The Boys Are Back In Town

18 of the most handsome men in Nashville turned out to celebrate an unseasonably warm January day in Crieve Hall.  Thin Lizzy’s “The Boys are Back in Town” played on repeat, except for Jeff Rosenstock’s “Festival Song” (link: in the middle.  After all, the boys were back in town.

When: 01.07.2018

PAX: Floppy D; Black Lung; Dilly Dilly; Dr. Smartt; A/R; Tampa Libra; Pop a Lock; Stirrups; CCR; Dine and Dash; Boy Band; Too Tall; Ludwig; Reefer; Edible Arrangements; Juan Valdez; Bagger Vance; Brother-at-Law (QIC)

Warm Up: We did three mosey laps around the bus loop: 1) a brisk jog; 2) a side shuffle up the loop; 3) then a side shuffle facing the other way around the loop.  Much grumbling.  Then we did a walking lunge and reach to engage our core.  Thin Lizzy engaged our ears.

The Thang:  Split into two lines.  Too Tall Loop American Indian Run.  We lost Juan Valdez, who went to poop without telling anybody (he texted me).  So after the run there was some brief confusion.  BV had already gone to find Valdez by the time I saw the text.  It was all very confusing.   CCR had folks doing what appeared to be rows and pullups down at the playground.  Thank you CCR.

After order was restored, we split back up into two groups at the playground for the following:

Group 1: 10 minutes AMRAP Cindy (5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats).

Group 2: 10 minutes AMRAP of the following super-set: 10 swirkins; 10 bunsen burners (bulgarian split squats with a foot in the swing) each leg); 10 ASTs.

Switch after 10 minutes.

Mosey back up to the lot for a series of sprints, plank jacks, planks/side planks, American hammers, and cash out with 5 burpees for notorious burpee lover Juan Valdez.  That’s all she wrote.

Announcements: Leadership lunch next Friday 1/18 organized by Bad Boy and put on at Richland Country Club (apparently excellent catering?).  See Slack for details.

Ironclad signup closes tonight I think.  Good way to stay accountable during the dreary months.

4:13 Strong AO opens back up next Thursday.  An awesome program, AO, and group.  Make it out there for a few workouts this session if you can.

Prayers for the Santos and McCauley (spelling, sorry) families.

Loved seeing so many guys kicking off the post-holiday period off right.  2019 will be a good one.  I feel it.


What my 4-year old has taught me about leadership

What my 4-year old has taught me about leadership

My wife and I have a very active 4-year old son. Anyone who has spent a lot of time with children knows they often don’t have a filter. At times this can be bad, but sometimes it is very thought-provoking. I’ve read many great articles over the years on leadership from high-profile CEO’s, High-ranking Military officers, and inspirational leaders. I have learned a lot from these various sources however, I am finding some of the core foundations of leadership can come right from our children.

Below are few candid comments that have been shared by my son over the last several months that have made me stop and reflect on leadership.

“It’s dark upstairs, will you hold my hand?”

As a leader, we sometimes lead our teams into the “unknown”. It can be a change within the organization, a big meeting we are preparing for, a customer-facing event that could go in many different directions, you name it. We need to instill the confidence and trust within our team to let them know it will be alright and we will be with them every step of the way. It’s important they know we are there for them and will we go at it together. Prior to being in leadership myself, I had the misconception that good leaders had all the answers. I now know from personal experience that isn’t always the case. Although, I often don’t have all the immediate answers I have found that people always appreciate the presence and support of knowing they aren’t facing a situation alone.

“Sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t, but it’s okay.”

Everyone in some capacity whether in sports, work, or your occasional Monopoly game is competitive (in my son’s case, any game involving hockey). We won’t win all the time, but it’s how we react to our losses that tell us a story about ourselves. I have found that in leadership it takes emotional intelligence to not have a bad attitude after a loss. It is important to quickly assess and analyze where we went wrong and learn from it.

“Sharing is Caring”

If there is one word that we say the most when we are with our son and other kids, it’s “share”. I love to learn. I want to read books and articles about leadership successes and how to replicate them, but I also enjoying reading about challenges and failures. In leadership (and personally), I feel it’s equally important that we share where we have had success and where we have struggled. I have found that I have learned more from conversations with others sharing experiences than any other avenue of learning.

