11/15/2018 The Pound – Coupon Dodgeball?!

Conditions: The elements sought to deter us. They failed. 33 degrees and getting colder, completely soaked and more wet stuff coming down all the time. Gloom showed up in full effect this fine morning.

9 PAX Embraced The Gloom including: Altidore, Stats, Pocahontas, Tebow, Numbtucks, Mursa, Mic Drop, Typo+, and Barney Fievel (QiC).


Warm up:

After a quick warm-up lap around the track, the PAX circled up for the following exercises IC: 10 SSH and 10 Seal Straddle Hop, 10 Squats, 10 LBAC, 30 seconds of GM, Al Gore, and WMH OYO.

Have you seen Barney’s truck? Beautiful machine. Black as the night and twice as mean. Best feature? All that bed space for coupons!

Thang 1: Mini-Cooper (2 laps)

10 reps of each of the following exercises performed with coupons between laps. Meant to be a well-rounded routine with one exercise for the legs, one for the chest, one for the core, and one for the arms.

  • Baryshnikov Squats: Legs rotated out to the sides, hips opened, heels raised, then squat.
  • S2S Merkins: Place one hand on coupon and other hand on ground, perform one merkin, switch hands, repeat.
  • Big Boy Sit-Ups into American Hammers.
  • One Colt 15 between each lap. A Colt 15 requires the PAX to curl the coupon 5 reps low, 5 reps mid, and 5 reps high. A reduction of the Colt 45 (same, but 15 reps each).

Thang 2: Hair Burners

PAX begin bear crawling across the parking lot with their coupons. To progress, PAX crawl forward, reach between their legs, grip the coupon and drag it forward and slightly ahead of them. Bear crawl forward and repeat. Every 5 “pulls” is accompanied by 5 Iron Mikes.

Thang 3: Coupon Dodgeball

If you can dodge a coupon, you can dodge a ball! PAX count off into 1s and 2s and break up into two teams. More coupons than there are PAX are arranged in a line halfway between the two teams. PAX must crab walk to the line of coupons and carry one back to their team’s starting line on their midsection. Passing coupons off to other PAX is allowed. Repeat and start crab walking all the way to the other team’s side and taking one of their coupons once there are no more in the middle. When “time” is called, team with most coupons on their side wins. The PAX clearly illustrated why the crab is the apex predator of the seas.


Circled up for some GM and WMH OYO. Then some power leg stretches called out by the Q. Mary was completed with a brief meditation meant to bring us back to our center and heighten our awareness of our surroundings.

We prayed for Sprinkles. He tweaked his back working out in the gym. Once again, Sprinkles proves that the safest place to work out is outside, in the freezing rain, at 530am.

“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” Psalm 94:19

-BF Out-

Pumpkin Parthenon Peril

10 PAX bravely endured a VQ with gloves still wet from a soggy Crablegs Westeros special.

VQIC: Pumpkin Spice

PAX: Blue Mule, Bicentennial Man, Crablegs, Crawlspace, Cunning Linguist, Hi-Viz, Porcelain, Reveille, Right Said


Quick disclaimer then off for a warm-up mosey towards West End and then half-way back to the Acropolis. Circle up.

  • SSH x 20
  • WMH x 12
  • LBAC x 12
  • Overhead Clap x 12
  • Seal Claps x 12
  • rLBAC x 12
  • High Knees x 20

Off on another mosey past the nearly-frozen water feature to the foot of the temple of Athena herself. The PAX gathered round for instructions.

The PAX pair off for the main event. The exercise included:

  • All the PAX doing SSH until it’s their turn to start
  • With a paired PAX, first group runs up the stairs to the highest point of the parthenon to Corner #1
  • 10 Burpees at Corner #1
    • Each next pair heads up the stairs once the group ahead has done 5 Burpees
  • Sprint long-ways to Corner #2
  • 10 Jump Squats at Corner #2
  • Bear Crawl short-ways to Corner #3
  • 10 Man Makers at Corner #3
  • Bernie (run backwards) to Corner #4
  • 10 Box Jumps at Corner #4
  • Run down the stairs to starting position
  • 30-second recovery
  • RnR with 8 reps, then 6 reps, then 4 reps

The PAX who finish alternate with 1 minute of Low Planks and 1 minute of Air Chair until the Six arrives. The group then moseys to the path in front of the statue for Mary.


