The Hill 2/28/19

The Hill 2/28/19

PAX: Frugal Macdoogal (QIC), Tampa Libra, Money Shot, Venus


Mosey towards track, but encountered a skunk so made a quick 180 to head in the opposite direction.  Moseyed to football field for WOR.

SSH x 15, GM x 15, WMH x 15, FBAC x 15, RBAC x 15

Mosey to backside of Hill past football field headed down to the track for 11s.

Exercise One: 11s – Dive Bomber Merkin/Vertical Frog Jumps

    • Starting at the end of the drive by track, run up the hill to the speed bump (about 80m) for one dive bomber merkin.  Run back down hill for 10 vertical frog jumps.  Repeat increasing/decreasing one rep each time until you do 10 diver bomber merkins and one vertical frog jump.

Mosey to football field

Exercise Two: Continuous 100 Yard Suicide

    • For the next exercise, you would do a 100 yard suicide sprint starting at the goal line and increasing by 5 yards every time.  When you were sprinting toward the sunrise (east), you would sprint all you got.  Heading back toward school (west), you would jog back to the goal line and do one merkin for every 5 yards you would run.  Eventually you would build up to 100 yard sprint and 20 merkins.

Exercise Three

    • 20 WWIs then 100yd AYG Sprint

Mosey back to parking lot for COT.

Broken Pax @ BrokenWheel

awesome tommy boy GIF

Conditions: About 16 degrees and frosty. Gloom is in full effect to start but a beautifully clear and bright sunrise lit up the second half of the AO today. Glory on display…

Pre-Party: YHC led Kermit, Staples, Creeper, and Barney in a 6-7-8 routine of pull-ups (modify Underdoggies PRN), Merkins and Iron Mikes, respectively, on the minute (sort of) for 9 rounds. Thanks for waiting on me rolling in hot! Jambox already blaring…

11 PAX in attendance: Barney Fievel, Staples, Kermit, 3rd Degree (Q), Tebow, Creeper, Inspector Gadget, Nimbus 1075.5, Stats, Sterno & ShowMe


  • Jog around parking lot x 1 (then circle up) (Capri Lap for Sterno)
  • SSH IC x 10
  • IW IC x 15
  • GM OYO

Theme for today is brokenness. Like the gif above, when their car gets destroyed, it’s all about perspective on how you handle it.

Also, I have loved some different concepts introduced by other Pax and wanted to incorporate them into the beat-down here we go!

Thang 1: Ab and Upper-body Circuits (inspired by Tebow)

Split the PAX roughly in half and while one crew does exercises at the pain ground, the other head to the gazebo for some upper-body blasting. 3 minutes of AMRAP at each location then switch. The Medic (aka jambox) succumbed to the cold and passed out. Sorry gents, no tunes…MEDIC!!! (ala StarShip Troopers)

Exercises were:

8 T2B, 8 AH (each side 1/2), 8 Sweat-Angels (Painground)

8 Dips, Derk, One-legged Burps (Gazebo)

Thang 2: BrokenWheel Lap (adapted from Nimbus)

Partner up with someone you have never partnered with before, then proceed to one-legged hop for 15 hops, then stop and perform 3 Hillary Rodham Clintons (submitted to the Exicon) HRCs, then switch hopping leg and proceed to complete the 1/3 mile loop. Woof! Nimbus and ShowMe for the impressive win (although word has it that SM adapted and honored the former 1st lady since they are on a first-name-only-basis)

We tried a 10 count of a mix b/w American Hammer and Freddie Mercury, but since YHC couldn’t stay in the right position and added LBCs to the mix, we did 10. More work to do on that before full integration…

Thang 3: Partner-Carry Lap (adapted from Nimbus)

Just like it sounds. Switch carrying-partner PRN to complete the lap as a team. Barney and 3D took the pole-position. Sounds weird now that I type that out…

Those that finished lined up in a gauntlet of Plank positions to welcome in the 6 that sprinted to the finish…fine work gents!

