10/25/18 The Strangler VQ

10/25/18 The Hill – Lost my Virgin Q

15 PAX took to The Hill: Frugal – Boy Band – Black Lung – Too Tall – Money Shot – Cinderella – Dilly Dilly – Floppy D – Blue Mule – Life Champ – Red Skull – Hot n Ready – Cowboy – Squee – Strangler


Mosey – 10 Good Mornings – 12 Imperial Walkers – 12 Baby Arm Circles – Reverse – 12 Air Press –– 25 SSH

Count off 1’s and 2’s 1’s to your left. 2’s to your right.

Thang 1 – Merkin and Squat Variations
– 1’s starts with Upper Body 2’s Lower Body – Switch. Start each new sequence together.

  • Merkins – 10/Squat – 10
  • Hand Release Merkins – 10/Squat Jumps
  • Fingertip Merkins – 10/Split Leg Jumps – 20
  • Derkins – 10/Squat – 10
  • Irkins – 10/Squat Jumps – 10
  • Merkins – 10/Split Leg Jumps – 20
  • Diamond Merkins – 10/Squat – 10
  • Derkins – 10/Squat Jumps – 10
  • Hand Release Merkins – 10/Split Leg Jumps – 20
  • “Perfect” Merkins – 10/Squat – 10
  • Dips – 20/Flutter Kick
  • Dips – 20/Flutter Kick

Thang 2 –Football Field Workout– Start in the endzone – Partner 1 starts – Partner 2 starts when 1 gets to the 20 yd line.

  • 20 mountain climbers – Lunge (to the 10 yd line) – Bear Crawl (to the 20) – crab walk (to the 30) – Inchworm
    Merkins (to the 40) – Broad Jump (to the 50) then run to the opposite endzone.
  • Rinse and repeat
  • 20 mountain climbers – Pivot Squats (to the 10) – Bear Crawl (to the 20) – Crab Walk (to the 30) – Opposite hand and opposite foot hops (to the 40) – Switch hand and foot (to the 50) – run to the opposite endzone
  • Rinse and repeat.
  • Partner wheel barrel (to the 10) – switch (to the 20) – Partner Carry (to the 40) – switch (to the 60) – Run to the opposite endzone
  • Rinse and repeat
  • Partner wheel barrel (to the 10) – switch (to the 20) – Partner Carry (to the 40) – switch (to the 60) – Run to the opposite endzone
  • Rinse and repeat

Thang 3 – Time Wasters

  • Flutter kicks (40) – 10 Spider Merkins – Plank – side plank – switch – plank
  • Stretch

Thank you all for coming out and letting me serve,
-The (Scranton) Strangler

Halloween Retrospective

PAX: Too Tall, Razorback, Ollan Mills, Boone’s Farm, Offshore, CCR, Bagger Vance, Dijiorno (Special out of town guest), Backlash, Yard Sale, Pope, Tampa Libra, Umbrella, Toga

A frightful fourteen posted for a little Halloween celebration at the track.  Here’s how it went down:

Quick disclaimer then mosey to parking lot beside the parking deck for warmarama= zombie walks, dead man drag merkins, scorpions, dead cockroaches

Mosey to Parking Deck for DONNIE DARKO= hustle up the stairs to the top of the deck then complete 28 merkins.  Hustle down the stairs, plank for the six then repeato x3 for 6 Turkish getups, 42 boxcutters and 12 burpees.

Mosey down to the bottom of the level 5 ramp then begin ZOMBIE CHASERS. The PAX sprinted up the ramp with the last of the PAX ‘zombified’ and sentenced to executing leg lifts while the rest of the PAX continued up and down the ramp with a new zombie designated until nobody was left.  Yard Sales was the big winner!

Mosey down to level five to begin the homage to The Exorcist.  CCR became possessed and had to yell out an exercise for the PAX to execute ten reps at every other colored column on the way down the deck.  Exercises included burpees, atomic merkins, single leg deadlifts, side shuffle squats, mtn climber merkins.., maybe something else.

Mosey back to the flag for a few minutes of Marie/Carrie.  CCR gave us his 6th Man.

COT and YHC took us out.

