Aurora, Right Said, The Baptist, Lemon, Porcelain, High Viz, Firefox, Hambone, The Jeweler, Megatron, FNG Diamond Cutter (Henry Varnell)

Twas a foggy bottom morning at Bomber as 12 men set out for a morning on the hill. Perfect conditions.

Bear Crawl up the hill out of the gate with some broad jumps to finish it off just to get the blood flowing. Mumble chatter ensued. Hambone referred to YHC as an Angry Elf. Mosey around the park for COP at the top.

COP- SSH X 30, Slow and Low squats with hands raised X20, Kept arms out for little baby arm circles, air presses and seal jacks. Finished with Merkins and Mountain Climbers.

Mosey to the bottom of the hill for instructions.

The workout went as such:

10 Merkins at the bottom. Run to the top for 5 burpees. Run to opposite bottom for 10 squats. Backward run back to top for 5 more burpees and backward run to start to wait on PAX.  This loop was to be completed 7 times. Halfway thru we subbed the merkins for derkins and the squats for Bulgarian split squats.

Great numbers the morning and all week on the west side. Keeping EHing guys on this side of town. Great to have The Jeweler back on the block and Hambone’s jawing as well.

This is 30

PAX: Blackwater, Dr. Smart, Red Skull Bones, D’Mish, Cinderella, Edible Arrangement, Accounts Receivable, Bagger Vance, Walter White, Calf Killer, Floppy Disk, PSL, Dine n Dash, Black Widow, Yard Sale, TSwizz, The Jeweler


Muggy and 72 met YHC and 17 other red-pillers on the momentous day I entered my 30s.  After some MC re: YHCs Wal-Mart watch’s inability to keep time, the following ensued:

WOR: Mosey down Hogan to the entrance to Sir E. BV with some MC re: YHC’s brisk pace and mixing of Qs.  Qs and YHC’s brisk pace were not mixed, and did not last long.  Hit the bottom of the hill , disclaimer given, and circle up for some

SSH x 20 IC

Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC

GM x 10 IC

LBACs x 10 front IC

LBAC x 10 backwards IC


Pax makes it way back to original AO beginning with 30 monkey humpers followed by 30 Lt. Dans.  Normal mosey to the bottom of the bus loop, plank and wait for the 6.

Once 6 is in, commence man-maker/squat 7s.  One squat at the bottom of the hill, 6 man-makers at the top until numbers are flipped.  Finish squats at the top.

60 seconds of people’s chair once 6 is in from 7s.  Commence another round of 30 monkey humpers, 30 Lt. Dans enroute to the Pavillion.

Once at pavilion, circle up into groups of 3, then line up picnic tables approx 18 inches apart.  Each group  to complete 300 abyss merkins, AMRAP each person until hit 300 reps.  Other pax doing combo American Hammers, shoulder press, SSH, WWI.  In for the 6.

Mosey up and grab a coupon.  30 Overhead presses OYO. 15 dead lifts OYO, 15 squats OYO. Mosey back for some


30 flutter kicks IC, 15 Freddy Merks IC, 15 more deep squats IC.



Moleskin: Couldn’t be prouder to be entering my 30s with this group and others.  Made for a truly wonderful start to my day and week, as it always does.





The Avengers

QIC: Co-Q with Black Lung and Yosef

PAX: King, Ace, Jack, Iditarod, Aristotle, Dolly, NPR, Scraps

The Gloom finally got breath of fall this morning, with temps in the low 50s.

Warm o Rama
Small lap around the parking area
Willie Mays hays x 10 +Forward arm circles
Willie Mays Hays x 10 + backward arm circles
Hillbillies x 15
Good mornings x 12

The Thang: Black Lung expressed his interest in superheroes as a kid, so PAX was going to do some superhero training

Spiderman Merkins x 20 (left knee to left arm while completing a merkin, switch on next merkin, rinse repeat)

Superman: Y planks roll into V-ups x20

Flash: long run around the parking lot x1

Hulk: Broad jumps from light pole near where PAX was parked 3 light poles down. Iditarod reminded us that even superheroes slip up during this one.

Circle of Pain #1: Black Lung brought out some coupons in the form of 20lb dumbbells, and advised all superheroes have cut abs. Sat in close proximity to other PAX and did ab twits and passed the coupons around, switching direction at Q’s whim. It was noticeable this morning that PAX did not save their farts for the fartsack, but brought them to this COP. Q called it when he felt was appropriate.

At this point, the conn was given to co-Q Yosef

Yosef reminded PAX that heroes are strong and have endurance. As such, completed a variation of the Bojangles.
Sprint the straight of the parking lot aisle, then drop for 5 Merkins at the end. Complete the 5 Merkins and then BearCrawl to the start of the next sprint, which was two aisle away. Q ordered PAX to plank until all PAX caught up. Rinse and repeat x2 except with Crawl Bears to complete the lap.