Thang 4: Adapted Bridge-work (YHC’s favorite)

It’s kinda my thing…but with a twist. Crawl-Bear the bridge first and enjoy the beautiful sky…Layers were coming off…Nimbus with the win without stopping. Then mosey back to the far side of the bridge and finish strong with a bear-crawl to the pole.

no Mary since no time! Pax had interspersed Ab work throughout the morning waiting for the 6 and with Thang 1 today…so no hard feelings


Staples was the 9th man and testified that 2 years ago he was literally crippled by Rheumatoid Arthritis and now look at him…Inspiring! Medicine has its place…Another SoccerMom EH that has turned into a VETERAN. Strong work.

What we Learned:

  • T-Claps to the HIMs that were able to donate ~$350 that was used to buy supplies for Tusculum Elementary School refugee students. Special thanks to Sterno, Stats and Altidore for supply run and to NumbTucks for bringing the need to light. Keep finding 3rd F opportunities for us gentlemen!
  • Thanks to Tebow for Coffee!!! He is about to go skiing Saturday after the convergence, so back up coffee-providers unite! (Thanks Kermit in advance) Please let the PAX know how and when to donate for supplies PRN.
  • YHC shared how the world, and often ourselves, are broken and we have to carry on. But like the sunrise today, there is beauty and hope to behold. If you want more info, to discuss or debate, hit me up and let’s get some coffee or happy-hour to discuss further…
  • I miss TVG, MuRSA, HushPuppy, SnowBall and many other PAX that are MIA.
  • ShowMe admitted Tebow makes his butt sore. His words, not mine…

Remember! Nolensville / Franklin Convergence is this Saturday the 9th from 6-7:30am. The Forge will not meet this Saturday in light of this. Rendezvous at Nolensville Park to carpool to AO with cars rolling at 5:20-5:25. Come one, come all and rep 37135 as we partner with another local region.


Purple Cow 3-4-19

Temps were in the 20’s and wind chill even colder as 7 PAX showed up ready to work this morning.

PAX: Toga, Umbrella, Boone’s Farm, Penny Loafers, Leatherneck, Offshore, Black Widow (QIC)

It’s cold so a quick disclaimer, and then we get moving to GWP to get warmed up.


Good Mornings x 10

SSH x 20

WHM x 10

Merkins x 10

Mountain Climbers x 10


Short Mosey towards the baseball fields and stop for a set of exercises:

Gorilla Humpers x 20, Lunges x 20, & Squats x 20

Continue mosey around the back of the park and loop back to the playground

Pull Ups x 10 & Rows using the swings x 15 – R&R

Back to our mosey to the front of the park and continue on past the tennis courts for another set of exercises:

Merkins x 20, Dips x 20, & WW1 x 20

Cut through to the main parking lot for partner wheel barrow carries

Every five parking spots, P1 performs 5 merkins while P2 holds legs for wheel barrow. After 5 total spots, both partners sprint across the lot, and then mosey back to starting point. Flap Jack – R&R

Start the mosey again back to our original route towards the baseball fields for another set of exercises:

Step Ups x 20, 1 legged Squats x 20, & Wall Sits x 30 seconds (twice)

Continue to mosey around the loop back towards the playground for DID’s.

20 Dips, 15 Irkins, & 10 Dirkins – R&R

Mosey back to BMS parking lot for Mary:

LBC x 30 & J-Lo x 25

It’s always great to be out here with y’all, and appreciate the opportunity to lead this morning!

Black Widow

Final Score: Soggy Bottoms – 4, The Skunk – 0

PAX: T-Cell, Tiny Dancer, Venus & En Fuego (QIC)

Conditions: A pleasant wind chill hovering south of 9 degrees

Four PAX didn’t let some unreasonably cold temps stop them from getting after it this morning, hitting up The Skunk for a workout designed with 3S2T in mind (Strength, Speed, Stamina and physical / mental toughness).