The PAX line up for Mary on their Six, shoulder-to-shoulder. Each PAX selects an exercise for the group to perform in cadence, to a count of 15. We start with PAX #2, with PAX #1 doing American Hammers holding a 25-lb dumbbell. Once the first exercise is done, PAX #1 passes the dumbbell to PAX #2, and PAX #3 selects the next exercise. We go down the line and keep passing the dumbbell, and whoever holds it does weighted American Hammers whilst they pray for the exercise to be over. Exercises included (a couple were repeated):

  • LBCs
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Box Cutters
  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • J-Los
  • Alternating Heel Touches
  • Slow Freddie Mercury


There were three minutes to spare, so 30 Lieutenant Dans rounded out the Pumpkin Parthenon Peril before we closed it out.


  • Cunning Linguist has a special VQ planned for us on Friday at Bomber
  • Crablegs is Q-ing an OTB workout at West Park tomorrow. Meet in the parking lot past the water tower
  • We need a Q for the Titan next week


The Racetrack – 11/14/18

9 PAX including half a mobile Bagger Vance got better this morning in the sub-freezing weather for a Racetrack version of smoke boots Q handed out by YHC.

PAX: Soccer Mom, Pope, Tiny Dancer, Boone’s Farm, Yardsale, Backlash, T-Cell, Bagger Vance,

QIC: Umbrella

Quick disclaimer then 10 burpees to get the blood pumping. Mosey around the racetrack to WOR:

SSH x 20
BAC Forward x 10
BAC Reverse x 10
Air Presses x 10
Squats x 10
Merkins x 10
GM’s x 10
WMH x 10

The Thang:

Mosey to building on west side of track for quick instruction of Cooper consisting of:

Run loop of track returning to starting point for:
10 x burpees
10 x squat
10 x merkins
Run a lap
9 x burpees
9 x squat
9 x Merkin
repeat in descending order through 1 x each and finish with lap.

Once all in we lined up on end of infield for sprint work across the field with 5 atomic merkins at other side. RNR x 4

Since we had no breath left in our lungs, time to finish with Burpee Jack Webb w/ Air Presses in ascending order 1 – 10.

Mosey to parking lot for COT.

COT & Announcements:

Bagger Vance upcoming party on 12/1 at 7:00 pm.
12th Man Leadership Luncheon on 12/7 at Richland Country Club 11:30 am

Shared with PAX that I had the opportunity to spend the weekend with my oldest son Will (10 y/o) as it was time to have “The Talk” .  I shared with Will the expectations that God has for him and his life, as well as expectations that his mother and I have for him as a young man and in this particular area. What struck me as we were talking through everything was at the core of our discussion was Discipline. Discipline in our actions, thoughts, and decisions. It was also glaringly obvious to me the hypocrisy that was coming out of my mouth at the time. I was asking my son to exercise the very thing I had been so lax in for some time….Discipline. I have found myself to lack discipline in my workouts, diet, my words at times, and even in my most important relationships (lacking intentionality and focus). I know if I struggle with Discipline at times, I am certainly not alone. At the very least, learn from my poor example of late men, and don’t let the ways of the sluggard creep slowly into your existence. We are called to be better. The challenge for today and the rest of the week was to be disciplined a little more than we were yesterday in our thoughts, words and actions.

It was an honor to lead you men today.



The Oregon Trail

Conditions: 38 degrees and raining

13 PAX in Attendance: 3rd Degree, Tebow, Altidore, CheezWhiz, Stats, Typo+, Nimbus1500, ShowMe, Netflix, Creeper, TV Guide, Sterno & SoccerMom.

PreParty: 3rd Degree, SoccerMom & Typo+ (Don’t know what they did, I came in hot at 5:30)

Warm up:
Started circled up with a few Butt Kicks, Side Straddle Hops and Dynamic Stretching prior to setting out on the trail.

Indian run over to Independence, MO (Nolensville First United Methodist Church) to gear up for our journey.

Assemble the Wagons: Partner up
Partner 1 in wide PLANK while Partner two begins their IRON Hulk swapping every set, ascending from 1 Merkin:4 AirPresses to 10 Merkins:40 AirPresses

Now that our transportation is taken care of, we rode over to the Kansas River (Mill Creek) via an Indian Run.

Ford the River
Crabwalk feet first, then sideways, flip sides then backwards over the bridge.

