Yes! It’s Metallica

AO: westeros
Q: Pep
PAX: Salpal, Detective Pikachu, hambone, Wolfpack, Chunks, Siri, Black Lung, Vector, Red Skull, Natural Ice
FNGs: None

Weather: chilly but not wet


– little baby arm circles – and reverse
– seal claps
– hillbilles
– good mornings – oyo
– willie mays hays


– 100: hand-release merkins
– 200: alabama prom dates
– 300: fire hydrants
– 200: american hammers
– 100: burpees

– salpal: interview tuesday
– vector: anonymous acquaintance dealing with cancer
– pikachu: family difficulties
– siri: work
– black lung: uncle with bad health

#f3-nashville-general channel
– brewruck: Dec 16
– brews day : tomorrow (Tuesday)
– leanpax: january
– new years day: convergance – probably at green machine

Gorilla Strength

AO: the-knoll
Q: G-string (Eli Kresta)
PAX: morning star, AAA, The Banker, Pebbles, DB, Wolfpack, Timber, G-string (Eli Kresta), V-Max
FNGs: None
Crisp and clear

Jog to @g-string truck since I pulled up late. Mosey to the Stop sign and back to the truck where we unloaded coupons. Suicides with alligator crawl to the first light and back, Murder Bunny to the second light and back, Gorilla run to the third light and mosey back.

First three exercises were “Hero Style” (first team to finish, ended the exercise for all)
Three rounds:
-Teammate 1, run to first light then 5 burpees, proceed to second light and repeat, then third and repeat.
-Teammate A, 25 Floor-to-ceilings with coupon
(@g-string and @AAA were the heroes)

Two Rounds
-Teammate 1, Gorilla Run Suicides to all three lanterns
-Teammate A, Coupon overhead presses until teammate 1 returns.
(@Timber and @The_Banker were our heroes)

Mosey to the playground
Three rounds
-Teammate 1, 10 pull-ups
-Teammate A, Shoulder taps until Teammate 1 is finished
(@AAA and @g-string were heroes again)

Slowsey back to the lanterns and back to the playground
Two rounds of pull-ups to failure
Circle of pain: All PAX hold high plank while first PAX does 10 merkins. Then the next PAX does 10, and so on until all have done merkins while the rest plank.

Two rounds of 15 4-count LBCs in cadence.

Holiday Brew Ruck
New Year’s Day Convergence

Prayers of thanksgiving but also healing memories for @pebbles youngest child’s 1st birthday.

Sidekicks (Keep Fighting)

AO: the-knoll
Q: Sooie
PAX: AAA, DB, G-string (Eli Kresta), morning star, Pebbles, Sooie, The Banker, Timber, Wolfpack, VMax (recently moved from Katy TX), Smotz (2.0), Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
Cold and clear. 🌕

Mosey to stop sign and back.
15 SSH
15 Imperial walkers
10 low slow squats
10 slow merkins
10 Willie Mays Hays
OYO stretches 1 minute

5 cones, each 10 paces apart.

Return trips from cone 5 to cone 1 were alternating sprints, slip-line uppercut drills.
Plank for the 6’s

4 double-sidekicks low/high at each cone.
4 squat punches at each cone.
4 tuck jumps at each cone.
4 more squat punches at each cone.
4 burpee, jab, cross combos at each cone.
Repeated the full sequence 2x

10 minutes of single-flag Capture the Flag. If you get tagged, 5 burpees or sprint to your base to return to the game. If anyone dropped the flag, everyone does 5 burpees.


New years Day convergence.

When I was a kid, Sidekicks (Chuck Norris, Jonathan Brandis) was one of my favorite movies. Since my brother passed away last week, I’ve been reflecting a lot on the past and how we grew up. Still processing through all of it but a couple things stand out. Community is vital. Inevitably we’ll each face a moment when we’re tempted to give up. When that happens, we need the strength of those around to help carry us through it.

If you can do 1, you can do 10…

AO: the-knoll
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Sooie, morning star, Wolfpack, Pebbles, El Capitan, AAA, G-string (Eli Kresta), Timber, Link, Bumblebee, Big Red, Tonks, Fishbiscuit
FNGs: 1 Fishbiscuit
CONDITIONS: Could it get any nicer!?

Mosey to stop sign
Imperial Walkers
Don Quixote’s
Willie May Hayes

Partnered up… leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him!

All exercises were performed in alternating reps with the partner. You do 1, partner does 1.  You do 2, partner does 2.  You do 3, partner does 3. All the way up to 10. That’s 55 reps per exercise. Holding a plank for the 6 until everyone gets to each location.