0530 – Disclaimer given, we grab T-Cell’s 30lb homemade brick coupon and off we mosey.  Arrive at soccer field for COP – SSH, LBACs, WMH, GMs and Scorpion Stretch.  We mosey to end of field behind the goal, where instructions are given for the 3S2T inspired activities:

  •  Strength
    •  Perform 30 merkins, 25 squats, 20 WWIs in order; straight into…
  • Speed
    •  AYG sprint length of soccer field

That’s 1 set, we RxR until we’ve completed a total of 4 sets.  Bottoms officially soggied after first set of WW1s – we modify next sets to perform WW1s on path vs field, giving two nods to victory in that 1) not as soggied bottoms and 2) lengthier sprints now in place.  After completion of the 4 sets, we grab the coupon for:

  • Stamina
    •  Coupon Bataan Death March -> Last person drops and does 5 burpees while the rest of the PAX mosey in a line (lead PAX responsible for carrying the coupon).  After completing the burpees, the last PAX runs to catch up with the group, tapping the new (last) PAX on the shoulder, who then stops to begin his 5 burpees, while the former burpee’ing PAX runs to the front of the line and takes over coupon reigns.   Run approximate .5 mile loop, and end back at soccer fields for Round 2:
  • Strength
    • Perform 30 four-count flutter kicks, 25 iron mikes and 20 atomic merkins; straight into…
  • Speed
    •  AYG sprint length of soccer field

That’s 1 set, we R&R until we have completed a total of 3 sets, where we grab the coupon for:

  • Stamina
    • Coupon Bataan Death March Round 2 – another .5 mile’ish loop

Arrive back at parking lot with 90 seconds to spare.  Grab a parking space lane, bear crawl to opposite side, perform 10 irkins and 10 derkins, crawl bear back.  Time.


  • Prayers for Bad Boy and his M for their upcoming March 12th due date
  • Prayers for Tiny Dancer and his family as they navigate this season of little sleep
  • March 23rd CSAUP, aka The Scorpion, is a go.  0600 launch – get your HCs in
  • We closed with a message on leadership, specific to the word “accountability”.  We all know the importance of promoting an atmosphere of accountability within our lives / careers – though if you are like YHC you typically think of holding colleagues accountable by delivering a task and holding them accountable to complete said task.  A slightly different spin offered in that accountability literally means to “account for one’s ability” – so challenge to the group was to think of ways as leaders within our home with our Ms and 2.0s that we are encouraging and fanning the flame of their God-given gifts and abilities toward further development.  Accountability is not solely promoting an atmosphere of completion and compliance (though important), but also encouraging those around us to develop their gifts, develop their talents, and put them to use for the betterment of themselves and those around us.

Great work today men #KSA

En Fuego



Ski Prep @ The Forge 3/2/19

17 PAX consisted of Altidore, Stats, 3rd Degree, Kermit, Ragdoll, Sterno, Typo+, Best Balls, Little Miss Piggy, Cheese Whiz, Show Me, Numbtucks, Staples, Creeper, Nimbus1075, Old Hickory, & Tebow (QiC).

3rd Degree led a solo pre-party of Bearway to Heaven (I wasn’t there, so I cannot confirm whether it was Led Zeppelin or a Led Zeppelin cover band version of Stairway to Heaven) before Stats joined in mid-way.

We got warmed up with a quick jog/shuffle/politician into SSH, BACs, pause merkins, GMs, pause squats, calf/lunge stretch, more squats, burpees, skaters, and a quick demo of Hillary* merkins
(*hand release clap = HRC = Hillary Rodham Clinton = Hillary)

Props to the banged up Numbtucks for hanging out and doing some pilates/PT in the parking lot while we did our thing. We covered some NHS/Summerlyn real estate; It went like this:

– Parking Lot Tabata: (skaters, tuck jumps) x 2, (AHs, MCs) x 2
– Indian (aka upside down kingdom) Trail Run w/ speed bumps: 10 Hillary merks + 15 jump squats at each bump
– 10 burpees + 10 lungees then, w/ partner,
– 3 min AMRAP of lateral hop x 20 over partner in plank, switch
– Soccer Field Leg Circuit: 4 iron mikes, 4 jump squats, 4 broad jumps (advance the width of the field)
– Playground 3 min AMRAP w/ partner: (T2b + pull up) x 5 (scale: 10 underdoggies) while partner does Al Gore, switch
– Copenhagens x 30
– Soccer Field Leg Circuit (half of field width)
– reunite with Numbtucks for a final Parking Lot Tabata: wide merks, V-ups, diamond merks, AHs, merks, V-ups, MCs, tuck jumps

Finally, some flutter kicks with the remaining seconds finished up our hour.

