The Hill Blast – Razor’s Last Stand

Weather was clear.
Foxtrot TAL -QIC
Pax – too many to name, but 21 in all. Notables Razor…aka Venus…

We began with a short mozy down to the amphitheatre. Did a double loop around the mini circle to catch up with Prevac. He’s going to Tuscany, Italy today with his wife. I’ve never been but hear amazing things about the area. I am looking forward to going one day soon.

Circle up for warmup
25 Ssh’s
10 slow count Merkins
15 Mountain climbers
10 Good mornings
10 Willy mays
15 Baby arm circles

The exercise portion begins:

5 Teams of 4
50 per person dips
50 per person merkins hand release
50 per person stadium jumps
50 per person squats with 1 one thousand second count at bottom
2 on team running the mini loop and back while others continue exercises.

First to finish must go to the wall and begin wall sits.

We finished and began to mozy to south edge of campus where we noticed Frougal McDougal administering mouth to mouth resuscitation to Razor…..I thought it was a little strange because later on someone told me he skinned his knee! :)) Hopefuly Razor returns soon!

Anyways, the group trekked on to the gravel road on the south edge and ran straight east towards the track. We stopped for 10 merkins at the top of the ridge.

Next team exercise  began on track-
2 on team running full lap (1/4 mile)
While each person must complete 100 Monkey humpers, 100 lunges , 100 Carolina dry docks head to ground individually

Most teams alternated until each crew had run 3 laps. Yard Sales team completed 4 while rest finished.

With 4 minutes to go, we finished up with quick mozy back to parking lot.  Blue Mules grunts really helped me stay the course!!!
Finished with 90 seconds of Mary.
20 fast count Freddie Merks.
20 slow count J Lo’s!

Cowboy prayed for us. He gets me every time!

Partner-work Q @ Cruel Hall

18  PAX in Attendance: Vegemite, CCR, PSL, The Strangler, DineNDash, FloppyDisk, BlackWidow, CalfKiller, AccountsReceivable, Reefer(b), Cinderella, Kaison, OffShore, LudwigVanOshKosh, HollowBackGirl, Backlash, Lumbergh (Respect!) & 3D (QiC)

73 and VERY HUMID to start. 16 PAX at the start and we picked up a couple along the way. This was my first Q here at this AO, thanks for showing up!



  • Jog around Bus Loop to back of CH
  • SSH IC x 15
  • SJ IC x 15
  • Tempo Merkins IC x 15
  • IW IC x 15
  • 30 seconds GM OYO

The Thang(s) 

Burpee Apocalypse (55 burpees)

Mosey to bottom of bus loop

Partner Work Bus Loop: Partner up with someone you have never partnered with before. Different Mode of Transportation (MoT) up the hill with partner and when reach the gate 10 burpees and then run the small loop together back to bottom of loop/hill. Plank and Wait or Mary exercise until the 6 after both partners have completed each challenge (each partner performs, both do 10 burpees and lap every time, can switch out positions as needed but must complete 2 hills per team per MoT)

MoTs: WheelBarrow, Piggy Back, Crawl-Bear (this was a crowd favorite, 5 squat penalty for pausing) (5 total laps, 50 burpees)

Pain Ground: PAX 1 performs 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins and 15 squats while partner high planks. FlapJack. R&R.


  • flutter kix x 25 IC
  • American Hammers x 15 IC
  • 10 Mountain Climber Merkins (4 count Mountain climbers and 1 Merkin) OYO



  • Great work today Men! Intentionally brutal Q that took encouraging words and exhortation to make it through. We make each other stronger.
  • Consider the responsibility & power of the words you speak or write. The tongue is one of the smallest parts of the body and yet can start a fire that quickly gets out of control. We need Self-control. Our words have the power to build up, or tear down. Think about that as you go through the weekend at home, work, or get on social media. Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Sky-Q has to change our hearts…DM me if you want more info/clarification
  • Great job as partners looking after your battle-buddy, so I thought I’d leave you with this…

