PAX: Studio 42, Apgar, Blue Mule, Reville, Porcelain, Incognito (WL from F3 Lexington), Harvey Updike, Right Said, BnB, G-string, Bicentennial Man, Crablegs (YHC), Trapper Keeper, Brother at Law
Conditions: Easily in Double Glove range
PAX started the brisk morning off with a mosey to the concert venue near West End Ave for a muddy WOR that included LBACs, Merkins, high knees, air presses and squats – not necessarily in that order. We picked partners and took a mosey to the first challenge of the day.
Part One:
PAX lined up at the base of the hill that approaches 31st ave and traveled up in the form of a Crawl Bear. Each PAX performed 2 merkins for every 5 hand moves up the mountain until they reached the top where 10 jump squats and a significant degree of mumble chatter awaited them.
Back down the hill with an alternating leg lunge for more mumble chatter and 10 burpees.
Part Two:
PAX moseyed to the ellipse on the back side of the parthenon, found the aforementioned partners and prepared for DORA.
16 PAX joined in for a UK Basketball Themed – Jinxy Cat, Creeper, Old Hickory, Nimbus 1500, Type O +, Sterno, Stats, Netflix, Showme, Little Miss Piggy, Kermit, Mic Drop, Rag Doll, Tebow, 3rd Degree, Altidore (VQ)
UK Basketball Facts:
8 National Titles
Most wins in NCAAB History
Most NCAA Tournament Wins in NCAAB History
Gonna beat Kansas by 1000 today.
Conditions: Cold, Dry, and Amazing
Warm Up: Mosie + Stretching + Baby Arm Circles
Partner Hill Work:
Part I = 10 Min 1 partner bear crawls up hill runs down while other partner does as many merkins as he can then switch.
Part II = 10 Min 1 partner sprints up hill then crawl bears down while other partner does as many squats as he can.
Mosey to upper parking lot @ Elementary School
Same Partner: 1 partner duck walks while other partner does 8 burpees and 8 lunges then runs to switch with partner. We did this up and down the parking lot for 15 min.
Mosie to Playground:
Same Partner 3 sets alternating 8 berpees and 8 pullups
Mosie to the ledge area 20 dips 20 Incline merkins and 20 decline merkins
There was pre-party action lead by 3rd degree – Good work, boys.
Prayers for Kermit’s daughter’s test results. And continue to pray for Soccer Mom. Prayers for 3rd degree with a 2.0 on the way. Mic Drops Neighbor, Little Miss Piggy’s mother in law
Mosey to the upper parking lot and then down to Rec Center cul-de-sac for the
Warm-o-rama: WMH x 12, Cherry Pickers x 12, Good Mornings OYO x 15 (at which point, YHC was mocked for his “strenuous Good Morning Apocalypse” — oh, just you wait, my friends . . . ), LBAC x 15, Overhead Claps x 15, Reverse LBAC x 15, SSH x 20.
Partner up for first round, which was moderately successful given YHC crappy instructions to “look to your right” for your partner — most figured it out.
First Round:
DORA — 100 burpees, 200 merkins, 300 dips with partner run around Rec Center. And then, strange things ensued . . . While attempting to start the patented Vector Cheesy Playlist (“Heat” themed, of course), we learned several important lessons:
Crappy bluetooth speakers don’t like the cold
T-cell REALLY likes the playlists, running back to his car for a cord (hmm, why so persistent, you say? You’ll see in a bit)
Hi-Viz is a true HIM, as his “partner,” YHC, spent more time with the audio than with his share of the exercises
The PAX is a little slow on the draw at 5:30am and 23 degrees, as it took a good 4 songs before realization of the “heat” theme to today’s audio enjoyment.
Playlist: Some Like It Hot – The Power Station Burn the House Down – AJR The Heat is On – Glenn Frey Hot, Hot, Hot – The Cure Hot in Herre – Nelly Blister in the Sun – Violent Femmes Walking on Sunshine – Katrina and the Waves Hot Stuff – Donna Summer
Second Round:
After plank work, mosey to playground for “7”s”
Pull-ups (regular on the odds, wide on the evens) and squats
Because we “had enough time,” PAX performed 100 jump squats, perhaps in part for mocking my Good Mornings . . . and that’s when we discovered T-cell’s unabashed love for Donna Summer/Disco. In what could be described by some as “feeling the spirit,” our friendly neighborhood Volunteer shook his groove thang. A sight that the PAX won’t quickly forget . . .
Mosey to parking lot for quick Mary of flutter kicks x 20 and Crunchy Happy Frogs x 20 (led by T-cell, so we could stop his boogie fever). Time called.
