Titan 04 APR 2018 — 7 PAX and 4 Coupons

Titan 04 APR 2018 — 7 PAX and 4 Coupons

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), Porcelain, Tesla, Reveille, Bad Boy, Bicentennial Man, Right Said.

Conditions were cool and windy, about 40 degrees.  Sun was down but rising.  Very gloomy morning.

7 PAX were not deterred.

Wheels up at 0530.  All PAX must carrying four sets of wrapped bricks, ~30 pounds each.

Start with long mosey from parking area to eastern side of Parthenon, taking the looooong way.

Warm-o-Rama:  Squats, Willie Mayes Hayes, arm circles, good mornings.

Coupon Event 1:  Divide into two groups.  Half of group runs with coupon around parking lot with coupon (`1/4 mile).  Other half of group performs manmakers.  Switch when coupon returns.

Coupon Event 2:  Rinse and repeat, replacing manmakers with dips.

Coupon Event 3:  Rinse and repeat.  Replace run around parking lot with run up and down Parthenon stairs with a coupon burpee before each set of stairs and 5 thrusters at the top.  Other half of group goes back to doing manmakers.

Coupon Event 4:  Rinse and repeat.  Replace manmakers with dips.

31 Burpees to celebrate my recent 31st birthday.

Coupon Mosey back to start, taking the looooong way again.

Doesn’t look like much on paper — but those coupons get heavy quick.

It was a pleasure leading you gentlemen.  SYITG.

Blue Mule OUT.

Westeros 02 APR 2018 — 6 PAX Own Coupons

Westeros 02 APR 2018 — 6 PAX Own Coupons

PAX:  Blue Mule (Q), Reveille, T Cell, Right Said, Bad Boy, En Fuego

I turned 31 last month.  This week is the BLUE MULE WEEK OF COUPONS to celebrate.  This was work out one of four.

Weather was about 40 degrees and drizzling.  Sun was not up.  Very gloomy.

The PAX managed three coupons during this post.  Each coupon was a set of six wrapped bricks, weighing approximately 25 pounds.

Start with mosey from parking lot around park to side of the school.  PAX traded off with who carried coupons.

Warm-o-rama:  squats, Willie Mayes Hayes, arm circles front and back, seal claps, good mornings.

Disclaimer:  have fun, pace yourself, don’t hurt yourself, modify as needed.

Coupon Event One:  31 Coupon Burpees:  All PAX pair up.  Each pair must do a combined 31 burpees with the coupon.  If you are waiting your turn for burpees, you must do side straddle hops.

Coupon Even Two:  31 Coupon Duck Walks:  All PAX pair up with a different person this time.  Each pair must do a combined 31 trips from the wall to the side walk and back doing a duck walk and holding the coupon, approximately 20 meters total duck walked.  Round is completed when the coupon is duck walked back and forth 31 times.  If you are waiting your turn then do merkins.  This round got the PAX all huffin and a puffin.

Coupon Event Three:  31 Sprints.   All PAX pair up with a different person this time.  Each pair must do a combined 31 sprints to the parking sign and back, approximately 50 meters total sprinted.  Round is completed when the coupon is sprinted back and forth 31 times.  If you are waiting your turn then do wall sits.

About this time one of the PAX said “Blue Mule, why didn’t you turn 9?”

Coupon Event Four:  62 Overhead Presses.  All PAX pair up with a different person this time.  Each person must do 62 overhead presses.  If you are waiting your turn then do side straddle hops.

Coupon Event Five:  31 Thrusters.  All PAX pair up with a different person this time.  If you are waiting your turn, then hold plank.

Coupon Mosey back to start, then do 10 burpees, and that’s all she wrote.

Gentlemen, it was a pleasure leading you.  SYITG.

Blue Mule out.

7 PAX and 4 Coupons at Bomber 09 MAR

PAX: Blue mule, T cell, Porcelain, Hi viz, Lunch lady, En fuego, Vector

Seven PAX PAX: Blue mule, T cell, Porcelain, Hi viz, Lunch lady, En fuego, Vector

Seven PAX braved the below freezing gloom for a coupon beatdown.  YHC brought 4 packs of wrapped bricks, each weighing 25-30 pounds.  These were carried during all moseys.  All PAX to switch up carrying responsibilities when they get tired.