Post-Party action was a politically inspired “Democratic Convention” of 5-1 Hillarys, w/ 30 yd politicians in between.

Great work by everyone. One confession – I skipped over more planned burpees due to what seemed like merlot from Cheese Whiz mid workout. After the workout he claimed it was phlegm. Not sure if I believe him, but assuming he’s not lying, I then kinda felt like the way you feel when you leave a birdie putt short…what could’ve been…Sorry, guys. We’ll make up for the lost burpees next time. A fired up Show me coined a new name for Indian Run – Upside Down Kingdom run – in a way that only Show Me can. Good work, Show Me.

Let this date, 3/2/19, be known as the day that E&B finally opened after weeks, months, years of anticipation. Look out 2nd F

!CONVERGENCE! with F3Franklin !THIS SATURDAY!, 3/9/19, 0600-0730 @ Pinkerton Park. Let’s show up strong and have some fun with our brethren down in Franklin. Word is they’re a little rough around the edges, and they may not shower and brush as often  as is standard, but they’re good people, too. See y’all at Broken Wheel,



Westeros 3-4-19: Double QPs & 7s

A baker’s dozen didn’t let the cold win this morning.

GLOOM FACTOR: Moderate. 22 with a light wind.

PAX: Bad Boy, Trapper Keeper, Indecent Exposure, Princess Aurora, Bagger Vance, Porcelain, Turbo, Harvey Updyke, Vector, Crablegs, Pumpkin Spice, Bicentennial Man

QIC: Hi-Viz


Slow & Low Squats X 20 IC
Reverse LBAC X 15
Air Presses X 15

Mosey to the tennis court for a Quarter Pounder with a animal walk of choice (Bear Crawl, Duck Walk, etc.) for the mode of travel to each corner of the court.

  • 25 Merkins
  • 50 Squats
  • 75 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 100 SSH

Mosey to the loop for 7s with Burpees on both sides.

Mosey to the tennis court for a 2nd go at the Quarter Pounder, with a Wheelbarrow for travel.

Mosey to the start.

20 X Flutters
20 X LBCs
20 X Boxcutters



  • Mark your calendar: The Scorpion, our new west side CSAUP steps off at 0600. More details soon.
  • Friendly Friday is this week, with PA leading the charge at Bomber. Let’s see some FNGs in the mix.
  • Prayer requests shared for 2.0s on the way, along with Vector’s 2.0 picking a high school.

Great work this morning, gentlemen. Especially proud of those on the IR who still made a point to join. Pleasure to lead you. SYITG.

The King. Is. Here!

High 30sF and starting to get some good BMNT light.  15 total pax.  QIC: Porcelain proudly stepping in for the workout before the Q Source LDP on the King.  Pax: the Count (WL Chattanooga mucho respect 60), Reveille, PA, Bad Boy, Brother At law, Tiny Dancer, CCR, Hot Route, Right Said, Vector, Studio 42, Crawl Space, Crablegs, BnB.

Brief disclaimer then mosey with shovel flag up and through the Parthenon to the ellipse.  Warmarama: 30 ssh, 10 wmhs, 10 good mornings, 20 merkins, 20 squats.  Workout explanation.  The King is comprised of a man accelerating his physical fitness.  That fitness can be judged by the factors of 3S2T: speed, strength, stamina, toughness (physical), and toughness (mental).  Coupon circuit on the fundamentals chasing the quickest or most reps man to get right.

The thang: moseyed over to porcelain’s pre positioned vehicle near the ellipse and unloaded all weights to the rear of the Parthenon.  Moleskin: this format was great once it got going but was slow to begin with the off load and set up.  Next time I need to EH a passenger to help off load early then stay by the equipment while I bring the rest of the group over.  Forgot the speaker but Bad Boy obliged to run back and get it while PA and team removed a bumper plate that would not fit on the bar.  Walked down the line of each station set up to explain rotation.

