T Swifts Greatest Hits

AO: the-discipline
Q: Chunks
PAX: Dilbert, hambone
FNGs: None

WARMUP: Mosey to the lower parking lot for some SSH, Arm Circles and stretches


95% of Men over the age of 35 will never sprint again. So, if I Q we will not be in that 95%.

Ran some sprints and skips. Dilbert is faster than expected. Speed and Power.

Then moseyed around the park on the greenway.

Got back to the Startex for some ab work and then some broga to finish with other stretches.

MOLESKINE: Was an honor to lead at the discipline. So excited to see F3 North growing. Small PAX today, but that has become a trend with my Qs recently. LOL

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dilbert accepted a new job. Wow, he’s a man in demand. Congrats bro. Dizzy Doc has added a new addition to his PAX.

COT: Prayers for all the men there and the men not there. Thanks HIMs.