Phase 1:  Coupon mosey from parking lot a short distance to the gazebo.  Coupons down for warmups.  Baby arm circles, seal claps, and overhead arm claps to loosen up the upper body.  Squats, Willie Mayes Hayes, and good mornings to loosen up the lower body.

Phase 2:  Coupon mosey from gazebo around the driving range back to the parking lot.  Each PAX must complete 10 step ups with coupon and 20 four-count flutterkicks with coupon held overhead.  Merkins for those waiting for their turn on a coupon.

Phase 3:  Coupon mosey from parking lot around community center twice.  Each PAX must complete 30 thrusters with coupons.  Mosey around the community center for those waiting their turn on a coupon.

Phase 4:  Coupon mosey from front of community center to front of Local Taco.  Each PAX must sprint from Local Taco to top of big hill.  Coupon presses when not sprinting.  Each PAX must sprint twice.

Phase 5:  Coupon mosey back to parking lot with several stops for burpees along the way.  Mary with five minutes of alternating American Hammers with coupons and Turkish sit ups.

And that’s all she wrote.  See you in the gloom!

Blue Mule out the below freezing gloom for a coupon beatdown.  YHC brought 4 packs of wrapped bricks, each weighing 25-30 pounds.  These were carried during all moseys.  All PAX to switch up carrying responsibilities when they get tired.

Phase 1:  Coupon mosey from parking lot a short distance to the gazebo.  Coupons down for warmups.  Baby arm circles, seal claps, and overhead arm claps to loosen up the upper body.  Squats, Willie Mayes Hayes, and good mornings to loosen up the lower body.

Phase 2:  Coupon mosey from gazebo around the driving range back to the parking lot.  Each PAX must complete 10 step ups with coupon and 20 four-count flutterkicks with coupon held overhead.  Merkins for those waiting for their turn on a coupon.

Phase 3:  Coupon mosey from parking lot around community center twice.  Each PAX must complete 30 thrusters with coupons.  Mosey around the community center for those waiting their turn on a coupon.

Phase 4:  Coupon mosey from front of community center to front of Local Taco.  Each PAX must sprint from Local Taco to top of big hill.  Coupon presses when not sprinting.  Each PAX must sprint twice.

Phase 5:  Coupon mosey back to parking lot with several stops for burpees along the way.  Mary with five minutes of alternating American Hammers with coupons and Turkish sit ups.

And that’s all she wrote.  See you in the gloom!

Blue Mule out

5 PAX move coupons @ Stonewall 25 NOV 2017

5 PAX move coupons @ Stonewall 25 NOV 2017

PAX:  Blue Mule on Q, Cowboy, Edible Arrangement, Bagger Vance, JJ, Wall Ball.  Welcome JJ and Wall Ball who were in town for Thanksgiving from other areas.

0700 launch.  Weather is ~50 and sunny — no gloom going on today.  5 PAX.  5 coupons — varying in weight from 25#s to to 30#s.   Each PAX is assigned a coupon and off we go.

Coupon mosey from starting parking lot to that other parking lot.

Warm-O-Rama:  At parking lot, all PAX circle up and perform the following warm-up exercises without the coupon in cadence:   good morning, Willie Mayes Hayes, squats, merkins, and arm circles.

Coupon mosey from parking lot to basketball courts.

Coupon Laps:  At basketball courts, all PAX perform laps as a team.  Coupon must be carried at all times.  Concept is as follows — one PAX is assigned the role of lap runner while other four PAX perform a stationary exercise, and this is repeated five teams allowing all PAX to be a lap runner.   First round was two laps around the court with stationary exercise of coupon thrusters, second round around the court was one lap around with coupon held completely overhead with stationary exercise of flutterkicks, and third and final round was duck walks with overhead press as stationary exercise.  Those duck walks with coupons were tough….

Coupon mosey from basketball courts to small bridge.

Dragonflys:  Perform 50 at the small bridge — self-explanatory.  50 repetitions got the PAX huffin and puffin.

Coupon mosey from small bridge to dog park area.

Coupon Laps… Again:  Same concept as before.  Two rounds here.  Both rounds the stationary exercise was the wall sit.  First round was run ~40 yards and perform 5 merkins, second round was run ~10 yards and perform 25 merkins.

