Ashanti at Sunrise

AO: bomber
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: DintyMoore, Siri, hambone, Puzzlah, Sherlock, Tim the TOOLMAN, Wet Wipes, CubCadet, Vector
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crisp and Clear

WARMUP: Mosey to the North Course, active warmups on the way back

THE THANG: Deck of Death!

Burpees for Spades
Merkins for Clubs
Double Crunches for Diamonds
Lunges for Hearts

Aces & Jokers were a 60 second plank hold and loop around the lot

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Plank challenge coming up in April

COT: Prayers for consistency and determination


Ridin Dirty

AO: westeros
Q: Hacker (Franklin)
PAX: Vector, Right Said, Chunks, Pep, Siri, Natural Ice, DintyMoore, Young and Restless, CubCadet, Breadsticks, Frenchie, Roboto, Tommy Girl
FNGs: None
– IW
– slow ass merks
– GM
– Runner’s Stretch

The Thang
Pain stations with 1 minute AMRAP / 30 second rest
1. HR merks
2. 4 ct flutter kicks
3. BBS
4. 70lb farmer’s carry
5. 60lb sandbag burpee
6. 60lb medicine ball over the shoulder throw
7. 50lb row
8. 50lb goblet squat
9. 30lb plate uhaul
10. 40lb badonkadonks (Alabama Prom Dates)
11. 35lb kettlebell swing
12. 25lb kettlebell clean to press
13. stepups with 30 lb plate
14. battlerope

Lock in gains with a quick mosey, then r/r to time

– Plank rotation
– LBCs
– Scorpion Stretch
– Cobra
– Downward Dog

– Beer tasting at Blue Mule’s house on Friday
– Tortoise and Hare tomorrow at thestronghold, bootcamp on Thursday
– Culture week in Franklin this week — all workouts led by current/former Nantans focusing on F3 culture
– Q vs Q on April 6th at +TN+37064/@35.9212646,-86.8612508,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x88647e558f4ee3e1:0x360564ef7acd299c!8m2!3d35.9212646!4d-86.8612508!16s%2Fg%2F11gh6bcw6g”>,+405+Murfreesboro+Rd,+Franklin,+TN+37064/@35.9212646,-86.8612508,17z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x88647e558f4ee3e1:0x360564ef7acd299c!8m2!3d35.9212646!4d-86.8612508!16… in Franklin at 6:30 AM. If Huntsville brings more PAX, they’re going to take our flag. Please, think of the flag. All TN PAX are welcome. If any AL PAX happen to ask you for the address, its… uh…

Prayer Requests
– As discussed in-person

Identify and focus your energy on what you can control. There is a lot of stuff swirling around in all of our lives, some of which affects us greatly, and most of which we cannot control. You can think of these events as fitting into a series of concentric circles, like a target or dartboard. At the center, the bulls-eye, is your area of control. If you really think about it, that area is limited to yourself, your attitude, and your actions. Beyond that lies the area of influence, which gets a lot trickier: there many things we all want to influence, but influence is uncertain and situational. It isn’t control. You might have a lot of influence over, say, your kids or people who work for you, and much less over more distant relations or strangers. At the same time, the things we want to influence vary greatly in importance to us. The sweet spot for impact is high influence/high importance scenarios, but it can be productive to invest in low influence/high importance situations, so long as we understand up-front that those are investments that might take a long time to pay off (if they pay off at all) and may require allies with greater influence to help. Beyond the domain of influence is noise. Noise is a distractor. A Jester. The news, people who are beyond our reasonable influence, whose interests contradict our own, these are all noise in terms of our ability to create impact. The only thing you can do here is remove yourself from the noise, if you can, or choose to ignore the noise, if you must.

Sorry for the wall of text, but that was what was on my mind at the airport on Saturday.

Thanks for letting me lead today!

The One in the Rain

AO: bomber
Q: Wolfpack
PAX: Tim the Toolman, Crawlspace, DintyMoore, Firefox, Papa Bear, Pep, Right Said, Vector
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: You can only get wet once

WARMUP: Mosey to upper parking lot. BAC, BAC BACs, Imperial Walkers, WMH.


