

When: 2/9/2018

QIC: Grisham

The PAX: 21 men decided to get after it Friday morning.  Pax included:  Brother-in-law, CCR, Rooster, Lewd Wig, HVAC, PreVac, PSL, Donuts, Nex-Tech, Cathy, Venus, Brown Nose, Umbrella, Swamp Fox, Black Widow, Off Shore, 3rd Degree, Yard Sale, Big Stick, Bagger Vance, Grisham

Slightly below freezing.  Need a good slow warm up.

Warm Up:

  • Mosey around the circle
  • Shoulder circuit to warm up
  • Grinder PT (1X 10 X of SSH, Deep Squats, Lunges, SL Deadlifts, Carolina Dry Dockers, ‘Mericans, Supermans, sit ups,


Part I – Strength Work:

  • 1 X 10 Hand Stand Push Ups / 1 X 20 V ups
  • Grab a coupon. Partner up.  2 warm up, 3 work sets Row X 10 w/ coupon on chest.

Part II – Metcon:

  • 21 – 15 – 9 :
    • Half the Pax takes off toting coupons up the hill to the big house at Elington.  Once there, perform 21 – 15 – 9 of Turkish get ups (coupon encouraged, but optional) and push-ups . . . leave coupon, run back and perform below . . .
    • Other half of Pax performs 21-15-9 of Pulls ups and burpbees, then run up to the big house and performs above.  Totes coupons back.
  • Mosey to parking lot & circle up
    • 25 Flutterkicks
    • 20 Rev. crunch


Great work this morning. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Olympic Themed Racetrack

5 PAX (Numb Tucks, Black Widow, Harvey Updike, Deck the Hollis, & Offshore (QIC) braved the 38 degree rainy racetrack this morning to enjoy an Olympic themed workout.

Warm-ups – Mosey from the racetrack to the parking garage to formally disclaim any liability and quickly move into the pre-olympic burn.

SSH x 15

LBAC x 10 & reverse

Willie Mays x 10

Overhead arm press x 10

Seal Claps x 10

Buttkickers x 10

High Knees x 10

Good mornings x 10


In true Olympic fashion, the PAX completed the following x 25 and ran the parking deck up 6 flights of stairs back across top and down between each workout.

O – Overhead/Wall Merkins

L- Lunge across bottom parking deck

Y – BurpYes

M – Merkins

P – Plank Jacks

I – Irkins

C – Clerkins

S – Squat Jumps

For those that finished flutter kicks awaited x 30, LBCs x 30, WWIIs x 15. The PAX then Moseyed back to the Racetrack completing the Olympic beat down and capturing 3 miles of Cardo between the pre- and post-Mosey and stairs.



Sir E, that cruel friend

PAX: Spider Bite, PSL, Funyuns, Olan Mills, Braveheart, Skid Mark, Brown Nose, Karamazov, Pope, Black Lung, Blue Mule, CAPSLOCK, Donuts, Foxtrot Talks-a-lot, Big Stick, Prevac, Pop-a-lock, Bagger Vance, Cowboy, Offshore, Floppy Disk

QIC: Floppy Disk

A warmer than forecasted 40 degrees awaited the 21 brave men that waved the sirens call of the fartsack this am to post at Sir E. Pleasantries were dispensed, then we got moving. We started with a short capri lap around the church, crossing our fingers for an Aunt Bea sighting. Alas, we were disappointed. We circled up, introductions were made, disclaimers were given and the warmup commenced.

Warm-o-Rama (all IC)
SSH x20
Windmills x10
Good Mornings x10
Burpees x10 (modification for the 3 that posted at Detention yesterday for Big Bang’s burpee slaughter-fest was SSH)
Squats x20
High knees x10
Butt kickers x10
Plank Jax x10
Mtn Climbers x10
Baby Arm Circles F x10
Big Arm Circles F x10
Big Arm Circles R x10
Baby Arm Circles R x10

With that more than sufficient warmup in the books we headed over to the playground for a quick arm circuit: 10x pullups, 15x merkins (diamonds, derkins), 20x rows, 20x dips. That circuit was completed 3x varying the merkin style each round.

