Runnin’ and Burpin’ AGAIN!

AO: cruelhall
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: Toothless, Pedialyte, Michelin Man, Accounts Receivable, The Arch, Black Widow, Donkey Hammer,, Bonsai
FNGs: 1 Bonsai
CONDITIONS: Prime. Misting rain.


THE THANG: Double Indian Running Burpee Apocalypse. Last Man to the Front Run for 40 minutes with ascending and descending sets of burpees every time we got back to a starting spot. Sets went 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. Total burpee count = 110/a double burpee apocalypse.

MARY: #cruelhall is in too good of shape. We finished with 5 minutes to spare so we hit 4 or 5 all out parking lot sprints to finish.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many. Check for all of them.

COT: Many items lifted up. YHC noted that he is often not giving the best of himself to his wife and kids. Many Pax chimed in with similar feelings. Let’s take the action to prioritize our faith and family this week.

Welcome Bonsai.

MM out.

Nintendo 64!

AO: handsomizer
Q: Grape
PAX: Slumlord, Frasier, Natural Ice, Salpal, Spinal Tap, Freakonomics, Rocket Mortgage
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: early mist to cool us down

10 OH claps
10 Seal claps
10 Moroccan night clubs
10 OH press
10 IW
10 Hillbillies
Mosey to bottom of steps

THE THANG: 64 reps each on the way up the stairs, 16 on each landing, then run back down and start together on next exercise

Newton’s Cradle
No hand merkins
T ups
Elbows to knees
No surrenders
O squats

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday Tuesday, night moves on 10/12, octoburpee begins Monday

COT: prayers for @salpal travels
Prayers for @slumlord business partner Ronnie
Prayers for @natural_ice with layoffs at work

Slow flow joint work + octoburpee primer

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Sooie, Timber, The Banker, morning star, G-string (Eli Kresta), El Capitan, AAA, Pebbles, bumble bee (co-Q, 2.0), big red (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: pleasant and overcast with lightning on the horizon … clear by end of the workout

WARMUP: LBCs, Egyptian, Hip rotations, Angle rotations while on one foot, SSH, Imperial Walkers, Imaginary jump rope.

Part 1: mobility burpees in cadence (morning star)
The movement is:
1. stretch up to the sky,
2. move into hip hinge (flat back, butt back, hamstrings in tension) – 5 second countdown
3. down with hands, step back into plank – flex glutes and core
4. right arm to the sky for 3 count, switch to left arm for another 3 count
5. back to plank, then slow push up down
6. 3 breast strokes
7. slow push up up
8. shoulder taps
9. step forward into a goblet squat, stretch the hips by shifting to the right and left
10. explode up to a jump from goblet, aim to do a vertical plank (flex core and glutes)

Mosey around the backstop

Part 2 – circuits + creative burpees (bumble bee)
8 creative burpees: star jump to plank to push up to rotate to the right (where you’re looking at the sky), back to plank, rotate to the left, up again

8 count of the following exercises in cadence:
– squats
– merkins
– jump squats
– star jumps
– air presses
– apple pickers

Do as many creative burpees as you can in 2 minutes (do a push up and dip on every rotation).

Part 3: soccer
If you score, your team does 4 jump squats
If you get scored on, your team does 8 jump squats
If the lantern falls that’s placed at the center line falls over: 5 burpees for everyone

MARY: Count-o-roma and name-o-roma while in plank

– off the books workout at Red Caboose next wed
– TN Tussle competition (check with @the banker if you want more info)
– night moves evening workout followed by secondF event next week, check slack

– Consider the pace of your life. Is it smooth or erratic? Challenge to all PAX to reflect on this and consider how to add more smoothness and flow into their daily routine.
– I as a man sometimes have trouble naming what I want and need. Yet, that is so important for me in my growth and acceleration. Each PAX was encouraged to consider a situation in their life and then consider what kind of man they wanted to be in that situation. What virtue do you want to embody?
– PAX shared the virtue they wanted to embody if they were willing and YHC blessed all the men to go out and embody those. Each one of us is capable.