Thang 1:
Four Corners (Was going to do a triangle, but that parking lot was so perfectly square decided to go with that and add an extra set)

Perform the exercise and run to the next corner making your way around the square. 7 rounds in total.

R1: Burpees, 7 reps at each corner
R2: Flutter Kicks, 14 reps at each corner
R3: Merkins, 21 reps at each corner
R4: Squats, 28 reps at each corner
R5: Carolina Dry Docks, 21 reps at each corner
R6: WW1, 14 reps at each corner
R7: Iron Mikes, 7 reps at each corner.

Thang 2:
3 sets of Bear Crawls from the community center, up the stairs to the upper parking lot

20 seconds high plank
20 seconds low plank
15 seconds high plank
15 second low plank
10 seconds high plank
10 seconds low plank
5 seconds high plank
5 seconds low plank

It may have been uncomfortable to roll around in the wet and and bear crawl up a waterfall, but a reminder that it’s good to go out of our comfort zones and test ourselves from time to time. Great work Pax!

Bring your kid to workout day next Tuesday at the knoll. DM me if you have any questions.

Biscuit run tomorrow.

Murder mile March 28 at GreenMachine

COT: silent reflection for all prayers both said and unsaid.


AO: bomber
Q: Grape
PAX: Avalanche, Black Lung, Pep, Vector, Cream Cheese, Right Said, Crawlspace, Firefox, CubCadet, Tim the Toolman, Michelin Man, DintyMoore, Sherlock
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: as Crawlspace said, this is the one month per year of perfection

10 Good Mornings OYO
10 OH Claps
10 Seal Claps
10 Moroccan Night Clubs

THE THANG: Mosey for a bit on the greenway


Jack Webb to 8 then back down

2/23/1455 the first Gutenberg Bible was printed, so we went to church

Mosey to church number 1
10 Burpees
Mosey to church number 2
10 Burpees
Mosey to playground
10 Burpees

Sets of 55 reps with 5 pull-ups in between

I- Irkins
B- Bobby Hurleys
L- Lt. Dans
E- elbows to knees (mountain climbers)

MOLESKINE: thanks for letting me lead this morning! Good work out there!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Biscuit run, Plankpril

COT: Mental, physical, and emotional health of our communities and families


Anterior Mid Cingulate Cortex

AO: bomber
Q: Chunks
PAX: Crawlspace, hambone, Sherlock, Hair Band, CubCadet, Michelin Man, Tim the Toolman, Focker, Vector, Papa Bear, Firefox, Right Said, Wet Wipes, DintyMoore, Pep, 8 Ballz
FNGs: 1 8 Ballz
CONDITIONS: Brisk but Nice

WARMUP: Not today!

Today’s goal was to grow our Anterior Mid Cingulate Cortex by doing hard things to accelerate our tenacity.

10 Burpee Buy In
Mosey to rock circle on the greenway
9 Burpees
Mosey back to parking lot with the abandoned Mercedes
8 Burpees
Boo Boo Bear Crawl to first island with left leg up
Boo Boo Bear Crawl to next island with right leg up
Mosey back to starting island
7 Burpees
Mosey to rock circle on the greenway
6 Burpees
Mosey back to parking lot with the abandoned Mercedes
Peter Parker/Alligator Merkins to first island
LT Dan Broad Jumps to next island
Mosey back to starting island
5 Burpees
Mosey to rock circle on greenway
4 Burpees
Mosey back to parking lot with the abandoned Mercedes
3 Burpees
Lunge Walk to last island
Mosey back to starting Island
3 Burpees
Mosey to rock circle on greenway
4 Burpees
Mosey back to parking lot with the abandoned Mercedes
5 Burpees
Squat shuffle left foot first to first island
Squat shuffle right foot first to next island
Mosey back to starting Island
6 Burpees
Mosey to Startex
7 Burpees
8 Burpees
9 Burpees
10 Burpees
20 LBCs
30 secs of flutter kicks

Always an honor to lead at any AO, but this being my first time to Q at the illustrious Bomber was special. Hope everyone had a good time and grew their aMCC.

