Slow down

AO: the-knoll
Q: Timber
PAX: Siri, FLO, morning stār, The Merchant, G-string, Ex-Pat, The Banker, Pebbles, Timber, Sooie, matthew hayes, Lunch Lady, Bumblebee (2.0), Fish Biscuit (2.0), Tonks (2.0)
FNGs: None






You Can Do Anything for 10 Minutes

AO: the-knoll
Q: SalPal
PAX: The Banker, Timber, Sparrow, matthew hayes, Sooie, Pebbles, morning stār, The Merchant, Ex-Pat, El Capitan, G-string, FLO, Rubics (sp?) and Birdman, very brave 2.0s
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: Shoe-gonna-get wet

WARMUP: Non-existent

“Life isn’t measured in moments, but in the moments that take our breath away. Now give me ten burpees.””
“”Black Lung”” “1. 10 minutes: 10 burpees, EMOM
2. 10 minutes: 2 minutes on, 30 seconds off plan
3. 10 minutes: interval sprints
4. 10 minutes to do ~50-75 yards of burpee broad jumps

MARY to close.

MOLESKINE: T-Claps to the 2.0s sprinting to give us the distance for our run, and to everyone for dragging their broken bodies through the 40 degree wet grass. Sooie brought some of that sweet sweet jet fuel to close.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next week, big things happening at both atlantis and the-knoll, bring men out that need the fitness, fellowship and faith.

COT: All intentions spoken and unspoken; practice gratitude today fellas. 5 thank yous and praises for every 1 sh*tty thing you say. Show the world and your community you chose joy.

Green Sally Out

A Freight Knot

AO: pain-train
Q: Sooie
PAX: G-string, Siri, Sooie, Timber, Wolfpack
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 65 and humid. Not too shabby for Spring in Middle TN.

Imperial walkers 10x
Good Morning’s OYO
Keep ’em Ups 10x of each
Shoulder taps
Side shoulder taps
Front shoulder taps
Horizontal scissors
Scissor chops
Don Quixote’s 10x

12 lbs weighted vest was worn by a PAX at all times throughout the workout. Handoff had to be initiated by one of the un-weighted PAX. Each PAX wore the weight once.

Exploratory Mosey to 9 square court. PAX were rewarded with 15 sets of 1 pull-ups EMOM. Squats in between sets.

Mosey back to the caboose.
Conductor/Cargo/Caboose around the inside track in which PAX carried a picnic table around the playground in a rotating fashion. 1 PAX was at the front (Conductor), 1 PAX held a plank on the table (Cargo) 1 PAX was at the back (Caboose). Other 2 PAX followed with lunges. Rotated every 30 seconds.

Mosey to the stage. Performed 10ish Wallkout Merkins. Feet low on the wall, merkin. Feet walk up the wall, merkin. Walk a little higher, merkin…and back down.

Mosey to the turf. 2:48 plank while reviewing F3 mission/core values/credo. Collapse.

Starting out as young men, we learn to carry our own burdens. As we get older, we learn to look out for others who need help carrying their burdens. And sometimes we have to carry each other. Ultimately we have someone who is strong enough to carry all of our burdens.

“Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you”
Psalm 55:22

Plankril continues
Knolliversary 5/2 BYOK
Pain train launch 5/10 spread the word!

Prayers offered.
Coffeeteria and mumblechatter at #pain-train is par excellence! Siri realized his life long dream of becoming a standup comedian. Rarely have I laughed so hard that I couldn’t laugh anymore…the humor was the Mary!