Coupon mosey from dog park area to play ground.

Pull-Ups and Core at Play Ground:  Similar concept to coupon laps.  One PAX performs 5 pull-ups and announces a core exercise all other PAX must do.  Rinse and repeat until all PAX have performed 20 pull ups.  The core exercises were the usual suspects — flutter kicks, planks, box cutters, hello dollies, etc.

Coupon mosey over to the short wall.

Coupon Step Ups and Burpee Box Jumps:  Self explanatory.   First round was one rep of each, second round was two reps of each, continue in this manner until reaching the sixth round with six reps of each.

Coupon mosey over to hill next to playground.

Coupon Hill Sprints:  For five minutes, all PAX repeat hill sprints with coupons.  Welcome Wall Ball from Knoxville who was in town for Thanksgiving and happened to be passing through and could tell F3 when he saw it.  His timing was nice — he helped carry some coupons by the weary PAX!

Mary:  Flutterkicks while holding coupon above head, WW2 situps with coupon, American Hammers with coupon, and 60 second plank.

Fun was had by all!  Those coupons got really heavy towards the end of the workout.  It was my pleasure to lead you gentlemen and I’ll see you in the gloom.

Blue Mule out.

26 PAX @ Cruel Hall Friday 18 August 2017 – Jack Webbs and Hill Sprints

26 PAX post at Cruel Hall Friday 18 August 2017.


The 26 PAX were YHC Blue Mule, Foxtrot, Black Lung, Bagger Vance, Swampfox, Mattress Money, Vegemite, Accounts Receivable, Dupree, Yardsale, CCR, OSHKOSH, Blackwater, Due Process, Books-A-Million, Olin Mills, Big Strick, Grisham, Spring Breaker Ricki Lake, Dine-N-Dash, Nightstand, Pre-Vac, T-Swizz, Blue Dad, Mike Boss, CAPSLOCK.


Long mosey around the area where the buses pull in and back to start for warm-o-rama.


WARM-O-RAMA: Good Mornings, squats, Willie Mayes Hayes, baby arm circles forwards and backwards.


40 count four-count flutter kick in cadence.


JACK WEBB PERMUTATION ONE: One pushup. One overhead arm press. Pyramid up to ten of each. Then do the same process from ten down to one. That totals 110 pushups and 110 overhead arm presses.


Mosey over to the covered pavilion.


THANG UNDER THE PAVILION: Team up in groups of threes. Two people alternate flutterkicks and overhead arm claps while one person moves from one end of the pavilion to the other. Round one was [for the life of me I can’t remember what the first movement was!]. Round two was burpee broad jumps. Round three was sprints there, back, and there again. Round four was Lieutenant Dans.


Mosey down to the hill for hill sprints.


HILL SPRINTS: Sprint up the hill then mosey back down. Repeat three times.


JACK WEBB PERMUTATION TWO: One pushup. One four count overhead arm pres. Pyramid up to ten of each. That totals 55 pushups and 110 overhead arm presses.


MARY: 20 WW2 situps, 20 four-count crunchy frogs, 20 four-count flutterkicks, 20 four-count hello Dollys, high planks.


It was a pleasure leading you gentlemen and I’ll see you in the gloom.


Blue Mule Out


Four PAX @ Titan Wednesday 16 August 2017 — Sprints and Miscellaneous

Four PAX post at Titan Wednesday 16 August 2017.


The four PAX were YHC Blue Mule, Crawfish, Porcelain, and Hardballs.


All PAX do a long mosey around the park to the concrete loop on the east side of the Parthenon. Each PAX sprints around the concrete loop while the other three PAX performs a stationary exercise. A round is complete when all PAX sprints around the loop. After each round the PAX perform a new stationary exercise.


Round One: Merkins

Round Two: Squats

Round Three: Overhead Arm Claps

Round Four: Lieutenant Dans

Found Five: Dips (Crawfish’s Pick)

Round Six: WW2 Situps (X’s Pick)

Round Seven: Overhead Arm Press (Porcelain’s pick)

Round Eight: Starjumps

Round Nine: Chest-to-ground diamond merkins

Round Ten: Burpees


Once all that was complete, all PAX mosey back to the starting point – with only one minute left, all PAX do LT Dans to end out the post.


