2 PAX post in rain 12 FEB 2019 @ III Pillars

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), En Fuego

Conditions:  Not ideal.  Rainy and cold.  Very rainy.  Did I say rainy?

Wet Warm Up:  Mosey for a few minutes, some with a 25# coupon.  Arm circles and seal claps and squats.

Soggy Calisthenics:  Pull ups, coupon thrusters, squat jumps.  20 seconds on, 10 seconds off.  After we did that until we were sick of it, then we did 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of the same exercises.

Deluge Buddy Drags:  Two laps around the ~1/4 mile track.  First lap switch roles every 20 steps.  Next leo switch every ten.  Tclaps to En Fuego — I think I weigh twice what he does and not a complaint out of him.

Life Lesson:  The life lesson here is obvious.  Sometimes the world throws rain at you.  And a lot of it.  And then sometimes life makes you run around with bricks and thrust them.  And sometimes you have to carry someone through it.  But, through faith, through fitness, through fellowship, and through preparation, these life obstacles can be overcome… And can make you smile.

Pleasure to be part of this community.

See you in the gloom.

Blue Mule OUT.




Life Lessons @ Titan 06 FEB 2019

Life Lessons @ Titan 06 FEB 2019

PAX: Blue Mule (Q), Vegemite, Right Aid, G String, Reveille, CCR, IE (FNG), Hi-Viz, Centipete (FNG), porcelain crab legs, Pumpkin Spice Latte, Crawl Space

Conditions: Muggy and 60 some degrees. Gloomy. Ideal F3 situation.

Life Lesson Challenge: Princess Aurora challenged area PAX to sign up to involve life lessons in their Qs for a month. I signed up for this task February. The life lesson today was three-fold. First, when handed a tough task – like carrying over 130 pounds of bricks for a mile – teamwork is critically important. Second, when performing an important and challenging task – like 55 decline pushups and 110 overhead arm claps – you must perform the task to standard because cheating the reps is only cheating yourself.

Warm-Up: 1/3 mile run, arm circles forward and back, squats, Wilie Mayes Hayes.

Coupon Mile Run: Life Lessons #1: 5 coupons. 130 pounds total. 1 mile. Start running. PAX switch out coupons early and often. Do the math, that ain’t easy, and you don’t need me writing a paragraph to explain that, and you don’t need me writing a paragraph to explain switching off makes that easier.

Merkins and Overhead Armclaps: Life Lessons #2: 1 merkin, 1 four-count overhead arm clap. Rinse and repeat and increase number of reps until reaching 10. Life lesson is to keep the items up to standard. As the reps get tougher and more numerous, resist the temptation to slack on form.

Mosey from amphitheater with coupons to starting location.

Sprints and Coupons: Life Lesson #3: Pair up. One PAX does a coupon exercise – either thruster or curl or row – while one PAX springs ~200 yards and back. Rinse and repeat for ten minutes. That’s quite a bit of sprinting, and that’s the life lesson – dig deep to get that done.

Mary: Flutterkicks, homer to marge, big boy sit ups, American hammers, crunchy frogs, flutterkicks, two burpees.

Welcome two new FNGs Centipete and Indecent Exposure abbreviated as IE.

An excellent workout. An excellent morning. An excellent group of men.

See you in the gloom.

Blue Mule OUT

Life Lessons @ Sir E 05 FEB 2019

PAX: Blue Mule (Q), Boy Band, Red Skull, Floppy Disk, PSL, Edible Arrangment, Umbrella, Dr. Smart, Too Tall, Dupree, Razor, Calf Killer, CAPSLOCK, Pre Vac, Black Lung

Conditions: Humid and 60s and gloomy. Unseasonably warm. Very good weather to post in.

Life Lesson Challenge: Princess Aurora challenged area PAX to sign up to involve life lessons in their Qs for a month. I signed up for this task February. The life lesson today was three-fold. First, when challenged – such as with manmakers and coupon carries – step up to the plate and work hard to get the task completed. Second, keep to the standard – such as depth for squats – because deviating from the standard only hurts in the long run. Finally, third, when presented with trivial but important tasks – like countless jane fondas – link up with your team and crush the job no matter how big or small.

Warm-O-Rama: Jog around the church. Arm circles forward and backward and Willie Mayes Hayes.

