Racetrack 4-25-18

Pax: Umbrella, Edible Arrangements, Pope, Dr. Smartt, Offshore, Too Tall, Numbtucks, Caps Lock, Olan Mills, Black Widow (QIC)

10 Pax showed up this morning to high 50’s temps and plenty of fun in store. I’m not one to be creative enough for themed workouts, but since today is YHC’s 39th b’day, I thought we would work with the numbers 3 and 9. Everyone is ready, off to the parking lot at the Hill Center.



SSH x 39

GM x 9

WMH x 9

Imperial Walkers x 9

BACF x 9

BACR x 9

Overhead Press x 9

Seal Claps x 9

Burpees  x 9

Head inside the parking garage and running up the ramps. 3 stops along the way for 3 different exercises x 9 reps each (merkins, DEEP squats, lunges).

We reach the last ramp leading to the top of the parking deck, and instructions were given that we would be enjoying 9’s today. WW1’s at the bottom of the ramp, back peddle up the ramp to the top, Burpees at the top, forward run back to the bottom of the ramp.

All in and we head over to the flat area of the top of the parking deck and line up against the wall. Next is 3 sets of sprints across the deck with 9 hand release merkins between each sprint.

Head down the stairs of the parking garage to the sidewalk next to Holler & Dash for some DID’s. Dips x 20, Irkins x 10, & Derkins x 9. 3 sets of these.

Mosey back towards the racetrack for a quick stop at the monkey bars. 9 pull ups followed by 9 rows x 3 sets.

One last mosey back to the parking lot for some Mary. WW1’s x 39, LBC’s x 39, & Plank Progression for last 1:30.

It was great to be out there with you guys this morning. Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Black Widow

The Boro 4/24/18

QIC: Noble Virus

PAX: Iditarod, CDL, Scraps, Aristotle, Yosef, Childish Gambino, Mr. Roboto, Grohl

Warmup lap around the square
Good Mornings
Willie Mays Hays
Ray Lewis arm claps
Side straddle hops

Mozy to plaza
10 box jumps
10 derkens
Cherry Pick 25 yards
10 box jumps
10 derkens

Run to parking garage
25 LBC’s
1 situp, 4 hammers
2 situps, 8 hammers
Sprint to next level
25 LBC’s
3 situps, 12 hammers
4 situps, 16 hammers
Sprint to top
5 situps, 20 hammers
6 situps, 24 hammers
2 minutes of merkens

Mozy back to square
Broke into three stations
Group of merkens
Run around the square to next station
Group of LBCs
Run around the square to next station
Group of Squats
Run around the square to next station
Circled up and ran a relay race around the square. Group members that were waiting chose an exercise to do while waiting.
Ring of Fire (3 minute abs)

Broken Wheel on a Roll

Broken Wheel Gets Rolling

17 PAX participated in the launch of Nolensville Broken Wheel, we added the injured Tebow for coffeteria so that makes…
18 PAX total: 3rd Degree (QIC), Bloodclot, Bartman, Pop-a-Lock, Umbrella, BaggerVance, Princess Aurora (QIC), Hambone, Aunt Bea, Numtucks (QIC), BarneyFievel (QIC), Nimbus 2000, Netflix (FNG), Abomb (FNG), Show Me (FNG), Funyuns, Sterno, Tebow

New flags in the ground, new crew embarked on a new journey this morning. Princess Aurora started us off with the warmup and some explanation of F3 for the new guys and those who have been MIA (not saying any names): SSH, Squats, Imperial Squat Walkers, Merkins

Thang 1: Numbtucks took over, mosey over to the football field, sandy, and very wet. We all partnered up to demonstrate the F3 saying, “We never leave a man behind, but we never leave a man where we found him.” Each set of partners completes the following exercises while one bear crawls 30yds and crawl bears back, picking up where the other partner left off: 40 Burpees; 60 Merkins; 80 Squat Jumps.

Thang 2: Barney Fievel takes over with an F3 favorite…11’s. Derkins on the fence, lunge across the field and WWIs on the other end, jog back and keep going.

