The Hill 05 APR 2018 — 12 PAX, 4 Coupons

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), Caps Lock, Vegemite, Foxtrot, Frugal McDougal, Dr. Smart, Prevac, Yardsale, Black Lung, Tampa Libra, Spider Bite, Skidmark

Conditions were gloomy — 32 degrees and dark for 2/3 of the workout.  12 PAX were not deterred.  This completes Blue Mule’s week of coupons to celebrate my 31st birthday.

Four coupons used in each exercise.  Coupons were sets of wrapped bricks weighing ~30 pounds.

Coupon mosey around school and parking lot, ~1/3 of a mile, PAX trading coupons to distribute the load.

Warm-o-rama:  Squats, Willie Mayes Hayes, good mornings, baby arm circles forward and back.

Coupon Event 1:  All PAX divide into 4 teams of three.  Each PAX takes a turn around the ~1/3 mile loop.  Other two PAX do alternating squat jumps and overhead arm claps.

Coupon mosey to the auditorium.

Coupon Event 2:  All PAX stay in teams.  One PAX does coupon mosey around the atrium, one PAX does wall sit, one PAX does burpee box jumps, all PAX alternate once lap around atrium complete, continue until each PAX has done each station.

Coupon mosey back up to the parking lot.

Coupon Event 3:  All PAX stay in teams.  One PAX does thrusters with coupon while other two PAX run out ~100 yards, do 1 burpee, and run ~100 yards back.  PAX switch when returns finish the ~200 yards running.  Rinse and repeat until each PAX has had 6 200s and 3 rounds of thrusters.

25 Burpees (that totals 31 burpees to celebrate my 31st birthday!)

Mary:  30 count flutter kicks, 40 seconds American Hammers

Moleskin:  Those bricks get heavy quick.  Even though they did, all PAX kept pushing hard for the full 45 minutes.   It was a pleasure leading you gentlemen.  I’ve enjoyed doing F3 for the last three or four years, and I look forward to doing it for many more years to come.  SYITG.

Blue Mule out.

Titan 04 APR 2018 — 7 PAX and 4 Coupons

Titan 04 APR 2018 — 7 PAX and 4 Coupons

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), Porcelain, Tesla, Reveille, Bad Boy, Bicentennial Man, Right Said.

Conditions were cool and windy, about 40 degrees.  Sun was down but rising.  Very gloomy morning.

7 PAX were not deterred.

Wheels up at 0530.  All PAX must carrying four sets of wrapped bricks, ~30 pounds each.

Start with long mosey from parking area to eastern side of Parthenon, taking the looooong way.

Warm-o-Rama:  Squats, Willie Mayes Hayes, arm circles, good mornings.

Coupon Event 1:  Divide into two groups.  Half of group runs with coupon around parking lot with coupon (`1/4 mile).  Other half of group performs manmakers.  Switch when coupon returns.

Coupon Event 2:  Rinse and repeat, replacing manmakers with dips.

Coupon Event 3:  Rinse and repeat.  Replace run around parking lot with run up and down Parthenon stairs with a coupon burpee before each set of stairs and 5 thrusters at the top.  Other half of group goes back to doing manmakers.

Coupon Event 4:  Rinse and repeat.  Replace manmakers with dips.

31 Burpees to celebrate my recent 31st birthday.

Coupon Mosey back to start, taking the looooong way again.

Doesn’t look like much on paper — but those coupons get heavy quick.

It was a pleasure leading you gentlemen.  SYITG.

Blue Mule OUT.

Westeros 02 APR 2018 — 6 PAX Own Coupons

Westeros 02 APR 2018 — 6 PAX Own Coupons

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), Reveille, T Cell, Right Said, Bad Boy, En Fuego

I turned 31 last month.  This week is the BLUE MULE WEEK OF COUPONS to celebrate.  This was work out one of four.

Weather was about 40 degrees and drizzling.  Sun was not up.  Very gloomy.

The PAX managed three coupons during this post.  Each coupon was a set of six wrapped bricks, weighing approximately 25 pounds.

Start with mosey from parking lot around park to side of the school.  PAX traded off with who carried coupons.

Warm-o-rama:  squats, Willie Mayes Hayes, arm circles front and back, seal claps, good mornings.