Announcements:  Prayers for Ollan Mills’ family and Umbrella’s friends

  • Big thanks to Dijiorno for coming out and safe travels back to Louisville
  • Lunch Friday at the Cookery
  • Congrats to Grease Trap on the new arrival
  • 12/7 Leadership breakfast being coordinated by Umbrella.  See his post in General

NMM:  First, let me say that this entire workout was stolen/borrowed from Honey Do in RVA.  He’s a huge horror movie fan and always brings it on Halloween.  That said, YHC must have failed as Too Tall and Umbrella could be heard chatting through most of the workout.  “This aggression will not stand, Man!”  Also, it was a big win for all of us that Yard Sale is the fastest and therefore will become the future seed of man in the coming zombie apocalypse.

Stay Classy!


10/30/2018 Broken Wheel – Dancing in the Dark

Image result for bruce springsteen dancing

13 PAX danced through the early morning hours like no one was watching, because no one could see them, because its super dark…

Conditions: a lovely 40 degrees, no wind, and tons of clouds making it darker and Gloomier than usual.

QIC: Barney Fievel
PAX: Show Me, Gaylord Focker, Nimbus 1500, Stats, Ragdoll, Typo+, Tebow, Numbtucks, Inspector Gadget (FNG), Creeper, Altidore, and 3rd Degree.


After a mosey around the track, PAX circled up and performed the following:

  • 15 SSH, 15 seal straddle hops, and 10 low and slow squats in cadence.
  • Also, 20 seconds OYO each Al Gore, WMH, and Good Mornings.

THE THANG: 11’s – Prison Merkins and Peter Parker Merkins

PAX line up and perform 10 Prison Merkins, lunge across the parking lot, perform 1 Peter Parker Merkin, and duck walk back to the start. Rinse and repeat decreasing 1 rep PM and increasing 1 rep PPM.

Barney called an audible and ended the Thang to make time for more fun!

Another quick lap around the track with a speed bump. PAX grabbed some bench and busted out 20 Derkins.

Back on track (literally), let’s head for our bridge. Anyone else’s legs feel a little untrustworthy?

Barney confessed to the PAX that he suffered from Stockholm Syndrome after being repeatedly forced to bear crawl the bridge by 3rd Degree. Now we like it, we love it, and we want some more of it! Bear crawl down bridge and mosey back. Completed lap around track and circled back up in the parking lot for some Mary.


On your six. 10 Starfish and a few light leg exercises to flush them out.


Jeremiah 17:5 – Cursed is the man who trusts in man.

Welcome new PAX Inspector Gadget! Way to Sponsor, Nimbus 1500!

-Barney Fievel out-

III Pillars – 10.30.18 – “FOMO Once, Shame On You. FOMO Twice…”

8 PAX gathered ’round the pillars because the FOMO was too strong to keep them away.

Conditions: a cool 45 degrees, little wind, and zero clouds obstructing our stargazing.

QIC: Princess Aurora

PAX: En Fuego, Silver Medal, Bicentennial Man, Harbaugh, Boone’s Farm, Foggy Pirate, Life Champ


After a mosey over and around the backdoor of the retirement center, we made our way to the track and circled up at midfield for some exercises, all IC:

  • SSH x 20
  • SnL Squats x 10
  • LBAC F x 10
  • Moroccan Nightclub x 50
  • LBAC R x 10
  • Thighmasters x 10 e/s
  • Alabama Prom Dates x 10

We jogged down to the bottom of the hill that enters the track and YHC explained today’s festivities (with perfect clarity and zero room for misinterpretation). PAX partnered up and each member of the team completed the following circuit:

FOMO Once:

  • Flutter Kicks x 50 (2ct)
  • Overhead Squats x 50
  • Mike Tysons x 50
  • Overhead Lunges x 50 (25 e/s)

Additionally, one team at a time would Bernie Sanders up to the track, Jump Squats x 10, sprint the straightaway, bear crawl the turn, sprint the backstretch, crawl bear the next turn, and run back down the hill to tag the next pair and pick up where they left off in the FOMO circuit. Plank and wait once done with all exercises.

FOMO Twice:

  • Flutter Kicks x 25 (2ct)
  • Overhead Squats x 25
  • Mike Tysons x 25
  • Overhead Lunges x 26 (13 e/s)

Same lap as above but once done with FOMO circuit, Bernie Sanders AMRAP until all in. #feelthebern

Time’s up and mosey back for COT/BOM.


Kotters to Harbaugh. Glad to have him back in action at a legitimate F3 workout as apparently there’s some watered down version happening over at the BMCC every once in a while. Also great to be part of a crowd of eight killing it at Tres Pilares. En Fuego and Co. are upping the ante.


