Lights Out

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, G-string (Eli Kresta), Malibu, Pebbles, Sooie, Timber, Wolfpack
FNGs: None
27 degrees 🥶, starry ✨

30 breaths at a tempo of 66bpm. 2 count inhale, 2 count exhale. Breath hold and merkins until failure or Needtobreathe
20 SSH
15 BAC
10 Don Quixote
Stretch/shakeout OYO

3 cones scattered throughout the knoll. Mosey to each cone and perform the following plank exercises:
20 thigh taps
20 shoulder taps
20 rotating planks
20 leg raises
20 arm raises

2 teams, 3 cones per team. Each team sets their illuminated cones in the “end zone”. Teams send a runner sprinting to the end zone, perform an exercise 5x, then either turn the light out on the opposing team’s cone, or return to re-light an extinguished cone. 1 point awarded when a team extinguishes all 3 cones of the opposing team. Change exercise with each point. First to 5 wins.
Iron mikes
Dry docks
Big boy sit-ups
Jump squats
…it was a shutout 5-0 ☹️

15 leg lifts
15 emperor penguins
Flutter kicks for 1 minute

Hobblin’ Gobbler
Polar plunge

YHC shared 5 things I’m hoping to get out of No Noise November. Reflected on quote from Blaise Pascal: “The sole cause of man’s unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quietly in his room.”
Prayer requests.
Prayed and 15 seconds of silence.
Enjoyed good mymblechatter over some Sooie Brewie ™️

Ring of Fire

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, El Capitan, morning star, Pebbles, Sooie, Timber, Wolfpack, G-string (Eli Kresta), @Bumblebee 2.0, @Repugnus 2.0
FNGs: None
59 degrees, starry night on the knoll.

Yes/No/Maybe’s 8x
BAC 15x
BBAC 15x
Imperial Walkers 15x
Cherry pickers 10x
Loose Caboose mosey around the knoll with various moseying techniques (politician, high knees, butt kickers, skips etc)

6 stations indicated by glowing, orange cones arranged in a circle with a 20 yard diameter. Pair up and pick a starting point. Coupons at each station must be used for all the reps, can be split between partners.
1. 50 Merkins 50 Iron Mikes (12lb vest)
2. 100 ‘Merican punches (5lb dumbbells)
3. 100 shoulder presses (12lb kettlebell)
4. 100 Goblet Squats (25lb dumbbell)
5. 100 ‘Merican Hammers (12lb dumbbell)
6. 100 kneeling rows (15lb dumbbell)
Burpees if you were waiting on a station. 2.0’s ran around the circle tagging random pairs who would then have to complete a lap.

30 breaths 60bpm and breath hold
3 sets of box breathing (4 sec inhale, 4 sec hold, 8 sec exhale)

Octoburpee convergence at #iii-pillars 10/31.
Costume burpee workout at #the-knoll 10/31 for PAX unable to make it to the convergence.

Honor Time: publicly recognize admirable qualities in the PAX present. Prayer requests.

Pain Train Solo

AO: offthebooks
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Wolfpack
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 60 degrees and clear skies

WARMUP: high knees, butt kicks, karaoke, arm stretches

THE THANG: AMRAP 90 seconds on 60 seconds off

Lap around park 1/5 mile
Incline Merkins
Flutter Kicks
Sit ups
Decline Merkins
Calf Raises
Lap around park 1/5 mile
Pull Ups
Hand release merkins
Hollow body holds
Lap around park 1/5 mile

MARY: stretches


COT: Looked up at the stars and contemplated our place in this vast cosmos.

Tussle AMRAP

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: Wolfpack, El Capitan, DB, Pebbles, morning star, Sooie, Timber, AAA, Malibu, G-string (Eli Kresta), House Party, Bumblebee (2.0), Big Red (2.0), Smoltz (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 60 degrees

WARMUP: in cadence: jump combo (8 down to 1), slow squats (10), merkins (10), pike merkins (8); OYO: lunge stretch (covered F3 mission, 5 core principles, credo)

1.5 minutes AMRAP, 1 minute recovery
Exercises: Burpees, WWIIs, floor to ceiling (w/coupon), burpees, LT Dans, hand release merkins, burpees, flutter kicks, shoulder swings (w/coupon), burpees, Apollo Ohnos

MARY: None

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tussle this Saturday, last week of Octoburpee and convergence on Oct 31 at 3 Pillars to finish off the month challenge

COT: story of Charles Plumb: Plumb was a navy fighter pilot in Vietnam, who by all measures was considered one of the best. On his 75th and final mission his plane was shot down and he had to eject and parachute to safety. He was captured by the enemy and held in a POW prison for 6 years. Several years after his safe return home, a random stranger approached him and said “I know you. You’re Charles Plumb and I packed your parachute on the Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier.” Plumb didn’t sleep that night, as he thought about all the times he probably passed this soldier on the aircraft carrier, and never recognized him or acknowledged him. And this was the guy that saved Charles Plumb’s life! LESSON for me: be grateful and be intentional about acknowledging and thanking those around me who “pack my parachute.”