In our four years with our son, we have had some humbling conversations. Sometimes it’s a laughable moment, sometimes not. I believe that leadership principles happen around us daily, however, it all depends on how we look at them. I am still learning every day on how to be a better leader. I look forward to all the additional things he will teach me as he grows.

-Michael Jobe (Bad Boy)

Circle of Life @ TheForge…Soccer Mom’s Parting Q


15 pax strong: Netflix, Stats, Staples, Typo Positive, Altidore, MuRSA, Soccer Mom (QiC), NumbTucks, Nimbus1500, Sterno, Tebow, Creeper, Barney Fievel, LittleMissPiggy, ShowMe

Pre party led by mr. Post party Stats. Attended was staples, altidore, typo, and late arrivals were creeper and soccer mom.

We start with a mosey around the parking lot and then gave a disclaimer followed by:
Baby arm circles
Tebow stretch

The thang:
I explained to the PAX that we would be going on a safari but first I had to get them in the right mindset.

First was Dora’s the explorer:
In groups of two we did 100 merkins, 200 shoulder exercises with coupons and 300 American hammers. One partner ran while the other did the workout.

Next we moseyed to the hill and did mountain climber merkins up the hill followed by 5 burpees. Then we sprinted up the hill followed by 5 knee tucks. Then we did Bernie Sanders up the hill with 5 knee tucks. Lastly Uganda is 9 hrs ahead so we did 9 clock merkins at 12,3,6,9.

Now we were ready for the safari.

Our safari headed towards the playground where we saw a bunch of monkeys. So we jumped on the bars at the swingset and did toe touches to the bar. Ten of them. Then we did howling monkeys for one minute

Next on our safari we ran into a herd of zebras so we did zebra kicks.

Next part of our safari we rant into the Nile river and a bunch of alligators. So in order to get across we had to do alligator merkins across the river.

Our safari ended with a sighting of gorillas so we had to celebrate with gorilla humpers. But lastly on our safari we came across a lion. Not just any lion but Simba. So we did the lion king exercise while listening to the circle of life song. What a way to end.

BullHorn: Thank you guys for your encouragement. It really means a lot. When we sweat, laugh and hurt together it forms bonds. You will be missed! God has led my family and I find solace in knowing I am where God wants me to be.

HIIT at the Trident

Three PAX arrived at Trident for a workout designed around the original theory of high intensity interval training (HIIT).

Q: Boy Band

PAX: Hot N’ Ready, Red Skull

WOR: good mornings, Willy Mays, baby arm circles, merkins, squats


HIIT is supposed to be a 30sec 100% effort sprint with several minutes rest before the next set to allow for another 100% effort. Supposedly this promotes enough anaerobic metabolism to trigger mitochondrial growth which can improve work capacity and endurance.

We did 6 rounds as follows:

Sprint the parking garage length and then up the ramp coming back. About 30s.

Slow mosey to the starting line, then 20 Merkins, 20 squats, 20 WWIs.

1 min rest, then rinse and repeat

-Sets 4 and 5 were cut in half due to inability to keep 100% effort for the parking ramp.

-Set 6 was a run up the parking ramp and then the flat.

MARY:  flutter kicks, LBCs, J-Los, Plank series, good mornings

COT: Get Ready for the 4:13 strong reboot.  Ironclad double gloved edition is on.  Great company and a tough workout this morning.


Right Said’s Soggy Birthday Q – Titan – 1/4/19



It was a soggy one this morning. Steady light rain fell on 18 PAX who braved the weather to improve themselves.



Blue Mule




Hot Route



Tiny Dancer



Hi Viz

Trapper Keeper

Cunning Linguist



Bicentennial Man

Harvey Updyke


QIC: Right Said


One Good Morning


Warm Up:

Mosey to Sylvan Park Paideia


LBAC forward and reverse

Air press

Cherry pickers

Mosey to Richland Park tennis courts


Pre-thang thang:

Group 1 bounds from one end of the tennis courts to the other while Group 2 does 5 burpees and then sprints to the end of the tennis courts. First team to finish wins. Bounders won.