Schnitzel’s Birthday Q

QIC: Schnitzel

PAX: Iditarod, Grohl, Noble Virus, Scraps, Yosef

Weather: 75 and rain

Jog around parking lot

Good mornings
Willie mayes Hayes
Cherry pickers
Baby arm circles
Imperial walkers
Non-imperial walkers

35-4 count side straddle hops
35-4 count merkins
35-4 count mountain climbers turned into something (can’t remember)
35- cherry pickers
10 burpees

Partners-1 ran to the lightpost other planked. Down and back to light post and alternate. Worked our way up to 3 and then back down.
50 monkey humpers

Small loop slightly faster than mosey/stop 4 times
15 right leg lunges
15 squats
15 left leg lunges
15 squats
10 burpees

COP- give it away/red hot chili peppers- side straddle hops during verses, plank jack during give it away, and tree huggers during instrumental. We finished with tree huggers

One lap around parking lot and finished up

Fire CoT by Schnitzel

III Pillars – 08.21.18 – “Belated Happy Backblast”

13 PAX celebrated a birthday for YHC at III Pillars, but YHC did all the gift-giving.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Lumbergh, Tampa Libra, Blue Mule, Hambone, Reveille, Silver Medal, Cowboy, Harvey Updyke, Boone’s Farm, Bicentennial Man, Plunger

Following a disclaimer and a brief mosey over and around the senior living parking lot, we backpedaled up the side entrance to the track to wake those quads up and hit the center of the field for the COP:

  • SSH x 34
  • WMH x 17 (+ 1 silent to even out the legs)
  • LBAC x 17 F/R
  • Squats x 34


In honor of the big 3-4, those numbers would play heavily into the workout. Three exercise circuits, four exercises each, three rounds of each circuit.

Circuit 1 (3 rounds):

  • Squats x 34
  • Merkins x 34
  • 2ct Flutter Kicks x 34
  • 200m lap (~34″ of running)

Circuit 2 (3 rounds):

  • Pull-Ups x (Max/3 + 4)
  • Split Squats x 34 (17 R/L)
  • LBCs x 34
  • SSH x 34

Circuit 3 (3 rounds):

  • Bear Crawl x 34 yards
  • Lunge Walk x 34 yards
  • Dragon Crawl x 34 yards
  • Duck Walk x 34 yards

AYG back to the parking lot. COT/BOM.


Thanks to all who had their maiden post at III Pillars in my honor. It was much appreciated, and the workout, while super awful at the end, was actually a fun one for me to take the PAX through. It was especially awesome to see all the encouragement through the 200s and the traveling exercises.


  • Glad to hear Lumbergh’s son passed the FE.
  • Prayers for the Llewellyn family and the tragic loss of their son
  • 9/29 4th Anniversary Workout at Stonewall followed by Q/Grow School. More info to come, but SAVE THE DATE.
  • Football season is upon us. College colors are encouraged on Fridays!
  • Go Tigers.

PA out.


August 29, 2018 (Racetrack) – “You’re Doing It Wrong…” – Joey Freshwater VQ

12 HIM showed up at the Racetrack to get a little better today for a VQ by Joey Freshwater including one Willy Loman from NC (Marino) and an FNG… He did not disappoint.

PAX: Joey Freshwater (Co-QIC), Umbrella (Co), CAPSLOCK, Black Widow, Offshore, Calfkiller, Cinderella, Hambone, Tampa Libra, Razorback, Marino (WL), FNG Sitcom Mom

A muggy warm morning welcomed the PAX for Freshwater’s VQ. Umbrella proclaimed the disclaimer and the PAX moseyed up the hill to the parking garage lot to begin


10 x Good Morning
10 x WMH
20 x SSH
10 x BAC Forward
10 x BAC Reverse
10 x O/H Press
10 x Slow & Low Squat
10 x Tempo Merkin
10 x Imperial Walker

Joey Freshwater is introduced as Q and leads the group up six floors of the parking garage, across the top floor and back down to the first ramp on the first floor of garage


This is what I’d call the “You’re doing it wrong” workout because Umbrella provided constructive criticism on a movement in my first workout and I laughed my ass off afterward. AKA “The cherry popper”. Pretty much modeled after another one we did there.