We then proceeded on to Sir E’s hallowed grounds and mosey’d up to the big house where further instructions awaited. Another circuit commenced: 25x atomic merkins, 25x jump squats, 25x reverse crunches, run the loop, WW1 sit-ups for the six. That hill is so steep. We were so tired. We should rinse and repeat…and we did. YHC had 3 rounds drawn up, but time was running short so we mosey’d on, this time to the big lot.

PAX were instructed to line up and when the word “GO” was uttered, sprint the length of the parking lot (approximately 75 yards). Once there, each man was to perform 25x plank jax.

Heavy breath ensued as we proceeded home via the long route. Once there, we circled up for a few minutes of abdominal exercises as follows.

Flutter Kix x20 (IC)
Ola Dolly x20 (IC)
Freddie Mercuries x20 (IC)
Low Plank 41 seconds
Good Mornings x20 (always a crowd pleaser to finish with these).

Several late arrivals this morning, most notably, Black Lung who strolled up about 10 minutes late so effortlessly. Not so notably, Big Stick. Foxtrot was sporting his D Henry jersey, which he not only filled out nicely, but also left an imprint of on the pavement during Mary. I do think it helped him run faster, though. My goal today was no burpees, at least for the guys that did 300 yesterday. For everyone else, however, it’s hard to complain about 10 reps of any exercise, amiright? Extremely questionable form on the pullups. I may bring a video demonstration to my next Q.

Keep Family Jewels in your prayers who is dealing with an impending separation in his marriage. It’s a reminder to take nothing for granted in your marriage, gents.

Two beer nights this week! Wednesday, 2/7 and Thursday, 2/8 from 8-10pm at Craft Brewed. Come for both, come for one, come for part of one. We want to see you there!

Finally, step up to Q, boys! There are lots of open spots on the calendar. I am always happy to co-Q so reach out if you’re interested in that.

Until the gloom,
Floppy Disk

Burpie Police is on Patrol at Detention

Scene: Detention AO, Time: 515am , Officer:  CalfKiller

Patrol arrived at the welcome party ( 10 burpies on the minute for 10 minutes ) and issues YHC a warning for improper jump during a burpie .  5mins later Backup Sergeant Ludwig was quick to enforce the citation by confirming the lack of jump.

Penalty: Ghost Q = BigBang

PAX :CCR, Floppydisk, Officer Calfkiller, Sergeant Ludwig, Blackwidow, Dupree Accounts Receivable , TooTall (PlankBoy), Umbrella, Brother-at-law (TomBradyHater), Pop-A-Loc, NumbTucks (FutureRuckStar), Tokyo Rose, Dr.Smartt, Skid Mark, FNG ChairForceOne,  and YHC (BigBang)

COP: Who Cares (GMs AMRAP and 5min Disclaimer spoke by Siri, your welcome Bagger)

Thang: Good thing Burpies were fresh on the mind

     Set1: 10 burpies on the minute for 10 minutes

3 suicides (Keep the blood Flowing)

     Set2: 10 burpies on the minute for 10 minutes

3 suicides (Keep the blood Flowing)

     Set3: 10 burpies on the minute for 10 minutes

MARY: 20 FK, 1 min low Plank

Moleskin: Thanks to CCR for keeping me accountable on the Q. Mad love for CalfKiller and Ludwig appreciate the honesty. Floppy thanks for the Pre-F3 Ruck and congrats. You got to experience 100 more burpies than everyone else. #Winning

Welcome Russ: ChairForceOne. Appreciate your service, and hope you come back and get to experience an Aunt Bea Q to really see how werid F3 can be. This morning was pretty stupid,  thanks to all PAX for giving it your all.

