We Got Knocked Down But We Got Up Again

8 Pax showed up to get better in the gloom at the Skunk. PAX:Proton, OTP (Off The Premise; FNG Aarron Oaks), DriveTime (FNG: Carlos Castilleja), Life Champ, Razor, Cathy, Enfuego, and Cowboy YHC.

YHC came in a little hot as some last minute recon was needed to verify that Q elements were gonna work. With new faces the expectation to go by the book is stepped up, so Proper Disclaimer, Proper Count, and Proper Intensity were in the Q’s head.

WOR: Mosey around the parking lot with dipsy doodles, backwards, sides, etc.
Circle and the following IC
SSH x30, IW, HB, GM, LBAC, BigAC, Seal claps exch x 15
10 Slow & low merkins
10 Plaits (slow Suzanne Sommers Squats)
10 Plats (squat, hold at the down and IC) Feel the Burn! – Impressive we all made it.

The a brief mosey to the front of the school by the produce stand for some Chumbawamba! Tubthumping. We all got knocked down and we got up again. About 3:30 min of it in fact.

Then a mosey to the Lipscomb parking garage. Brief stop along the way for 20 dips 20 Carolina Dry Docs – rinse and Repeat.
Continue on to the Parking Garage

In the stairwell.
Hop up stairs
Merkins x as many steps as you hopped at the landing and at the top
Run down parking garage to stairs at the opposite end.
Out the door and back to the original stairs. All that for 3 rounds
7s at the hill Burpees at the bottom and Peter Parkers at the top.
Crawl Bear the 1st and the last trip up the hill
Indian Lunge Run – Lunges in a line with Indian Run Style rotation
To the Corner of Granny White and Shackleford
Half Sprint back stopping at our wall along the way for another set of Dips and Carolinas
Round back of the school and Sprint (AYG) to the home parking lot.

It was time, Count off, Name-o-rama, FNG naming, BOM


Purple Cow Multi Task Delight

A PAX of 7 (Blackwidow, Joey Freshwater, Backlash, Ponzi, Boons Farm, Olan Mills and Offshore (QIC)) showed up on a cool July morning to get after it. It went something like this:

Warm-up: Brief Mosey to GW park after disclaimer. The PAX completed Goodmornings x 10, Willie Mays x 10, SSH x 15, Seal Claps x 10, Overhead Press x 10, and Squats x 10.

Thang: 11’s on the GW soccer field with Burpies and jump squats (100 yard run between sides. Then mosey to play ground equipment for 10 pull ups & 15 atomic merkins x 3. Brief mosey to awning to complete box jumps x 10 and dips x 15 for 3 sets. Mosey to basket ball court to complete 3 sets of suicides before mosey back to home base for some Mary.

Mary: Flutter kicks x 30, LBCs x 25, supermans x 10, goodmornings x 10, squats x 10, american hammers x 25.

Backlast for Stonewall July 28th

Skid Mark, Edible Arrangement, Deep-dish , Hambone, Cowboy and Foxtrottalksalot as Q.

A fresh 6 AM start for the crew of six… The Job Rocker Max was in full effect… We paid homage to U2 today. The full Joshua Tree album and Rattle and Hum album were the back to back play lists.

We began with the F3 disclaimer, whilst engaging in little baby arm circles, and notified all parties that we had two doctors, a lawyer, a miracle worker, and a hambone present for any thing that could go wrong.

Warm up

20 baby arm circles
20 air presses
15 Imperial Walkers
15 hillbillies
10 will Mayes lays
11 good mornings
12 skorpion stretches
10 super mans
10 count quad stretch on each leg
15 merkins

The thang:

Run with heavy Job Rocker Max speaker (sold by Costco for $99) a long path to the side of the community center with railing and wall.

Proceed with the following 11’s excercise.
Begin with wall sit for 10 seconds (no hands and exercising perfect form as suggested by Sergio from Lululemon….keep your bellybutton pressed to your backbone) as 1.
Then 10 burpees.
Then 20 second wall sit using the Sergio technique.
Then 9 burpees.
Then 30 seconds wall sit again with Sergio’s masterful technique.