Yosef attempted again help get the PAX superhero abs with another Circle of Pain #2.
Quarter sit-ups x25
Half sit-ups x25
Full WWII sit-ups x25
Flutter kicks x20 in cadence
Scissor kicks x20 in cadence
Reverse sit ups x25
Bicycles OYO x50

Time ran out before Yosef could finish the ab work required by superheroes, but PAX will live to fight another day.

CoT and BoM: Black Lung reminded us to slow down and remember who the real superhero is, and it isn’t one of the PAX.

I love the 90’s volume 1

PAX: Funyuns, D’Mish,  FTTA, Night Stand, Frugal, Blood Clot, Big Stick, Calf Killer, Caps Lock, Big Bang, Cinderella, Dr. Smart, Blue Mule, Too Tall, Tampa Libra.

QIC: Tampa Libra

Quick circle up with SSH IC X 18

Mosey to weight room to acquire all the 20-30 lb dumbbells (and some kettlebells). Head out to the field.


1 person on sled sprints while the group performs a dumbbell circuit until sledder returns.

Sled round 1: 90lbs on the sled for 20 yards push, 20 yards pull back

Sled round 2: 45lbs on the sled for 30 yards push, 30 yards pull back

Sled round 3 was to be empty sled for 40 yards push, 40 yards back (making a total of 90 yards push and 90 yards pull) but for time we modified to a group 40 yard sprint down and 40 yards back.

DB circuit:  Hammer curl, merkin, shoulder press, goblet squat, single arm row, imperial march, lunge, American hammer, 9 cregans (push up, row each side, pop up, curl, press, lunge each leg). I believe we made it through 4 rounds of this, cutting the last set of cregans to 3 for time sake.

Hustle back to the weight room to drop off dumbbells and down to the amphitheater (FTTA renamed the tampa-theater) 3 minutes abs. 55 second single leg low plank, 55 second other single leg low plank, 10 second rest, 60 second high plank.

COT with no announcements, prayer time, finish up in the teachers break-room for coffee and gossip.



Good Morning Vietnam

QIC: Air Wolf

PAX: Airwolf, Sea Gull, Iditarod, Dolly, G-String, Papa Juan, Scraps, Woodshed, Ace, Schnitzel, Grohl, Mr Roboto, Aristotle

Warm Up Lap
Stretch OYO

The Thang
1 Mi run Courthouse to Oaklands
Spiderman Crawl/Pushups to All Along the Watchtower in intervals
Descending Circuit Start with 7 Work down to 1 Squat Jumps, V-Ups, Push Jacks.
200m run each circuit
1Mi run back to courthouse together as PAX

COT: Air Wolf shared about need to be devoted to Christ over ones political views regardless of what personal bent was. prayer for pax.

Iditarod translated this message for Air Wolf with some emphasis added.

Good things from pumpkins

PAX: Foggy Pirate, Fuego, Erector Set, Big Stick, Toga, Venus/Razor

QIC: Toga

5 unsuspecting PAX members and one Q showed up to keep the walls of JTM Middle upright in the gloom.  Here’s how it went down:

Warmup COP: SSH, hillbillies.., usual stuff

Thang: Mosey to the front of the school for quad fest ’17= 20 alternating lunges (4 count) and 30 sec wall sit. 19 alternating lunges (4 count) and 30 sec wall sit.  Continue to 1 lunge and final wall sit.

Mosey to parking lot for high knees, side shuffles, karaoke, and then circle up for Mary= flutter kicks, bridges, pole smokers (vertical and then alternating sides), WWII

NMM:  Isn’t it a bit late in October for that humidity?  C’est la vie.  Quad Fest is always a hoot as the PAX almost immediately sees what they have in front of them.  When the Q asked for jokes to help pass the time during the wall sits, the PAX was graced with the presence of multiple cars arriving to watch the PAX get through the sets.  Was it a drug deal, pumpkin sellers there to make sure we didn’t pilfer a pile, or Venus’ parents?  Many theories were discussed.

Whoever has Q tomorrow, know that the crew from The Skunk did no upper body work.  Game on for tomorrow.

Stay Classy,


DBMS – Donuts, Backpedals, Merkins and Squats

Donuts (Co-Q), Calfkiller, Dr. Smartt, Cinderella, Black Widow, Frugal MacDougal, Bigs Dick, Jigsaw, Venus, Captain Emilio, Tampa Libra, Nightstand, Binary, Prevac, FNG Hurricane Joel, DMD, CCR (YHC)

Seeing the calendar was open for this am, Donuts and I decided to grab as a CO-Q at the last minute.  16 came out to see what we came up with.  Many did not.  After a worm welcome to FNG Andy Wicke soon to be named Hurricane Joel and some questions on the whereabouts of Chatty Cathy, Foggy Pirate and FTTAL, we got to work with 10 burpees on your own and a mosey up to the east endzone on THE HILL.