Coupon Mosey: Five coupons 25-30 pounds. Mosey from church to stables, approximately ½ mile. All PAX swap turns carrying the coupons. Plenty of opportunities to be under the weight.

The Thang: Partner up. One partner sprints ~40 yards there and back while another partner does calisthenics, repeat until both PAX sprint twice and calisthenic twice. Seven rounds. Exercises included hand release pushups, pause squats, flutter kicks, overhead arm claps, squat jumps, homer to marge, and burpees. PAX were huffing and puffing after this.

The Thang with the Life Lesson: First Round: Same concept. However, all PAX must take turns using coupons for sprinting. Also, double the reps. Calisthenics replaced with manmakers and squat jumps. Rinse and repeat until all PAX sprint four times with the coupons. That’s a fair amount of manmakers.

The Than with the Life Lesson: Second Round: Same concept. All PAX must complete 10 rounds of sprints and 10 rounds of jane fondas. That’s a lot of jane fondas.

Repeat coupon mosey home.

Mary: Flutter kicks in cadence for 50x four count, plank for 60 seconds.

An excellent workout. An excellent morning. An excellent group of men.

See you in the gloom.

Blue Mule OUT

Stonewall 22 SEP 2018 — Running, Merkins, Pullups, Gorilla Humpers, Repeat

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), Foxtrot, Black Lung, Big Stick, Hustler, Wall Ball, Electron (FNG)

Very humid and hot conditions.  Unpleasant.  Gloomy at the start.  The type of weather conditions you’re really only going to work out at 0600 on a Saturday morning if there are PAX waiting for you.

MOSEY:  @ 0600 three PAX took off…. then another PAX arrived at 0602 … then another three PAX at 0605… resulting in a 10 minute long warm up mosey.

WARM UP:  Stretches and arm circles and other boring stuff.

THE THANG:  Split up into two groups by birthdays which changed randomly during the three waves of the exercise.  One group runs from playground to corner of park and back, approximately ~4 minutes to run there and back.  Other group performs stationary exercise.

-Round One:  Three rounds of there and backs with pull ups in between.  That’s ~15 minutes of pull ups.

-Round Two:  Three rounds of there and backs with push ups in between.  That’s ~15 minutes of pushups.

-Round Three:  Three rounds of there and backs with gorilla humpers in between.  That’s ~15 minutes of gorilla humpers.

MARY:  20 count hillbillies, 20 count imperial walkers, 7 burpees.

Apologies for the delay in the backblast — YHC wasn’t scheduled for Q, so I didn’t schedule time during the weekend to do the BB — had to wait until Monday after work.

Welcome FNG Electron, who jumped in head first and held his own like someone who’s been posting for years.


Blue Mule

Westeros 27 AUG 2018: Sprinting and Merkins

Westeros 27 AUG 2018: Sprinting and Merkins

PAX: Blue Mule (Q), Crab Legs, Megatron, Studio 42, Da Vinci, Reveille, Vital Signs

7 PAX. Gloomy conditions. 0530, GO.

(Basically all we did was run and do merkins – this will be the easiest backblast ever).

Mosey to area close to football field. Boring things like arm circles and stretches to warm up.

SPRINTS AND MERKINS: PHASE ONE: ELEVENS: Mosey to the football field. Team up. Portion of team sprints field, does merkins, then sprints back. Other portion does straddle hop until it’s their turn. Rinse and repeat for ~10 minutes. Plenty of sprints and merkins.

SPRINTS AND MERKINS: PHASE TWO: TELEPHONE POLE: Mosey to the playground. Stay teamed up. Portion of team runs to telephone pole, ~150 yards away. Other teammates stay and do merkins until it is their turn to run. That’s about two minutes doing merkins.

SPRINTS AND MERKINS: PHASE THREE: HILL SPRINTS: Mosey to hill near starting area. Sprint up the hill. Ten merkins. Mosey back to bottom of hill. Rinse and repeat four times. Perform fifth sprint, but sprint to start and do twenty merkins.

MARY: Flutterkicks for 60 seconds.

Simple. Effective. Basically 45 minutes of running and pushups.


