I’m a loser

AO: cruelhall
Q: Grape
PAX: blackwidow, Donkey Hammer, Right Said, EZ-Go, Accounts Receivable, Pedialyte
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: warm, but not warm enough to melt my ice cold heart after that Kentucky loss last night

10 SSH
1 Burpee
10 Imperial Walkers
2 Burpees
10 Hillbillies
3 Burpees
4 Burpees
5 Burpees
10 OH Claps
6 Burpees
10 Seal Claps
7 Burpees
10 Moroccan Night Clubs
8 Burpees

THE THANG: To take out my frustration and sadness about being a loser, we listened to angry music and did hard things

Mosey to pavilion

4 Corners Partner Work

Corner 1
One partner does 16 Burpees
Other partner does merkins until complete
Hold low plank for all in
Bear crawl the diagonal

Corner 2
One partner does 16 Burpees
Other partner does dry docks until complete
Hold low plank for all in
Crawl bear to next corner

Corner 3
One partner does 16 Burpees
Other partner does WW1 until complete
Hold low plank for all in
Crab walk the diagonal

Corner 4
One partner does 16 Burpees
Other partner does flutter kicks until complete
Hold low plank for all in
Long mosey around the school to the playground

11’s with pull ups and Lt Dans

Long mosey to startex for Mary

MOLESKINE: thanks for having me EZ-Go! I hope to be invited back someday, which is unlikely…this group seems to be a group of winners…a group I don’t belong to

ANNOUNCEMENTS: brewsday, plankpril, murder mile

COT: prayers for peace for EZ-Go and fam in hectic season
Prayers for the Hill family and the Greene family