Disclaimer:  have fun, pace yourself, don’t hurt yourself, modify as needed.

Coupon Event One:  31 Coupon Burpees:  All PAX pair up.  Each pair must do a combined 31 burpees with the coupon.  If you are waiting your turn for burpees, you must do side straddle hops.

Coupon Even Two:  31 Coupon Duck Walks:  All PAX pair up with a different person this time.  Each pair must do a combined 31 trips from the wall to the side walk and back doing a duck walk and holding the coupon, approximately 20 meters total duck walked.  Round is completed when the coupon is duck walked back and forth 31 times.  If you are waiting your turn then do merkins.  This round got the PAX all huffin and a puffin.

Coupon Event Three:  31 Sprints.   All PAX pair up with a different person this time.  Each pair must do a combined 31 sprints to the parking sign and back, approximately 50 meters total sprinted.  Round is completed when the coupon is sprinted back and forth 31 times.  If you are waiting your turn then do wall sits.

About this time one of the PAX said “Blue Mule, why didn’t you turn 9?”

Coupon Event Four:  62 Overhead Presses.  All PAX pair up with a different person this time.  Each person must do 62 overhead presses.  If you are waiting your turn then do side straddle hops.

Coupon Event Five:  31 Thrusters.  All PAX pair up with a different person this time.  If you are waiting your turn, then hold plank.

Coupon Mosey back to start, then do 10 burpees, and that’s all she wrote.

Gentlemen, it was a pleasure leading you.  SYITG.

Blue Mule out.

Handel and Yandell – He Is Risen


Skid Mark; Ludwig (resident classical music expert); Floppy D; PSL; Donuts; Black Widow; CCR; Accounts Receivable; Yard Sale; Sharks with “Lasers”; Vegemite; Old Hickory; Frogger;  Spark Plug; Barely Legal; Pop a Lock (not CAPSLOCK, totally different people); Dine-n-Dash; Brother-at-Law nee CCR.

Quick mosey around the bus loop, with some side running and backwards running to stretch those hard to reach muscles.


10 Good Mornings; 10 WMH; 10 BAC; 10 BAC reverse; 5 big arm circles; 5 big arm circles reverse; 20 SSH.


Count off 1’s and 2’s and partner up.  Partner 2 grabs a coupon and everybody meets in the Pavillion.

To celebrate the Resurrection, we begin with a rousing rendition of Handel’s Messiah (HWV 56) performed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir – a four minute chorus.  Run in place and burpee every time the Tabernacle Choir sings “Hallelujah”.  It should have been right about 60 over the 4 minutes, but they come in hot and heavy at certain times so a few might have been missed.  Noted classical musical expert Ludwig didn’t miss a single one though.  I even think he was nailing the harmonies in the background when the sopranos were singing Hallelujah.  Unbelievable.  I see you Ludwig.

Partner Dora – Partner 1 runs a loop while Partner 2 does the following.  Switch out.  Plank and wait after Partner 2 returns from their jog so that we all stay together, both for a few socials sprinkled in and also just a general sense of togetherness – can’t have the Floppy D/PSL combo racing out ahead of everybody.

Happy Jacks (4 SSH  then 2 squat jumps in perpetuity until partner arrives)

Elf on the Shelf (Coupon wood choppers)

I – American Indian Run Social

Swings with Coupons, which sounds like a great dance troupe name for a group of middle aged mothers that swing dance after grocery shopping for the week.

Russian Dips (Dips on benches alternating one leg up with each dip)

Inch worms.  Too much confusion and mumble chatter during this.  I will do better.

Simbas – Squat and overhead lift with coupon.

‘ – Time constraints eliminated the second “E,” which would have been an Escalator social.  Dammit Handel.

Noodling for catfish (bench push up then reach under with one hand at bottom and get that big ole boy with your free hand)

Mosey to parking lot, end with 10 Good Mornings for Donuts’ tender legs.

Great work today everybody.  Thanks for showing up and kicking ass.  My Garmin said we ran 3.4 total and I trust satellites.  A really good cadence on the runs as well, whether we were running the loop or cutting it short by turning around at Brett’s “Piece of shit truck” (credit Donuts).