COT: 3rd Degree takes us home with Flutter kicks (IC); Sweat Angels (IC), 10 Burpees for an attitude adjustment…thanks Bagger; Plank with alternating knees to elbow (IC); J-Los (IC)

The End. A great first day at Broken Wheel. A lot more EH happening, and the seeds have been planting, now its time to grow.

Everyone has kryptonite

PAX: Preacher Man, Money Shot, Big Stick, Foxtrot Talks a Lot, Toga (QIC), Kathy, Venus

A magnificent seven posted for a moist morning to get a little better.  Here’s how it went down:

Mosey 3 steps for warmup COP and disclaimer: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Willie Mays, Good Mornings, Scorpion Stretch, others…

Begin multiple rounds of “Screw Your Buddy”= the workout where your lack of speed and effort increases the work required by your buddies.  Each member of the PAX completes an exercise while the rest of the PAX continues doing another exercise.  The PAX must continue doing the exercise until every member of the PAX has completed the task.

  • E1: 75lb KB Farmer’s Carry while PAX holds People’s Chair
  • E2: Bear crawl and back while PAX executes merkins
  • E3: 10 pistol squats ea leg while PAX does situps
  • E4: 50x jump rope while PAX does burpees
  • E5: 15 kb swings while PAX does situps
  • E6: KB above head for Waiter’s Carry while PAX holds plank
  • E7: 10x Drinking Bird (single leg deadlift) ea. leg while PAX lunges

Circle up for Mary and close with COT: shoutouts for Foggy Pirate and Kathy’s neighbor (illness)

NMM: YHC realized on the way to the AO that The Skunk can occasionally have low numbers.  The plan of high reps while one member of the PAX completed a task would not have worked with a low turnout, but low and behold we had a lucky seven this morning.  Big Stick and FTAL even posted early!  Toga is not making that up.  It happened!  It also turns out that using this format allows one to see which exercises people struggle with the most.  Everyone has their own kryptonite.  Example:  Big Stick can’t jump rope, Kathy can barely stand on one leg for 2 seconds, Money Shot may hurt his back on kb swings, and Venus can’t count.., who knew?

Speaking of things happening, the mumble chatter proved uncontrollable and far ranging.  It turns out that Kathy is still haunted by something he witnessed after leaving a church meeting as a youth, Big Stick and FTAL described their inflatable mistress that is shared throughout the neighborhood, and dating members of certain religious groups can have unforeseen consequences.  Copious detail made it’s way into all of this, and you should speak to a Venus if you desire a more thorough explanation.

Stay Classy,


Bomber – 04.20.18 – “S.M.O.K.E. Break”

QIC: Princess Aurora

The PAX: Hambone, Porcelain, Hollister, T-Cell, Hi-Viz, Right Said, Reveille, Tongue ‘N’ Groove (FNG), Bad Boy, Blue Mule, Bicentennial Man 

It was a wake ‘n’ bake kind of morning for 12 PAX at Bomber this morning. YHC has never touched the stuff, but, never one to pass on a themed workout, the PAX got their taste of 4-20.

The Thang:

Medium mosey around the circle drive and through the upper lot with some High Knees, Butt Kicks, Backpedaling, and Side Shuffling thrown in. Circle up for the disclaimer and the following:

  • SSH x 20
  • SnL Squats x 20
  • Good Mornings x 20
  • WMH x 20

Mosey down to the long lot and line up along the curb. The PAX would be doing 4 rounds of 20 movements, taking S.M.O.K.E. breaks in between. After each round, PAX planked for the six and started the next round together. The S.M.O.K.E. break consisted of 5 reps each of the following:

  • Star Crunches
  • Merkins
  • Overhead Squats
  • Kraken Burpees (Burpee with 3 HRM)
  • Elbow Plank Jacks

The rounds consisted of various means of travel, counting out/up as 1 and back/down as 2. The rounds were as follows:

  1. Shuttle Run (across lot, touching each curb)
  2. Hill Run (up and down driveway)
  3. Backpedal/Mosey (up driveway/down driveway)
  4. Broad Jump/Backpedal (across lot)

Enough time for 7MOM:

  • Flutters Kicks x 20
  • LBCs x 20
  • Freddie Mercuries x 20 (Right Said)
  • J-Lo’s x 20 (Porcelain)
  • Hello Dollies x 20 (Reveille)
  • Hollow Hold for final 30″