The thang:

DORA 1-2-3

100 Merkins

200 Situps

300 Squats

Mosey back to McCabe Park


7 minutes of Mary in 5 minutes:

10 rep dealer’s choice ab routine.



Bad Boy’s 3rd F event is coming up

Warpath January 12th

Winter Ironclad has begun


Learnings: Tennis courts are not designed for water runoff. Situps in the rain on wet tennis courts make Dose coffee taste that much better.


-Right Said


Soggy Balls

13 PAX this soggy/cold morning for a little diddy I learned Down Range.  #TheBallSack

Pre-Party: NumbTucks & Nimbus1500 – 1hr Speed Ruck

PAX: NumbTucks, Inspector Gadget, Stats, Altidore, Soccer Mom, Tebow, Gaylord Focker, FNG (Abby), Staples, Kermit, Typo Positive, Creeper & Nimbus1500


  • Tempo Merkins IC x 10
  • Windmills IC x 20
  • LBAC Backwards/Forwards x 20
  • Mosey around the parking lot
  • Jump Squats x 10

The Thang:

In my sack, there were 21 balls.  Each ball had a number and mode of transportation written on them.  There was one 5 ball (that we never found), with the rest numbered between 10 and 30.  The mode’s of transportation available were Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, Right Leg Hop, Left Leg Hop, Broad Jump (which we never found…thank goodness) & Crab Walk.

Each PAX got a shot at my balls.  One at a time, they’d call an exercise, pull a ball from my sack and huck it as far as possible…most times (Typo and NumbTucks are on probation).  We’d then use the mode of transportation listed and once we made it to the ball, we’d do the exercise the thrower selected in the quality reflected on the ball.

I might miss one or two, but we got in some:

  • SSH
  • WWI
  • Merkins
  • Iron Hulk Modified (1:4 Merkins/OverHead Press)
  • Burpees
  • Double Shot of Jack Burpees
  • Lunges
  • American Hammers
  • Swats
  • Lt. Dan’s
  • Mountain Climber Merkins
  • Missing one, someone help me out if you remember.

The mumble chatter was everything I’d hoped for.  We burned through our time allotted and went strait to the count and nameorama.  Welcome to our FNG (Abby)!

Post Party: 15 DIDs

Brotherly tour de TITAN

12 PAX Present at the inspiring Parthenon for a Partner-themed Q by YHC today.

PAX: Porcelain, BicentennialMan, PumpkinSpice, CrawlSpace, BnB, CrabLegs, Hi-Viz, Brother-at-Law, HarveyUpdyke, Blue Mule, TrapperKeeper, 3rdDegree (QiC)

YHC was rolling in HOT this AM and thankfully AO site-Q had my back. Porcelain led the PAX around with a Quick mosey to East side of Parthenon for WoR


again, I came in late so they were already underway, but here is what I caught up for…

  • WMH IC
  • Tempo Merkins IC x 15

The Thang(s) 

2 rounds of DIDs (20 Dips, 15 Irkins, 10 Derkins) and sprint around the Woman’s Suffrage Monument loop

Partner-7s: Double shot of Jack-ees at bottom (Burpee with plank jack after merkin and SSH instead of jump at end), Piggy-Back Carry Partner up stairs, Iron Mikes (each leg = 1/2) at the top then Bear Crawl down stairs (Plank and wait for Partner PRN at the bottom) , Continue 7s alternating carrying-partner each time
Mosey to John Thomas Statue on SW side of Parthenon
Speed Bump of Partner Leg Throws x 10 each + 10 floating Starfish (each leg = 1/2)
Mosey to the Pain-ground
 One Partner High-Planks (can turn & place alternating hands up PRN) until other Partner performs 5 pull-ups, 10 Merkins and 15 squats
x3 rounds each partner
Mosey to Parking lot North of Parthenon for Partner SPRINTs:
Perform Mary exercise until partner sprints to other end of parking lot and politicians back, then flapjack
Flutter Kicks
American Hammers
For the last round, to up the competitive drive, both partners did the Mary exercise together then raced each other on the sprint
Twisting WWIs x 10
One more group wide sprint. PS and CL for the win!
Just enough time (or out of time according to some) for Mary…
2 MoM:
Freddie Mercuries x10 IC forward and x10 IC reverse
American Hammers x19IC
CoT, Countorama, NameoRama
Moleskin/What we learned:
  • F3Franklin Hosts WarpathX 1/12/19 5am @ “The Standard” AO location (YMCA in Brentwood on Concord) launch site. 5 hours of Fun (~17 miles, with 10 AOs interspersed. JUST SAY YES!) Let Torch from F3Franklin know if you’re planning to come.
  • 3D is about to be on paternity leave for 4th 2.0’s upcoming arrival. Prayers appreciated.
  • IronClad 2.0 “DoubleGlove edition” is up and running. Read all about it here:
  • We need accountability and we sharpen each other! Don’t let 2019 be a year of failing as a Lone Ranger when you have brothers at hand ready and willing to shield-lock with you:
Ecclesiastes 4:9–12
Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken. (ESV)
3D- out!
fist bump GIF