  • AOQ’s and/or Q’s, remember to keep a phone on your person in case of emergency.
  • First Friday Lunch at The Cookery this Friday, Nov 2 from 11:30 until everybody decides they should probably check in back at the office.
  • Umbrella, our 12th Man for December, has arranged for Dan Klein, speaker, cancer survivor, and author of My 3:59 – The Man I Am Called To Be, to speak to the group at Richland Country Club on Dec 7 at 11:30. Cost will be $20 and will include a lunch buffet. Please RSVP to Umbrella on Slack.
  • Speaking of buffets, Tigers sure feasted this weekend didn’t they, Crab Legs?

PA out.

Your layering offends me.

Conditions: Cool, but no cold. 41 I believe. We had some heavy layering from the Pax at the start. Was determined to get those clothes off.

Q: T-Cell

Pax: Cowboy, En Fuego, Venus, Moneyshot

Mosey around the track and pack to the parking lot for COP. All in cadence. SSHx25, Good Morningsx10, Willie Mays HaysX10, Squatsx20, MerkinsX10, Little Tiny Baby Arm Circles and Butt Claps (Venus’s words, not mine)x25.

Headed down for some parking space shuffle. First iteration up was after tracing the parking space was 1 burpee. Back to the start to rinse and repeat for 1 burpee and 2 squats. Back to the start to rinse and repeat for 1 burpee, 2 squats, and 3 merkins.

Mosey back around the track and up to the carpool lane for some DID’s. Topic of discussion was both Head Stud and Venus’s brush, or gashes, with the concrete wall. Consensus was that the fact that Venus needed stitches made his a bit more badass.

Back to the parking lot for another round. This time it was 4 jump squats and 5 SSH.

Finished off the morning with 3 sprints and some Mary.

By the time it was all done. Clothes, plural, were shed. That’s all I wanted.


Great morning at the Skunk. Glad we had a much bigger group than last week 🙂 Excited to be a part of this group on a regular basis and looking forward to the many beatdowns to come, both given and received.

First Friday lunch at Cookery this week. I’d encourage you to make this a priority if your schedule allows. Great fellowship with pax you don’t always get to see.

Strengthening Hearts with CYOA Routine @ The Forge

20 PAX in attendance: Little Miss Piggy, Numbtucks, 3rd Degree (Q), SoccerMom, Creeper, Pocahontas, Lovie, Altidore, Stats, FNG AstroGlide (Matt), FNG RaggedyAnn (Josh), Nimbus1500, Typo+, Tebow, MuRSA, Gaylord Focker, HushPuppy, Sprinkles, Cheese Whiz & RagDoll

Audible (OMAHA!) called earlier this week to hold the Forge at Nolensville Elementary school this week due to a local running event starting at NHS where we usually end ~7am. Thanks to all that found us this AM and passed the news along!

NumbTucks, SoccerMom, AstroGlide, Little Miss Piggy & CheezWhiz @ 5:45 for a pre-party showing with YHC doing 5 pull-ups, 5 Diamond Merkins and 5 Atomic Planks on the minute for 10 minutes. Strong showing! 6 for Pp is a record! Playlist = SwitchFoot

Disclaimer/Warm Up:

Lap Around the front parking lot of School: Explanation of Today’s Beatdown. Remember the “Choose your own adventure” books as a kid? Well, today’s workout was a little like that. YHC had predetermined some of my favorite workouts and designated them numbers 1-12 for possible 12 adventures. PAX chosen randomly and they randomly picked a number 1-6 or 7-12 and we would do that adventure? Confused? Good…

We did:

Thang #3 (NumbTucks): 

SideCrawl Up/Downs: PAX in High Plank with arms on PlayGround raised barrier. Crawl sideways around the ring, performing 3 Irkins every time Q yelled Up and 5 Plank Jacks when Q yelled Down. We did counter and clock-wise directions. ~3-5 minutes

Thang #9 (HushPuppy):

Royal Burpee.2 : PAX perform 10 of each Burpee style called

We did: Hurpees (hand-release burpees), Lungees (Iron Mikes for jump portion), One Legged Burpees (5 each leg), Yurpees (see Tuesday’s Bb for explanation, Traditional

Thang #5 (Altidore):

Partner Sprints:

P1 performs 7 Atomic Merkins while P2 sprints to second light-pole in parking lot. When P1 sprints there after Merkins, P2 begins and P1 Runs back to start. Mary exercise until the 6. Some Fog of War set in at this point and many Pax were eager to keep it rolling, asking how many rounds, unsure of where to start/stop, etc. Mass Confusion. QiC brought it back to Earth and kept it rolling. for the 3rd round we kept it simple and while P1 performs 10 Atomics, P2 Sprints to light AND BACK and then flapjack with P1.