We welcomed FNG Andrew Trammell aka Tongue ‘N’ Groove to F3 Nashville. A woodworker who had a kissing experience that prompted him to brush the taste away. He loves his name, so I think that’s enough to get him back. Mumblechatter about the low temps in late April was heard, and YHC spared the PAX by leaving the pull-ups out of the mix today. #frozenhands


  • Walk for Williams is May 12 and is May’s 3rd F service opportunity. See Brother-At-Law for details.
  • Nashville’s inaugural brew ruck will be June 23. This is your service opportunity and CSAUP rolled into one on, though I hesitate to call it CSAUP as we will be supporting Second Harvest Food Bank in fighting hunger across Middle TN. That’s certainly not completely stupid and utterly pointless. See the poll in the #nashville-rucking channel on Slack.
  • Nolensville is launching next Tuesday, April 24 and needs your support. Post!
  • Prayers for Spicoli, Olan Mills’s father, Foggy Pirate’s back, and Tebow’s knee.

Lastly, I want to ask all of you what I asked the guys this morning:

Why do you do F3? 

Please ponder that question this weekend and respond in the comments.

PA out.

20 April 2018 Crain Hero WOD

Temp: 40

Gloom Factor: Medium

PAX: Barely Legal, Dilly Dilly, Dr. Smartt, Tampa Libra, Vegemite, Bagger Vance (QIC)

0529:45 Disclaimer

Mosey to back of school showing PAX where Box Jump, Burpee, Wall Ball, Pull Up Stations were located.


SSH, Imperial Walkers, Squats, BAC F, Phelps, BAC R x 22 IC


Crain –

2 Rounds For Time

  • 34 Push-Ups
  • 50 yard Sprint
  • 34 Deadlifts (135/95 lb)
  • 50 yard Sprint
  • 34 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
  • 50 yard Sprint
  • 34 Clean-and-Jerks (95/65 lb)
  • 50 yard Sprint
  • 34 Burpees
  • 50 yard Sprint
  • 34 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
  • 50 yard Sprint
  • 34 Pull-Ups
  • 50 yard Sprint

Unfortunately, we only finished about 1.5 rounds before TIME called for


Plank x 34 IC

Flutter Kix X 34 IC

Low Plank x 34 IC

Ola Binary X 34 IC



A younger Bagger Vance would have worked in National Pot Day, er 420 in somehow but this seemed more appropriate.

Officer Michael “Freight” Crain, of Beaumont, California, died Feb. 7, 2013, when he was fatally injured by gunfire in an apparent ambush while on patrol. A former U.S. Marine Corps sergeant, the 34-year-old had been with the Riverside Police Department for 11 years, assigned to field operations and the SWAT Team. He is survived by his wife, Regina; son, Ian; and daughter, Kaitlyn.


Spicoli, El Maestro, Olan Mills’ Dad in Prayer.

Nolensville Launch on 24 April

Shirt Order up until midnight 24 April



Closed Shapes of Fire?

Closed Shapes of Fire?

Lap w/ side shuffles and politicians mixed in
10IC Good Mornings
10IC Baby arm circles forward, then backwards
20 SSH

The Thang

Aristotle made a request for bear crawls, so YHC had to oblige.

Bearmuda Rectangle
10x squats
10x LBCs
10x leg raises
10x Merkins
Bearcrawl from station to station x3 laps.

Mosey to the “rest area” portion of the trail next to Gateway Island.

Ring of Fires:
Round one: Man completes 10x Rosalita’s while Pax holds a plank, going around the circle one at a time until all Pax have completed the 10.
Round two: Man completes 10x shoulder taps (both shoulders) while Pax hold an Atlas (Al Gore with arms raised), go around the circle to complete
Round three: Man completes 10x leg raises while Pax holds plank, around the circle till complete.

Mosey back to far corner of parking lot where all the painful exercises are done.

Clock tower: Pax on 6 in a circle, heads pointed in. All legs raised, and one by one, every 5 seconds a member of the Pax drops legs to 6 inches. Held for 20 seconds after the last one completes. Rise and repeat in snake draft fashion x4.