Bear Hunting
Partner 1 begins Crawl Bear away from Partner 2, while Partner 2 does 5 Pistol Squats on each leg.  Once partner 2 completes his Pistol Squats, he Bear Crawls until he catches Partner 1.  (Flip sides, Rinse and Repeat the length of the high plains of Nebraska (Nolensville Soccer Fields)

Carry your Kill
Now that we’ve got lots of bear meat, we need to get it back to the wagon via Partner Carries from the Soccer Fields to Mill Creek Brewery.

AND…we all died of dysentery (Ran out of Time)

Quick Snake Run back to home base

In honor of the origin of the name Oregon, thought to be from the French Canadian word Ouragan (Hurricane), we completed a quick Hurricane Hoedown.

Post Party
Nimbus1500, 3rd Degree, CheezWhiz, Creeper and SoccerMom completed 7 Yurpees

Stonewall – 11.10.18 – “Audible”

5 PAX and a sidelined Bagger Vance braved the chill for a cardio-heavy Q by YHC.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Pumpkin Spice, Blue Mule, Hambone, Boyband, Bagger Vance (Audience Member)


Quick disclaimer then off for a warm-up mosey around  the community center and back to the lot for COP, all IC:

  • SSH x 20
  • Squats x 15
  • WMH x 16
  • LBAC F/R x 10
  • Merkins x 10

Off on another mosey to preview the route for today’s main event. Roughly, .35 miles later, we had returned to the cars. At this point, YHC went to unlock his car and grab the supplies, but alas, the key fob battery had frozen. Not only did this leave me wondering how to modify, but it also left me fearful that I might not be able to get home. No matter! There’s a workout to finish first.


Each pax completes a round of Burpees x 10, Merkins x 20, and Squats x 30, followed by a lap. RnR x 5 with the added caveat that if you were tagged by anyone along the course, you had to drop and do 5 burpees. I don’t actually know that anyone was tagged because I was too busy leading from the front.

All in and it was over to the jungle gym for some pull-ups. One pax performed 10 reps and gave the rest an exercise to do. RnR down the line, and then go again with 8 reps, then 6, then 8 again. Exercises included:

  • Donkey Kicks
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Freddie Mercuries
  • Leg Raises
  • Manmakers
  • LOTS of Jane Fondas (Blue Mule special)

Long mosey around the perimeter of Sevier and back to the lot of 3MOM. Boxcutters, Flutters, and more before COT/BOM.


Well, I was bummed that I didn’t get to use my supplies, but, I’m grateful for the lessons learned in this dry run of my “fun idea.” Now I can hone it a little more before debuting the real thing. Another positive is that I was able to warm my keys up enough to get back into my car.


  • Congrats to F3 Rucktrain (Funyuns, Big Bang, Grisham, and Tortoise) for finishing first at the Star Course in Jacksonville. Honorable mention goes to Bagger for training with them. I know he was bummed to not be there.
  • Keep that Q calendar full, guys. Winter is coming, but the workouts won’t stop!
  • Speaking of winter, the 2nd Annual Hillympics are just around the corner. Talk to Frugal for more details.
  • As we enter this season of Thanksgiving, I know I’m very grateful for each and every one of you and the opportunities to lead and be led by you. Prayers for safe travels as you all go to spend time with your families over the next couple of weeks.
  • Go Tigers.

PA out.

11/12 – Wet-steros

9 HIM laughed at the weather conditions after experiencing Bomber last week.

QIC: Crablegs

PAX: Blue Mule, Right Said, Crawlspace, Hi-Viz, Studio 42, Vector, Pumpkin Spice, Bicentennial Man


Meandering Mosey to shake off the cold, followed by:

  • SSH x 20
  • WMH x 10
  • Cherry Picker x 10
  • LBAC F x 20
  • Air Press x 20
  • LBAC R x 20



Utilizing the circular driveway near the gym, PAX started with a base of 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 20 Squats. Each round was followed by a trip around the circle  and 1 more rep to each exercise.

Round 1: 5 Burpee, 10 Merkin, 20 Squat, Bearcrawl to the halfway point the circle and run out the rest

Round 2: 6 – 11 – 21, Lunge to the halfway point of the circle, and run it out.

Round 3: 7 – 12 – 22, Broad jump to halfway, run it out

Round 4: 8 – 13 – 23, Side Travel Hops to half way, switch direction and continue the travel hops

Round 5: 9 – 14 – 24, Little Baby Arm Travels, running to the halfway mark with forward rotation, then reverse at half way and continue the run to the end

Round 6: 10 – 15 – 25, finish with a full sprint for the length of the circle.