And all the way down to 1 burpee and a 100 second wall sit….again….applying Sergio’s belly to backbone revolutionary technique, along with a lot of grunting and groaning. @hambone was next to me and whispered in my ear that he was actually doing Kegels as well. Apparently they can strengthen your lower parts area and help you pee better. Who ever knew? Thanks Hambone.

A few waited in plank for the rest to finish. We then moseyed to the parking lot with pavers behind the community center and perched the Job Rocker Max on one of the grassy median islands.

We divided into two teams.

The Wolverines were Foxtrottalksalot,  Cowboy and Hambone.

The Poster Children were Skid Mark, Edible Arrangement and Deepdish.

Team relay.
Each man had to complete two laps around the parking lot circling the other curbed island. Each man had to complete one full lap bear crawling the loop.
Then each team needed to complete the following together:
300 Air squats
200 dry docks
100 Merkins.

Round 1 went to the Wolverines as Hambone crushed the merkins and dry docks. Cowboy saved the team at the end with his stamina.

Rinse and repeat for round 2.

The winner was not clear for this round. Some highlights included Deepdish’s cry for mercy around his bear crawl lap. In a very whiny tone, he said “Guys, I don’t know if I can do this?” At which point Edible and Skid Mark both recommended a gynecologist and that he modify if necessary. Apparently Deepdish immediately realized what a pussy he sounded like and sucked it up to finish the crawl portion. Good job DD.

Moseyed from parking lot thru tennis courts with EA carrying large 40 pound Job Rocker Max playing ‘Van Diemens Land’ as we ran thru the quiet park. It was a nice touch for all 6. Cowboy had his arms stretched out wide as if to say “thank you for this beautiful day”. It warmed my heart. We all did a self hug.

We turned and headed for the home stretch and the song ‘Desire’ came on. Stopped at the playground in time for each to get in 20 pull-ups.

Then Mary. Everyone got their chance to Q their favorite Ab exercise.
Skid started with 30 flutter kicks.
Hambone did 20 LB AC’s
Foxtrot 13 J Lo’s
Deep – 15 crunchy frogs
EA – 20 Freddy Mercury’s
Cowboy – 15 high lows (it had two names like Marge and something)

Group finished with 15 Alabama prom dates and 10 WW2 sit ups.

Cowboy led us out in prayer.

100% coffeeteria participation. Cowboy and Foxtrot enjoyed a good ole cappuccino and reminisced about how such a small drink can provide so much happiness.

We told stories about theft, stray bullets, and other random things.

Until next time.


Titan – 07.25.18 – “Run, Run, Rudolph”

17 PAX including one Willy Loman from COLA and one FNG posted for Christmas in July Co-VQ delivered by Santa Crab and PA the Late-Ass Reindeer.

QIC: Crablegs/Princess Aurora

PAX: Frequency, Hi-Viz, T-Cell, Eldrick (COLA), FNG Fetch, Porcelain, Rocket League, Harvey Updyke, ABC, Third Person, Blue Mule, En Fuego, Keep the Change, BnB, Reveille

Quick story: YHC had his alarm set for 4:30 per usual and had promised Crablegs to be there by 5:20 to finalize the “bag of toys” being delivered. Well, much to my surprise, I wake up, notice it being lighter than usual, and roll over to see it’s 5:23. Apparently my volume was basically 1 decibel above mute (probably from watching Instagram vids in bed). Good thing Viz still had his phone when I texted as he led the PAX on the mosey and warm-o-rama.


Little fuzzy on the details here as I arrived at 5:36, but there was some running and a COP involved. Only I didn’t hear that the COP part and made a fool of myself when I circled the PAX up once again. I took the opportunity to shame myself for my tardiness.

Handed over the reins(!) to Crablegs where he explained Christmas in July and reminded us that we have 5 months to do our shopping. Then it was over to the Hill of Sisyphus for a doozy of an acronym to work through: S.A.N.T.A., each letter corresponding to the mode of transportation up the hill. Plank and wait for six each of the first 4 rounds. Elf Jacks after the final round.