Bicentennial Man – 6th man. Learned “C” stands for “Clarence.” So all we need is a Roger to re-enact the classic scene from Airplane:
Prayers for ABC’s friend, Jennifer, in Texas, hospitalized with fevers of unknown origin.
Glad CCR could mosey over to his first Bomber post. Hopefully all the high jinx won’t make it his last visit.
Plenty of Q spots open for February — opportunities for leadership (and if anyone wants to VQ, I’ll provide the playlist, free of charge).
West Park AO launch successful yesterday, led by Crablegs. Try to make it out to keep momentum at a great AO site.
And finally, the last lesson learned — when trying to shut down your iPhone, don’t ignore the “Emergency Call” feature, as YHC accidentally let our friendly neighborhood 911 operator know we had finished our workout (hence the sudden 862-8600 follow up call). I blame the trauma induced by T-cell’s gyrations . . . so disturbing, so mesmerizing.
4 PAX in Attendance: BoyBand, TapOut, BlackLung & 3D (QiC)
Temp: ~28* FloppyDisk didn’t show, so Crawls will be present.
5:30, let’s roll! Mosey lap through parking garage to bottom of ramp to 2nd floor for:
WarmoRama: BearCrawl 1/2 ramp length then reverse orientation to crawl-bear to the top.
The Deck of Death: 4 suits, 4 exercises. Do the number of reps on the card, all face cards are 10, Aces=11. Joker is 20 of Pax’s choice (mix & match or all of one). For today: ♥ = Sumo Jump Squats ♠️= pull-ups ♣️= Double-shot-of-Jack-Burpees ♦️= Toes to Bar (Concrete Ledge)
Everyone got multiple turns. Almost made it all the way through. 1/4 way through and at end for MoM we repeated bear crawls and crawl bears of ramps. Very restful. Bonus 3 squats for every pause.
Down the stairs…Mosey to the Shovel Flag.
Moleskine/What we Learned
TapOut loves having to jump to the ledge. He also like one armed CDDs.
BoyBand looks like John Cusack when he holds up my jam-box over his head so the Tardy BlackLung can find us in the garage.
3D is good at playing cards.
WarmORama and Mary are both accomplished by bear crawls. Effective, and satisfying.
Testicles ascend when the weather is cold.
Good coffeeteria discussion re: Rube Goldbergs, or whatever those crazy machine things are called…kid projects and cinnamon Coffee. BL had to bounce but 3 for Coffeeteria.
Pray for BL’s Mother-in-Law’s partner with recent CA dx.
Pray for TO trip to Atlanta.
Let’s ensure we pursue integrity ethically, not just physically. Proverbs 6’s warning against adultery.
13 PAX – Sterno, 3rdD, TV Guide, Kermit, Creeper, Altidore, Stats, Steinbrenner (via F3Memphis), Inspector Gadget, Show Me, TypO+, Nimbus 1350, Tebow (QIC)
Conditions: like a cold shower – cold, soggy, exhilarating?
We tried to Warm Up with a short jog/shuffle and then SSH, Imperial Walkers, Squats, BACs, Huggers, Merkins, Spider Climbers, Squat Jacks, and Floating Starfish
5 min AMRAP x 2 (PAX split into 2 groups)
Playground station: 8 t2b, 8 AH, 8 Floating Starfish
Pavilion station: 8 dips, 8 derks, 8 one-legged burps
Mosey to the Brewery – speed bump of 10 balls to the wall at the concession stand at the urging of 3rd Degree
With partner:
Lt. Dansbees (Lt. Dan + burpee) x 50, partner runs lap, switch
Burpee iron mikes (burpee + iro… you get it) x 50, partner runs lap, switch
There was pre-party and post-party action – you know how we do it. And by we I mean several other guys. Good work, fellas. Props to Kermit for the deer jerky and coffee.
Welcome, Steinbrenner from F3 Memphis. Prayers for Kermit’s daughter’s test results. And continue to pray for Soccer Mom.
PAX: Silver Medal, Umbrella, Black Widow, Trapper Keeper, Boone’s Farm, Bad Boy and En Fuego
QIC: En Fuego
Conditions: An ideal winter gloom, and 5 degrees sub the 32 degree ceiling we were after
7 HIM got up and got after it this Tuesday morning, taking on (and in YHC’s case being defeated by) the Bert – or at best a modified version of the Bert and at less than best perhaps more aptly coined a workout inspired by the Bert, due to said modification. The Bert is a Hero WOD in honor of U.S. Marine Cpl. Albert Gettings, who died 10 years ago this month while conducting counter-sniper operations in Iraq. 27 years old and survived by his wife, sister and parents – every quarter his fellow Marines honor him in completing the Bert.