Mosey back down towards the west side of the park and finish off with a splash of Mary: 25 American Hammers and a sprint up the hill to the shovel flags.



  • Pumpkin Spice Co-VQ on Wednesday at Titan
  • Be on the lookout for a possible OTB on Thursday at West Park
  • Cunning Linguist has been hard at work planning his VQ for Bomber this week

11/1 Delayed BB

Here’s the delayed backblast from our work on November 1st at The Hill with Hermes from F3 Carpex on Q:

18 PAX: Hermes (QIC from F3 Carpex), Frugal Macdoogal, Black Lung, White Russian, Digiorno (F3 Louisville), Foley, Life Champ, Black Widow, Tiny Dancer, Strangler, Dilly Dilly, Yard Sale, Money Shot, Venus, Too Tall, Prevac, Bagger Vance, Squee

10 burpee penalty for not having a shovel flag. Mosey to the track with a stop by the American flag for the pledge of allegiance.

Break into groups of 4 for Indian runs.

Round One:

Run 400m Indian run then Squats IC x 39

20 burpee penalty for having two late arrivals.

Round Two:

Run 400m Indian run then LBCs IC x 39

Round Three:

Run 400m Indian run then Calf Raises x 39

Repeat Round x 3

Slow 400m mosey then mosey back to the lot.


Rinse & Repeat

Q: Accounts Receivable

PAX: Baggervance, Dupree, Ludwig, PSL, CCR, White Russian, Cinderella, TooTall

Jog around bus loop (full loop)
SSHx20, Goodmorningsx20, Tempo Merkinsx10, SlowLowSquatsx10, BACx20 (F&B)

Grab coupons and meet at hand rails.
20Rows > 25 Atomic Merkins > 30 Thrusters with coupon
(Rinse and Repeat for a total of 4 sets) –

(Mosey back to parking lot and line up for sprints)
Sprint length of parking lot then 5 Burpees
Sprint back then 5 Burpees
Lunges the length of parking lot then 5 Burpees
Sprint back then 5 Burpeees
Back pedal the length of parking lot then 5 Burpees
Back pedal back then 5 Burpeees

Mosey around the bus loop to bottom of the bus hill
Lunge to first speed bump
Bear crawl to top of hill
Run back to parking lot for Mary

MARY – Round Robbin Fave Ab Exercises
A_R – Freddie Mercury’s x 20
TooTall – Hands n feet to the sky x 20
Cinderella – J’Los x 20
Baggervance – Can’t remember but I’m sure they were tough
Dupree – WWIIs x 15
Ludwig – WW1s x 10
PSL – American Hammers x 30
CCR – One legged deadlifts x 10 each leg
White Russian – Goodmornings x 10

Announcements: Bagger having Christmas party at his place (stay tuned to Slack for info), Dupree’s church doing Room In The Inn.

United We Stand @ The Forge

UNITED WE STAND!United we stand

Now that the Elections are over, and our new officials are elected, let’s throw off our differences and “Come Together” (yes, that song was provided for listening pleasure during the warm ups). I know you guys celebrated on Thursday also, but it’s never too much to celebrate Veteran’s Day again. And in light of that…this is a NO MAN LEFT BEHIND EVENT. All exercises are to be done together: with partners, in cadence, or progressing at same time.

Conditions: A balmy 30 degrees, but wind was kickin it and just enough wet to get those hands and your six to turn blue

PreParty: 3rd Deg drug out Typo+ and Barney Fievel to a pre-party of 10 burpees on the minute for x10min (LittleMissPiggy snuck in for a couple rounds and Cheez Whiz squirted out one)

15 PAX in Attendance: 3rd Degree, Tebow, Altidore (always thought this was Out the Door), Sprinkles, Ragdoll, WMD, Pocahontas, CheezWhiz, Little Miss Piggy (VQ), Stats, Typo+, Nimbus 1500, Lovie, Barney Fievel. Oh and AstroGlide slid in there as well.

