March Madness

QIC: Iditarod
PAX: Iditarod, Aristotle, Grohl, CDL

A balmy 30 degrees awaited the 4 Red Pillers who decided to deny the fartsack and continue to condition themselves against apathy this AM.

YHC had toiled yesterday and came up with a workout to celebrate the madness that has no doubt riddled every prognosticator’s bracket. After assuring that the two streetballs that were in YHCs possession were inflated as near to proper specification as was possible our Fab Four, Frozen Four, Final Four set off on a mosey to new vision court for this AMs festivities. The PAX was serenaded by YHCs carefully curated playlist of Jock Jams mostly old but a couple of newer gems sprinkled in. See link if at all interested.

Upon arrival at New Vision formed two lines for warm up lay ups

Brief Stretching

Free Throws F3 Style-Upon a made free through the successful pax called out rep and exercise. Every missed free throw required 3 burpees as penance. Did several rounds of this. Our best percentage round was a round of 75%.

Knockout or Bump-F3 style-Your standard playground version with a twist after a made basket you were required to do a merkin before taking next shot. Once knocked out PAX completed suicides until the game was over. Did several games of this.

Once CDL LIFOed out for Daddy Duties the pax completed a few rounds of escalators 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 LBCs.

Mosey back to MMC for TOT and Prayer.

Iditarod Out

The Dirty, Hurty, Wordy Thirty-Three

QIC: Aristotle
PAX: Iditarod, Yosef, Schnitzel, Aristotle, Grohl, CDL, NPR, Tiger’s Blood, a welcome back to Scraps, and a hero’s return to Omaha

YHC turned 33 on March 10. Decides to use his belated birthday Q to push his and all the PAX’s limits.


Long lap around the Square, counter-clockwise
SSH x33 IC
WMH w/BAC x11 IC
Good Mornings x11 IC
Hillbillies x33 IC


Mosey to the bottom of ‘Sweat Box’ parking deck between Maple and Walnut.

Simple math. Three Elevens = Thirty-Three. (Not 311 the band, though YHC wished out loud that he brought some portable tunes.)

First Eleven:

Squats at bottom, jump/squat thrust at the top. Four flights of stairs in between. So much thigh burn. Convene on the 2nd floor. Mosey to 3rd floor.

Second Eleven:

On one side, use the handily-placed concrete joist to attempt pull-ups. If pull-ups unsuccessful, try Negatives or a dead hang for as long as possible.

On the other side, do some ‘REAL MERKINS’ i.e. proper push-ups: glutes and abs tight, back straight, no humping the ground, break the plane and pop yourself back up.

Many midwife noises on those attmpted pull-ups. And bits of concrete in the hair…

Third Eleven:

Ascend to 4th floor. LBC at bottom of the ramp, brisk mosey to the top of the parking deck for alternating shoulder taps.

With time running out, cut this last Eleven short for WW1 x33 OYO

Mosey back to the Square.

COT: Jesus was also 33 when he was crucified and rose from the dead. Ergo, YHC dreamed up a moderately excruciating workout. Encouraged PAX to recall the cross until Good Friday and await the hope of resurrection Sunday aka Easter.

02/05/18 The Boro

QIC: Nuggets
PAX: Aristotle, Iditarod, Schnitzel, Yosef, Papa Juan, NPR, CDL, Scraps, Noble Virus, Grohl.

Started the morning with a mosey around the inner square followed by some politicians and some slide shuffles.


X15 Good Mornings IC
X15 Imperial Walkers IC
Handful of washers and dryers
Baby Arm Circles increasing in size.


PAX joined together to Settle Catan through some hard labor.

PAX travelled to each corner of the square for a different exercise (Merkins, Squats, WWI’s, and Lunges). A singular die was rolled to determine the quantity of each exercise (number rolled x 5 = quantity).

After 5 sets, Catan was effectively settled.

Next PAX competed in a 1v1 hand-smacking-plank tourney. Iditarod took the cake in the finals vs. Scraps.

Then PAX hit the curb for a bear crawl, 10 shoulder touches, crawl bear, and 10 merkins. Rinse and repeat.

Then a duck walk, 10 squats, a walk duck, 10 more squats. Rinse and repeat.

Rounded out with an ab circle with a twist of rolling the dice for quantity (number rolled x 5 = quantity)

CoT & BoM.

Field of Dreams at the Square

PAX: Noble Virus, Scraps, NPR, CDL, Yosef, Nuggets McPatty, Buhner (Asheville), Iditarod (QIC).

A Breezy 40ish degree morning 8 PAX chose wisely to take the DRP and work to get better.
Obligatory warm up lap around courthouse. Scraps decides to LIFO in. Capri lap around courthouse.