Sparty On, and SYITG


Lucky Horseshoe Comes to The Skunk

PAX: Venus, Life Champ, Preacher Man

QIC: En Fuego

A breezy 22 degrees greeted the 4 PAX at the Skunk this morning – Super Bowl hangover had nothing on these men, much to the delight of YHC who at 5:28 was fairly certain he’d be flying solo on this Q.  Following a short mosey, disclaimer and COP, we proceeded with The Thang:

Lucky Horseshoe (courtesy de Racetrack, courtesy de Toga – though this time I believe we applied the down and distance correctly).

  • Run carved .25 mile lap around the baseball fields.  Avoid ice patches.  20 merkins
  • Lap 2, 20 merkins, 20 storm squats
  • Lap 3, 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks
  • Lap 4, 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWIs
  • Lap 5, 20 merkins, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWIs, 20 lunges.  Not a lot of mumble chatter by this point
  • Lap 6, 20 storm squats, 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWIs, 20 lunges
  • Lap 7, 20 scorpion dry docks, 20 WWIs, 20 lunges
  • Lap 8, 20 WWIs, 20 lunges
  • Lap 9, 20 lunges
  • YHC calls for the Victory Lap; Preacher Man says check your time.  Following checking of said time, YHC realizes we have 30 seconds left.  Hold plank while thanking Preacher Man for keeping us honest with the clock.

Mosey back to close out in prayer – lifting Toga, Head Stud and his wife Emily, and Life Champ’s buddy in Knoxville up in prayer.  Great work by the PAX – 2.65 miles all in including moseys.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead and be a part of all things F3 with you

En Fuego

Ned Ryerson Takes Over Cruel Hall

PAX:       Bagger Vance, Floppy Disk, Black Widow, Ludwig van Osh Kosh, PSL, Big Stick, Vegemite, Yard Sale, Accounts Receivable, Third Degree,  Offshore, Brown Nose, HVAC, Prevac, Brother at Law, Braveheart, Aunt Bea, Swamp Fox, CAPSLOCK, Black Lung, Skid Mark, CCR (YHC)

22 unsuspecting PAX were met with a stiff single digit wind chill and a redundant test of wills this morning.  A quick counter clockwise (Brother at Law tried to take it to the bus loop) mosey around the small loop and down to the pavilion to get the blood flowing.

YHC aka Ned Ryerson, Needle Nose Ned, Ned the Head, etc… explained to the PAX that today is Groundhog Day and that we would be paying homage to PunxsutawneyPhil’s annual temporary home for February 2nd, GOBLER’s KNOB.  To add to the drama, I staged a little trouble with the Bluetooth speaker to get started.

Good Mornings x10 IC
Overhead Claps x10 IC
Burpees x10 OYO
Burpees x10 OYO
Lieutenant Dumps x10 OYO
Escalators.  10 merkins, run to 1/2 court and back.  15 merkins, ¾ court and back. 20 merkins, full court and back.
Reverse It…Run to ¾ court and back, 15 merkins.  Run to ½ court and back, 10 merkins.
SSH for the 6

Now that we are warm, it is time for the KNOB

Knerkins (knuckle merkins) x10 OYO
Nelson Mandela Merkins (aka terrorists) x10 OYO.  SSH for the 6
One-Legged Burpees x10 OYO (5 each leg)
Burpees x10 OYO

Time for a quick mosey to the parking lot.  Gather in a blob similar to starting time.

22 unsuspecting PAX were met with a stiff single digit wind chill and a redundant test of wills this morning.  A quick counter clockwise (Brother at Law tried to take it to the bus loop) mosey around the small loop and down to the pavilion to get the blood flowing.

YHC aka Ned Ryerson, Needle Nose Ned, Ned the Head, etc… explained to the PAX that today is Groundhog Day and that we would be paying homage to PunxsutawneyPhil’s annual temporary home for February 2nd, GOBLER’s KNOB.  To add to the drama, I staged a little trouble with the Bluetooth speaker to get started.

