5/6/19 – Purple Cow Honors SSG Loredo

namesake photo

8 HIM showed up Monday morning to get a little better today than they were yesterday.  Weather was perfect 50 degrees and the only gloom present would have been self induced.

PAX: Offshore, En Fuego, Boone’s Farm, Leatherneck, Black Widow, Olan Mills, Penny Loafers, Umbrella (QIC)

WOR:  Mosey the long way to Brentwood High football field and track for:

24 x SSH, 24 x BAC forward and reverse, 24 x squats and a few good mornings and WMH OYO while Q laying out the Thang.


Today we honored SSF Edwardo Loredo who sacrificially gave all on 6/24/2010 leaving behind a wife and three children.  The workout today first posted in his honor on 12/31/12 and consists of the following:

6 Rounds:

24 Merkins/24 Squats/24 WWI’s/400m run – we subbed in the WWI’s for walking lunges.

Upon completion of 6 rounds of work the PAX moseyed to the goal line of BHS football field for 4 x 50 yard sprints followed by 3 x 100 yard sprints to close out the Thang.


24 x J-Lo’s & 24 x Flutters

COT: Closed out the morning with a reflection from yesterday’s gospel reading at mass taken from John 21 when Jesus reappears to the disciples as they are fishing.  He asks them how many fish they have caught and as they respond “none”, he instructs them to cast their net on the other side of the boat.  When they do, their haul is so large they can’t get it back in the boat.  The takeaway for me was this….How many times do I try to do things my way as the disciples were when they were fishing?  When I consistently try to do things my way, my results are often like the results the disciples were having on their own.  But once Jesus got involved, their nets overflowed.  What would happen if we all died to ourselves a little bit more this week and asked God to be a bigger part of all aspects of our lives?   Just this week…

It was an honor to lead this morning.

Peace out,