COT – I have a lot of trouble with F3 names and general F3 protocol.  I’ll get there.

Bullhorn – First Friday lunch at Cookery this Friday at 11:30.  Be there.  It’s a great mission and they make it insanely easy for our large, staggered-arriving group to order and pay on our own.  Floppy will be getting some Nashville F3 gear up on the site in the near future.  Rumors of tank tops and ranger panty’s sent the group into a real tizzy.  Go Ruck Death March is coming up; I believe this Friday.  See Slack for details.

BOM – Grateful for the small miracles this Easter season, like walking out of bed every morning and having a healthy family.  Important to not lose sight of those.

Great work.

Brother-at-Law (My name is my name –

Pre-Final Four workout at Stonewall

QIC: Skidmark

PAX: Big Stick, Hambone, FTTAL, Black Lung, Just Cheese, Deep Dish, 3rd Person, Venus

It was a relatively cold March morning as a few PAX came out early on Final Four Saturday.  As usual, FTTAL nearly ran over the group while trying to pull into his parking space just before the buzzer.

Warm-o-rama: SSH, baby arm circles, seal claps, air presses, chest to ground merkins, low and slow squats

We started out easy with a slow lap around the park.  In order to add some difficulty, we added a 18lb medicine ball which the group passed from front of the line to the back and the final person indian ran back to the front.  About 1/2 way through we stopped at a bridge to do some leg raises.  After 1 loop around the park we stopped at the playground.

Hillevens:  Merkins at the top, Pull-ups at the bottom.  In true ABEH fashion, black lung took a minute to invite a buddy of his who was out doing pullups with a group of Nashville rock climbers.

Once we were done it was coupon indian run to the main building where we did 3 sets each of a wheelbarrow relay up and down the entry way stairs.

Then it was coupon indian run to the short track 1 block south of the park for a Dora 1-2-3, featuring Merkins, Lunges, and LBCs. As we had 9 total, we split into groups of three and did 150, 300, 450 of each exercise.  Following, Dora we coupon ran back to the parking lot for some mary.


The Circle Merk: Pax circled facing inward. All PAX began doing AMRAP merkins while the first PAX performed 5 merkins with the medicine ball under the right hand, 5 under the left hand, and then passed it to the PAX on his left until all had completed the exercise. It was a bit awkward at first, but when the last PAX finished we were all relieved.

Then it was a quick succession of flutter kicks, Mariah’s, and JLos to finish the morning.

Thanks to everyone for coming out this morning and giving me the opportunity to lead!



Bagger Vance, Juan Valdez, Black Widow, Floppy Disk, D’Mish, Calfkiller, Ludwig van Osh Kosh, PSL, Yard Sale, Edible Arrangement, Grease Trap, Vegemite, NumbTucks, Tidy Cats, Too Tall, Offshore, Umbrella, Dupree, Dilly Dilly, Pop-A-Lock, Reefer, Dine N Dash, Skid Mark, Black Lung, Barely Legal, Spark Plug, Old Hickory, Big Perm!, Sharks with “Lazers” (FNG), CCR (QIC)

With good weather, and the promise of a Whale’s Vagina, comes many PAX.

circa 475 BC

As the crowd gathered, YHC had to make some quick audibles to ensure there was room to accommodate. Get ready for updates regarding a new Monday AO.  My friend Donuts got the ball rolling with a quick mosey around the bus loop including some lunges and side shuffles before returning back to the parking lot.

SHH x20 IC
Good mornings x10 IC
Slow and low merkins x20 IC
Willie Mays Hays x10 IC
Baby arm circles forward x2 IC (yes 2)

YHC took the reigns at this point and led the PAX on a mosey down to the bottom of the holler where everyone spread out shoulder to shoulder to get started on the Whale’s Vagina 3.0…

WOR (already done)
Hill Humpers – 25 humpers of your choosing at the bottom, run to top for 25 humpers, run back to bottom for 25 humpers and finish with 25 humpers on top. 100 total humps.  Mosey back to parking lot.
Atomic Broad Jumps – Ever so slightly different than Burpee Broad Jumps (in name only). We did these back and forth across the parking lot with WWI situps for the 6.  Pop-A-Lock may or may not have had a ruck on during this workout.
Lap around the new baseball/ADA path and back to the parking lot for some
Elevens – Simple.  Merkins and Jump Squats.  Effective.
Squats – Like, Greasetrap deep squats x25 oyo