Very much enjoyed the conversation during coffeeteria. Appreciate you men bringing your whole selves to each workout. Love your hearts!

m out!

Runnin’ and Burpin’

AO: titan
Q: Michelin Man
PAX: DintyMoore, Right Said, Chunks, Natural Ice, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Michelin Man, Blue Mule, Pep, Firefox, Preacher Man, Bad Boy, Solo Cup, SalPal, Bham DR Pax, Charlotte DR Pax
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Still too hot

WARMUP: YHC was two minutes late so we went right into it!

THE THANG: Easy. Last man to the front run around the great lawn. Burpee apocalypse along the way at opposite corners. When we finished the burpee apocalypse we split into two groups and did the same thing again.

MARY: 4 burpees to get YHC to 100.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many announcements. Check for details.

COT: Its my birthday! Also, I’m grateful for all of you.


AO: toratoratora
Q: greyalbum
PAX: The Bobs, Hot Route, Culture Shock
FNGs: None

Mild, gorgeous sunrise


High Knees
Right over left
Left over right
Seal Claps
Arm Circles
World’s Greatest Stretch


11s on Colbert Hill with Carolina Dry Docks and Burpees

Out to Bars for Station Rotation
1 min AMRAP / 10 seconds rest

Lean Downs
Sit Ups
Box Jumps
Leg Raisers
Australian Row


Octoburpee Challenge


Silent mediation with the sunrise

III Pillars – 09.26.23 – “Come Together”

AO: iiipillars
Q: princessaurora
PAX: Go Fish, Black Lung, grisham, wardas1, Two Face, Harbaugh, Baguette, Pep, Grape, Ben Cook, Zelenskyy
FNGs: None
The Beatles’ 11th studio album Abbey Road was released 54 years ago today. This workout was inspired by and soundtracked by this wonderful album.

“Come Together” -> “Something”
Mosey to field for COP
SSH x 11
WMH x 11
LBAC F x 11
OH Clap x 11
T-Raise x 11
LBAC R x 11

Jungle Gym
“Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” -> “Oh! Darling”
Captain Thor – starting at 1 Big Boy Sit-Up:4 American Hammers (2ct) up to 7:28
Jack Webb – 1 Merkin:2OH Press up to 9:18

“Octopus’s Garden” -> “I Want You (She’s So Heavy)”
AMRAP of 8 reps each

“Here Comes the Sun” -> “You Never Give Me Your Money”
11s – Jump Squats/Alabama Prom Dates with Bernie up the hill

“Sun King” -> “Carry That Weight”
6 Rounds in Ring
    Squat Hold

“The End” -> “Her Majesty”
Mosey back to Startex and Good Morning through the end

– Octoburpee Challenge starts Sunday!
– iiiP gear pre-order is live! See post above for link.

– Prayers for Pep’s cert, Zelenskyy’s mission trip to Brazil, Formica’s talent search, and Grape’s ear malady.

Go Tigers.
PA out.

Hit The Deck

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, DB, El Capitan, G-string (Eli Kresta), Hot Stuff, Malibu, morning star, Pebbles, Siri, The Banker, Timber, Wolfpack, Bumblebee (2.0), Big Red (2.0), Mark Marchetti (House Party), Lyle Dough (Link 2.0), Wren Carmona (Wrenaldo, 2.0)
FNGs: 4 Mark Marchetti (House Party), Lyle Dough (Link 2.0), Wren Carmona (Wrenaldo, 2.0)
59 degrees and perfect

Back BACs
Imperial Walkers
Willie Mays Hays
45 seconds stretching OYO

Moseyed over to the flood table. Shuffled the deck cards and began 3 rounds of pain. Jokers were in the deck after the 18th and 35th cards. PAX rotated drawing cards. Suit was the exercise, value was the reps. (J – 11, Q – 12, K – 13, A – 14). When a joker was drawn, PAX would run approx 166.8 yards then proceed to the next round of exercises.