0530 – Disclaimer given, and in some instances repeated again for Black Widow due to some headgear layer interference. MC ensues from our Purple Cow brethren and we’re off. Mosey around lot and up to the football field for COP – SSH, WMH, GMs and Scorpion Stretch. Partner up and instructions given for how the next 30-35 minutes are going to go down, with YHC giving the background of Cpl. Gettings and our intent to honor him today.
We kick things off with a 25 burpee and 400mm buy-in (15 burpees and one lap around track; 10 burpees and another lap) – then head to the end zone and find your partner. Begin the following:
150 merkins (total combined count between the two partners, approx. 75 merkins per PAX)
Run 400mm
200 walking lunges across the football field (combined count)
Run 400mm
300 squats (combined count)
Run 400mm
R&R AMRAP for 30 minutes. All PAX got thru the walking lunges of Round 2 and subsequent 400mm run; TClaps to Umbrella and his cheat code partner Boone’s for getting some Round 2 squats in as well before time was called. Mosey back and huddle up for COT / BOM and some tailgate coffee.
Great to have some III Pillars newbies in attendance this morning, with her charm clearly getting straight to the heart of TK, who HC’d for some future partakes in its Tuesday morning gloom. A win for Ironclad and its Away AO efforts there…
The Bert proved itself to be no joke – even this partnered-up, watered down version of it. Great effort by the PAX – all in each HIM knocking out 2.5+ miles and approximately 150 merkins, 200 walking lunges and minimally 150 squats along with the burpee buy-in.
Always good to be able to incorporate a Hero WOD into the workout mix and honor the life of a fallen soldier. YHC also wanted this to serve as a reminder to us all however that it doesn’t take a uniform and a deployment to Iraq to be a Hero or First Responder. We each have a calling in our lives to be the same – be it within our family, our neighborhoods, our 9-5 lives, etc. There are battles taking place all around us within a world that daily doesn’t want us to be all that we are capable of being, and with that we all have our Ms, 2.0s, shieldlocks, blades – you name it, that need someone, namely us, to be that First Reponder in their lives. First Responders that walk in courage, walk in conviction, aren’t waiting for someone else to fight their battles. First Responders that don’t chuck the responsibility or training and raising their 2.0s to the school system, that aren’t waiting on their Ms to be the first to apologize – men that are simply holding themselves to a higher standard of action and accountability than what the world around us might otherwise suggest. YHC is thankful for the service and sacrifice of Cpl. Gettings, and beyond appreciative of having the HIM of F3 around me – ensuring YHC continues to grow in a desire not to accept anything less than First Responder status from the man in the mirror.
PAX: APGAR (FNG), Autotune, Blue Mule, Crab Legs, Crawlspace, En Fuego, Harvey Updyke (QIC), Hi Viz, Porcelain, Pumpkin Spice, Right Said, T-Cell, Trapper Keeper, Vector
Conditions: 18° and still frozen-over after the weekend snow
14 pax braved the cold this morning to earn their IronClad stripes. Pumpkin Spice and Porcelain showed up early for the pre-party, and the rest of the crew rolled in just in time for a brief disclaimer before setting off. Quick mosey around the west side of the park, halting in front of the school’s main steps.
WOR: Comprised of the exercises that would follow in the Thang, so as to give the Pax a memory cue when the inevitable “wait, what does the second B stand for again?” question arose:
SSH x20
Burpee x5
Overhead Press x10
Merkin x10
Big Boy Sit Ups x10
Squat x10
The Thang: Stink B.O.M.B.S.
Take the traditional BOMBS model (like Dora, just different exercises) and add some complexity with a hub-and-spoke model. Pax would start at the end of spoke #1 with one partner performing Burpees, while the other ran to the center of the Hub (the school steps), performed 40 SSHs, and ran back. Flapjack until the required cumulative reps at spoke #1 were complete, then move to spoke #2, and so on. Spokes would be the traditional BOMBS selection, but ambitiously doubled:
Burpee x100 (small lit parking lot behind western wing of school)
Overhead Press x200 (2nd base on the baseball diamond)
Merkin x300 (playground)
Big Boy Sit Ups x400 (small lit parking lot behind the eastern wing of the school)
Squat x500 (front of gymnasium)
After YHC explained the routine and fielded several follow up questions, the pax collectively moseyed to spoke #1 and began. Mumblechatter ensued, primarily revolving around how far the pax would actually get in the ambitious scheme. Some shaky handoffs followed, with some pax completing their burpees and passing their returning partner in the dark. However, after a spoke or two, the pax found their rhythm, traded their mumblechatter for grunting, and ground out all of spokes 1-3, and varying degrees of spoke 4 (albeit in the wrong location, but all’s well that ends well). With three minutes to spare, YHC called it and led the pax in a mosey back to the starting point. All 14 participants cranked out a quick 35 reps on squats (Pumpkin Spice nobly took an extra 10), allowing us to at least collectively make good on our goal of 500.
