Stairs, Power Merkins & TANKS

QIC: Bagger Vance

PAX: Binary, Cinderella, Black Widow, Olan Mills, Greasetrap, Too Tall, Venus, Funyuns, Chum, Yard Sale, Boudin, Head Stud, D’Mish, FNG-Life Coach, Bagger Vance

72 and thick as the 15 RedPillers lined up in the gates at The Racetrack.  :30 call was made and YHC took off without the ceremonial “Let’s Mosey”… Cobains Foggy Pirate.

Mosey up towards the tallest building in Brentwood whilst side shuffling right and left and Politicianing.

Circle up on the first floor of the parking deck for:


Toe Touches x 13 IC

Alternating Shoulder Taps x 13 IC

Nolan Ryans x 13 IC

Ks x 13 IC

Side Straddle Hops x 13 IC


Head over to the outside stairs of terror for the displaining of the Thang.

Partner Up –

20 Squats at the Bottom

5 Power Merkins or 7 Atomic Merkins at each Landing…

20 Beetle Baileys at the Top

19 Squats at the Bottom

5 Power Merkins or 7 Atomic Merkins at each Landing…

19 Beetle Baileys at the Top

Most PAX completed rounds all the way down to 12 Reps

Time to Mosey

Crawl Bear down the sidewalk


Bear Crawl ala Abbey Road Style

Quick Mosey back to circle

Circle Up for High Plank Finish

In the high plank position, YHC, read from the recent Art of Manliness post and the stylings of Clement of Alexandria…

let the man who is rich in a worldly sense adopt in his own case the same considerations as apply to athletes. For the athlete who has given up the hope of being able to conquer, and to obtain the garlands, does not even give in his name for the contest; while the one who has conceived this hope in his mind, but does not submit to the fitting labors and diet and exercises, continues ungarlanded, and fails to gain what he hoped for.

In the same way let not a man who is clothed in this earthly covering withdraw his name altogether from the Savior’s contests, if at least he is faithful, and perceives the greatness of God’s kindness to man; and again, if he refuses exercise and contest, let him not hope to share in the garlands of incorruption without the dust and sweat of the arena; but let him at once submit himself to the word as trainer, and to Christ as judge of the contests; let his food and his apportioned drink be the new covenant of the Lord, let his exercises be the commandments, let his gracefulness and adornment be good dispositions, love, faith, hope, knowledge of truth, gentleness, goodness of heart, dignity; so that, when the last trumpet sounds for the race and the departure hence, passing out of this life as out of a race-course, he may stand with a good conscience before the president, acknowledged to be worthy of the heavenly home, into which he passes up with garlands and proclamations of angelic heralds.” —Clement of Alexandria

wise words from Paul from Cor 9:24-26…

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.” —Corinthians 9:24-26

Training the Soul

Keep the Kemps, Wallaces and Holmes in your prayers.  Prayers for Faulkner and his family as they are moving to London (England not KY) for the next three years.  Pray for us as husbands, fathers and significant others to be intentional and to pursue those in our circle.


Bagger Vance

The Hill – 8/10/17

Today was the first official launch of The Hill. It takes place at Franklin Road Academy – come on out!

Pax: Frugal (Co-Q), DMish (Co-Q), Binary, Black Widow, Cinderella, Spring Break, Grease Trap, FNG Ramses and FNG Buffalo Bill

Mosey to Football Field
SSH x 20
Willie Mays Hays x 10
Good Mornings x 10
Squats x 10
Forward BAC x 15
Backward BAC x 15
Overhead Press x 15
Merkins x 10
WWI x 10

Mosey to Amphitheater, partner up, and grab dumbbells for each group

Partner One: Dumbbell Bent Over Rows
Partner Two: Run Quad Loop

Partner One: Dumbbell Curls
Partner Two: Amphitheater Jumps x 5

Partner One: Dumbbell Triceps Kickback
Partner Two: Step Ups x 25 each leg

Partner One: Weighted Goblet Squat
Partner Two: Dumbbell Farmers Walk

Partner One: Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Partner Two: Mountain Climbers x 50 each leg

Partner One: Merkins
Partner Two: Run Quad Loop

Partner One: Weighted LBCs
Partner Two: Bear Crawl to Stairs, Lieutenant Dans Back

Partner One: Dumbbell Stiff Legged Dead Lift with Shoulder Shrug
Partner Two: Run Quad Loop

Return weights, mosey back to parking lot with a all you got sprint to the top of the stairs.