Ramp One:

Sprint floor one ramp

30 merkins first corner

Lunges to second corner

30 WW1s second corner

High knees to third corner

30 jump squats third corner

Backward run to fourth corner

Wall sit fourth corner until rest of PAX gets to fourth corner

Rest count then proceed to next ramp

Ramp Two:

Sprint floor two ramp

30 burpees first corner

Bear crawl to second corner

30 flutter kicks second corner

Broad jump to third corner

30 air squats third corner

Backward run to fourth corner

Wall sit fourth corner until PAX gets to fourth corner

Rest count then proceed to next ramp

Ramp Three:

Sprint ramp three

30 merkins first corner

Power skips to second corner

30 elbow to knee sit-ups second corner

Side squat with turn to third corner

30 shoulder touches third corner

Butt kickers to fourth corner

Wall sit fourth corner until PAX gets to fourth corner



Mosey back to Racetrack lot for…

MARY (Umbrella):

High plank 30 seconds
Right arm up 30 seconds
High Plank 30 seconds
Left arm up 30 seconds
High plank 30 seconds

10 Merkins OYO

10 x Good Mornings

COT – Great job by Joey Freshwater on his VQ. He brought it today and PAX all worked hard and got better today. Reminders on 9/11 CSAUP as well as need for Q’s at Purple Cow and Racetrack in an effort to fill up calendar for September.

CruelHall Leadership Lessons

26 PAX: Bagger Vance, PSL, Floppy D, Fox Trot, Big Stick, Dine-n-Dash, Yard Sale, Accounts Receivable, Lumberg, Calf Killer, CCR, Yumi, fox hole, Swamp Fox, The Strangler, Reefer, Black Lung, Skid Mark, umbrella, Donuts Pre-Vac

QIC: Dupree

A nice and cool 61 degrees greeted 26 PAX last Friday. Thinking that it would be good day for some encouraging partner work, and being inspired by Q’s reading for IronClad challenge, Q gave the disclaimer.

Taking the long loop around the bus loop, Q surprises PAX with a left turn into the new parking lot. FoxTrot and Big Stick stumble into finding us in circle and much mumblechatter begins with the arrival of FoxTrot who stood next to BV.


SSH xs 15
Willie Mays xs 15
Good Mornings xs15
Baby Arm circles xs15
Reverse xs 15
air press xs 15
Squats xs 15
Merkins xs 15

Count off 1’s and 2’s – 1’s look to your left, 2’s to your right and that is partner for the day. Each exercise is done together. Q quoted Andy Crouch from his book “Strong and Weak:”
Leadership begins the moment you care about others flourishing more than your own. Q was really moved by this statement this summer and let that wisdom guide our workout together.


Bear Crawl up the bus hill with partner. Once you get to the gate, jog back down to the bus hill.

Lunge up the bus hill with partner (these felt especially good after PSL’s beatdown at detention). Run back to the bus loop.

Burpee broadjump up the bus hill with partner. This one was a favorite of the PAX.

Then mosey to playground where we with our partner did three sets of 10 pullups, 20 rows, and 25 dips. Pre-Vac prevacced.

Line up under pavilion. With partner do 11’s – burpee/mountain merkin combination. That sucked.

Flutters xs 30
WWI’s on your own – 15
Good Mornings to close us out.

COT – Q school and 4 year F3 anniversary September 29th.