Blue Mule

Stonewall 25 AUG 2018: 200 Burpees

Stonewall 25 AUG 2018:  200 Burpees

PAX: Blue Mule (Q), Deep Dish, Foxtrot, Bad Boy, Care Bear, Vegemite, Skidmark, Black Lung, Edible Arrangement.

Gloomy morning, muggy but not too muggy, warm but not too hot.

Warm-O-Rama: Appropriate amount of moseying, then boring things like arm circles and squats to loosen up the muscles.

The Thang: Perform 200 Burpees.

Section One: 100 Burpee Broad Jumps: Performed at basketball court. All PAX divide up into pairs or trios as needed. One PAX performs 10 burpee broad jumps across basketball court, then 10 burpee broad jumps back. Other PAX performs stationary exercise (squats, side straddle hops, overhead arm claps). All PAX rinse and repeat five times. Totals 100 burpee broad jumps. Simple but very effective.

Section Two: 23 Burpees and Laps: Performed at top of hill near basketball court. 8 burpees, one running lap around paved loop at top of hill, 8 burpees, second running lap around paved loop, 7 burpees. Simple but effective. Total burpee count: 123.

Section Three: 77 Burpees on the Clock: Performed at parking lot at starting point. One burpee, short rest, two burpees, short rest, three burpees, short rest, rinse and repeat until eleven burpees completed. Simple but very effective, especially after 123 burpees before this. Total burpee count: 200.

Mary: Step ups, homer to marge, flutter kicks, pull-ups, plank.

Other Commentary:

-Q started at 6:02. That’s right, I was on Q and got there two minutes late, I plead guilty and accept all punishments. I didn’t leave early enough to have to wait at a stop light for someone to get in trouble with the police and have to wait in an intersection for like 10 minutes.

-YHC fell on his butt during the first wave of burpee broad jumps.

-Strong coffeeteria. All but one PAX made it to Portland Brew. All PAX were jazzed on coffee and burpees. You could’ve heard a pin drop before we got there and after we left, but it sounded like a western movie while we were in there.

Pleasure to lead you gentelemen.



Stonewall 18 AUG 2019: 6 PAX, 3 COUPONS, 60 MINUTES, GO

Blue Mule, Knightrider (FNG), Deep Dish, Skidmark, Reveille, Foxtrottalksalot


6 PAX. 80 degrees. Humid. 0600, GO.


Mosey, jumping jacks, squats, arm circles and other boring things to get warmed up.


The rest of the workout involved three different coupons. Coupons were three different sets of wrapped bricks. Weight = 30 pounds.


Coupon mosey ~1/4 mile from start point to basketball court. PAX pass them off when they get winded.


Tennis Court Suicides: Pair up. One PAX does a suicide (free throw, half court, other free throw, full court) while other PAX does thrusters with coupon. Rinse and repeat, exchange thrusters for squat jumps.


Coupon mosey ~1/4 mile from basketball court to side park.


Cardio: Pair up again. One PAX runs around bottom half of side park, ~1/6 mile. Other PAX does presses with coupon. Rinse and repeat, exchange presses with squats.


Small Dora: Pair up again. 10 reps man makers, 20 reps four count little man jumping jacks, 30 reps burpee with coupon. One PAX chips away at those exercises while other PAX moseys to tree ~30 yards away.


Coupon mosey ~1/4 mile from side park to start point.


Pull-Ups and Step-Ups: Pair up again. One PAX runs from starting point to playground ~50 yards away and performs 5 pullups. Other PAX does step ups with coupons. Rinse and repeat three rounds.


Coupon mosey ~1/8 mile to 11s hill.


11s: Diamond merkins at top of hill, pause squats at bottom of hill.


Coupon mosey ~1/8 mile to starting pointing.


Mary: All PAX took turns leading ~45 seconds of Mary.



-Finish your Ironclad numbers – less than two weeks to go

-Get ready for F3 GoRuck challenge in September

-Welcome FNG Knightrider (what a sweet name!)


It was a pleasure leading you gentlemen.



Blue Mule





Westeros 30 July: 14 PAX rinse and repeat Indian run and merkins

Westeros 30 July: 14 PAX rinse and repeat Indian run and merkins

14 Pax: Blue Mule (Q), Vector, T-Cell, ABC, Porcelain, Studio 42, Keep The Change, Right Said, Trapper Keeper, Crab Legs, Rocket League, Reveille, Bicentennial Man, Hi-Viz

Mid 70s with average humidity – about the best conditions you could hope for in the South in the summer.