Station Circuit based off of 3S2T for the King.  Q’d up a playlist set to a 3 minute timer all exercises were for as many reps as possible.  The new mosaic dragon sculpture at the base of The Parthenon helped enhance the sound and ambiance.  With numbers stations were singles or pairs.

1. Speed-Ellipse Run

2. Strength-135# thrusters were a bit aggressive so modified to deadlift.  Squat hold alternate for a pair.

3. Stamina-jump rope.  Alternated with Squats for a pair.

4. Toughness mental.  Crawl bear stairs.  Reverse bear crawl up the Parthenon stairs then mosey back down.

5. Toughness physical.  Wall ball or passes with large 20# medicine ball.

6. Toughness mental.  Balls to the wall handstand merkins.

7. Toughness physical- farmers walk up the Parthenon stairs and back with 5 gallon buckets of sand.

8. Stamina- kettlebell swing with 25# or 50#.

9. Strength- overhead press with 45# barbell.  Remaining bumper plates that did not fit were available for pairs.

Made it all the way through 9 stations then moseyed with coupons back to Porcelain-mobile to stash.  Not enough time for Mary on return despite Roxanne beginning to play.  Circled up for COT in the Ellipse.

COT: the Scorpion 23 March 0600 CSAUP is all about pushing your stamina and toughness. TAPs for Count’s friend having Heart valve surgery and brother Bob fighting with bile duct cancer.  Also, Studio 42’s dad, Roger, suffered a heart attack recently and is in recovery.

5 continued to 3 bros coffee for contnuation of Q points from the King.  43 feet podcast is a great resource.

Remembering Sam Sinclair

17 PAX posted in 40 degree weather and an annoying mist for a workout honoring the memory of my brother Sam Sinclair, who passed away 7 years ago today. If he were still with us, he’d be 38 today. Thus, all exercises would be 38 reps, or two sets of 19 depending on the difficulty of called exercise.

PAX: D’Mish, Edible Arrangement, PSL, Offshore, Floppy Disk, Old Hickory, Black Widow, Accounts Receivable, Bootleggers, Lumbergh, Movin’ On Up, Sterno, Riefer, Big Stick, Prevac, Bagger Vance, Ludwig van Oshkosh (QIC)

Moseyed the bus loop and circled up back in the parking lot for warm-o-rama.


38 SSH
10 LBACs/ reverse LBACs
10 Butt Kickers
10 High Knees
10 WMH
10 Good Mornings
10 Sqauts, slow ‘n low style


10 Burpees a minute for 4 minutes…..Last minute only 8, for 38 rep purposes
38 Mountain Climbers (IC)
38 Deep Squats

Run the Capri Lap and circle back up for:

Single Leg Squats – 19 each leg
Jump Lunges – 1 1, 2 2, etc. all the way to 19 (Did anyone want to go all the way to 38 in one set? Didn’t think so)
38 LBCs in cadence to give the legs a breather before hitting them again.
Set 2 – Single Leg Squats – 19 each leg (now we’re at 38)
Set 2 – Jump Lunges – 1 1, 2 2, etc. all the way to 19

Now that it’s hard to walk, let’s mosey the baseball loop, pick up a coupon at the shed and head to the pavilion.

38 Overhead Presses (Interesting to notice some bring it down to their chest, and others only down to eye level)
38 WWIs
38 Curls
38 Kettle Bell swings

Head to the rails for two sets each of:

19 rows
19 swerkins
19 dips

Return blocks, head back to the parking lot. Not much time left, so called an audible to finish how we began, with 10 burpees a minute, up to 38 reps.

10 Good Mornings
2 Cherry Pickers

Good work today. For those who weren’t there, Sam was a healthy 31-year-old when he was diagnosed with leukemia, and passed away from a brain bleed just two days later. Certainly the first couple of anniversaries of his passing were difficult, but the last few years have transitioned more into joy thinking about the good times I had with him and my family.

