Bars and balls

PAX: CAPSLOCK, Cathy, Razor, Spinal Tap, Tiny House, Bartman (visiting from Knoxville), Frugal, Blue Mule, American Girl, Grease Trap, Dmish, Big Stick, Calf Killa, Cinderella, Preacher Man, Prevac

QIC: Tampa Libra

Quick circle up and then mosey to the field for 90 yards of stretches.

Partner up in groups of 3 with similar strength then mosey to weight room to acquire a barbell, rx of (2) 25 lb plates, jump rope and heavy slam ball. Head to Tampa-theatre. 


1 person on 5 military presses (95lbs), 1 on Spartans, 1 on jumping split squats. Rinse and repeat until everyone has 15 reps each on the mp’s.

1 person using the bar for ab rollouts, 1 on wall balls, 1 on burpees. 3 rounds.

21’s with an empty bar and partner resistance. That’s 7 curls half way up, 7 curls, half way down, 7 full curls, while another partner pushes on the bar for resistance. 3rd partner on American Hammers with the plate.

Single plate overhead lunge, 20 each leg. 1 partner on the speed rope. 1 alternating 10 dips and 10 push-ups on the stadium steps.

Clean up and head to the field for corezilla. Core suggestions from Frugal, Calf Killer, Blue Mule, Big Stick, Dmish..and no suggestions from Tiny House.

COT with no announcements. Prayer.