  • S – San Antonio Shuffle (L Lunge, R Lunge, Merkin, Plank Jack)
  • A – Alligator Crawl
  • N – Nadal (creative license on the baseline-to-baseline sprints) x 2
  • T – Traveling Burpees
  • A – Ape Crawl (Bear Crawl with your hips up and legs straight)

Back to me with just enough time to share my gift of C.O.A.L. with the PAX:

  • Crunchy Frogs x 25 IC
  • “O’s” (making circles with legs extended, feet together) x 12 CC, 12 CCW
  • American Hammers x 12 IC
  • Leg Raises x 15 IC



  • I’ve said enough already, so I’ll keep it brief. While I hated being late, I was glad to know that any one of the guys could’ve taken over if I hadn’t texted Hi-Viz. Tclaps to him and to you all.
  • Welcome FNG Paul Barnett aka Fetch! He’s from Natchez, MS, a Bulldog fan (the maroon kind), and works in supply chain management for Mars Petcare. Apparently he’s been following us on social media for a couple of years but has been afraid to ask us out.
  • Also glad to have Eldrick joining us from COLA. He’s a Clemson Tiger, so he’s welcome back anytime at all.
  • Awesome job by Crablegs today. He’ll be Qing all by himself before we know it. Who’s next!?


  • Big thanks to all those who rucked and donated for the TN CAN RUCK this past weekend. It was an awesome event, and we will do it again soon.
  • 4:13 Strong is back in the rotation. With 10 guys in this class, let’s make sure we get enough of our own out there to have 1-to-1 opportunities with them.
  • Third Person’s last hurrah is tomorrow morning at Bomber. Show up (assuming you’re reading this at 10:20 pm).

PA out.

Weight and Wait a Homonym of a Q

Temp: Low 70s maybe, YHC was a discombobulated this AM

Gloom: Nil

PAX: Red Skull, Hot N Ready, Big Ticket, Gussy, Biscuit, Satchmo, Bruh Bruh, Teddy, Lil Tony, Can’t Get Right, Fallout, Claud, Life Champ, CAPSLOCK, Bagger Vance


Quick Mosey out of the gate to the lot behind the STEM center only to find out there are some brand new consumers of Fossil Fuels in the way.  No worries, head around the building and to the upper lot with the dumpster.

Circle Up for WOR:

Two minute or so plank while YHC explained the grammatical terminology of a #Homonym and shared an #Example Weight v Wait.  In true ATQ fashion, there was some choice language thrown in for Color.

All IC x 13

SSH, IW, Squats, Hill Billy’s


Dirty McDeuce-ish

Partner Up in 1s and 2s and take a leisurely mosey around our loop for the day.  Once the 6 was in we performed

Squats x 13, Merkins x 13, Flutter Kicks x 13 IC (had a couple of restarts to stress form) and to the building for Wall Thrusters (think Mike Tysons w/o the Merkin)

Run a lap

Jump Tucks x 13, Lunges x 13, Power Merkins x 13 (Crowd Pleaser), Ola Dolly (IC) x 13

Run a short lap

Skaters x 13, Lunge to Squat x 13, Atomic Merkins x 13, Reverse Thrusters x 13

Run a lap but go through the quad to the back of the building where YHC introduced two Firsts

P1 squats on wall while P2 performs Bulgarian Split Squat (P1 holding P2’s foot) x 13 ea leg

Flap Jack

Holy Moley, there are some spare tires over here, why don’t we P1 v P2 in a spare tire tug of war.  Lots of grit and heart out there, couple of bruises and some blood but a good time was had.

To the main Lot for the last lil Bit

Monkey Humpers x 13

Merkins, Dips, Merkins x 13

6 MOM:

F Kix x 13


Count Off


So, the idea of the Weight and the Wait has been weighing heavily on YHC’s mind as I wait on what the Lord has in store for me and my family and as I think about the Burdens we carry in this life.