Various Exercises – Started by D’Mish in Whale’s Vag 1.0, improved upon today.  PAX scatter and listed to me tell them what to do.
AMRAP – 60 seconds of good solid D’Mish-type merkins
Get Ups – 15 get-ups with good form.  No hands to help get up if possible.  Lots of MC related to the coccyx. Mosey back down to the pavilion for some
Incline Merkins – Find a bench…x25 oyo. SSH for the 6.  X20 OYO SSH for the 6.  X15 OYO, SSH for the 6
Nelson Mandelas – It took a minute, but we soon got the obligatory terrorist chatter from Yard Sale as we started 10 OYO and then 5 more OYO.  These really suck…just ask Yard Sale.
All You Got – Three standard suicides in a row (the short dimension of the parking lot)

Things were turnt back over to Donuts at this point:

Flutter kicks right into Slutter Kicks, Supermans (aka Pecker Rinne’s), Hello Dolly’s (aka Barry Squashers), Scorpions (including a high foot five between me and Ludwig) and a few good mornings as cool down. Done.

COT/BOM by D’Mish

First Friday lunch next Friday at the Cookery at 11:30am. Make a point to stop by.   Beer night at Cowboy’s this Thursday at 8pm. See 2nd F channel on Slack for deets.   Go Ruck Death March is next Friday night. Beware.

Always great to bring back the Whale’s Vagina. For those that don’t know, I was born and raised inside the Whale’s Vagina (San Diego) which was the original inspiration for the workout. Continued prayers for Olin Mills’ dad, El Maestro and all those in need.

Until the next time,

CCR on behalf of my better half, DoughNutz

Racetrack Murph

PAX: Dr. Smart, Edible Arrangements, Old Hickory, Life Champ, Private Sandman, Umbrella, Venus, Black widow, Vegimite, Offshore

QIC: Offshore

10 PAX showed up for a balmy 62 degree morning just beating out the rain. The PAX began to think spring might actually be coming.

Disclaimer given and a quick 1 mile mosey to get the morning started.

WoR (all IC)


Baby arm circles X 10 both ways

Seal Claps X 10

Arm Presses X 10

Willy Mays Hays X 10

Good mornings X 10

Thang – PAX completed the Murph – 100 pullups, 200 push ups, 300 squats plus 2 mile run (1 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down).

Mary – WW1s X 20, American Hammers x 20


Sir Ellingtunes

PAX: PSL, Donuts, CCR, Bagger Vance, Yard Sale, CAPSLOCK, Big Stick, Holiday, Frogger, Edible Arrangements, Karamazov, Cowboy, Dilly Dilly, Prevac, Pop-a-lock, Dr Smartt, Vegemite, Too Tall, Floppy Disk

QIC: Floppy Disk

19 showed for a windy, musical workout at Sir E yesterday. Quick mosey up to the big house to get warmed up.


WoR (all IC)
Goofballs x10
Skaters x10
Cotton Pickers x10
Guten Morgens x10
Willie Mays x10
BabyACs F x10
BigACs F x10
BabyACs R x10
BigACs R x10
Calfkiller Squats x10

THANG – 4 songs plus a little extra credit

FlowersMoby (aka Bring Sally Up): Push-up on “bring sally up”, down on “bring sally down” and keep the chest of the ground.

Mosey to the big lot.

ThunderstruckAC/DC: Various hopping-related exercises (ssh, high knees, butt kickers) for the duration of the song then burpee on every “thunder” or “thunderstruck”.

Mosey to the neighboring field.

BodiesDrowning Pool: In a plank for the duration of the song doing a combination of plank jax and mountain climbers. During the chorus perform an atomic merkin each time the bodies hit the floor.

Mosey to the bottom of the big hill for a “quick” set of 7’s. Jump Squats at the bottom, split lunges at the top. Reverse mosey up, regular mosey down which was eventually modified to regular mosey both ways based on time constraints.

Long mosey through the beautiful Sir E grounds back to the church for one final song.