Thang #7 (Sprinkles):

Field Trip! Sprinkles chose it so let’s mosey to the Nol. Park Bridge! It’s kinda my thing…Bear Crawl and then Crawl Bear the length of the bridge with 5 squat penalty for stoppage. Strong Work men!

Mosey back to the NES Pain Ground…

Thang #2 (AstroGlide):

5:5:5. 5 rounds of what was performed for the Pre-party.

Time Called! An hour flies when your having adventures!

Counterama/Namerama/Christenging of FNGs/CoT

What we Learned Today:  NumbTucks is king of MC in Nolensville and is a great battlebuddy, he faithfully goes to the 6 and brings them in. Strong work brother. Random stools on the bridge are not what you think… SoccerMom is intrigued by the PicklePounder. Pocahontas is the king of Emotional Headlocking with 4 or 5 FNGs to his credit recently. Keep Giving it Away bro!

  • F3Nolensville Swag pre-order is LIVE! Get Some by 11/8/18 when the order closes! https://f3.mudgear.com/products/f3-nolensville-broken-wheel-pre-order
  • Tonight, Saturday, October 27th – Boos and Booze Party at Netflix’s house
    • 7:30pm-??? – Adults only please. Look to Slack for address and more details from Netflix (prayed for healing for his back).
  • 2ndF opportunity this Thursday for lunch at Burger Shack in Nolensville. Hit up Typo+ for deets/RSVP.
  • Keep our brother “Mall Cop” in your prayers as he is in Israel/GazaStrip doing aid work and there have been terrorist attacks.
  • So proud to be a part of this strong and growing group of High Impact Men (HIMs).
  • Coffeeteria is a core principle for F3Nolensville and NumbTucks/Tebow/Barney have done an epic job faithfully providing and facilitating 2ndF after the beatdowns. Thanks Gents!

Hebrews 13:7-9  Let your heart be strengthened by GRACE

The Pound is Launched

iPhone 7 front facing camera not all that good in the dark

Nolensville’s newest, freshest AO, The Pound, got off to a solid start with a Tebow-led Elite 11 wannabe QB camp. 3rd Degree, Altidore, Show Me, Nimbus, Stats, Barney Fievel, Typo+, Creeper, HushPuppy, Pocahontas, and Tebow were present.

Jog to soccer fields – thanks to whoever turned on the lights
SSH x 25
GMs x 10
Inchworms x 5
BACs x 10 + 10
Huggers x 10
Lunge stretch
Squats x 10
SSH x 10

Soccer field trudge – down and back:
Duck Walk / Merkins – down
Partner 1 – duck walk until partner 2 tags in, then merkins
Partner 2 – 15 merkins, then run and tag in to duck walk
Lt. Dans / Burpees – back
Partner 1 – walking Lt. Dans until partner 2 tags in, then burpees
Partner 2 – 10 burpees, then run and tag in for Lt. Dans

Mosey to Mill Creek Brewery parking lot for happy hour

11s – mountain climbers (x2) / iron mikes (x2) with run in between sets
Plank merry-go-round

Barney came through with the coffeeteria

Thanks to everyone for coming out and helping launch another opportunity to get better. Thanks to Stats and Altidore for the flag.
And, finally, Nolensville swag has arrived (online)! Thanks to TVGuide and 3rdDegree for producing. Order by Nov. 8 – go here to get all swagged up:


Resume Virtues vs Eulogy Virtues

As I was reading an obituary today, I reminded that I still haven’t seen “proficient at Excel”, “knew his way around a CRM” or “put together one of the best P&L sheets I’ve ever seen” in an obituary byline. Obituaries are saved for things that we really remember people for. What was the difference they made? How did they serve? How did they take care of those in their care?

As a leader, what are you focusing on today in terms of what you will be remembered by? How will you make a difference, even if it’s small, in the life of someone today? How will you make people feel today that are under your care? How will you find a way to serve those that you are leading?

This is not to say that as a manager or a leader, you shouldn’t be expecting the very best out of people in terms of their expectations or behaviors. But are you expecting the best because of how it reflects on you OR are you expecting the best because you can help someone achieve their goals?

