OTB around the park

AO: offthebooks
Q: hambone
PAX: Dilbert, Country Parkour, Under the Table, Bloodshot
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Sunny AF but kinda cool

WARMUP: fat guy shuffle (FGS). Dilbert thinks it may be offensive, but the fattest pax by height and weight (yhc) approves of the name.

FGS down to parking lot for SSH, good mornings, arm circles, presses, toy soldiers

THE THANG: parking lot fun in a box.

Round 1 – bear crawl, side crawl, crawlbear, side crawl, 5 squats—repeat 3 times

Round 2 – lunges, side squats, reverse lunges, side squats, 5 merkins—repeat 3 times

We then did the FGS over to the hill by the baseball field. Dilbert managed to yell at s woman about F3 and scared Bloodshot in the process.

Run down, bernie back up—do it 5 times—for two rounds. Situps if youre fast.

Pax then jailbreaked 2 the end. Country Parkour was sandbagging, but then actually sprinted a bit and moved fast AF. Under the Table almost caught him!!

MOLESKINE: Always be EHing, even if it’s a random woman.


COT: prayers for tha kids