Q reminded PAX that some are faster, some are slower, some in great shape, some are just beginning, but we all need each other. Today we practiced caring more about the other than ourselves. For some of us that sped us up. For some of us that slowed us down. But we did it together. We all need people to walk with in life together. If we truly want to be leaders, care more about the flourishing of others than your own.

Always an honor to lead.

Run Forrest

QIC: Iditarod
PAX: Iditarod, Scraps, Grohl, CDL, Noble Virus, Air Wolf
2 Laps around Courthouse-Politicians, Side Shuffles ETC.
Good Mornings x 10
Willie Mays Hayes x 10
Daisy Pickers
BAC x 10
Hand claps x10
SSH x 10

The Thang
Mosey to the Presbyterian Church-Along the way made 3 stops
Burpees x 10
Alternating Shoulder taps x 20
Merkins x 30
Alabama ass kickers x 40

YHC informed the PAX they helped to spell out BAMA since this weekend kicks off college football.

Partnered up for three rounds of 3 different super sets.

Round 1

P1 Thruster Merkins on swing set x 10
P2 Squats till P1 completes
Then Flip flop
X 3 Sets

Round 2
P1 Dips x 20
P2 Lt Dans till P1 completes
Then Flip flop
X 3 Sets

Round 3
P1 Incline Merkins x 12
P2 Step ups till P1 Completes
X 3 Sets

Mosey Back
Halfway stop for 20 Squats

No time for Mary upon return.

COT and Prayer.

NMS: Nice to have Airwolf back with us. Keep working hard Gents that one was a tough one. Also CDL is running for him 5k if anyone interested. Good cause and memorial for an old friend of his. Hit him up if youre interested.

GOOAAALLLL!!! SoccerMom’s Virgin Solo Q @ Broken Wheel

16  PAX in Attendance: ShowMe, Udder, Weasel, Nimbus 2000, TVG, Sterno, NumbTucks, RagDoll, 3D (YHC), Barney Fievel, Tebow, HushPuppy, A-bomb,  Stats, Altidore (FNG) & SoccerMom (VsoloQ)

NumbTucks @ 5:15 for a pre-party showing with YHC doing 10 burpees on the minute x 10 rounds. DaftPunk BG Music will have me and Numbtucks reciting “Around the World, Around the World” for the rest of the day! Strong work Numbtucks! We will try and keep this a regular thing so come join in whenever ya’ll are ready.


  • Mosey around the parking lot
  • SSH IC x 11 (for some soccer player on Real Madrid)
  • Tempo Merkins IC x 11
  • LBACs forward and reverse x 11 IC
  • Willy Mays Hayes OYO
  • the “Tebow Special Stretch” OYO both sides

The Thang(s) 

Mosey around track with speedbumps: We performed 29 bench jumps for someone, 9 burpees for someone else, 22 Iron Mikes for another footballer, and maybe another soccer player sighting by SoccerMom before getting to the next THANG, I can’t remember

40 yd sprints as teams of 3: PAX will sprint to partner 40 yds away and tag. The tagged partner will then run back to endzone and tag 3rd PAX who will take off to tag PAX #1. R&R back and forth for about a minute.

Then for someone with the number 7, we performed reverse crunches, American Hammers and Mountain Climber Merkins x 7 each.

30 yd sprints as teams of 3: Same idea but shorter distance and hence shorter recovery time between sprints

Same 3 exercises as above but this player had 11 or 13 as their number. Something like that. I can’t remember and no one could pronounce 1/2 the names anyway 🙂

20 yd sprints as teams of 3: You get the idea

R&R those same 3 exercises (by this time, we could really feel the Ab burn during the MCMerkins) This is where our FNG Jered got his name as he was quick to shout out some stats and the jersey number of Altidore, an American soccer player. Hence, we did 17 reps of each of the 3 exercises. So far, no Taco reappearances by TVG.