Circle of Trust

Glad He’s Leaving Early

QIC: PreVac (VQ)

PAX: Binary, Funyuns, Calf Killer, Grease Trap, Too Tall, Yard Sale, Spring Break on Ricky lake, Chum, edible arrangement, big stick, CAPSLOCK, Tidy Cats, foxtrot talks a lot, TOGA, Cowboy, Vegemite, Venus, El Maestro, PreVac (VQ), Bagger Vance

Bitterly cold as the 21 red pillers this a.m.

Quick Mosey around upper lot and back

Side straddle hop, Willie Mays Hayes, good mornings



25 Merkens every three minutes while running in between sets

South on Marchant up towards the Ag Center for the first set of Merkins in Ag Center parking lot…

Second set of Merkins around the loop towards Ellington mansion…

Third set of Merkins halfway up the hill loop

Mosey down the grass hill towards the Lilly pond

partner up in ones and twos…

PAX 1 AYG to top of Hill while PAX 2 waits flapjack 3X

PAX 1 politician up the hill I’ll PAX two waits flapjack 3X…

PAX one wheelbarrow uphill with PAX 2 flapjacks 3X…

PreVac out

BV takes over
Mosey back to parking lot for Duckwalk in the first two stalls then crawl bear the next six… Mosey around to the brick wall in the middle of the parking lot and grab some off for the six…

Head down to Playground for partner pull ups and squats 50 X each team

Stay with your partner in the stalls for sevens of Burpee’s and plank jacks… PAX one begins Burpee’s while PAX 2 hold people’s chair…

Three MOM:

Laney Lou X 13 IC
Superman x13 IC
Beast left leg x13 ic
Beast right leg 13 XIC
Plank progression one minute


great group of guys out again this morning. Awesome to have PreVac take the reins on his VQ. It was a run smoker for sure but we did get some upper body in as well. Chum & SBORL heading up a strong contingent of Hates.

>Continue to keep the Wallace and Kemp families in your prayers.
>>FRA AO on Thur am
>>>>Memphis launch on 19 August

BV for PreVac Out

The Gauntlet

5 August 2017

QIC: Bagger Vance

PAX: Cowboy, Catfish, Pussy Cat, Beggar, Family Jewels, FNG Boss Baby, BV

unseasonably cool as the 5 redpillers took to the lot at Annex.

Mosey’d through the lot w some side shuffles, high knees, butt Kickers and what have you.

Circle up back at Greenway entrance and give Beggar and Pussy Cat a lesson on 0700 not 0705

circle up for WOR:


IW, HB, GMA, Squats, IW X 13 IC


PAX partner up for a Run through the Guantlet i.e. the entire ROTC course. Pax instructed to shotgun start the course. Each pax to complete course. You could skip any station w a 20x OYO merkin penalty or 10x OYO Burpee penalty. Any skipped station that had some length to it was to be Lt Dan’d.

Squat, Flutter Kix, LBC for 6

Thang Part II


with same partner, line up in a parking stall. Each team had to complete called number of exercises.   YHC was in stall 100, the rest spread down to YHC right side.

