Leg Day

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Young Pawn
PAX: Betty Ford, Cowboy, DrRupp, moneyshot, Oatmeal, Pole Dancer, Rocket Mortgage, sooner, Toothless, TheShield, Topanga, Stinky Pete (F3 Chapel Hill), Overnight
FNGs: 1 Overnight
CONDITIONS: :barely_sunny:

WARM UP: :plank: ⭕️
It was day 2 of plankpril so all pax needed to do a 66 second plank. We stood in a circle and took turns doing a plank while the rest of the pax did 66 seconds of warm up exercises including arm circles, imperial walkers, lunges, Bonnie Blairs, squats, and others.

THANG 1: Lopsided Races :man-running: :bear:
Pax paired off and repeated raced to a mark 5 yds away and back. One pax in each pair sprinted and the other bear crawled. The winner of the race had to go 5 steps farther in the subsequent one. The sprinters won the first couple and then crawlers started to even the tide.

THANG 2: Dorabell :school_satchel: :kettlebell:
Pairs did a Dora with 100 each of squats, Freddy Mercurys, fire hydrants and Lt. Dans. Plus, there were two kettlebells (16 and 24 kg), after both pax in a pair carried one it was passed down the line.

MOLESKIN: YHC has been away on a health hiatus and it felt good to be back. Grateful for F3 Nashville.

:pray: Prayers for grief and healing

:beers: Brewsday postponed until next week, see 2ndf

Christmas Q

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Rocket Mortgage
PAX: moneyshot, Cowboy, sooner, Oatmeal, Topanga, TheShield, Esposa
FNGs: None
CONDITIONS: 24 Degrees. Beards were icy

WARMUP: The usual. Mosey’d to tennis courts for some additional butt kickers, high knees, skips, and karaoke. It was hard not to be merry.

THE THANG: 11s on the tennis court. 1st set: Merry Thrusters and Bethlehem Star Jumps. 2nd set: WW2s and burpees.

Ran a lap around the circle and stopped at bleachers for 50 step ups, 40 dips, and 20 decline merkins.

COT: Prayers for traveling families and those lonely during the holidays. ✌🏼

A Very Grateful Q

AO: middle-tooth
Q: Pole Dancer
PAX: Oatmeal, Subway, Young Pawn, Toothless, Cowboy, Topanga, Betty Ford, moneyshot, Bad Boy, Rocket Mortgage, TheShield, sooner, monster biscuit
FNGs: None
Clear, Crisp 29

Static warmups with good mornings, willie mays, and cherry pickers. Comfortable mosey around the school/field, followed by active warmups of hammy scoops, A-skips, b-skips, skips for height, and quad stretches.

Set of 20 exercises, followed by lunges from sidewalk to sidewalk. I swear they lengthened the soccer field since my last Q. Completed three reps- kicked off with burpees, mountain climbers, and dips respectively.

Mosey back to the parking lot for Ring of Fire set to a short rendition of Truckin’ (5 mins).

Like Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders, there was a Legion of Mary.

Upcoming convergence, boxing day workout, New Years Q from @toothless, and Brewsday next week if I remember correctly

Prayers for various relatives, friends, and PAX recovering from illnesses and ailments right before Xmas, and for gratitude and strength to help those in need.