Warm up:
A little jaunt around the football field (no gates open…audible. Omaha, Omaha, Omaha).
On the line:   20 yards of toy soldiers, butt kicks, long lunges
Circle up: in cadence baby arm circles x 15 (whoops – DISCLAIMER PROVIDED!!!), side straddle hops x 20; chest flaps on your own x 20sec, kneeling hip flexor stretch 20sec x 2

Thang 1: Veteran Clock Push Ups: (feet stationary—walk hands around to the time called out and do that many push ups)
11:00 –for Veterans Day! WWI ended with the armistice at 11th hour, of 11th day, of 11th month of 1918
2:00—for the 2.1 million American troops we have
8:00—for the over 800K reserves and Nat’l Guard
1:00—for the 1.3 million active duty
8:00—for the approx 800 U.S. Military installations

Thang 2: “A Plankety-Plank Prom Date Apocalypse”: BRO UP
Partner 1 in plank, Partner two does 10 reps of single leg Prom Dates (I call these Volunteer Prom Dates, cause they hardly have a leg to stand on, much less two) –switch –rinse and repeat progressing down to 1 rep.

jog to soccer field – “it’s getting wet” “now we’re having fun!” … “that’s what she said” –3rd Deg

100 yds down and back: advance each 10 yds and do 5 reps of indicated exercise; no one advances until all are finished with the exercise portion
First 50yds: bounding with 5 Yurpees (show those Communists we can do them better)
Second 50yds: Bear Crawl with 5 Iron Mikes (get those hands wet–that sucked)
Third 50yds (headed back now): crab walk with 5 V-ups (get those sixes wet)
Fourth 50yds: duck walk with 5 sidestep Merkins! (each side – and make sure you finish them all!)

To the playground:
Thang 4: “BIG GUNS”
20 reps of Underdogs then Coppenhagens (dips). Repeat with a set of 10 each –thanks Robert Earl Keen for the song

Jog back to parking lot

Mary: Circle up on your six : sky kicks in cadence x15, supermans x10 , Recover!

COT: As an American always be thankful for the freedoms we have but also for the people sacrificing in so many ways to provide and protect that freedom. It takes a lot of people to keep that freedom. As a follower of Christ, be ever thankful as well for the freedom from sin that entangles and the destruction that it brings in our lives—also for the freedom to live a full and joyous life. And use that freedom to serve those around you.   Galatians 5:1 “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:13 “For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use you freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.”

Reminders: F3 Nolensville swag has been ordered and is getting printed now!

Bomber – 11.09.18 – “Gloomiest of Glooms”

17 HIM were keen to take the DRP on this Friendly Friday despite the rather unfriendly temps and pouring rain. YHC was proud to see so many on a day that would keep most in the fartsack.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: Harvey Updyke, Cunning Linguist, Preacherman, Lunch Lady, Crablegs, Shadow, Frequency (Kotters), T-Cell, Blue Mule, Homeboy (WL-Cherokee), Porcelain, Ride Along, Tiny Dancer, Hi-Viz, Hot Mic (FNG), Pumpkin Spice


After a thorough disclaimer and introduction to F3, we took a quick mosey around the upper lot and up the big drive, splashing in the puddles along the way. COP, all IC:

  • SSH x 20
  • Merkins x 10
  • SnL Squats x 10
  • LBAC F x 10 (15 ct hold)
  • OH Claps x 10 (10 ct hold)
  • Air Press x 10 (5 ct hold)
  • LBAC R x 10

Back down to the end of the lower lot for the main event, a three exercise ladder with some Bernie Sanders thrown in. Exercise in (  ) for those who’ve done F3 longer than

  • Merkins x 15
  • Bernie Sanders to first median
  • Lunges x 15 e/s
  • Bernie Sanders to second median
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 e/s
  • Spring back to start

RnR with 14, then 13, on down to 5 for time’s sake. Plank progression to wait for six.

Head over to the wall for

  • Dips x 20
  • Irkins x 15
  • Slow MCs x 10
  • MCs x 10
  • Rear Leg Raise x 15″ followed by 10 Reps (R/L)


  • Flutter Kicks and Long Slow FKs until Q calls time



Said it already, but it’s days like this when you see the Magnet that is the 1st F. You’d be hard-pressed to find many who would so willingly get out in these conditions, and I’m grateful for all who did, especially my 22-year-old coworker, Chase now known as Hot Mic!


  • YHC on Stonewall Q tomorrow with something fun planned. Don’t miss out!
  • Remember our Veterans this Veterans Day
  • TWO VQ’s on tap for next week with Pumpkin Spice sharing a Q with Brother-At-Law at Titan and Cunning Linguist taking the reins at Bomber
  • Reveille is our 12th Man this month. Check the Slack for his leadership thoughts.
  • Umbrella has it for December, and he’s invited us all to an event at Richland Country Club on Dec 7. Check Slack for that, too.
  • Go Tigers.

PA out.