Then we moseyed to the Pain Ground for some Lunge walks, Burp-ups x 5 on the swingset with AST (Alternating Shoulder Taps) while you wait your turn. Then we moseyed over to a field and Burpee Broad-jumped (frog burpees for SoccerMom who can broadjump a truck apparently) for about 30 yds.

Back to the Swingset for 10 Toes to bar (trying not to land on our heads from loss of grip strength/speed/slippage)

Cool down with 10 sumo jump squats (or Bobby Hurlees?)


Naked-man Moleskin (look it up at the Lexicon)

  • Great job on the VsoloQ  SoccerMom. Way to step up and lead!
  • Welcome Altidore and good to see TVG, Udder and Stats who were FNGs just last week but now a part of the PAX for sure! Keep up the great job on the EHing guys! #GiveItAway
  • Again, Praise the Sky-Q for clear scans for Spicoli’s cacner screening post-treatment.
  • 2nd F tonight at Nolen’s Place for 2-4-1 beers starting at 8. Shout out if you will be coming…
  • If you can bring or Venmo $ for coffee supplies Tebow (@Nathan-Wright-34) that would be great as supplies are running low (Thanks Tebow for making coffeeteria happen almost every AO!!!) Delicious Cold Brew today BTW…
  • Come on out for a beatdown by Numbtucks at The Forge Saturday.

3D, out!

Westeros 27 AUG 2018: Sprinting and Merkins

Westeros 27 AUG 2018: Sprinting and Merkins

PAX: Blue Mule (Q), Crab Legs, Megatron, Studio 42, Da Vinci, Reveille, Vital Signs

7 PAX. Gloomy conditions. 0530, GO.

(Basically all we did was run and do merkins – this will be the easiest backblast ever).

Mosey to area close to football field. Boring things like arm circles and stretches to warm up.

SPRINTS AND MERKINS: PHASE ONE: ELEVENS: Mosey to the football field. Team up. Portion of team sprints field, does merkins, then sprints back. Other portion does straddle hop until it’s their turn. Rinse and repeat for ~10 minutes. Plenty of sprints and merkins.

SPRINTS AND MERKINS: PHASE TWO: TELEPHONE POLE: Mosey to the playground. Stay teamed up. Portion of team runs to telephone pole, ~150 yards away. Other teammates stay and do merkins until it is their turn to run. That’s about two minutes doing merkins.

SPRINTS AND MERKINS: PHASE THREE: HILL SPRINTS: Mosey to hill near starting area. Sprint up the hill. Ten merkins. Mosey back to bottom of hill. Rinse and repeat four times. Perform fifth sprint, but sprint to start and do twenty merkins.

MARY: Flutterkicks for 60 seconds.

Simple. Effective. Basically 45 minutes of running and pushups.


Blue Mule

IronPax Challenge Week IV – Mog Mile

Temp: 74
Gloom Factor: Noticeable
Big Stick Factor: Nil

PAX: Life Champ, Preacher Man, Foxtrot Talks A Lot, Razor, Money Shot, Cowboy (Respect), Bagger Vance

Mosey to Soccer Pitch whilst displainin the Thang
SSH, Imperial Walkers, Squats, Lunges, Merkins X 13 IC
Flutter Kix X 14 IC

3 Laps around soccer pitch (1 Mile)
50 Pull Ups
4 Rounds of:
25 Walking Lunges
25 Air Squats
4 Rounds of:
25 Merkins
25 Yard Sprint
100 Block Thrusters
50 Pull Ups
3 Laps around Soccer Pitch

Most PAX got everything but the last Mile in with the exception of Cowboy who finished the entire Mog Mile. T Claps Cowboy, great work brother.
That was a doozy, no wonder Gwood PAX save it for their Saturday hour long AO.
Zero MC this AM, don’t know whether that is good or bad but that is how it went down.

All clear scans for Spicoli and for Preacherman’s brother.
Some requests for accountability and strength as some PAX challenge themselves over the next month or so to get better.

Bagger Vance