Vulnerability Line Dance

AO: the-knoll
Q: Ex-Pat
PAX: Pebbles, Siri, Lunch Lady, morning star, Timber, Sparrow, Ex-Pat, Wolfpack, Sooie, G-string, Link (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: wonderful, cool and breezy

WARMUP: Downward Dog to Plank to Upward Dog on Command, BACS, Back-BACS in Cadence, Willie Mays Hays on own, Motivators starting with 5

There is a line of cones in the grass, each cone has 2 people. 5 minute exercise where one partner does the exercise and the other answers a question and has a conversation. 2.5 minutes for each and switch. After the 5 minutes you rotate to the next cone on your right to have a new parter. Q calls out the exercise and question for each round

Exercise 1 – Plankril – 2min 42 seconds or Side Plank to Plank to Other Side Plank 10 seconds each.
Question 1 – what are you most grateful for in your life? Why?

Exercise 2 – Lunge & Squat – lunge left, lunge right, 5 second slow squat and repeat
Question 2 – what is something you are afraid of? Why?

Exercise 3 – Shoulder press & London Bridges – shoulder press x 20 then London Bridge x 10 and repeat
Question 3 – what do you value most in a friendship and why?

Exercise 4 – Butt Kicks x20 then High Knees x20 then Mountain Climbers x20 and repeat
Question 4 – what is something you would change about how you were raised? How did affect you as a kid and how does it affect you now?

Exercise 5 – Merkins – Either do merkins the entire 2.5 minutes, do side plank to merkin to other side plank repeat, or do 10 merkins then 5 burpees and repeat
Question 5 – what is something you need to or can do to deepen a friendship or your involvement in community?

Mary – 1 minute choose you own adventure – choose your own Mary

I’ve been thinking about wealth lately. We tend to only think of monetary wealth. But what happens if that doesn’t exist? What if money was useless? What is going to be the most important resource? It is social wealth. Our species survived because it could think and the first thing we thought to do is to group together and work together. We need to get back to that and think about our social wealth and how we build that. And we need to think about how busy we are and does that add or subtract to our social wealth. We never do nothing – and we need to do more of nothing, and do nothing with others – so the challenge is to grab someone and go do nothing with them – go take a walk, sit and watch a sunset, etc.

Prayed a Scottish Celtic Blessing and took prayer requests

Pain Train on Fridays
New locations are starting

COT: morning star brought the cold ginger tea and it was amazing! Thank you all again for honoring me by allowing me to lead you. Thank you for your vulnerability and having conversations that blessed me.

[pain-train] LOTR Tabata

AO: pain-train
Q: G-string
PAX: Wolfpack, Siri, Timber, Flo
FNGs: None
-Cool, Crisp, and a little damp
-Soundtrack for the workout was Lord of the Rings battle music

– Indian run around the track w/ football
– Runners stretch
– Downward dog
– Shoulder warmup
– High plank w/ merkins for mission/credo/core principles

Tabata style workout. 40 seconds work and 20 seconds rest for the first two rounds, then 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest for the remainder.
Tabata 1:
– sandbag rows
– Block swings
– Split squats
– Derkins
– Sandbag Front Squats

Tabata 2:
– sandbag bear complex
– Block presses
– Pistol squats
– Pull-ups
– Log Jumps

– Bird dogs
– Leg Raises
– Hollow Hold

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet[a] no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
Ecclesiastes 3:11

– Plankpril is going. Today is 2:06 for the plank
– Franklin is doing pull-up challenge (message G-String for details)

Intentions were offered. Prayers were said. Flo was named and welcomed in. Branding to come later.

Present exchange

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Timber, Pebbles, 2.0: Smoltz, Brig Red, Bumble Bee
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: dark and in the 40’s

WARMUP: mosey to the tree line and do 5 star jumps oyo, mosey back … with ground movement and exaggerated marching mixed in

THE THANG: gift exchange …
– pax chose numbers
– group did the number of motivators of pax whose turn it was
– each gift had an exercise that the group did when it was opened
– 2.0s got to go twice
– dad 2.0 pair got to swap for last round
– some of the exercises: burpees, jump squats, star jumps. Lt dans, sit ups, pull ups, squats

COT: reflected on gratitude and shared, reflected on needs/wants and YHC closed the group out with a prayer.