SSH x20 IC
WMH x10 IC
GM x10 IC
Slow and Low Merkins x10 IC
Mountain Climbers x10 IC
WWI Situps x20 OYO

PAX back on their feet for some good old fashioned up/downs. We got in about 15 reps before we were off on a mosey down to the lower field/track.

PAX lined up shoulder to shoulder on the sideline.
Round 1: Burpee broad jump the width of the field, 25 WWI situps on the other side and a 3/4 speed run for 200M around the track when finished. Flutter kicks for the 6 at the starting point.
Round 2: Backpedal suicide. Go to near numbers and back, midfield and back, far numbers and back and finish at opposite end of field. 25 American Hammers OYO followed by a 200M 3/4 speed run around the track. Flutter kicks for the 6 at the starting point.

Mosey up the stairs and back to the east endzone…reigns handed to Donutz.

PAX line up shoulder to shoulder on the goal line. Run to 10 YD line, 10 merkins, backpedal to goal line, 10 deep(ish) squats. Run to 20 YD line, 20 merkins, backpedal back to goal line, 20 deep squats. Repeat every 10 yards with reps matching the number of the yard line you were on. There was some major confusion at midfield when there was no 50 on the turf, but I think the fellas figured it out. This sucked by the way. Chest is not in good shape right now. SSH for the 6 which was also not fun. All in…one more time all you got 100 YDs down and back. Time for 6 minute abs…

In true Donuts fashion we started with GMs followed by WMH. Freddy Mercuries, Mariah Careys, One-legged Mariahs, Scoripions and pickle pounder stretch with mandatory eye contact all followed. We ended with some short and tall flutter kicks in cadence. Done.

COT/BOM on Football Field
Welcome Hurricane Joel, DMD…a group EH and fairly new CH resident. Great to have him out. Dr. Wisdom and Dr. Jisdom (combo of joel and wisdom for you sickos) were close runners. Continued prayers for the Kemps during their travels.

First Friday lunch tomorrow at The Cookery on 12 Avenue S. Plenty of room, good food, good mission and great conversation. If you haven’t been, you should check it out. If you have, you should go back.

Get your gear orders in. The only two orders are by Venus and he is starting to think this is a joke. Orders close next week, so go on there and do it now while you are thinking about it. We will post the link on slack again to make it easy.

I can speak for Donuts when I say that we both love The Hill. Thanks Frugal for starting this thing and keeping it running so well. Pleasure leading there for the first time today…keep an eye out for Tampa Libra next week.

CCR+Donuts/The Missionary/D’Missionary/D’Mish

Beasts of the Morning

QIC: Yosef
Conditions: Perfect conditions, cool and dark, some moonlight
PAX: NPR, Airwolf, Grohl, Dolly, Scraps, Aristotle, Black Lung, Schnitzel

Warm-0-rama: Obligatory lap around the parking lot
20x Side straddle hops
10x Willie Mays Hays w/ forward arm circles
10x Willie Mays Hays w/ backwards arm circles

Pax was eager to let the beast out, so blended COP and WOR. Iditarod’s famed Blutooth speaker was not in attendance, so Yosef improvised by going back to his high school days. Opened the doors & trunk to his vehicle and cranked it to 11.

King Kong – Bare & Datsik

PAX performed Imperial Walkers, Hillbilly’s, or chest beaters until they heard the words “King Kong.” Each King Kong = 3x Monkey Humpers. This makes for a decent amount of Monkey Humpers (read thigh burning).

Took the PAX on a quick trip to the Bermuda Triangle. 10 Merkins at Point A, Bear Crawl to point B. 10 Squats at Point B, Bearcrawl to point C. 10 Burpees at Point C, Bearcrawl back to Point A. Rinse and Repeat x3. Confirmed some PAX got lost in there, but remainder of PAX helped them escape.
There was much midwife noises and mumblechatter about thighs during this one.

Played Catch Me if You Can around the parking lot. Pairs of 2, Person A does 5 Merkins, Person B moseys around the lot. Once Person A completes Merkins, they sprint to catch Person B and tag them. Roles reverse. Rinse and repeat until lap is complete.

Played Catch Us if You Can around the parking lot next. Groups of 3, Person A does 5 full crunches, Person B fireman carries Person C around the parking lot. Person A sprints to catch B & C, and tags up. C drops and begins crunches, Person A carries Person B, cycle repeats until full lap around lot is complete.

Had a couple minutes left so Q led the PAX in Flutter Kicks x20, Hello Dollys x20.

COT and BOM – Prayed for continued discipline in the men in our spiritual lives, not just the physical one.

Tclaps to Dolly for returning for his 2nd workout in the same week.

Bullhorn: Any PAX interested in some basketball this Sunday with your F3 brothers? Holler @ Yosef or Pharaoh.