Team 1: 102 Squats, Merkins and 4 Ct Flutter Kix

team 2: 104 “, “, ”

Team 3: 106 “, “, ”

Team 4 : 108 “,”,”

Thang Part III

20s : step ups, Dirkins

20s : Dips, Irkins

Thang part IV


Squats w/ PCMB (1x) speed bump

Mosey back to Greenway Head for

4 MOM:

Plqnk o Rama

The Ladies of F3:

Ola Dolly


Laney Loo

Pam Anderson

J Lo


Numbers are steady w Annex.  Need to start more EH’ing up that way…lots of rooftops and lots of potential PAX to share the love with.

Welcome to FNG Boss Baby, coach at HHS and he seemed to secretly loathe our AO!

Keep up the good work out that way PAX!


Please keep the Wallaces in your prayers.  John is having the second of the two part amputation surgery tomorrow.  I didn’t make it by there this weekend but we did take his kids to church today; Anne Lacey seemed to be in good spirits and JW has been very responsive w me via text this weekend.

Continued prayers for the Kemps and sweet Job.  Please continue to lift them up in prayer for this tough, tough season.

Men, i urge you to fight for your wive’s hearts and desires.  Seek to die to yourself to live for her and your family.

Memphis launches on 19 August.  I will be traveling down that way to launch.  Please let me know if you have EHs in that area.  We will start at 0700 at Shelby Farms Park.



Stonewall – 08/05/17

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Foxtrot-Talks-A-Lot, Crawfish, Deep Dish, T-Cell, Binary, Hambone, Third Person, Edible Arrangement, Huggy (Cincinnati), Hyster (Davidson), FNG Phoenix and the Magic Carpet


Mosey through the park over to the green space by the handiramp and commence COP, all IC:

SSH x 20
SnL Squats x 15
LBAC F x 10 >
Air Press x 10 >
OH Clap x 10 >
Seal Clap x 10 >
LBAC R x 10
WMH x 10

Mosey over to the soccer field and split into two teams. Teams line up on opposite goal lines. Team 1 performs 15 merkins and runs to opposite goal lines while Team 2 does 15 squats and runs to Team 1's goal line. Each time you meet in the middle, do 5 burpees, and decrease merk/squat count by 1 rep with each run. #crowdpleaser

Slowsey over to the blacktop and do a bit of "prep work" with lunging, sidestepping, and bear crawling around the perimeter of the court. Time for some suicides!

One full suicide x 5 with no rest. 20ct. Here I explain to the pax that this one will be timed. 39" later, I inform them that if we beat it, we're done. If not, more suicides. 35" later and we all exhale.

At this point, YHC decided to make use of the abandoned basketball and try our hands at free throws. Each missed free throw is punished with 5 burpees for the group. This time would be better, right!?


Wrong. After my first miss and those first 5 burpees, we unanimously decided that we'd just add a burpee for each consecutive miss and that the total would reset after a make.

7 misses and 33 burpees later, Huggy hits one to cheers from the rest of us. We then proceed to add a few more burpees as we finish an atrocious 1-12.

15' remain and YHC gives the pax a glimmer of hope (doubtful) by promising to end the workout right there if I can make the 3/4 court shot from the opposite three-point line. Way off.

Indian Run down Kirkwood to Granny White. With perfect timing and perfect execution, I might add, everybody's had a turn when we make it to the handiramp.

Ark Loader with Bear Crawls, Crab Walks, and Frog Jumps, and then head to the jungle gym for 5MOM:

Rev Plank Bridges x 30"
Side Star Plank R/L x 15"
LBCs x 10
Boxcutters x 10
Rev Plank Bridges x 30"



FNG showed up at 0658 and said Edible Arrangement told him about it and that he was coming. 0700 and no sign of him as we take off, but here comes his truck barreling down Clayton. Thank goodness because we never would have learned the story of his child acting experience in The Phoenix and the Magic Carpet, his new F3 namesake. Welcome!


After much discussion amongst The Office regulars, the men of the West End Club are launching a workout at Elmington Park this Monday at 0530. Check Slack for updates and confirmation of meeting spot.

The Office will now convert to a run workout with Hambone taking the reins. 9:00 pace and same launch point for all those interested. The AO will perhaps serve us for special events and CSAUP activities as well.

