Titan 04 APR 2018 — 7 PAX and 4 Coupons

Titan 04 APR 2018 — 7 PAX and 4 Coupons

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), Porcelain, Tesla, Reveille, Bad Boy, Bicentennial Man, Right Said.

Conditions were cool and windy, about 40 degrees.  Sun was down but rising.  Very gloomy morning.

7 PAX were not deterred.

Wheels up at 0530.  All PAX must carrying four sets of wrapped bricks, ~30 pounds each.

Start with long mosey from parking area to eastern side of Parthenon, taking the looooong way.

Warm-o-Rama:  Squats, Willie Mayes Hayes, arm circles, good mornings.

Coupon Event 1:  Divide into two groups.  Half of group runs with coupon around parking lot with coupon (`1/4 mile).  Other half of group performs manmakers.  Switch when coupon returns.

Coupon Event 2:  Rinse and repeat, replacing manmakers with dips.

Coupon Event 3:  Rinse and repeat.  Replace run around parking lot with run up and down Parthenon stairs with a coupon burpee before each set of stairs and 5 thrusters at the top.  Other half of group goes back to doing manmakers.

Coupon Event 4:  Rinse and repeat.  Replace manmakers with dips.

31 Burpees to celebrate my recent 31st birthday.

Coupon Mosey back to start, taking the looooong way again.

Doesn’t look like much on paper — but those coupons get heavy quick.

It was a pleasure leading you gentlemen.  SYITG.

Blue Mule OUT.