Welcome to 8 Ballz!
Brew Ruck 2/17/24 check slack or connect with Red Skull
@papabear needs some helpers to move a few pieces of furniture tomorrow at 9 am.
Prayers for @cowboy and family
Prayers for mental health. Don’t suffer in silence. Seek out others to talk to. We are not meant to do this thing called life alone.

Just Another Rainy Friday

AO: bomber
Q: hambone
PAX: Chunks, Tim the Toolman, Papa Bear, Pep, Vector, Aquafina, Avalanche, CubCadet, DintyMoore, Firefox, Spinal Tap, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Wet and quiet

15 x SSH IC
12 x IST IC
14 x TS IC
13 x Squats IC

Mosey to McCabe Pub, 5 Merkins IC
Mosey down the street; 5 mins of bear crawls
Mosey north for a bit, squats for the six
Mosey south for a bit, squats for the six

6 mins of Mary

Mosey to the bottom of our favorite hill; Pax completed Jacob’s Ladder (7 trips up the hill, increase burpees on each one)

1) YHC wanted to do some moving around. Coming off of a busted ankle, I appreciate the pax putting up with some slow jogging as we checked the area out.

2) While walking into coffeeteria, @Puzzlah pointed out to me that his entire front size was wet but back side was dry. This is the upside to doing burpees

3) Distance totaled 2.5 miles for the whole workout

1) Prayers for Cub Cadet’s coworker being recently diagnosed with throat cancer. Prayers for peace and strength in a difficult time
2) Prayers for @Supernova’s mother-in-law after her passing after illness. We pray she is safe in the Lord’s arms and that his family finds peace in a difficult time.

Good Old Fashioned Dora

AO: westeros
Q: Detective Pikachu
PAX: Vector, Pep, Waterboy, Crawlspace, Wolfpack, Red Skull, Tim the Toolman, Shiplap, Right Said, Supernova, DintyMoore, Toothless, Natural Ice, CubCadet, Tops
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: slight chill in the air. the days are definitely getting warmer and longer. spring is coming.

WARMUP: mosey to school loop. side straddle hops, imperial walkers, baby arm circles, seal claps, air press

THE THANG: Dora! 100 Merkins, 200 squats, 300 little baby crunches

finished with soccer and Mary. Q’s team scored a goal, and, sending an impending loss, Q got injured so the game would stop before the other team could score. a Clever Move by YHC

ANNOUNCEMENTS: leanpax is almost over. brewsday is on Mardi Gras. Other things were mentioned as well.

BlackLung Monday Mayhem #1

AO: westeros
Q: Black Lung
PAX: Spinal Tap, Crawlspace, Vector, Firefox, Pep, Chunks, Wolfpack, Siri, Natural Ice, Salpal, Grape, Tim the Toolman, Sherlock
FNGs: None
Chunks decided that once a month, Westeros is holding a “Monday Mayhem” with intentionally difficult workouts. I was honored to be invited for the inaugural event and did my best to deliver.

CONDITIONS: Cold and dreary
WARMUP: non-existant
Burpee apocalypse (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3)
Run to tennis courts

Ab blaster:
30 WWIs, 30 4-ct flutter kicks, 20 leg lifts, 100 mountain climbers, 30 WWIs, 25 flutter kicks, 15 leg lifts, 50 mountain climbers, 20 WWIs

Tabata: (40 seconds exercise, 20 seconds rest); 3 sets per round (9 minutes):
Round 1: Jump Squats, Burpees, WWIIs
3 Tennis Court Sideline Suicide Runs

Round 2: Iron Mikes, Hand Release Merkins, LBCs
3 Tennis Court Sideline Suicide Runs

Run back to start just in time for 20 more hand-release merkins (~80 total) and 10 more burpees (~100 total)

Always a pleasure to lead. Thanks to Chunks for the invitation.

