Pre-Party Led by Creeper with Staples & SexEd. Cindy: 5 pullups, 7 merkins, 9 squats for 10 rounds (t-claps considering the main event)
Climate: 40s, slight breeze, partly cloudy which made for a great sunrise
10 PAX: Staples, Numbtucks, Stats, Barney, Creeper, SexEd, ShowMe, Hotdish, Prof X (respect), Focker (QIC)
Warm-Up Speed Walk Mosey † 114 LBCs Good Mornings OYO Thang #1: 114 Typewriter 5 squats on the right 5 merkins on the left Side shuffle in between 11 sets of parking spots 7 merkins/squats on the last Rinse in repeat in Reverse Total: 114 Merkins & 114 SquatsThang #2: Leave No Man/Bridge Behind/Out Bear crawled all THREE bridges there and back Hallelujah Duck walked all three as well
unrelated penis bridge in london lolz Thang #3: Let the people decide
2 lines of PAX facing each other On the count of 3, a PAX from one line calls out a number (20-50) and a PAX from the other line calls out an exercise 33 - WW1s 31 - Tuckjumps 23 - Burpees 21 - V-ups 30 - Goofballs
"Sort of a paper, rock, scissors" -ShowMe
Prayer Requests:
Little Miss Piggy’s Family – Healing & Faith
Staple’s Mom – Safety & Guidance
ShowMe’s friends recovering from brain surgery
Numbtucks experiencing anxiety and panic attack(s)
All those who struggle during the holidays (Q Included)
Soccer Mom, as always.
† With consideration for our injured/inhibited/elderly? PAX, Q opted for a Speed Walk Mosey as the primary MoT today. However, this was scrapped after Q discovered F3 Nolensville PAX are literally terrible at speed walking.