I enjoyed the change of pace! See you all Thursday.
-m out

Katy Guest Q compliments of VMax

AO: the-knoll
Q: Cash
PAX: AAA, Cash, G-string (Eli Kresta), morning star, The Banker, Timber, VMax, Bumblebee (2.0)
FNGs: None
Honored to lead the men of The Knoll this morning for my first Tennessee BD! What a solid group of HIMs! We Rickrolled, slayed dragons and rocked around the clock. YHC was even “anointed”!

The Lineup: VMax, Morning Star, Bumblebee (2.0), AAA, GString, Timber, The Banker and YHC

Disclaimer + CPR Q + Sweeper assigned

Warmarama –  Motivator x 6 (countdown of slightly weird choreographed SSH things.), CH Squats x 10 IC, CH merkins x 10 IC, Abe Vagoda x 5 IC, GG x 5 IC

Rickroll Ohnos – the pax probably didn’t know what to think when the Q started doing his best Rick Astley moves, but they fell right in line and got after it!

Indian Run around the field with Bluetooth speaker at high port in the front (or at a “rifle carry” for the non-military types). Circled back at one point to pick up the 6. Never leave a man behind!

The Thang

Clock Merkins – starting at 12 o’clock high, we decreased in reps as we traveled around the dial from 12 to 1 on Q. Goal was to keep your knees off the deck all the way through to #1.

Clock Flutters – again decreased in reps as we traveled around the dial starting at 12 IC.   Involved some creative squirming on your 6 in order to meet the goal of keeping your feet off the deck.

Clock Mountain Climbers – decreased in reps as we traveled around the dial starting at 12 IC.  Fingers were nearly frozen towards the end so Q resorted to making fists.

Indian Run around the field with Bluetooth speaker at high port in the front.

Back to the starting COP. T-claps to Morning Star for bringing the red lantern so we had a beacon guiding us back.

Partner Up, line up across from your partner with the sidewalk in the middle for the…

Deconstructed Welsh Dragon – bear crawl to meet your partner in the middle.  Hand slap, 1 merkin, hand slap, 1 plank jack, hand slap, 1 pair of shoulder taps.  Crawl bear back to the starting point.  Increase in reps to 5 of each exercise.  Plank for the 6 or go work beside them.  Pax worked hard til the very end of this one!

Bobby Hurleys x 25 IC (Q demo’ed proper BH form of slapping both hands on the deck then shooting a J. Swish!)
American Hammers x 25 IC
Carolina Dry Docks x 25 on Q
Bonnie Blairs (jumping lunge) x 15 IC
CH Merkins x 15 IC with a little HOLD at the end.

And for the finale, YHC’s signature move. The Low Flutter with my own twist at the end which in Katy has been affectionately dubbed:
Cash Kicks™️ x 46 IC + HOLD your legs out straight alternating between feet at 6″, 45°, 90°, 45°, 6”. Hold the final 6” til 0615.

COT – Counterama, Namearama

Word – YHC made the point about the importance of the HC not just in the gloom with your brothers but in all the more important parts of life. As always, YHC was preaching more to myself than any of the pax.

TAPs – stay in COT

(Rest of the BB will be shared in the Comments…)

The Holiday Special

AO: greenmachine
Q: Timber
PAX: Esposa, t-cell, Cowboy, The Banker, Pop-A-Lock, Timber, Black Lung, Focker, Works for a Guy, moneyshot, monster biscuit, Grape, G-string (Eli Kresta), Haggis, Blinky (guest from North Carolina F3), Boyardee (said with a French accent)
FNGs: 1 Boyardee (said with a French accent)
CONDITIONS: 34 degrees, frosty turf, and beautiful

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot, coupon (cinder block) carry to the field, IC to 10: high knees, butt kicks, merkins, slow squats, BACs, back BACs, lunge stretch (covered F3 mission and core principles here)

