Quarterly Army PT test check in

QIC: Yosef

Pax: Iditarod, NPR, Seagull, Grohl, Ace, King, Jack, Aristotle, Scraps, Papa Juan

11 Pax posted for their PT check ride, approximately 3 month’s after the first one led by Godfather. Cool morning compared to Tues post, temps approx 40F.

PT test is Army’s fitness test to pass AIT (basic training). It includes the following:

Merkins, max in 2 min

WW2 sit-ups, max in 2 min

2 mile run for time

Scores are based on your result within your age bracket. Each exercise is scored out of 100 based on your bracket, for a total of 300.

Scores from previous test in July:

Scraps 247
Yosef 236
Papa Juan 231
Iditarod 213
Godfather 204
Ace 188 (w/ estimated run of 20 min)
Schnitzel 169
Nadal 159
Grohl 153
NPR 135
Aristotle 129

Below is PAX result for today. First line is the results of each exercise, second line is the scoring, as described above.

Clint p67 s65 run ? Age 39
Abe 35 55 ? Age 9
Aslan 50 60 ? Age 11
Matthew 47 p 51, 18:10 age 32
Brian 40 45 27:10 age 45
Trev 80 83 17:01 age 39
Juan 92 56 18:56 age 42
Phillip 70 51 23:00 age 23
Anthony 67 76 17:23 age 36
Trey 62 60 27:15 age 23
Jesse p75 s87 14:30 age 28

New leaderboard is as follows:

Yosef 285
Scraps 270
Iditarod 255
Juan 241
Ace 211 (20 min estimation on run)
Aristotle 197
Seagull 158
NPR 155
Grohl 144
King 142
Jack 113

Tclaps to all for their improvements! A few blisters and cramps today limited some of these scores.

Ended w/ Cot and BoM. YHC expressed pride in Pax for escaping the fartsack for 3 months straight (mostly).