Old Reliable

AO: atlantis
Q: Young Pawn
PAX: Toothless, Siri
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Nippy with a few rain drops

WARMUP: GMs, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, low and slow squats, pitcher stretch

THANG 1 Circle of Savings :man-lifting-weights:
Circled up with our coupons and each picked an exercise for his station. Rotated through stations while one pax ran a lap, rotated each time the runner returned.

THANG 2 Pawn’s Game :black_joker:
PAX wait with SSHs while one runs a lap and then draws a 2 card blackjack hand. He then counts cadence for that exercise. Score determines the reps, high suit determines the exercise.
:diamonds:: Merkins
:spades:: LBCs
:clubs:: Squats
:hearts:: Burpees
Toothless came out strong by drawing a blackjack of hearts as the first hand which meant 21 burpees – and lots of mumblechatter. 🂾🂱

Closed with a few minutes of stretching.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grow School Saturday morning at stonewall and various Thanksgiving day events in the works, stay tuned.

COT: It’s been a hard long summer and one that hasn’t seen me posting very often. I know I need to do things: (1) go back to doing the things that strengthen me like sleeping, praying, and working out. And (2) ask for help. I tried to demonstrate both in this BD with two thangs I’ve led before and I know work well and by asking other PAX to help lead. What do you know you need to do but have been letting slip? Join me in getting back on track.