THE THANG: done to a playlist with a lot of variety!
Part 1: 20/10s (20 sec AMRAP, 10 sec recovery)
– 10 exercises: merkins, iron mikes, burpee, coupon row, dry dogs, squat jump, coupon shoulder swings, mountain climbers, Apollo Ohnos, Prime Time merkins
– 1 min recovery run to opposite end zone and back
– rinse and repeat!
Part 2: DORA 100s (100 reps total between partners, 1 person runs 200 yards while other does reps)
– 3 exercises: burpees, floor to ceiling with coupon, WWIIs

MARY: The Little Merkin Boy: done to Bing Crosby’s “The Little Drummer Boy,” plank til end of song, merkin on every “pa rum pum pum pum”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: N/A (forgot to ask)

COT: famous playwright Tennessee Williams changed overnight after the success of his work “The Glass Menagerie.” He went from a man that scraped together all his money to afford an apartment and food, to a man that had everything given to him. He wrote about his unhappiness and how he became miserable in an essay titled “The Catastrophe of Success”. His lesson is a good lesson for me: don’t wish for a life without challenges, because that’s not the life we were meant to live! Embrace the virtue, joy, and authentic friendships you gain out of doing hard things!

We finished with a quick prayer, particularly for those during this holiday season who have lost close ones.

Thank you for the invitation, and for the great coffee, @Focker!

– Timber

AXE Jumps

AO: the-knoll
Q: morning star
PAX: Sooie, El Capitan, Timber, AAA, Malibu, Bumble Bee (2.0)
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 20’s, frosty

WARMUP: Mosey to the tree line while passing tennis ball around. Bear crawl, crab walk mixed in.

SSH, IW, BACs, Back BACs

Mosey to the back stop + give a light to Malibu to join us.

10 seconds of squat jumps (each PAX found his number during a time trial) on the minute.

If you lose power or you can’t talk before the next round, transition to SSH.

10 rounds, then mosey to the road and politician back.

Another 10 rounds and mosey to the road.

Made our way to the playground with some ground movements, side movements, etc. Pausing for some core work.

30 second hang then a few rounds of core work movements and a mosey around the backstop.

MARY: core movements in the last 15 min

– NYD convergence at Green Machine, 6 to 7am

COT: YHC reflected on how embracing sadness is a pathway to joy. I didn’t grow up being taught this and push disappointment and loss away most of the time. I used to think I have to move past it quickly and ignore it but now I’m realizing the the best antidote to self pity after a set back is to name it, let myself feel the feelings that come up and then move to a place of remembering key truths about myself and God.

YHC encouraged the PAX to make space for the more challenging feelings this holiday season.

Prayed us out remembering especially those kids this holiday season that will feel disappointed and lonely.

Partner Tabata

AO: the-knoll
PAX: AAA, Timber, G-string (Eli Kresta), DB, morning star, Pebbles, Wolfpack, Ex-Pat, Sooie, El Capitan, Bumble Bee, Big Red
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: mid 30s, foggy

WARMUP: mosey to tree line and back, 15 -4 count jumping jacks, 15 – 4 count lungs, 15 – BACs, 15- back BACs, 10 – slow squat, stretch out on your own.

THE THANG: 6 rounds of 2 sets of exercises with each set consisting of a tabata minute (20 seconds on and 10 seconds rest for a full minute). Partners alternated between a work set and a rest set. Exercises performed were:
-one legged step ups
-one legged split squats
-jump squats
-swing rows

Finished with 4 minutes of alternating hill sprints between partners.

MARY: 20 American hammers, 20 4-count flutter kicks, 20 leg raises

ANNOUNCEMENTS: New Year’s Day convergence and ruck coming up

COT: Gratitude. Even though Thanksgiving has come and gone. The challenge is to keep the sentiment of gratitude through out the holiday season. Holidays bring up many different emotions, and sometimes this season makes can get stressful and consumeristic. It is easy to take people, events, and needs for granted, but try to always remember to be grateful for the things around you, especially in difficult or stressful times.