Overhead Claps
Run to Backstop
Iron Mikes
Run to River Table
Run to Backstop

Pause to play a quick game of freeze tag. If tagged must stand with legs wide to allow PAX to bear crawl beneath you to unfreeze. Switch up partners and back at it…

Carolina Dry Docks
Run to big tree
Jump Squats  
Run to other big tree
Run to Backstop

Played a game of Bear Tag. All PAX in Bear crawl position. Everyone tries to slap the hand of another while not getting slapped yourself. If you get slapped, you must step out and do 5 burpees.

Mosey to the playground

Mary go round for the final 5 minutes
– Scissor kicks
– High plank to low plank Merkins
– Write the ABCs with your legs outstretched
– Bicycles

Hobble Gobble run on Thanksgiving morning
Cold Plunge at Morningstars after Knoll Thanksgiving workout (Congratulations Banker on the Q!)
January convergence… details coming soon!

Read an excerpt from the book Into The Clouds. There’s a term called “crumping” in mountaineering that is used when the desire to climb is all but lost. We may not be climbing K2, but we all have our own daily mountains to summit. When the hard times come up remember… if I can do 1, I can do 2. If I can do 2, I can do 3 and keep pushing forward my brothers!  

Sending good vibes to everyone who is sick or injured on a quick recovery.

Joy Sustains Power

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Sooie, Wolfpack, Timber, AAA, G-string (Eli Kresta), Pebbles, Ex-Pat, Malibu, Bumble Bee (2.0), Smoltz (2.0). Big Red (2.0)
FNGs: None
Pleasantly chilly.

Split into two teams to mosey around field, playing catch with football. Once everyone touched the ball once do a 10 count ground movement.

Circle up for little baby arm circles (balancing on one leg), soviet sprinter shakes, imperial walkers, plank jacks, shoulder taps.

THE THANG: Power + Joy
Round 1:
Two power exercises in 5, 3, 1 descending ladder: squat jumps and elevating merkins. One partner does reps, the other does soviet sprinter shakes. Mosey to the backstop after each ladder and do 3 star jumps together in celebration of something.

Plank / bridge to finish round 1 while sharing what we celebrated.

Round 2: game of infection.

Round 3: human knot.

MARY: follow the leader back through the playground.

– Thanksgiving run next Thursday
– Cold plunge at the knoll next week
– New year convergence, more details to come
– Keep up with #no-noise-november

COT: YHC shared about healthy power and the practice of joy. Many times in my life I’ve burned out and wasn’t able to sustain pursuits. I’m now learning about submitted power and how joy brings endurance. Encouraged everyone to consider a need and a desire they have and how they might apply their power to it + how they might connect with joy around it.

Appreciate this space and you PAX … it’s been a great place for me to practice submitted power and joy.

Hey Gravity!

AO: westeros
Q: Sooie
PAX: Salpal, Chunks, Siri, Grape, Red Skull, Michelin Man, Wolfpack, Tim the Toolman, Natural Ice, Right Said, Spinal Tap, Sherlock, Black Lung, Solo Cup, Sooie, Cashcab
FNGs: None
It’s been colder.

BAC 15
Don Quixote 10
Imperial walkers 15
SSH 15

Pull-ups 30 sets of 1 EMOM. Between pull-ups AMRAPs of the following
Spicolli’s 3x
Squats 3x
Low plank 3x
Spicolli jumps 3x
Jump squat 3x
Plank thigh tap 3x
Leg raises 3x
Big boy sit-ups 3x
Mtn climbers 3x
Iron Mikes 1x
Burpees 1x
High/low planks 1x

Big boys from 0614-0615

Mosey from Dose (Murphy road) 0530 tomorrow. See @chunks.
@Grape on Q at #iiipillars tomorrow
#no-noise-november in full swing. Never too late to get in on it.
YHC shared how No Noise November is already having a positive impact on my habits. Offered up prayer for prayer requests mentioned. Enjoyed some Sooie Brewie™️ and maybe…just maybe we witnessed what will be known as The Westeros Miracle: my thermos is 64 oz yet all 16 PAX enjoyed the Sooie Brewie and there was enough left over for a full cup when I returned home. So take a moment to day to recognize the miraculous in the mundane.


AO: the-knoll
Q: Malibu
PAX: Wolfpack, Sooie, Pebbles, El Capitan, Timber, G-string (Eli Kresta), AAA, morning star, Big Red, Bumblebee, Tonks
FNGs: 1 Tonks
CONDITIONS: Glorious 68 autumn morning, overcast.

