Deck of Horrors!!! 🧛‍♂️ 🌕 🐺 🧟‍♂️ 🪦 👻 🔮 🎃

AO: atlantis
Q: Toothless
PAX: Schnauzer, Pole Dancer, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Cold, bright with the full moon’s light, shrouded in mist and mystery



– Side straddle hops x 31
– Zombie walk out & back
– Werewolfs (aka Downward Dog into Cobra and back) x 10
– Scorpions x 10


First, obligatory Burpee Thriller, listen to Thriller and do a burpee every time you hear the signature “thriller” in the chorus or something scary in the verses

Deck of Horrors!!!

In the lower lot, circle up and get ready to pull cards.
– Add 10 to single digits
– Royals trigger 10 reps of a harder exercise
– Aces have their own deviltry

Spades ♠️
– Digits = Squats
– Royals = Squat Jumps
– Ace = Squat Jump to first median and back
Clubs ♣️
– Digits = Carolina Dry Docks
– Royals = Diamond Merkins
– Ace = Bear Crawl to first light pole and back
Hearts ❤️
– Digits = High Knees
– Royals = Hopping Hillbillies
– Ace = Cotton Eye Joe (High Knees with words, Hillbillies with instrumentals)
Diamonds ♦️
– Digits = LBC’s
– Royals = WW1’s
– Ace = 200 American Hammers (single count)

Back to post at 5 mins out for Howler Monkeys, I.e. monkey humper ring of fire


The conditions were perfect for a Halloween Q! Only the appearance of Wolfpack would have made it spookier. Cotton Eye Joe was a crowd favorite, and Pole Dancer really embraced the rhythm with continuous hopping hillbillies on the lyrical sections. It was scary fun.

– Chiliteeria this weekend! Sign up if attending or bringing!
– TN Tussle signups are open, Pole Dancer is looking to get an atlantis team signed up :trident:
– AOQ Grow School is in about a month

– prayers for Schnauzer’s mom dealing with home repairs in the aftermath of Helene
– prayers for Pole Dancer with a colleague who was drugged while being out on Broadway
– Prayers for YHC with the new kiddo, for continued health and opportunities to connect with my wife during the shift to man-to-man defense

Always an honor to lead men! Way to get out there on our first truly cold morning! Hope to see you out at middle-tooth next week where I’m on the Q again!

— :tooth: Toothless

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