New Year Murph

7 Pax brought in the new year at the racetrack this morning with a pleasant 45 degree morning to bring in the new year with a murph tribute workout.

PAX: Blackwidow, Boone’s Farm, Tampalibra, Double Check, Umbrella, Dr. Smart, Offshore (QIC).

Warm-ups – 1 mile mosey, SSH x 10, baby arm circles x 10, willy mays x 10, seal claps x 10, air press x 10, squats x 10, good mornings x 10

Thang: Complete the murph consisting of 10 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 20 push-ups, and 30 squats. First five rounds  consisted of 1 lap between sets around the racetrack inner loop (0.2 miles).

Mary: Flutter kicks x 30, American Hammers x 20, Supermans x 10, LBC x 10.

Great work by the PAX getting the 2019 Racetrack kicked off right.

2019 NYD Convergence

It was an unseasonably warm morning to ring in the New Year with the 5th anniversary of the F3 Middle TN regions NYD Convergence; and, if you ask the 48 (47?) PAX who posted at The Hill, they’ll tell you as much.

Princess Aurora F3Nashville Nan’tan had led the first 4, but humbly handed the reigns over to a couple other Pax as he was DR today.

QIC: T-Cell, 3rd Degree

PAX: Bagger Vance, Big Bang, Bartman, Grisham, Hambone, Numbtucks, & BlueMule came early for a Pre-Ruck and were joined by RazorBack, TheJeweler, Porcelain, HiViz, Funyuns, TampaLibra, Lumberg, EnFuego, Ludwig, OldHickory, HarveyUpdyke, YardSale, Dupree, DillyDilly, FrugalMcDoogal, PumpkinSpice, DeepDish, Creeper, Staples, Stats, Altidore, Sterno, BarneyFievel, SoccerMom, Boyband aka Skidmark, RedSkull (Respect), FloppyDisk, BlackWidow, Umbrella, Brother-at-Law, Shootah, Waterboy, Lump, Braddock (Respect), Spicoli, Stirrups (FNG D’Mish Sponsor), D’mish, & Foxtrot Talks A Lot joined for COT & coffeeteria. 


After a perfectly executed disclaimer by T-Cell, he led the Mosey around the Baseball and lower football practice-field/track to a Warmorama at the center for a little COP. YHC forgot the speaker to be used for later and may or may not have tumbled down to fetch it…


  • SSH
  • SnL Squats
  • SnL Merkins
  • GM IC (Franklin was like…what???)
  • WMH IC (now it’s getting weird)
  • Supposedly 19 reps of each, but who’s counting?


