The Final Tortoise & Hare

AO: thestronghold
Q: Red Skull
PAX: Crawlspace, Right Said, Chunks, Michelin Man, Focker, tampalibra, hambone, Judy, Young and Restless, Skechers, Speed Walker, Baby Boy, Light Weight, Five Points, Temper Tantrum, Skid Mark, Long Way, Trajectory
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 72 degrees – perfect running weather!

WARMUP: Standard T&H warmup routine – SSH, IWs Squats, Leg Stretches

THE THANG: Partner up and RUN!!! Five PRs this morning and two others beat their six week average time. Overall a great effort by this group of determined men.

MOLESKINE: It is always easier to do hard things when you are doing it with someone else. Thank you for the consistency in coming out to run with this class. It made a huge difference. I think this is the fastest class we have ever had, and a lot of that credit goes to the running partners that encouraged the 4:13 Strong men to keep going.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Signing Day is this Friday, 8/30 at 11:30am. All are welcome. It is a fun way to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of these 8 men.

Reminder – No Tortoise & Hare for the next 3 weeks. We will have our first run with a brand new class on Tuesday, 9/24

COT: Skid Mark closed us out in prayer this morning.