Mosey to the stop sign
20 Side straddle hops
20 Baby arm circles
20 Backwards baby arm circles
10 slow squats
10 slow Mericans
Individual stretching and F3 mission, credo, and 5 principles.

AMRAP in 90s followed by 60s of rest, with two rounds per exercise:
Iron Mikes
Flutter kicks
Dips on the stone table

Single round of politicians and bear crawls down+up to hill.

Mr. Spectaculars from the Stone Table back to the playground.

20 Sit-ups
20 leg lifts

No noise November.
@Sooie is Q’ing on Monday at Ellingson Park.

Prayer requests: for strength amidst the work of fatherhood, especially at the close of a demanding day. For the best possible outcome of a difficult work day ahead amidst injustice. For perseverance as we gird for the cold winter workouts ahead.

I want to express my gratitude for this opportunity to work with the men in the Knoll these past few months, and VQ today.

Tomorrow we celebrate the Marine Corps birthday, one of my favorite traditions as a Marine. This tradition of coming together includes a birthday ceremony, cutting of the cake, and celebration of our storied past that is very near to me. Today it is a reminder to me to recall where we have come from and adversities overcome so as to prepare ourselves to fulfill the work before us. IWhat Marines celebrate today is an image of that remembrance, and how that call to excellence calls me to become a better man, every day.

And life is always a little brighter with some birthday cake! 😉  🇺🇸  🦅🌎⚓️ 🎂

AMRAP AMTRACK at the Pain Train

AO: offthebooks
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Siri, Wolfpack
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 57 and clear

– Mosey around
– Baby Arm Circles

AMRAP for 90 seconds with 60 second rests

1/5 run

– Incline merkins
– Decline Merkins
– Merkins

1/5 run

– Jump squats
– Iron Mikes
– Wall sits

1/5 run

– Pull ups
– Dips
– Pull ups

1/5 run


– big boy crunches
– flutter kicks
– leg raises

No noise November

The importance of being intentional with your actions

Mighty Ducks/Flying V

AO: the-knoll
Q: Pebbles
PAX: Sooie, Malibu, morning star, Ex-Pat, Wolfpack, Siri, El Capitan, G-string (Eli Kresta), AAA, Timber, Smoltz 2.0, Bumble Bee 2.0, Big Red 2.0
FNGs: None
No complaints

1. Mosey to stop sign and back
2. Arm Circles
3. Don Quixotes
4. Slow Merkins
5. Slow Pushups

Triple Deke!
Partner up to complete 100 Merkins, 200 big boys, 300 squats. 1 partner runs to backstop and back while the other is doing reps.

Triple Deke (Part Deux)
Partner up to complete 25 Pull Ups, 50 American Hammers, 75 step ups. 1 partner “Apollo Ono’s” around the playground (ice skating)

3 reps of run down the hill, politician back up

15 Supermans with 3 count hold called out by @malibu

No Noise November
Hoblin Gobbler Run on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Cold Plunge with @Morning_star

Prayers for those men who could not make it this morning and those on the fence about coming.

My college coach ended every workout by saying, “Take care of yourself, then if you can, take care of someone else.” For a long time I thought this was selfish. Aren’t we called to be men for others?

As I age, I realize it is impossible to take care of others unless I’m fundamentally fit – mentally, physically, and spiritually. Thankful to this group of men who are helping me in all three areas.

Partner Smartner

AO: bomber
Q: DintyMoore
PAX: Papa Bear, Pep, Sherlock, Spinal Tap, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Wolfpack, 1 DR from Blount County TN
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Dark and Crisp

Mosey around Start Ex
– partner up at parking lot
– Over/Under – 1 min each

Part 1
– Partner 1 sits on 6 with arms out to side doing heel taps in front
– Partner 2 jumps over arms/legs in clockwise manner
Part 2
– Partner 1 alternates low/high plank
– Partner 2 jumps over then crawls under
Part 3
Bear Crawl Tag – if your hand is touched then you leave the game area and do 5 burpees before re-enter

Mosey to Playground
Dora Dora Dora
Same partners – partner 1 runs building perimeter while partner 2 does below
50 pull-ups
100 push-ups
150 squats
200 american hammers

Mary – Go – Round for 10 minutes w/ each Pax choosing their favorite

Join #nonoisenovember

Upcoming travel and family dynamics surrounding those opportunities.