New Year Revolution 2024

AO: bomber
Q: Puzzlah
PAX: DintyMoore, Black Lung, Right Said, Tim the Toolman, Vector, Puzzlah
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: icy cool

WARMUP: mosey let’s call it 1012 meters

Move the body a bit. Hit the shoulders and calves and hips.

Kicked off 2024 with a 2024 inspiration

Do 20 of each movement, quick mosey down the hill, sprint up the hill, 24 of each movement, then repeat quick mosey and sprint.


(Jump?) Lunges
Carolina Dry Docks
Skaters/curtsy lunge
Plank shoulder taps

Recover and mosey another let’s call it 1012 m to our finisher. That’s more or less 2024 m round trip.

We finished off with the 20 m (actually 20.24 m) beep test  📟📟📟 of V02 max capacity. Two lines of cones separated by 20(.24) m. Man starts running on the beep, then aims to reach the cone before the next beep. And beep. And beep. And beep. Every minute or so, the time between beeps decreases. See info here:

Quick aside: The test is hard. It was introduced to me by my old men’s league rugby coach, a wild, brilliant, ferocious South African who told us that his coach growing up would back an ambulance up to the pitch and make them run 20 m back and forth in 100 degree heat until that truck was filled with the bodies of the men who were able to drag themselves of the field. By comparison, this was pleasant. Shout out to my old coach Eugene wherever you are in the world.

Back to today, congrats to all the men who pushed their limit and a special shout out to the few who reached the 8th round. Hope to try again post #leanpax to see how we’ve pushed ourselves. Thanks for your support as a first time Q today.


Game night January 27.


2024 NYD Convergence – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

AO: greenmachine
Q: Toothless , Michelin Man
PAX: Works for a Guy, faulkner, Black Lung, morning star, Red Skull, Crawlspace, Michelin Man, Vector, Deep State, Esposa, Spinal Tap, hambone, Pop-A-Lock, McAfee, 40 Minutes, Chunks, moneyshot, Wolfpack, sooner, DintyMoore, Natural Ice, Grape, Toothless, Cuban Missile, baggervance, Haggis,
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Crisp, overcast, still, expectant


– 24 x Side Straddle Hops
– 12 x Willy Mays Hays, 2 each side
– 12 x Cherry Pickers
– 12 x Butt Kickers
– 12 x High Knees
– 12 x Windmills
– 12 x Good Mornings

Count off by 5s, take a lap and line up at the far goal line


12’s – Round 1
– Hand Release Merkins
– Squat Jumps
– Bernie both ways for travel

Field Work
– Group up in teams, bear crawl 100 yds as a group
– Bear leads the group, all others lunge, side lunge, or broad jump for travel
– Stop and collect every 25 yds for 10 burpees done as individuals (including endzone)
– Repeato! Drop burpees to 5 at each 25 yds

Stair Work
– Stay in groups, run 24 flights as a group, up and down counts as one, split up flights however you like
– Runner calls out exercise for the rest of the group to perform while runner runs flights

12s – Round 2 (12 + 12 = 24!)
– Big Boy Sit-Ups
– Double count Dips
– Mosey for travel

– Sprint both ways
– 70% to 15 & back, to 20 & back
– 80% to 25 & back, to 30 & back
– 90% to 30 & back


– 24 x Happy Crunchy Frogs
– 24 x J-Lo’s
– 24 x Flutter Kicks


– #leanpax starts tomorrow, ends the day before the Super Bowl, sign-up sheet is in the channel
– Convergence at #iiipillars tomorrow 1/2 with #middle-tooth traveling to #iiipillars
– Hendersonville kick-off on Saturday 1/13, @Sunshine for details
– 4:13 is back in action week after next, week of 1/15
– One more big one from @Michelin_Man, but that will come later from him!

It was an honor leading you this AM, and it continues to be an honor to serve the PAX of F3 Nashville! Best way I could have asked for to start out the new year – thank you HIM for all you bring to F3, your communities, and our city!