Good Mornings x10 IC
Overhead Claps x10 IC
Burpees x10 OYO
Burpees x10 OYO
Lieutenant Dumps x10 OYO
Escalators.  10 merkins, run to 1/2 court and back.  15 merkins, ¾ court and back. 20 merkins, full court and back.
Reverse It…Run to ¾ court and back, 15 merkins.  Run to ½ court and back, 10 merkins.
SSH for the 6

Now that we are warm, it is time for the KNOB

Knerkins (knuckle merkins) x10 OYO
Nelson Mandela Merkins (aka terrorists) x10 OYO.  SSH for the 6
One-Legged Burpees x10 OYO (5 each leg)
Burpees x10 OYO

Time for a quick mosey to the parking lot.  Gather in a blob similar to starting time.

22 unsuspecting PAX were met with a stiff single digit wind chill and a redundant test of wills this morning.  A quick counter clockwise (Brother at Law tried to take it to the bus loop) mosey around the small loop and down to the pavilion to get the blood flowing.

YHC aka Ned Ryerson, Needle Nose Ned, Ned the Head, etc… explained to the PAX that today is Groundhog Day and that we would be paying homage to PunxsutawneyPhil’s annual temporary home for February 2nd, GOBLER’s KNOB.  To add to the drama, I staged a little trouble with the Bluetooth speaker to get started.

Good Mornings x10 IC
Overhead Claps x10 IC
Burpees x10 OYO
Burpees x10 OYO
Lieutenant Dumps x10 OYO
Escalators.  10 merkins, run to 1/2 court and back.  15 merkins, ¾ court and back. 20 merkins, full court and back.
Reverse It…Run to ¾ court and back, 15 merkins.  Run to ½ court and back, 10 merkins.
SSH for the 6

Now that we are warm, it is time for the KNOB

Knerkins (knuckle merkins) x10 OYO
Nelson Mandela Merkins (aka terrorists) x10 OYO.  SSH for the 6
One-Legged Burpees x10 OYO (5 each leg)
Burpees x10 OYO

Time for a quick mosey to the parking lot.  Gather in a blob similar to starting time.

Lunch today (already happened)

I appreciate everyone’s willingness to jump in and embrace the glory that is Groundhog Day.  One of the best movies (films?) of all time to be sure.   Always good to lead…its been awhile since I’ve knocked out two in one week.  If you are reading this, stop what you are doing and go sign up to Q.   It’s what keeps this thing going.


War Eagles,




Stonewall Sandbaggin’

QIC: Hambone
PAX: Vegemite, Kangaroo Jack/Mac (FNG), Spider Bite, Black Lung, Pop-a-Lock (Nebraska), FTTAL, Deep Dish, Jeweler, Bad Boy, Crawfish, Bicentennial Man, Big Stick

The Saturday men of F3 Nashville posted to see what an hour of working out would do to their bodies, minds, and souls.

SSH IC x 20
Toy Soldier IC x 14
Merkins IC x 10
IST IC x 15
Squats IC x 17
Merkins IC x 20

Grab the sandbag and rucks. Mosey out a bit and back the parking lot.

Grab the sandbags and repeat the cycle:

Decline Merkins x 10
Decline Merkins x 10
Dips x 20
Dips x 20
Sandbag Squat x 30
Ruck Lung x 30
Ruck Overhead Press x 30

Split into two teams of 6 or 7 and head to the hill. Run up the hill with ruck. Losing team selects a member to mosey up and back with the sandbag

Sick Cycle

3 Sets:
Seal Claps x 20, Overhead Claps x 20


3 Sets:
Merkins x 10, Air Press x 15


3 Sets:
LBCs x 20, Low Flutter x 20

Run, drop sandbags at parking lot, head to back side building for Mary.

Return Home.


Prayers for the F&F of Bad Boy and Jeweler. Prayers for the Pax for guidance throughout the week.

XC day

PAX: Mr. Roboto, Noble Virus, Papa Juan, Grohl, Scraps, Iditarod, Aristotle, Yosef
Weather: lovely 49F, 10-15 mph wind

CDL used his cross-country knowledge base to work PAX how he knows best: Running.