The author David Brooks has an article that explores just this topic. The résumé virtues are the skills you bring to the marketplace. The eulogy virtues are the ones that are talked about at your funeral — whether you were kind, brave, honest or faithful. Were you capable of deep love?

As a leader, I’d invite you to read this article today and think about how you can better cultivate eulogy virtues.


QIC: Iditarod
PAX: CDL, Yosef, Noble Virus, Iditarod
You can tell “cold” has made its impression on the F3 Murfreesboro PAX. 4 Red Pillers showed up to get better or at least keep from getting worse.
2 Laps
GMs x 10 IC
Daisy Pickers x 10 IC
WMH x 10 IC
BAC x 10 IC
BACR x 10 IC

The Thang:
B.L.I.M.P.S. and Mosey
5 sets of BLIMPS in Various parking lots around downtown Murfreesboro wit Moseying in between.
Burpees x 5
Lunges x 10 each leg
Imperial Walkers x 15
Merkins x 20
Plank Jacks x 25
Squats x 30
Pax performed to perfection except the two sets in which all pax forgot what imperial walkers were and performed Hillbillies. Mr. Roboto, Schnitzel, Scraps, Aristotle, Nuggets, Ace, NPR, and G-String were all mentioned and discussed during mumble chatter but not in attendance. Also discuseed whether or not Blimpie restaurants still existed IRL or just in gas stations.

MARY: 1 Minute of Crunches


CheezWhiz & RagDoll Team Up to Take Down BrokenWheel

14 PAX in attendance: Barney Fievel, Numbtucks, 3rd Degree, Sterno, Creeper, Netflix, Altidore, Stats, ShowMe!, Nimbus1500, Typo+, Tebow, Cheese Whiz & RagDoll (co-VQiC)

Numbtucks, Barney Fievel and YHC came early for a 10 burpee on the minute for 10 minutes welcome-party. Creeper joined in with many rounds of strong reps also. Getting Stronger! Nice and warm now for the beatdown.

RagDoll gets us circled up while CheezWhiz preps the tunes.

Disclaimer/Warm Up:

15 SSH, Cherry Pickers (4 count stretch bending over at waist and touching ground forward, middle back then stand), 10 Slo&Lo Squats, 30 seconds Good Mornings OYO. Other various stretches RagDoll called out, (I think)

Long Mosey around 1/3 mi track 1.25 times to the Baseball field-house.

Word of the Day: “Plyometrics” RagDoll gave a brief history lesson how a communist developed an Olympic training methodology based of burst/explosion techniques. His name was Yuri SomthingorOtherski (Look it up).

Thang 1: Yurpee Apocalypse

PAX took 10 seconds to partner up. While one partner performs 10 Yurpees (submitted to the Exicon) (Clurpee with 2 tuck jumps = 1), Partner performs AMRAP bleacher box-jumps. Then Flap Jack back and forth until times was called by Q going down by one rep of Yurpee per round. ~10 minutes

Mosey around track to PainGround

Thang 2: Up and Down Apocalypse

PAX took 10 seconds to partner up. While one partner performs 10 Pullups/Chin ups or UnderDoggies  , Partner performs AMRAP Copenhagens (dips…you get it…). Then Flap Jack back and forth until times was called by Q going down by one rep of Pullup/UnderDoggy per round. ~10 minutes


Circle Up in Parking lot. On Your 6! Keep feet floating during entire routine: 8 count leg hold, 20 Scissor kicks, leg hold, 20 FlutterKix, leg hold, 20 Toes to the Stars (reverse crunch leg thrusters), leg hold, 20 Freddie Mercuries (bicycles…you get it…), leg hold, DONE



  • Great Double Virgin Co-Q by Ragdoll and Cheeze Whiz
    • We had 14 come out and support these guys! Way to go!
    • Playlist used by CheezWhiz available on Slack
  • This Thursday, October 25th – New AO Launch – The Pound
    • This makes the third AO for F3Nolensville since we started 6 months ago. Excellent work, guys! Tebow is the Plant Q.
  • Saturday, October 27th – Boos and Booze Party at Netflix’s house
    • 7:30pm-??? – Adults only please. Look to Slack for address and more details from Netflix. (Hope your back gets better soon bud!)

Isaiah 40:28-31 – Great Shout out and word from RD/CW about how we come out at F3 and get exhausted, but God is never tired and gives strength.