Funyuns and I ran with Rob Jones last year as he was completing 31 Marathons in 31 Days in 31 Cities…First one was in London (Not Kentucky).  Oh by the way, Rob is a 2x Amputee.  Rob’s tag line his to “Use The Weight” and his story can be found at https://youtu.be/gq4IdUpxVYY  …

We all have different Weights and we all carry them differently.   The only thing I would change in Rob’s awesome message is that we all need a partner, a spouse, a friend and sometimes a Brotherhood to help us carry the weight.

As a man with a Christian worldview (and a Potty Mouth), I also think about the word Wait and what it means to me.  Right now, I am waiting on the Lord to show me the way to my next career so that I may provide for my family.  The life that has been predestined and ordained for me is one of waiting, Waiting on the Not Yet but Will Be, waiting on the Voice for the next step and Waiting on being reunited with all my Brothers and Sisters at Home.


Prayers up for Spicoli, for this Class of young men that they become HIM (High Impact Men) and that they change the course and trajectory of their lives and families.  Spoke with Olan Mills today, his Dad received good news from his Doc yesterday.


Bagger Vance

Racetrack – 7’s, DID’s, & Flying EH’s

No idea what the temp was, but it was nice for a summer morning in July. I showed up to the Racetrack, and to my surprise, the parking lot was already full of 17 PAX ready to get to work. 5:29am with a quick disclaimer, and then we’re off.

PAX: Bagger Vance, Ebola, Big Bang, Joey Freshwater, Red Skull, Chiwawa (FNG), Tool Time (FNG), Cuervo (FNG), Umbrella, Offshore, Vegemite, Lumberg, Toga, Shoeless Joe, Hot N’ Ready, Maryland (Willy Loman), Black Widow (Q)

Mosey around the back loop at the racetrack, and then circle up in the grass for some WOR.

GM x 10

SSH x 10

WMH x 10

BAC x 10

RBAC x 10

OC x 10

SC x 10


Head over the little hill towards the back of the racetrack. Line up for some 7’s. Starting with Burpees at the bottom, bear crawl up the hill, and then Turkish Get Ups at the top. SSH while we wait on the six.

All in, and we line up in a single file line to IR up Maryland Way to the parking lot next to the parking garage. It was on this run that we passed who would soon be known as “Cuervo” while he was out for a morning jog. After some flying EH’s, and him seeing a fellow Willy Loman coworker with us, he decided to file in. Line up on one side of the parking lot for another set of 7’s. Jump squats on one end of the lot, sprint to the other, hand release merkins, and then sprint back across the lot. Plank and wait for the six.

All in, and we head to the stair case for a little more cardio. Run up the stairs to the top of the parking deck. Once all in, 10 burpees. Run to the other side of the parking deck, and 10 more burpees. Back down the stairs, and stop next to Holler and Dash.


Dips x 20

Irkins x 15

Dirkins x 10

R&R x 3

Single file line again to IR back to the monkey bars at racetrack. Split up into 2 groups. Group 1, start doing AMRAP pull ups while Group 2 runs the inner lap. Flap Jack (or flip off, whichever you want to call it). All in, and head back to the parking lot for Mary.


J-Lo’s x 20

LBC x 20

WW1 x 30

Low Plank x 30 Seconds

Men, it was a pleasure to be with you this morning. Hard work by everyone out there. Welcome FNG’s Chiwawa, Tool Time, & Cuervo!

Please continue to pray for Preacher Man’s brother battling cancer, as well as Olan Mills father, and Spicoli.

Black Widow

Good Morning Tuesday! Broken Wheel Hill Work

10 PAX in Attendance: ShowMe, Soccer Mom, MRSA, Aunt Bea, Netflix, NumbTucks, RagDoll, Pope (F3 Franklin), Tebow & 3rd Degree (QiC)

YHC rolled up a few minutes early to plant the Shovel Flag to be greeted by a Rucker (NumbTucks) and Pope, enjoying the early morning Gloom. Eventually the PAX came in and we got (kept) rolling.

Warm up Indian Run around the 1/3 mile track keeping Old Glory in the front by passing to the sprinting Indian.


