Tea Time

AO: the-knoll
Q: Tea Party
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, morning stār, Sooie, Sparrow, Ex-pat, Bumblebee 2.0
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: dark and 60s?

WARMUP: Costa Rica style yoga/stretching ending with the Bretzel body twist

THE THANG: 2 rounds of 9 tea-themed circuits in 1 minute intervals
– premium oolong pull-ups
– Cardamom tea kettlebell swings
– rose hibiscus raise your knees (step-ups)
– Tima tea toe-touches
– Paris yea swing pulls
– ginseng oolong jog/sprint around back-stop
– Mint peach tea bench merkins
– Lichee black tea lunges/lt. dans
– Pure assam plank

Cool down: 1 perfect burpee

MOLESKINE: Embrace the little sparks God gave you in your life that bring you joy, like tea drinking does for me. Those things make a difference for each of us, don’t let them go out and grow dull.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/14 F3 10 year anniversary Sevier Park

COT: prayers for hvacs, pregnancies, and moving. Strong Ceylon black tea drink and onion flavored tea biscuits devoured

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