Sonic the Hedgehog’s warm up (He loves rings):
X20 squats
X20 lunges
80m sprint
Mosey back to start
X20 release burpees
100M spring


The Racetrack 18 APR 2018-Gen Z

PAX: Barely Legal (Q), Off Shore, Numbtux, Umbrella, Olan Mills, Yardsale, Black Widow, Too Tall, Headstud, Dr. Smartt, GreaseTrap, and an FNG hereby known as “Cash McMogulston”.

SnapChats were sent, Finstas were created, and crippling amounts of college debt were acquired in the name of getting a humanities degree and becoming a barista at today’s Generation Z led workout.

Short mosey to the parking garage, followed by a warm up consisting of SSH’s, WMH’s, good mornings, “scrots”, baby arm circles (forward and backward), and merkins (may or may not have lost count on these).

A circuit was run, with all 12 PAX running up the stairs to the roof of the parking garage, where a group exercise took place.  The group then ran back down the other side, after which another exercise took place.  This circuit was repeated until the following had been accomplished: 10 burpees, 20 jump squats, 30 WWI’s (miscounted yet again and was swiftly called out by GreaseTrap), 40 SSH’s, 50 shoulder taps, a 60 second low plank, and finally 70 double hip taps (whether this is an actual movement or a joke remains a mystery).

The group then headed to the Racetrack and split into 2 groups; Group 1 doing strict pull ups and Group 2 bear crawling across the field and “sprinting” back.  After completing the bear crawl, the groups switched. Then this was repeated, but with rows instead of pull ups.  Modification was indeed necessary on the bear crawls.

A quick Indian Run back to the parking lot left us with just enough time to be punished by GreaseTrap and his cruel Mary, including WWI’s, American Hammers, and a painful low plank.

Hopefully a good time was had by all.

Barely Legal out.

18 April 18 – 22 a Day

Temp: 58

Gloom Factor: Medium

PAX: Bad Boy, T Cell, Reveille, Princess Aurora, Right Said, Hambone, 3rd Degree, Hi-Viz, Preacher Man, Crawfish, Bicentennial Man, Brother-At-Law, Bagger Vance (QIC)

0530:49 – Disclaimer

Mosey West around Parthenon and hit all fours for some bear crawl down the East Side of P’non only to have our efforts thwarted by a Federal Citizen, no worries lunge walk the South side to Bear Crawl west side, Reverse Lunge walk North side, Mosey East Side.  At the corner, PAX cranked out 15 Box jumps then circled up for


All IC x 22

SSH, Squats (Hiccup on Cadence Call), Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies

PAX partner up and Head South on Plaza up to the dog park.  P1 22 Pull-Ups, P2 22 Merkins and then flapjack.

Indian Run to Lord Kensington w YHC at front directing traffic and then circling back for 6.  PAX to hold up at light at West End for 22 Mike Tysons.  All in, good, head across West End to LK.

Bottom of LK 22 Lt Dans

Top of LK 22 Burpees (all the way through, think the CFers call this a “Chipper” but can’t confirm)

All in at the top, YHC spoke of the importance of staying with your partner.  Also noted, 22 Veterans take their own lives everyday.  Not 100% confirmation but what if they had a partner watching their 6 in peacetime, would this still happen?  Hence, the Partnering up and the 22 count on most exercises.

Head back to the bottom for an IR competition.  YHC would set the pace and remain in front whilst PAX raced one another up to the front.  One PAX on right side of column and one on left side.  Since YHC was training eyes on the cars and the light breaking through there can be no objective confirmation of wins and losses.

Cross back over WE only to find out that Mike Tyson was looking for a rematch.  Again, we kicked his A$$.

YHC on Slowsey back to the StartEx only to mix in more lunges: Forward, to the Right, Reverse, to the Left…All in.

Mosey on North side of lawn up past the crazy statue of industrialism and circle up across Plaza for



F Kix

Pistol LBCs

Hola Binary

5 Merkins OYO



3rdF Opportunities Announced this AM for May and June…see PA and B At Law for deets.

Gear order is up until 24 May…Ranger Panties are back in stock no thanks to Hambone buying 12 pair.

Continue to lift up Spicoli, El Maestro, Olan Mills’ dad and all the others dealing with the pitfalls of living in a fallen world.