Visit to the Burpee Zoo

AO: the-knoll
Q: Salpal
PAX: morning star, AAA, The Banker, Wolfpack, G-string (Eli Kresta), Timber, Pebbles, Ex-Pat, Malibu, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Great day to go to the zoo.

WARMUP: OYO Stretching + Warmup Run


Today we are going to the burpee zoo. It’s like any other zoo, except instead of animals, there are burpees. Also, all transactions are done in burpees.

When we first arrive, we have to pay for parking.

10 Burpee Buyin

As we arrive to the front gate, we have to pay the price of admission. 50 burpees!

10 Burpee Emom – 5 minutes

Now inside, we can go see all the burpees on display.

Ladder of Burpees (each station starts at 1, add 1 more as you go around, end at 5):

Set one:
– 1st station: bodybuilder burpees
– 2nd station: shoulder tap burpees

Set two:
– 1st station: spider monkey burpees (burpee + peter parkers)
– 2nd station: kraken burpees

Big Cat Exhibits!
Cheetah Burpees – Burpee Sprints:
– Suicides, but a burpee at each cone before running back.

Tiger burpees – Bear crawl to each cone, 5 burpees

MARY: Isometric Merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of social events. See #3f channel for details on Side-Straddle-Hops, Night Moves, Game Night, and Cookout.

COT: Prayers for my wife, Elizabeth, and firefighter Jake.

Touch the Trees

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, DB, El Capitan, Ex-Pat, G-string (Eli Kresta), Hot Stuff, Malibu, morning star, Pebbles, Sooie, Wolfpack, Bumble Bee, Big Red, Link, Wrenaldo, Monkey (FNG) [all 2.0’s]
FNGs: None
60 degrees, light of the moon, perfect!

Top to bottom warm-up:
Overhead claps
imperial walkers
OYO Shake out

Thang 1:
Breakdancer Merkin countdown from 5. X2 air presses between. Plank for the six’s

Thang 2:
Touch the trees in the Knoll, perform exercises at each tree:
Mtn Climbers
Big boy sit-ups
Iron mikes
Floor to ceilings
Jog down hill/Politician back up
Crawl bear down/ Bear crawl up (#FatBearWeek)
Step ups
Mosey to the rest of the trees
Hang until you can’t x3
Hold a low squat between hangs 30 seconds

Pax picked the exercise 15 reps
Flutter kicks
Happy crunchy Frogs
Leg lifts
Hold legs 6″ above the deck for 1 minute
Spell the alphabet with your legs


YHC reminded Pax that pain is temporary. Shared prayer requests. Prayed. Enjoyed some Sooie Brewie.

Hit The Deck

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, DB, El Capitan, G-string (Eli Kresta), Hot Stuff, Malibu, morning star, Pebbles, Siri, The Banker, Timber, Wolfpack, Bumblebee (2.0), Big Red (2.0), Mark Marchetti (House Party), Lyle Dough (Link 2.0), Wren Carmona (Wrenaldo, 2.0)
FNGs: 4 Mark Marchetti (House Party), Lyle Dough (Link 2.0), Wren Carmona (Wrenaldo, 2.0)
59 degrees and perfect

Back BACs
Imperial Walkers
Willie Mays Hays
45 seconds stretching OYO

Moseyed over to the flood table. Shuffled the deck cards and began 3 rounds of pain. Jokers were in the deck after the 18th and 35th cards. PAX rotated drawing cards. Suit was the exercise, value was the reps. (J – 11, Q – 12, K – 13, A – 14). When a joker was drawn, PAX would run approx 166.8 yards then proceed to the next round of exercises.

| Suit | Round 1 | Round 2 | Round 3 |
| —– | ———- | ——— | ———- |
| ♣️ | Merkins | Carolina Dry Docks | Dips |
| ❤️ | SSH | Mtn Climbers | Burpees |
| ♦️ | V-Ups | Freddy Mercs | Big Boys |
| ♠️ | Spiccolis | Squats | Iron Mikes |


Octoburpee coming up
YHC stepping up as AOQ for Tuesday workouts at The Knoll

Romans 12:10 “…Outdo one another in showing honor”

One of the unexpected lessons I’ve learned from the wonderful PAX in Bellevue is the power of encouragement in the midst of suffering. We took turns recognizing the admirable qualities apparent in each other and closed in prayer.

Special shoutout here to @Siri for giving the Knoll a baptism by fire early in May showing us what an F3 workout should be. I was ready to give up at the end of it but he came alongside me and made sure I finished well!