Mosey from MMC parking to Prentice Fridge & A/C parking for WOR
X9 IC? Goodmornings
X10 OYO Inch worms

Mosey across the street to the Underpass of Thompson Lane bridge over College.

The Thang:
X20 Pushups
X20 Squats
Spring the concrete hill up to Thompson, and mosey the road back around to the bottom.

Repeat x3

Mosey back to the Corner of Abdominal Pain.

YHC advised we had completed approx 2.5 miles of running.

X30 flutter kicks
X30 American Hammers
X30 Rosalita’s

CoT and BoM. And there was much comradery today

Bullhorn: PT test Thurs Feb 8th.
FYI, Yosef will be out of pocket due to travel the week of 2/12-2/16. That means the Thurs 2/15 workout is up for grabs. Hit the Google calendar signup, or let Iditarod or myself know.


PAX: Bagger Vance, Dr. Smartt, Prevac, Skid Mark, Bartman, Yard Sale, Vegemite, Deck the Hollis, Tokyo Rose, Black Widow, Bicentennial Man, Funyuns, Venus, Big Stick, Lunch Lady, Jolene (FNG), Pop-a-lock, Tampa Libra

QIC: Tampa Libra

Mosey down to the bottom, across the lots, up the hill and back around. Circle up for standard F3 warmups: SSH, Willie, Good Mornings Butt-kickers, High Knees.

Mosey to the field to sharpen our mental game with some agility work on the ladder. 6 different workouts, two times through on each one. Jog to the 50 for a few more stretches.

Tabata: 4 exercises – 30 sec hard, 10 second break, 1 minute rest after each round.

Peter parkers, split squat jump, plank get-ups, burpees.

4 total rounds

Mosey to the back of the stadium and partner up. 1 Partner in a wall sit while the other partner does decline pushups with feet on their partner’s knees.


Bulgarian Split Squat using partner instead of bench. 5 each leg.


2 rounds of the above.


Sarah Michelle Gellar’s (wide leg, cross-over, situp) – 25
Eureka’s Castle’s (sit-up, v-up) – 16
Florence Nightingale’s (pulse ups) – 25
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s (heel touch) – 150

COT. Prayer.
A lot of sickness going around. A lot of tragedy across F3 Nation with deaths in the family or F3 brotherhood. Lunch Lady requested prayers for several students (age 8) with behavioral issues needing constant restraint.

We live in a broken world. Go and be Lights in it this week. Proud to walk with you all.

A Not So Super Rare Blue Blood Moon Workout

QIC: NumbTucks
PAX: Harvey Updyke, Vegemite, Olanmills, Offhore, Umbrella, Calfkiller, Barney Fieval
Weather: Mid 20’s

8 total PAX slowly strolled in, with one showing up after a short warmup. Some mumblechatter about the moon looking not so Blue?? Even though the moon wasn’t very impressive it gave us some light to get in a quick beating.

Started off with 10 burpees in the parking lot to get the blood flowing.

Mosey over to the garage for some warmup in cadence:
20 Side Straddle Hops
12 Good Mornings
12 Willie M’s
15 Baby Arms Circles (Forward and Backward)
15 Air Presses
10 Slow & Low Squats
10 Slow & Low Merkins

Partner up (1 Partner stays on ground level the other runs up and down the garage)
Together complete 150 Merkins & 150 WW1s while other runs up and down.
The partner goes up the garage & first lunges across the garage & second time through broad jumps across (**some mumble about the top being longer that we remembered.) * the other partner remains working on the 150
Once exiting the garage stairs you must collect 5 burpees before taking over for your partner. Run hard back rot your partner.
Those who finished planked and flutter kicked.

Lined up shoulder to shoulder in the parking lot.
Bear crawl across all parking spaces (every other line stop and do 5 plank jacks

Mosey to Park:
2 Rounds of: 10 Jump Squats, 10 Carolina Dry Docks, 10 Mountain Climbers
Jog to Laps
End by Bear crawling across entire field in between track

Mosey to Parking lot for Finish:
Finish with one min of Good Mornings!

Good Morning fellas!