Nice to finally meet Reveille albeit briefly.  Now I know where his name comes from rising at 0330 to do his AM routine and then meet us knuckleheads out in the Gloom.  Let’s think of ways to support him and get some AOs started up out East in Lebnun (colloquial spelling).

A pleasure and honor to lead.  Great to be back to my first weekday workout lo those many moons ago.  Seems like it was just yesterday that I staggered away from my first F3 workout at Stonewall and the subsequent follow up on that next Wednesday at Titan.  We have had many a PAX fall off since that pivotal day in Nov of 14, we have seen many come and go and we have seen many hunker down in this battle that is LIFE with brothers locked in arms.

So grateful to have met each and everyone of you and to call you all friends and some mentors and accountability partners.  This F3 is an amazing thing to help men come alive in their true leadership roles they were designed to fill.  It is no wonder that HIM(W) in the military miss the action and the men the most.  That said, let us not forget the 22 a day that take their own lives due to only God knows what.  What if we could be a resource to those men and women?  I don’t know what it looks like long term but I know Cadre Danny from GrowRuck 05 has some ideas so hit him up.  #22/Day

It is with a bittersweet knuckle bump that I handed over the F3 Shovel, er Baton to my brother Princess Aurora this am.  You know, I started out as Nantan way back when because when asked who is charge, Binary happened to blurt my name out to DREDD and OBT.  Man, is that the best brain fart I have ever been the recipient of…T Claps to Binary and his momentary lack of clarity during that email.  Truly excited to see what PA has in store for the PAX of Nashville and how he will incorporate that into the PAX in surrounding areas.  Honored to have led and to have been a part of such a great thing.

As a closing loop to my above comments on the # of AO options back in ’14 think about this:

3 Nov 14 (when I started) we had a Saturday and a Wednesday.  As of this typing we have spun out a whole new Region in Franklin.  We have helped launch Chattanooga and Memphis.  We have started Hendersonville (ahem Cashville…hold the line boys) and Murfreesboro and sent a Mustard Seed to NY in the form of Rooms to Go.  We have hosted GrowSchool with DREDD and OBT and led our own GrowSchool as well.  On Tuesday we will launch F3Nolensville which should be very fertile ground to reinvigorate male leadership in our communities through small, free, outdoor peer led workouts.  Our roster now includes over 400 PAX (some are more active than others) comprising 12 AOs (including two running and one Barbell/Weights) across the county.  We have helped (really only nudged and sat back to watch it Blow Up down that way) Franklin become their own growing and thriving AO…T Claps to Bartman, Big Bang, Blood Clot, Tortoise, Probe, Braddock and all the regulars down that way.

I would make one last request as Nantan, please find something bigger to F3 than the workouts which are great but it is only the Magnet, not the Glue of 2ndF and the dynamite of 3rdF.  Who will answer the call and ring the Bell to expand on the 2nd and 3rd F opportunities while PA focuses on building relationships and casting a vision for long term growth?

So it is with a little Pollen in my good eye that I bid you farewell as Nantan of F3Nashville and hello as ATQ (Emeritus) and now Director of Mumble Chatter (self named); I hope to see you at the many different AOs we have started and in the other regions and AOs we will start.


Bagger Vance


Just a Swangin

QIC: Iditarod
PAX: Aristotle, CDL, Grohl, Beanstalk, Papa Juan, Yosef, Ace
Nice chill in the morning about 35 degrees. YHC had a plan to heat it up though. 1 lap around the courthouse normal followed by second lap with sides huffles and politicians. Gave brief disclaimer then had the PAX cash in with 10 Burpees then headed down main for a long mosey to the CMS field.
GM x 10 IC
WMH x10 IC
Daisy Pickers x 10 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Mosey to Cumberland pres.
11s-Burpees and Hanging leg raises (crunches for those who couldn’t hang from the 9 ft swing sets) Cobain for misremembering the height of the swingset.
Partner Up
1st Round- P1-10 Swingset Knee Tucks, P2 squats until P1 finish then flip flop 4 sets
2nd Round-P1-10 Swerkins, P2 Lunges then glip flop 4 sets
LOOOONGG Mosey baxk to court house
Circle of Trust