Continue to pray for the Kemps and Wallaces, and be thinking about Supersonic as he's about to plunge into the joys of fatherhood.

Football season starts soon. Go Tigers.

PA out.

Block O Rama

QIC: Iditarod

PAX: Godfather, Aristotle, Sea Gull, Schnitzel, Hawk, Papa Juan, G-String, NPR, Iditarod (QIC), Grohl, Derty, Ace, 2.0 FNG King, 2.0 FNG Jack, FNG Rev. Scraps

Lap through parking lot second lap sprinkle in some bear crawl, crawl bear, politicians.
Good Mornings x 12 IC
Willie Mayes Hayes + Baby arm Circles x 20 IC
Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC
Tempo Merkins x 10 IC
Mosey to Construction Yard
Stop at the bridge for 10 Burpees OYO
Pick up the 6-Once all in instruct to find partner each pair gets one Cinder block from construction site Mosey to three way intersection for instructions for the remainder of the workout

The Thang
Partner work with Blocks-P 1 performs exercise while P2 runs to 3rd street light and returns.
Rd 1
Plank for the 6

Rd 2
Bench Press
Once finished started alternating Blockees(Burpees with a Cinder Block) with Partner-Work till all in then 1 or 2 minutes more.

Return blocks to site
Squat Jumps for Mud Removal
Once all in AYG back to MMC Parking lot.  Plank for the 6


2 x 2.0’s in attendance children of  Ace-Fittingly dubbed King and Jack-The Queen, Ace’s M would have been proud of the hard work put in by her suit. FNG Rev. Scrappy has a tendency to finish others un eaten leftovers.

YHC shared about devotional time this morning spent in Mark where Jesus says to the Pharisees and Sadducees-Give to Ceasar what has his image give to God what bears his (Man).  Prayed for PAX.

Please sign up on slack as we are using that for communication and linking to mothership F3Nashville PAX. Email CCR [email protected] for a slack invitation

Also I’ve created a Q signup Spreadsheet on Google Docs

Floppy’s Title Here

*Detention – 7/31/17*
*QIC*: Floppy Disk

*PAX*: Yard Sale, D’Mish, Ludwig von Oshkosh, En Fuego, Red Bag, Grisham, Due Process, Leatherneck, Accounts Receivable, T-Swizz, Tidy Cats, Bagger Vance, Edible Arrangement, Too Tall, Dupree, Spring Break on Ricki Lake, Foggy Pirate, Dine ‘N Dash, Wet Noodle, Dry Rub – FNG, Boudain – FNG, Venus – FNG, Vegemite, D-List, Floppy Disk

*Warm-O-Rama* (all IC)
SSH x20
Windmills x15
Good Mornings x15
Butt Kickers x15
High Knees x15
BACs F x10
BACs R x10


Rihanna – This Is What You Came For – Plank Jax and Mtn Climbers for duration of song. Every time she says “You” do a merkin and Plank Jack.

PAX fall in to two lines. Indian Run from CH parking lot to corner of Hogan and Marchant. Various exercises while waiting for the six.

Backpedal up Hogan hill approximately 100 yards, resume regular mosey to Crievewood Baptist parking lot. Various exercises while waiting for the six.

7’s – All Burpees! Run up/down parking lot hill between.

Mosey back to CH playground for 3 sets of:

10x Pullups
20x various Merkins (regular, Irkins, Derkins)
10x big boy dips or 20x bench dips

Mosey back to start, circle up for a little bit too much Mary.

Ola Dollies x20 (IC)
Crunchy Frogs x20 (IC)
J-Lo’s x20 (IC)
10x Hand-release Merkins (OYO)
20x Bridge-style Mariah’s alternating regular, right leg on left knee, left leg on right knee (IC)
Alternating Shoulder Taps x20 (IC)

Welcome FNG’s Dry Rub, Boudain and Venus!

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