Guerrilla Radio – Rage Against the Machine: various ab exercises for the duration of the song that consisted of: Freddie Mercuries, Flutter Kicks, Hola Dollies, LBCs and Crunchy Frogs.


BH: Keep Spicoli, Olan Mill’s dad and El Maestro in your prayers.

GI distress at The Hill


QIC:  Skid Mark

PAX: The Ruckers (Bagger Vance, Funyuns, Vegemite); CAPSLOCK, Prevac, Big Stick (LIFO),  Dr. Smartt, Barely Legal, Spark Plug (FNG),

It was a cold morning as the PAX showed up. A pre-ruck of Bagger Vance and Funyuns passed by to pick up Vegemite in the parking lot for continued rucking through the campus. The remaining 7 Pax circled up for the disclaimer and what turned out to be a true gut busting workout, as we lost 1 PAX to an emergent deuce and finished the workout with a 4 minute splashing of merlot.

We started with a quick mosey around the northern half of the campus and then back to the parking lot where we circled up for warm-o-rama.

Warm-o-rama – SSH, Good mornings, Willy Mays, Arm Circles x2, Merkins in cadence

Count off by 2’s – separate into 2 teams for a cold spring morning teams race.

Each team ran to the following places (in different order) and completed tasks to see who could finish first as a team.

  • Football Field
    • 100yd Merkin Suicide (add 1 merkin per 20 yrds)
  • Playground
    • 25 pullups and 100 Squats per PAX, split however
  • Amphitheater
    • ½ PAX Amphitheater Jumps x2; ½ do handstands, then flapjack
    • 2 laps around the quad loop (once for each partner)
      • Wheelbarrow up the stairs
      • Jog the loop and back down then flapjack.
      • If odd number, 1 PAX can bear-crawl the stairs x2

Team 1 was the first to finish but lost Big Stick due to emergent bathroom needs.

We then moseyed behind the football field bleachers and partnered up for some buddy love time and completed the following:

  • Partner 1: 20 Squats; Partner 2: Balls to the Wall AMRAP – Flapjack
  • Partner 1: People’s chair; Partner 2: Flutter kicks x 20 ct – Flapjack
  • Partner 1: LBCs x30; Partner 2: Plankjacks x30 – Flapjack

Mosey to the football field for 100yd sprints x4, then back down to the parking lot for some music and Mary.

Music: Mustang Sally – Buddy Guy version.

-Merkins for each “Sally”; Plankjacks for each “ride”

Mumblechatter arose about the origin story of the song as BV, Funyuns, and Vegemite joined back in at this point. In addition, we had our second loss of PAX to GI distress as Barely Legal proceeded to splash merlot repeatedly for the entire song.  I guess he really doesn’t care for the blues.

Finally, we finished with a quick succession of Flutter kicks, slutter kicks, and box cutters

BH: Come out to Battleground tomorrow (off McEwin just east of I-65) for the convergence workout for Spicoli. Apparently board shorts are the garment of choice for tomorrow.

March Madness

QIC: Iditarod
PAX: Iditarod, Aristotle, Grohl, CDL

A balmy 30 degrees awaited the 4 Red Pillers who decided to deny the fartsack and continue to condition themselves against apathy this AM.

YHC had toiled yesterday and came up with a workout to celebrate the madness that has no doubt riddled every prognosticator’s bracket. After assuring that the two streetballs that were in YHCs possession were inflated as near to proper specification as was possible our Fab Four, Frozen Four, Final Four set off on a mosey to new vision court for this AMs festivities. The PAX was serenaded by YHCs carefully curated playlist of Jock Jams mostly old but a couple of newer gems sprinkled in. See link if at all interested.

Upon arrival at New Vision formed two lines for warm up lay ups

Brief Stretching

Free Throws F3 Style-Upon a made free through the successful pax called out rep and exercise. Every missed free throw required 3 burpees as penance. Did several rounds of this. Our best percentage round was a round of 75%.

Knockout or Bump-F3 style-Your standard playground version with a twist after a made basket you were required to do a merkin before taking next shot. Once knocked out PAX completed suicides until the game was over. Did several games of this.

Once CDL LIFOed out for Daddy Duties the pax completed a few rounds of escalators 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs.

Mosey back to MMC for TOT and Prayer.

Iditarod Out