Extremely simple Q.

Mosey from start to school circle.

Warm-o-rama: Squats, Willie Mayes Hayes, side straddle hops, imperial walkers, bumpkins, and arm circles to get the blood flowing.

Indian Run from School to Lover’s Circle — ~1 mile, mostly up hill.

Circle of Pain: 10 overhead arm claps in cadence followed by 10 merkins. Rinse and repeat, adding five repetitions each time. Stop when complete 30 repetitions. That’s 100 total exercises.

Indian Run from Lover’s Circle to School — ~1 mile, mostly down hill.

Circle of Pain: Rinse and repeat.  Brings exercise count to 200.

Sprint from school to parking lot.

… And that’s about all there is to it.


Blue Mule


12 PAX at Titan 09 May 2018

PAX: Blue Mule on Q, Crawfish, Right Said, Hawkeye, Drone, Brother-In-Law, Third Degree, Princess Aurora, T-Cell, Porcelain, Reveille, Hacker (welcome from Jacksonville)

Nice weather. Sun is up. It’s the start of sweat season rather than gloom season.

Long mosey around the park over to the pavilion.

Warm-o-rama: Squats, good mornings, Willie Mayes Hayes, baby arm circles.

DIDs: Decline pushups, incline pushups, dips. Rep scheme: 3, 6, 9, 12, 3, 6, 9, 12, 3, 30 seconds match on each.

Mosey over to the large Greek pavilion.

11s: In front of the large steps. Burpee box jumps and decline pushups. Start with 10 burpee box jumps and move down from there. Got the PAX all huffin’ and puffin’.

Mosey over to the large parking lot.

Wind sprints – sprint across parking lot, do 10 merkins, sprint back across parking lot, do 10 merkins, rinse and repeat and change merkin count to 8, rinse and repeat and change merkin count to 6.

Mosey over to the parking area for mary.

Mary: Flutterkicks x50, Freddie Mercuries x20, American hammers x20, LBCs x20, mountain climbers x 30.

That’s all she wrote gentlemen. Simple but effective. That was a lot of moseying, sprinting, and merkins.


Blue Mule out.

The Hill 05 APR 2018 — 12 PAX, 4 Coupons

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), Caps Lock, Vegemite, Foxtrot, Frugal McDougal, Dr. Smart, Prevac, Yardsale, Black Lung, Tampa Libra, Spider Bite, Skidmark

Conditions were gloomy — 32 degrees and dark for 2/3 of the workout.  12 PAX were not deterred.  This completes Blue Mule’s week of coupons to celebrate my 31st birthday.

Four coupons used in each exercise.  Coupons were sets of wrapped bricks weighing ~30 pounds.

Coupon mosey around school and parking lot, ~1/3 of a mile, PAX trading coupons to distribute the load.

Warm-o-rama:  Squats, Willie Mayes Hayes, good mornings, baby arm circles forward and back.

Coupon Event 1:  All PAX divide into 4 teams of three.  Each PAX takes a turn around the ~1/3 mile loop.  Other two PAX do alternating squat jumps and overhead arm claps.

Coupon mosey to the auditorium.

Coupon Event 2:  All PAX stay in teams.  One PAX does coupon mosey around the atrium, one PAX does wall sit, one PAX does burpee box jumps, all PAX alternate once lap around atrium complete, continue until each PAX has done each station.

Coupon mosey back up to the parking lot.

Coupon Event 3:  All PAX stay in teams.  One PAX does thrusters with coupon while other two PAX run out ~100 yards, do 1 burpee, and run ~100 yards back.  PAX switch when returns finish the ~200 yards running.  Rinse and repeat until each PAX has had 6 200s and 3 rounds of thrusters.

25 Burpees (that totals 31 burpees to celebrate my 31st birthday!)

Mary:  30 count flutter kicks, 40 seconds American Hammers

Moleskin:  Those bricks get heavy quick.  Even though they did, all PAX kept pushing hard for the full 45 minutes.   It was a pleasure leading you gentlemen.  I’ve enjoyed doing F3 for the last three or four years, and I look forward to doing it for many more years to come.  SYITG.

Blue Mule out.