Line up on football field goal line for the following circuit:
20 Hand Release Merkins
Suicide to 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 yard line sprinting to each yard marker and backpedaling to the goal line
19 Jump Squats = 1 round
SPOILER ALERT = T-Cell announcing we would do this 5 x in honor of the 5th year of convergence…
PAX start each round together and high-plank to wait for six.
Four Corners
Divide PAX into four teams and put one group at each corner of the football field where goal line pylons would be. Place marker in middle of field. Each team is responsible for 100 burpees. Once all burpees are completed, first pax bear crawls to marker and sprints back to tag next man. Non-crawling teammates are planking/Mary exercise until it’s their turn. Audible: OMAHA!!! 2-3 pax start bear-crawling together after about 3-4 individuals went for time’s sake
Participation trophy = advancing to round 3…
3D took over from here.
Bearway to Heaven
The song (Stairway to Heaven) is 8:20 (at least the Amazon Prime version by Led Zep Cover band LA Thunder…which was a subject of much MC) and you bear-crawl/crawl bear suicide from goal line to 10, 20, 30, 40 and half-field line markers with decreasing numbers of burpee variation (Q picked Yurpees, as these were invented in Nolensville 😉 )on your way…6,5,4,3,2 = 20 (recognize a pattern?)
Music is nice to take away the pain.
15 Attitude-Adjustment burpees were the buy out as far too many PAX had enough wind to MC the entire time during the song…
Hill Sprints
Mosey to the short hill b/w the Tennis courts and football field and sprint fence to fence 4 x. Then, crawl-bear the hill 1x. RnR the 4x Sprints (I was planning to do this until we reached 19, but alas, time waits for only one man, and He ain’t me)

Closed it out with 2MOM.

  • 10 twisting WWIs OYO
  • Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
  • American Hammers x19 IC

CoT/Numbers/Names/Christening of FNG


  • T-Cell has instituted a monthly program called The Twelfth Man. This month and rotating monthly, a PAX will own sharing leadership lessons and planning an opportunity to hear from local leaders. See T-Cell for more details. Jan. is BadBoy bringing some peeps from The Iron Curtain to share. Deets forthcoming. Check Slack.
  • Warpath X set for 5am Jan. 12 in F3Franklin. Brentwood YMCA on Concord is launch site.
  • That also happens to be where F3TheStandard AO is launching this Thursday. Ask BigBang and Funyuns said bring your sack. 4:45-6am. Ruck heavy.
  • 3D Exhorted the group that 2019 can be a year of breaking bad habits in order to form a new, better, lasting foundation and then build on it. Shared the story from the middle of Luke 8 of Jesus setting the man possessed by Legion free from inner chains even though at the time he was able to break physical chains. If interested to discuss more, find me sometime and lets get a coffee or beer. Throughout life, we are called as men to take the hard road, the less-traveled and difficult journey. Whether having to fight the siren-song of the fart-sack, or saying no to the helping of food or drink or show/website you know you should avoid, or having to get up one more time to serve your family, or turn in one more project at work you have no idea what it’s for, we are called to make NO PROVISION for the flesh. And we are already involved in a brotherhood where accountability and encouragement and correction allow us to sharpen one another. Let’s hit the trail and walk down the hard-path together.
  • Better, faster, stronger!

3D, out.

Bye Bye 2018

Sorry this is late guys….tried to post yesterday and it deleated everything when I hit the publish button. 🙁
TEMP: 57
GLOOM: Damp but no rain
PAX: Accounts Receivable, Yard Sale, Floppy Disk, Old Hickory, Razorback, Bagger Vance, Brother At Law
Mosey around short bus loop
Side straddle hop (31)
Imperial walkers (31)
Squats (31)
Good mornings (31 – yes 31 Good Mornings….it was a first)
Indian run around neighborhood block
Grab coupons and meet at hand railings
Weighted Rows (two sets of 31 reps)
Mosey to pavilion:
4 corners of the pavilion:
1s round – 31 reps each, 2nd round – 18 reps each
Return coupons and mosey to bottom of bus loop
Back pedal to speed bumps
12 merkins at each bump
Mosey to parking lot for Mary:
Good mornings 18
Mountain climbers 31
Box cutters 18
Alt shoulder taps 18
Hill Billy’s 18
Burpees 18
Announcements and prayer:
1st Friday lunch this Friday at the Cookery. Prayer’s for Dupree’s fam as they welcome new baby.  Prayer’s for lady battling breast cancer… I appologize for the lapse in memory on her name… (thankfully God knows).

Was a pleasure working and sweating with you gents throughout last year. May we all remember to seek and derive our strength from the Lord as well as learn how to be vulnerable and humble where needed.

Strength and honor,