West Park will officially make its AO debut this Thursday, after a one week delay. It will be given a fancy name, so don’t miss out!
Welcomed FNG APGAR, a fellow resident with Crab Legs and church-goer with Pumpkin Spice.
Today we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who struggled peacefully to bring racial equality and justice to this great country. More than 50 years after his untimely death, we’re still not fully there, but my hope is that the men of F3 will be a shining example to our communities for what true brotherhood and unity look like.
PAX: Leatherneck, Black Widow, Toga (QIC), Boone’s Farm, Umbrella
A hearty five arrived to live the dream with another 70 and sunny day at the Cow! Here’s how it went down:
Quick disclaimer then begin circling the Widow’s car upon his kind of, sort of on-time arrival. Mosey to the park, warmup COP, take a lap around the lot and head to the pavilion.
Station 1: Single Leg Hip Thrust 12 ea. leg, Bulgarian Split Squat 12 ea. leg, Derkins 24, Step-up Jumps 12 ea. leg- Repeato x2
Run .5 m
Station 2: Squats 12, Donkey Kicks 15- Repeato x2
Run .5 m
Station 3: Rows on swings 25, Squat Thrusts 12, Single Arm Rotations 12 ea. arm- Repeato x2
Mosey to front of lot, lunge out to Granny White Pk, mosey back to flag, and quick ring of fire.
COT: The PAX shared some of Dr. Martin Luther King’s quotes. One of YHC’s favorites- “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
NMM: The goal for today was to keep moving, and it seemed like we met that challenge. Nobody complained about cold after the warmup COP. It should also be noted that wearing multiple hats and hoods seems to lessen the ability for the PAX to hear some commands, counts, and suggestions.
Coming off the IR list for a fun wet n’ wild Saturday at the Forge, nice 43-degree weather, and did I say wet already. Just when I though the morning could not get any better, who rolls in on a scooter? The one and only AunteBea!! (good to have you back!) Now we can get rolling
Today we embarked on a very non-creative pain inducing routine known as the Spartan…
PAX line up and sprint 100 yrds (about maybe 75), do 10 merkins at the finish and walk back to the start altogether; alternate between Mrkins, Burpees, and WW1s. Q starts each sprint race with a verbal call. Continue until you have done 30 x100 yrd sprints and 10×15 = 150 Merks / 10X10 = 100 Burpess/ 5×10 WW1 = 50. With the rain, everyone loved an hour of sprints and suck…
Remember to keep praying for Soccer Mom in Uganda.
PAX: The Jeweler (pre-run and main show); Pumpkin Spice (pre-run only then Vandersack); Hambone (pre-ruck and main show); Brother at Law; Boy Band; Black Lung.
QIC: Brother at Law
Conditions: The escape scene from The Shawshank Redemption.
WOR: The PAX went for a quick mosey around the playground. It was at this time we all realized that the puddles came to play today. Standard fare WOR under the pavilion after that. SSH, GM, WMH, LBAC, the like.
Due to the torrential downpour, YHC wanted to keep the work under the pavilion as much as possible, but I also wanted to log a few miles, so here is what we did.
Group fartlek run up and down 12th. Q called out the tempo bits at random. Again, the puddles were treacherous. Probably about 1.5 miles.
Reconvene at pavilion for a planned 8×8 tabata, that got cut to an 8×7 tabata due to time constraints. Eight sets of the identified exercise for 20 seconds, then 10 seconds off, then rinse and repeat 8 times before the “rest.” Do that seven cycles. Here is how it went:
Cycle 1: Burpees
Rest: Playground loop run
Cycle 2: Box jumps
Rest: Playground loop run
Cycle 3: Mtn. Climber Merkins (lots of grunting)
Rest: Playground loop run
Cycle 4: Alternating 1/2 ski abs; 1/2 Peter Parkers (note: Do ski abs have a name? I’m calling them Mikaela Shiffrin’s until corrected)
Rest: Playground loop run
Cycle 5: Lunge pulses, alternating legs each set, with arms skyward.
Ran out of time before Cycle 8. It will forever remain a mystery.
Favorite MC: (1) Foxtrot actually thought the Jeweler was a real life Jeweler (not a ridiculous assumption) for an extended period of time and repeatedly asked him about which watch he should buy. Jeweler, confused but a generally nice guy, just gave his thoughts anyway. (2) “I saw Big Stick at REI yesterday, yelling at a customer service rep about his membership.” – Jeff “Hambone” Hammond
Announcements: West Park starting 1/24; 4:13 is great and we should all go.