  • 100 (90+10) SSH IC

Thang 1

Mosey to Ball-field Stairs for 7s


  • Clap Merkins at the bottom
  • Iron Mikes (jumping split lunges/scissor lunges) (1/2, 1)) at the top (made me think of Punch Out…Classic)

Image result for mike tyson punch out

MOT: Partner Carry up the stairs (flapjack each round so 3 times each) and Bear-Crawl down the Hill

Thang 2

Continued partner work: Crawl Bear up hill next to stairs, 2 burpees at top, bear crawl down then partner holds legs while you wheelbarrow walk up the stairs. Mosey back to bottom and flapjack wheelbarrow positions each round so 3 times each (6 total)

Thang 3

Max reps of pullups and when tapping out, partner grabs legs and assists PAX to complete 3 more.

2 rounds. MC killer.

Thang 4

Modified Dora: Partner 1 does AMRAP Merkins while the other sprints (jogs) to the other end of the parking lot and back then flapjack to 60 total Merkins.

Then Round 2 with goal of 80 Imperial Squat Walkers, but Q cut it short so we can enjoy the traditional end to a 3d BW Q, the bridge…

“It’s kinda my thing…”

Bear crawl and then crawl-bear the bridge. Always a good time. For time’s sake (which the PAX were very prompt to remind YHC about. Multiple times…) we moseyed to the far side then BC first 1/2 back and CB the 2nd “half” to the flag. LBCs to the 6. Counts as Mary, right?! Sure.

What?! Over already? The fun was just starting…to be continued at The Forge!


  • Pray for Barney and his family as they welcomed another 2.0 recently and are figuring life out as family of 4 (Patience, peace, strength and health)
  • Make sure to sign up for Q slots on F3nashville.com or 3D will take them all! (except when Down Range, which is all of next week)
  • Phillipians 2:5-8 Be Humble, put others before yourself. Enjoy Grace and Don’t waste this life!

Love getting to lead these HIMs.

Until next time,

3D, out!

Purple Cow 7-23-18

Temps were a comfortable 70 degrees as 7 PAX started the week off the right way at Purple Cow this morning.

PAX: Life Champ, Olan Mills, Backlash, Boone’s Farm, Toga, Offshore, Black Widow (Q)

Disclaimer and then 5:30am we head out of the BMS parking lot to GWP and circled up in the main parking lot for WOR.

SSH x 20

GM x 10

WMH x 10

IW x 10

Merkins x 10

MC x 10


Decided to pull out an old favorite and introduce some of the newer PAX to BLIMPS on the soccer field. Lined up on one side of the soccer field where each PAX would perform the exercise below, and then run the short length of the field and back before moving to the next exercise.

Burpees x 15

Lunges x 20 each leg

Imperial Walkers x 25 each leg

Merkins x 30

Plank Jacks x 35

Squats x 40

SSH while we wait for the 6. All in, and head to the basketball court. Partner up for Partner Wheelbarrow work.

P1 – In wheelbarrow position with P2 holding feet, start at the baseline of the court and begin moving forward. At first FT Line, perform 5 merkins, Mid Court 5 merkins, next FT Line 5 merkins, and final Baseline 5 merkins. Flap Jack for return. All in, Rinse & Repeat.

Head over to the playground for 3 rounds of the following. Plank and wait between rounds so all can begin together.

Pull Ups x 10 (Partner Support if Needed)

Swerkins x 15

Dips x 20

Line up for an IR back to BMS.


J-Lo x 20

LBC x 20

WW1 x 25

American Hammers x 20

Good Morning x 10


Really good work this morning by everyone. Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to lead. Remember your school supplies as you post the next couple of weeks.

Black Widow


Detention – 6/23/18

70 degrees and lower humidity made for a nice weather respite as 19 PAX posted to start their week off properly.