It was a pleasure leading you gentlemen and I’ll see you in the gloom.


Blue Mule Out

21 PAX @ Sir Ellington Tuesday 15 August 2017 — Moby, Olivia Newton John, and Justin Bieber

21 PAX @ Sir Ellington Tuesday 15 August 2017. Weather was low 70s but very humid. This is the third Q by YHC during the Week of the Mule


The 21 PAX were YHC Blue Mule, DMish, Bagger Vance, Funyuns, Big Stick, Razor, Big Bang, Too Tall, Yard Sale, Calf Killer, El Maestro, Cowboy, Karamazov, CAPSLOCK, Binary, Dr. Smart, FNG (Black Lung), RBON, Prevac, Edible Arrangments, Dupree.


SHOCK AND AWE: One starjump, two burpees, three starjumps, four burpees, five starjumps, six burpees, seven starjumps, eight burpees, nine starjumps, 10 burpees. Total is 30 burpees and 25 starjumps to get things rolling.


Mosey to top of hill.


WARM-O-RAMA: Squats, willie mayes hayes, baby arm circles forwards and backwards.


40 count 4 count flutter kicks.


MOBY FLOWERS PUSHUP CHALLENGE: Put on the song “Flowers” by Moby. Each time the lyrics say “up” go to top of a pushup, each time the lyrics say “down” go to the bottom of a pushup. This is a tough challenge – TClaps to all PAX who completed all pushups without having to rest.


Mosey to building other side of the loop.


OLIVIA NEWTON JOHN AND STAR JUMPS: Put on the song “Physical” by Olivia Newton John. During the song all PAX perform flutterkicks or Jane Fondas or hello Dollys to the beat. Whenever Olivia sings “physical” or “animal” all PAX perform a starjump. Sounds simple but it is not – popping up off of your butt to do those starjumps gets you winded.


Mosey down the gravel path past the beefarm to the wooden fence.


JUSTIN BIEBER “BABY” MERKIN CHALLENGE: Put on the song “Baby” by Justin Bieber. During the song all PAX perform plankjacks to the beat. Whenever Justin sings “baby” perform a pushup. That’s a lot of pushups.


Mosey along the gravel path back to the starting point


SPRINTS: Good old fashioned sprints across the church parking lot. Sprint from one side, after a quick rest sprint back to the other side, rinse and repeat several times.


MARY: Flutterkicks, WW2 situps, and planks for five minutes to round out the time.


It was a pleasure leading you gentlemen and I’ll see you in the gloom.


Blue Mule Out

11 PAX @ Stonewall 12 August 2017 — Coupons, Coupons, and MORE Coupons

11 PAX swarmed to Stonewall Saturday, August 12, 2017 for the second workout in YHC’s Week of the Mule. Weather was cooperative – mid 70s and clear but very humid. Sun was up. Started at 6:00 on-the-dot as planned.


The 11 PAX were YHC Blue Mule, Deep Dish, Foxtrot, Faulkner, Hambone, Badboy, Cuba Libre, Binary, Crawfish, Blue Mule, Edible Arrangements, and Bagger Vance.


PRE-HUSTLE: T-Claps to the PAX (I believe it was Bagger Vance, Funyuns (who couldn’t stick around for the main workout), Hambone, and Edible Arrangements — my apologies if you were there and I left you out) who shoved off a zero dark thirty with their rucksacks in order to smash a ruckmarch before the thang.


SHOCK-AND-AWE: 10 burpees. Nine chest-to-ground diamond merkins. Eight burpees. Seven chest-to-ground diamond merkins. Six burpees. Five chest-to-ground diamond merkins. Four burpees. Three chest-to-ground diamond merkins. Two burpees. One chest-to-ground diamond merkins. That’s 30 burpees and 25 chest-to-ground diamond merkins. Makes you feel like you are shot out of a catapult! Many PAX still rolling in during the shock-and-awe!


COUPONS: Five coupons. Four are wrapped up bricks, weighing 25 pounds. One is a plate that is 30 pounds – weighs five more pounds but has a nice little handle. All PAX team up in pairs (one odd-man-out team of three) and take command of a coupon – gotta carry that thing around during the whole workout!


Coupon mosey to the stone wall next to the swings.


