Stairway to Seven – Racetrack 5.22.19

14 of Nashville’s finest for some stairwell work at The Racetrack this morning. And BV and Toga were in attendance too.

PAX: Toga*, Olan Mills, Joey Freshwater, Bedpan, Umbrella, Black Widow, Offshore, Dr. Smartt, Tampa Libra, Double Check, Hot Pockets (FNG), Boone’s Farm, Tiny Dancer, Big Bang, Bagger Vance*, Razorback (Q).

* Late stage uninvited (and unhelpful) co-Qs.

Conditions: Beautiful outside, a touch sticky in the west stairwell.

WOR: Mosey to usual parking lot for SSH, Good Mornings, WMH, Squats, Hillbillies, Merkins, Spidermans, Mountain Climbers, High Knees and Butt Kickers. Move over to the bottom of the west staircase of the parking garage for…

THANG: 7 rounds up and down the west stairs. 20 merkins at the top, 20 LBCs at the bottom. We progressed up the stairs in the following manner:

1 – run touching each step

2 – run touching every other step

3 – double leg hops every other step

4 – single leg hops every step (alternating legs each half flight)

5 – double leg hops every other step

6 – run touching every other step

7 – run touching each step

Optional speed bump at the midpoint of 4th flight for a swig of Fireball from the half abandoned bottle we discovered – alas no PAX partook. Q had plans for more stair work on the big stairs by Holler & Dash, but we were low on time and I was low on stamina (that’s what she said?). Next time…

Moseyed to park for a quick pullup pyramid, from 1 rep up to 5 reps and back down. Much uninvited co-Q commentary from BV and Toga.

Back to starting point for 45-60 seconds of touch your toes stretching lest I finish a workout early and deprive the PAX of the full physical fitness they paid for. 


Welcome FNG Brian Phillips (aka Hot Pockets – still unclear how he got this name).

Penny Loafers’ wife has a biopsy today, be praying for good results and a clear treatment path forward. 

Continue to pray for Sinclair family and look to F3 General slack feed for meal signup and other ways to serve. 

Memorial Day CSAUP led by BV @ the Concord Rd YMCA: 5 am Murph, 6 am HERO WOD, 7 am speed ruck (5 miles). Come for any or all. Coffeeteria to follow.

Pleasure to be with you men this morning.