PAX: Grease Trap, Edible Arrangements, Big Perm, Vegemite, Dilly Dilly, PSL, Yard Sale, CCR, Donuts, Accounts Receivable, Too Tall, CAPSLOCK, Frugal MacDoogal, Dupree, Yumi, Calf Killer, Skid Mark, Dine ‘n Dash, Ludwig van Oshkosh (Q)

Capri lap around the parking lot and circled up for WOR:

20 SSH

10 WMH

10 Good Mornings

10 Seal Claps

10 Air Presses

10 Butt Kickers

10 Squats (Slow ‘n Low)


We started off with wheelbarrow 11s to set the tone. (Hat tip to Funyuns for this gem from a while back)

We partnered up and each partner performs 10 merkins on one end, then P1 wheelbarrows about 10 yards and both partners perform one Carolina Dry Dock on the other end. Flapjack the wheelbarrow on the way back, then each partner does 9 merkins, etc.

Now that the upper body was worked, time to work the legs. Moseyed over to the Crievewood parking lot at the bottom of the hill.

Round 1 – Lunge to the top of the hill and perform 20 deep squats at the top. Jog back down to the bottom and SSH for the 6.

Round 2 – Broad jump to the top of the hill and perform 20 deep squats at the top. Jog back down to the bottom and SSH for the 6. Yard Sale made it to the top when the rest of the PAX were only about halfway up. (more on this later)

Round 3 – Reverse lunge to the top of the hill and perform 20 deep squats at the top. Jog back down to the bottom and SSH for the 6.

Legs are feeling it, so time to mosey to the playground for some more upper body work.

3 sets each of: 15 swerkins, 15 rows and 15 dips.

Still plenty of time left, so lets mosey down to the bottom of the bus loop. Bear Crawl to the top, perform 10 merkins. Glutes were really feeling it at this point. On the way up Donuts started doing a Wide Bear Crawl, aka the Megan Barry Crawl. I think we need to add that to the lexicon.

Head back to the parking lot for Mary.

7 burpees, then 7 Mountain Climbers

6 burpees, then 6 Mountain Climbers

5 burpess, then 5 Mountain Climbers

20 LBCs

30 Flutter Kicks


Good work today by all. Good reports about TN CAN RUCK. And apparently WARPATH was especially great, since no one posted for it. Yard Sale commented that was an easy workout, compared to ones I’ve led in the past. I’d say if you do actual broad jumps by squatting down and jumping as far as you can, rather than doing bunny hopskips up the hill, you might’ve had a different opinion.

Bagger is heading up a school supply drive over the next two weeks. Feel free to bring any supplies to any workout, and they’ll be collected and donated.





23 July 2018 Servais

Temp: 71 and perfect
PAX: Cowboy, Big Stick, Preacher Man, Foxtrot  Talks A Lot, Bagger Vance
Mosey to the dumpsters at the back of The Skunk, turn around and head back to main lot.
Triangle Up for Mary:
All IC X 13
Squats, (enter FTTAL) SSH, Imperial Walkers, AL Prom Dates
Bear Crawl Kickouts to sidewalk +/- 20 Meters
Modify or as I coined on Twitter WODify Servais
1M mosey around track
As Many Rounds as Possible:
19 Pull Ups
19 Merkins
19 Burpees
After each round jump up out of the mini playground pit and carry coupon in RX’d fashion down to the end of greenhouse and back. Coupons as follows:
25’ KB
5G bucket w cinder block inside
Ruck sack w 30’ plate
20’ Weight vest
16’ Med ball
Rarely if ever did the coupons stick in the order RX’d but we all got our turns. Q Fail on directions.
Plank 30”
Merkins x 5, Dips x 5, Merkins x 5
F Kix x 20 IC
MDM x 5
Homer, Marge, Mr Burns
MDM x 5
Most all got 4 rounds in the allotted time pre-Mary.
T Claps to FTTAL for posting w us even though he had some domestic duties that kept him from being on time.
Preacher Man with a strong showing today. Always good to see him crushing it.
Big Stick led from the front as usual.
Cowboy and I were grinding through today’s workout. Thank you for your willingness to switch ‘pons with me a couple times and for shouldering the load for FTTAL also.
Praying for Preacher Man’s brother, James as he battles cancer for a second time. Just finishing up chemo and this next week will be tough for him, his wife and their 1 year old baby.
Bring school supplies for the next two weeks for us to gather and take to Metro schools kids in need.
bagger vance