THRUSTERS AND BURPEE BOX JUMPS: One PAX performs thrusters while other PAX performs burpee box jumps. When the PAX performing thrusters reaches the designated amount of reps for the round, that PAX hands the coupon over to their teammate to perform the designated amount of reps for the round. When both PAX complete the thrusters, side-straddle-hop for the six. First round is five thrusters, second round is 10 thrusters, third round is 15 thrusters, and finally the fourth round is 20 thrusters.


Coupon mosey to the wire fence connected to the brick building.


DRAGONFLYS AND COUPON WALL SITS: One PAX performs 20 dragonflys (back on ground, hands on fence, lift entire legs and feet up and touch the top of the fence, one rep complete when feet placed back on ground, keep legs locked during this exercise) while other PAX grabs coupon and performs wall-sit. Round complete when each teammate has completed 20 dragonflys. Plank for the six between each round. Total of four rounds.


Coupon mosey to the basketball courts.


OVERHEAD ARM CLAPS AND COUPON DUCK WALKS: One PAX performs coupon duck walk while other PAX perform overhead arm claps. A round is complete when the all teammates have performed the duck walk for the designated length of the court. Round one is to nearest free-throw line, round two is to half-court, round three is to farthest free-throw line, round four is full-court. That’s a lot of duck-walking.


Coupon mosey to the soccer field.


COUPON SPRINTS: One PAX sprints with coupon, then hands it to teammate when sprint complete. If you aren’t sprinting, then pick between either preacher-sit or overhead arm claps. Round one sprint length of the soccer field and perform one burpee before returning, round two sprint length of the soccer field and perform two burpees before returning, round three sprint up the hill and perform three burpees before returning, and round four sprint up the hill and perform four burpees before returning.


Coupon mosey back to the start with a quick break at the water fountain.


MARY: 120 four-count Jane Fondas in cadence, switching legs every 20 count. Sounds easy on paper – you try it after lugging those coupons around for 55 minutes and tell me it is easy!


Pleasure leading you gentlemen and I’ll see you in the gloom!



Blue Mule

10 PAX @ Bomber 11 August, 2017 — Burpee Broad Jumps

10 PAX converge on Bomber Friday 11 August 2017 for the first workout in YHC’S Week of the Mule. Weather was nice – low 70s, clear, but humid. Beautiful sunrise. Started at 5:30 as planned.


The 10 PAX were YHC Blue Mule, John the Baptist, Hi Viz, Merlot, Porcelain, Hardballs, Mickey Mouse, Bad Boy, T Cell and En Fuego.


Mosey around driving range, short warm-o-rama of squats and arm circles and good mornings in order to get loose.


THE THANG: 100 BURPEE BROAD JUMPS: All PAX divide into teams of two. One PAX performs 10 burpee broad jumps out from starting line and then turns around and performs 10 more burpee broad jumps back to the starting line. While one PAX is performing these burpee broad jumps, the other PAX is performing a stationary exercise. A round is complete when both PAX have each in turn completed their round of burpee broad jumps and perform side-straddle-hops for the six. Each round involves both PAX performing 20 of these burpee broad jumps. All PAX perform 5 rounds, which totals 100 reps (20 x 5 = 20). Stationary exercises were as follows: round one merkins, round two LT Dans, round three overhead arm claps, round four squats, round five pick any of the previous rounds. 100 burpee broad jumps is a lot of burpee broad jumps – all PAX were huffin’ and puffin’!


Mosey back to the starting line.


TON OF INCLINE AND DECLINE MERKINS: All PAX pick a location on the concrete wall next to the parking lot. Six rounds of merkins. First round is five incline merkins followed by five decline merkins. Increase number of merkins performed in each round by two. This totals 120 merkins ( 5 x 2 + 7 x 2 + 9 x 2 + 11 x 2 + 13 x 2 + 15 x 2 = 10 + 14 + 18 + 22 + 26 + 30 = 120 ). That’s a lot of merkins – especially after those 100 burpee broad jumps.


Just enough time for Mary.


MARY: 20 count flutter-kicks, 20 WW2 sit-ups, two-minute plank.


And that’s all she wrote!


Pleasure leading you gentlemen and I’ll see you in the gloom.



Blue Mule