Sam was the extrovert of all extroverts, and was highly involved as a YoungLife leader in the Houston area. To briefly brag on his impact, so many donations came in from people that were influenced by him in Houston that my family setup a scholarship fund to send two Houston area kids to YoungLife camp in the summer for free. (a HIM if I ever knew one) The last I heard, the fund would last at least twenty years. One of the two kids awarded a scholarship the first summer after Sam died became a Christ follower at Young Life camp that year. While we lost Sam, another life was gained.

Thanks for reading a little bit of my testimony. May we all strive to be better HIM and influence and lead others for their good.


2/28/2019 Spiderman, Spiderman……

Thursday: 4:13 Strong: The Stronghold

Theme: Spiderman


PAX: Toga, Radio, Antonio, Frozen, Luigi, Scar, Timon, CCR, Waterboy, Styles, Hot Route, Turbo, BAL, Red Skull, Hot and Ready, LockBox, Rabbit, Kid, Play, Casual Friday, BV, PopaLoack

QIC: Pop-A-Lock


Conditions: Reasonable



To basketball court



10XLBAC Front and Back

10xHigh Knees

10xButt Kickers





PAX get a coupon


Travel to the hill


Spidercrawl (army crawl) up the hill 3x

At bottom 10x Peter Parkers

At top 20x Squat Thrusts


Run to wall

Wallcrawlers (jump and press off wall, spinning around as you land. jump and spin to original position. repeat for each leg/direction as needed). 5x each leg

Run to light pole

Repeat x3


Run to basketball Court

Peter Parker Burpees x3

Ab workout

Rinse and Repeat about 6 times


Quote of the Day:

With great power comes great responsibility. – Uncle Ben


Marianne Williamson

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.



Pray for court dates for the 4:13 strong guys and for their new jobs

Your Finest Merlot, Please

Image result for eagles lightning fire

Conditions: About 45 degrees and soggy. Gloom is in full effect, but starting to feel the first hints of Spring.

Pre-Party: Stats led Kermit, Staples, Creeper, and Barney in a bear crawl of the Nolensville bridge where several of us completed our first end-to-end crawl without stopping. Nice work, fellas!

15 PAX pushed themselves to get stronger, including: Barney Fievel (QiC), Staples, Kermit, 3rd Degree, Tebow, Creeper, Netflix, Inspector Gadget, Nimbus 1500, Altidore, Stats, Scrooge, Matlock, Sterno, and Old Hickory

Warm-up: Long mosey around track followed by 20 SSH, good mornings OYO, and 1 Al Gore.

What started out as a calm, peaceful morning ended violently when Barney dropped his truck bed and revealed 20, 20-pound coupons. A grin spread across his face and, while it wasn’t clear why, it was obvious Barney wanted to see someone throw up.

Thang 1: Love Thy Neighbor

Partner up. 4 exercises with an assigned number of reps (below) must be completed as a 2-man group. One PAX begins assigned exercise while other PAX moseys to the other side of the parking lot and back. He then picks up on the reps where his partner left off while said partner does the moseying. Repeat until assigned number of reps of each exercise are completed.

Exercises were:

50 Blockees (coupon burpees)
100 Block Merkins
150 Block Squats
200 Block American Hammers

Thang 2: Bumpy Mosey

Half mile mosey with 3 speed bumps.

1 – Partners take turns doing 10 pull ups and AMRAP Copenhagens.

2 – Stopped by our beloved bridge, but were not here to crawl. Pick your poison on which foothold to use (low, medium, high) for 30 derkins.

3 – Partners take turns doing 15 leg tosses each on the side of a hill.



Post-Party: 3rd Degree led the PAX in 3 rounds of 7 pull-ups, 7 merkins, and 7 jump squats.


Nolensville / Franklin Convergence is Saturday the 9th from 6-7:30am. The Forge will not meet this day. Rendezvous at Nolensville Park to carpool to AO.

Colossians 3:13 – Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

It’s tiresome to dwell on negative things. Let’s forgive those around us as Christ did and free our minds and bodies in the process!

-Barney Fievel-