| Suit | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 |
| —– | ———- | ——— | ———- |
| ♣️ | Merkins | Carolina Dry Docks | Dips |
| ❤️ | SSH | Mtn Climbers | Burpees |
| ♦️ | V-Ups | Freddy Mercs | Big Boys |
| ♠️ | Spiccolis | Squats | Iron Mikes |


Octoburpee coming up
YHC stepping up as AOQ for Tuesday workouts at The Knoll

Romans 12:10 “…Outdo one another in showing honor”

One of the unexpected lessons I’ve learned from the wonderful PAX in Bellevue is the power of encouragement in the midst of suffering. We took turns recognizing the admirable qualities apparent in each other and closed in prayer.

Special shoutout here to @Siri for giving the Knoll a baptism by fire early in May showing us what an F3 workout should be. I was ready to give up at the end of it but he came alongside me and made sure I finished well!

Bill of Rights

AO: westeros
Q: Grape
PAX: Chunks, Tim the Toolman, Red Skull, DintyMoore, Sherlock, Michelin Man, Natural Ice, CubCadet, Hayes Carll – Solo Cup, Pep, Black Lung, bluemule, Salpal, Vector, Samoa, Purple Haze, Just Work Out
FNGs: 2 Purple Haze, Just Work Out
THEME: The bill of rights was passed in congress 234 years ago, so we celebrated some of our rights and freedoms with an Americana playlist and an American BD

CONDITIONS: just right

WARMUP: long mosey (saw some nice houses) and some shoulder warmup

THE THANG: Right to assemble: Dora 234 (234 years ago)
234 squats
234 LBC’s
234 Jane fonda’s (117 each side)

Right to bear arms: ring of fire merkins, if out then hold high plank/squat/SSH

Mosey to bottom of hill

Right to a speedy trial: sprints on the hill

Mosey to startex


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Octoburpee is almost here

COT: prayers for Purple Haze’s partner
Prayers for @salpal boss
Prayers for guys who haven’t come around in awhile

The Pathfinder (we figured it out as we went)

AO: cruelhall
Q: EZ-Go
PAX: Accounts Receivable, baggervance, blackwidow, ccr, Deep State, Donkey Hammer, Esposa, EZ-Go, The Arch, Da Big Dill
FNGs: None
Crispy and Coolish

In cadence stretching (for some reason), Willy mays, down dog, cobra, 10 low and slow merkins, 20 SSH

Mosey to Winston (The Churchill)

11s: Squat jumps at bottom, burpees at top

Mosey to playground, grab coupon

AMRAP 15 minutes: 5 pull ups, 10 swerkins, 15 curls for the girls, 20 mountain climbers

Choose your own adventure round Robin – leg raises, Freddie mercs, Megan barrys, etc

New ruck at #smokeboots, meets at 5:15

Prayers for ARs trip this weekend, EZGo’s friend in FL, Wedding Singers daughter

Although our fearless leader @Michelin Man couldn’t make it this morning, hope we made him proud. I’m sure we’ll see him again real soon.


Covering some ground

AO: greenmachine
Q: Grape
PAX: The Arch, Focker, Pedialyte, Esposa, Baguette, moneyshot, Movin On Up, Bad Boy, monster biscuit, Cowboy, Sherlock, t-cell, Betty Ford, Rocket Mortgage
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: perfect fall weather

long 1.2 mile mosey around lipscomb
10 SSH
10 OH Claps
10 OH Press
10 Moroccan night clubs
10 Seal claps


Modified Murph: total of 2 (really almost 3) miles in the workout, 100 burpees, 200 merkins, 300 squats

Start at one end zone, do 10 merkins and 15 squats, then run to the 10 yard line and do 1 burpee, run back to end zone, then repeato with 2 burpees at 20, 3 burpees at 30, etc. until working your way back down the field


Some flutters, LBCs, mercs, etc.




Prayers for T cell on his way to Africa
Prayers for Bad Boy’s brother Josh