Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See

AO: atlantis
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: SalPal, DintyMoore
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Still, calm, and an icy 26°

WARMUP: Mosey along the path, active warmups, stretching. Dinty approached through the mist and we finished up with side straddle hops for warmth before getting going.


Hearts- Merkins
Diamonds- Swing Pull Ups
Clubs- Squats
Spades- WW1’s

On every single-digit card, add one Burpee. On Aces, do 5 burpees and a lap around the water tower.

Perfectly timed, we finished our last card as the clock struck 6:15.

MOLESKINE: Catching up after the holidays!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: LeanPax kicks off next week, Juice Day in development? TBD

COT: Prayers for Salpal’s wife on the job hunt, Dinty’s son’s upcoming surgery, a resolution to administrative problems, and the recovery of my in-laws from the flu

PLAYLIST: Inspired by my new Christmas tradition of buying records with my brother-in-law with gift $$, this is a medley of two artists whose debut albums I snagged for myself, Gang Starr and Busta Rhymes.