Circle up for WOR:
GMs x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
Hillbillies x 20 IC
SSH x 20 IC

The Thang:
Partner up for 4 groups of 2
Field of Dreams 4 Bases=4 corners of the square side walk
Home Plate-15 Burpees
1st Base-Push Ups
2nd Base- Squats
3rd Base Lt. Dans
Batter starts at Home knocks 15 Burpees out the park and goes to first to relieve 1B. 1B then goes to 2nd and so forth until all pax have completed burpees and pick up the rest of Pax.

Mosey to the plaza for Elevens with Incline Merkin Box Jump Burpees and dips. Run to dips politician back.
Mosey to Pinnacle parking lot for Escalator 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats, 20 Lt Dans.

Mosey back to square for MARY:
WWI’s x 10 OYO
Flutter kix x 40 IC.
COT and Prayer for PAX
Bull horn: Special kids 5k and 15k for any interested. Sign up there’s a F3 group.

Mr. Roboto’s VQ

PAX: Schnitzel, Aristotle, Yosef, Iditarod, Mr. Roboto (QIC)

Mosey for a while then circle up for warm ups. Then the partner routine which included one partner running two laps around the square while the other started 50 Burpees, 100 overhand claps, 150 Merkins, and 200 squats alternating til all reps complete. Then we did 11’s. 10 squats 1 burpee, 9 squats 2 burpees…etc while lunges in between each exercise from curb to curb. Ended with around the world with your favorite exercise for the last 5 minutes or so.


Bullhorn: Join Iditarod for the special kids 5k/15k if you want to give a race a whirl.

Tua T.’s 30 for 30

PAX: Iditarod, Yosef, Scraps, Nuggets McPatty, NPR, Aristotle, Papa Juan, and Dolly
About 36 degrees this am first above freezing workout of the year. YHC stayed up way too late last night watching the Tide Roll. This am doing a 30 for 30 exercise. As there is sure to be a ESPN 30 for 30 made at some point featuring Tua Tagovailoa after what he did the night before. Here is how it went down.

GMs x 17 IC
WMHs x 17 IC
BACF x 17 IC

The Thang
1. Merkins x 30
2. Burpees x 30
3. Squats x 30
4. WWi’s x 30
5. Dips x 30
6. Carolina Dry Dock x 30 Then lap around courthouse
7. Lt. Dans x 30
8. WWII’s x 30
9. Squat Jumps x 30
10. Alternating shoulder taps x 30
11. LBC’s x 30
12. Broad Jumps x 30 Then lap around courthouse
13. HR Merkins x 30
14. Y-Raises x 30
15. Reverse Crunches x 30
16. SSH’s x 30
17. Plank Jacks x 30
18. Freddy Mercuries x 30 Then lap around Courthouse
19. MTn. Climbers x 30
20. Nolan Ryans x 30
21. Monkey Humpers x 30
22. Thrusters x 30
23. Side Lunges x 30
24. High knees x 30
25. Hello Dollies x 30
26. Flutter Kicks x 30
27. Rosalita x 30
28. American Hammers x 30
29. Dead Bugs x 30
30. Crunchy Frogs x 30
All while enjoying an Alabama tribute play list consisting of Dixieland Delight by Alabama, Sweet home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynrd, Song of the South by Alabama, Tuscaloosa 1962 by Donnie Fritts.

COT-Prayer for men and reflections on facing adversity and having community around you after watching game last night and reading in the psalms in AM

Much MC about the political awareness/correctness of YHC’s playlist and relevancy in 80s versus Twentyteens. Great work by PAX pushing through. A Dolly splash of merlot post COT. Welcome back.

Roll Tide! & LOOONNNNGGGG Mosey

PAX: Yosef, Aristotle, Mr. Roboto, Iditarod (QIC)

YHC sent out a call to have more PAX than degrees the night before the workout but to no avail we fell short as it was 5 degrees out and only 4 PAX posted for what YHC had in store.

Obligatory normal lap around the courthouse followed by a capri lap (Politicians)

Good Mornings x 10 IC
SSH x 24 IC
WMHs x 24 IC
BACF x 24 IC
BACR x 24 IC

The Thang
Cash in with 6 Burpees representing the only points that Bama gave up the night before against Clemson.

Long Mosey to Oaklands Mansion steps and back with breaks along the way for the following

Reverse Lunges
One Legged Burpees
Lt. Dans

Tony Hawk Burpees
Escalator-Burpees, Merkins, Lunges, Squats

Made it back to the courthouse just in time. Like YHC timed it perfectly.

COT-Prayer for us all.

NM-About halfway through asked PAX if they knew what we were spelling out in my tribute to the tides playoff victory YHC had to tell them probably due to frozen brain cells or something. Noticed Sea Gull did not post today. Wanted to wager him for next Tuesdays workout but alas lots of Fartsackers in the Boro Pax the last couple of weeks. APB for Schnitzel, CDL, NPR, Scraps Air Wolf, Dolly, Nuggets, Pharoah, Papa Juan Et. Al.

Freshman 15

QIC: Nuggets McPatty VQ -Iditarod Assist at the end
PAX: Nuggets, Iditarod, Airwolf, Schnitzel, NPR, CDL, Aristotle, Sea Gull, 3rd Degree, Mr. Roboto, Grohl, Noble Virus

WOR-Washers/Dryers/Willie Mays Hayes

Freshman 15
Semester 1:
High Knees x 15 Each leg
MT Climbers x 15
Merkins x 15
American Hammers x 15
Complete Circuit 3X

Mid Term:Broad jumps to the courthouse and back 3x

Semester 2:
Jump Ropes X 15 each leg back & forth
Lectures x 15 Each Arm
Alternating Shoulder Taps x 15
Sumo Squats x 15
Complete Curcuit 3x

Final Exam: Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear to courthouse 3x

War Baby VQ Nuggets turned over to YHC

Mosey to the Plaza
Burpee Box jumps x 10 OYO
Step ups x 10 Each Leg
Sprints x 8
Irkins x 10
Derkins x 10
Prisoners Squats x 10
Sprints x 4
Burpee Box jumps x 10

Flutter Kicks x 30 IC
WWI’s x 10 OYO
Hello Dolly x 20 IC
WWi’s x 10 OYO


Moleskine: Good work and nice VQ by the resident War Baby Nuggets McPAtty. Nice to ha 3rd Degree with us from Nolensville promising to EH his BIL in the Boro. Sign up to Q on the google Doc.


Deck of Death

Clear and Chilly 38 degrees as 11 PAX chose the DRP and defied death for at least another day. Obligatory warm up lap around the courthouse. Pick up Sea Gull after lap 1. Lunges on municipal side of court house. Toy soldiers on the woodsviking side. Some time during the Toy Soldiers, Scraps arrives and with his best old lady voice says “Won’t you go away you Nazi’s, we kicked you out before. Lot’s of awkward laughs until we realized who it was joining us as our second LIFO of the morning.

Mosey to the plaza out side of the Library

Good Mornings x 12 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Imperial Walkers x 12 IC
Hill Billed x 12 IC
Tempo Merkins x 10 IC

The Thang
Deck of Death
YHC distributed a newly opened and shuffled deck of cards to the PAX each got 5 YHC only got 4 as we were an odd number for distribution.
Joker=Choose Exercise and reps

Going around in a circle the pax revealed a card and all completed exercise x reps corresponding to number on the card. 1-10 Self explanatory. Jack=11, Queen=12, King=13, Ace=14.
Two jokers were left in. Noble Virus selected 6 Squats for his. YHC selected 7 Burpees. Each time a round the circle we completed 1 lap.

5 laps total
111 Squats
105 Merkins
105 Crunches
112 Burpees

Mosey back to courthouse.

Flutter Kix
Heels to Moon

YHC Shared some reflections from personal reading this am in James on trials and temptations. Prayed for Pax and others going through trials and temptations.

**Thursday @ MMC Special Turkey Day Workout Yosef/Iditarod Co-Q ** 5:30-6:30AM at MMC


QIC: Iditarod
PAX: Scraps, Sea Gull, Aristotle, Grohl, Mr. Roboto, NPR, Schnitzel, Yosef, Noble Virus, Papa Juan

B. O. M. B. S. in the Boro

11 HIM showed up despite a pending torrential downpour on the radars. YHC rolled up to some MC about the weather/YHC’s encouraging er threatening text messages/new groupme thread. Despite the ominous feeling in the Boro YHC started promptly with obligatory laps around the square.
Lap 1-Normal
Lap 2-Politician
Lap 3-Run/Side Shuffle

After lap 3 picked up LIFO Gambino. YHC sensing the Barometric pressure drop thanks to overly sensitive sinuses and pre-arthritic knees directs PAX to mosey to the parking garage to drop B. O. M. B. S. on the PAX.

Just before WOR Bottom drops out and much MC about YHCs timing on getting PAX to the deck prior to

GMs-IC x 10
SSH- IC x 20
WMH + BACF x 10
WMH + BACR x10
Squats slow and low x 10 IC

Partner Work: B. O. M. B. S.-Partner 1 runs up first Parking deck level and back while partner 2 completes exercises flip flop until finished.

B-Burpees x 50
O-Overhead Arm Claps x 100
M-Merkins x 150
B-Big Boy Sit Ups x 200
S-Squats x 250

Tclaps to the random guy driving through the parking deck who decided to play the theme song to rocky to encourage us along the we. He wins the day no matter what else happens. Ace said he was a guardian angel as he had disappeared by the next lap.

Box Cutters x 10 OYO
Ankle Grabbers x 20 OYO
Flutter Kicks x 20 IC


Bullhorn:Get on the groupme thread-We hope it streamlines COM for Boro PAX